Body Rub Nwi

Body Rub Nwi


Body Rub Nwi

Trish Trenton's Wonderful Body Rubs

Trish Trenton's Wonderful World of Body Rubs
Let's Have Fun With the Greatest MUTUAL Body Rub Ever! Unbelievably Sensuous Sessions!
I am Trish. Please allow me this opportunity to thank you for looking at my posting and coming to this site. Here I would like to describe myself and my services in detail. I am 23 years old. I stand just 5’0” tall and weigh only 110 pounds – a petite person! I have perfect, flawless skin, a beautiful face, dark hair, dark eyes and soft curves (34 C breasts which someone called "aesthetically" perfect breasts, and which, by the way, do love attention).
I love gentlemen and I love getting my hands on them! I am patient, loving, gentle. What do you want in a great body rub? Tell me! One thing I consider important: lots of time -- at least an hour and a half together -- you on the table most of the time, me on the table some of the time! I have been professionally trained alongside a friend who introduced me to this new world of body rubs. I have a wonderful location that is quiet, private, and safe. I provide three separate types of body rubs, all in one session: near-therapeutic (60 minutes), dermal stimulation (10 minutes), and epidermal stimulation (10 minutes). All of that of course is a great warm up to the main event -- penile stimulation! [HANDS ONLY!] That is likely to last anywhere from 10 seconds to 20 minutes, depending on you! And even after that explosive grand finale, I have more pleasure in store for you -- a hot towel compresses. Then a bit of a rest, perhaps, and maybe a shower. Let me briefly describe each of the three body rub types. The first body rub is a near-therapeutic body rub. I can not call that a massage because I am not licensed yet. Only a licensed professional can provide a true therapeutic massage! And Backpage has a special place for those licensed professionals to advertise. I imitate the style of those professionals. I imitate their techniques -- kneading, rolling, etc. Professionals have a system. That system is pretty much the same for most professionals, with individual variations and nuances. Professionals divide the human body into sections. The most common division is as follows: neck/head/face, right arm/hand/fingers, left arm/hand/fingers, right leg/foot/toes, left leg/foot/toes, back and buttocks. As each division is completed, the service provider "summarizes" that division. For a proper 60-minute session, each division receives 10 minutes of attention. Most professionals divide the neck/head/face division into distinct subparts: lower neck muscles, upper neck muscles, scalp, temples, forehead, bridge connection, jaw muscles, chin muscles, lip muscles. I start a session with you lying on the table with your face toward the ceiling. I stand at the “head” of the table and start by relaxing your shoulders and upper back muscles. (about 2 minutes) Then I do a “scalp massage” using two different techniques. First, I use open palms to rock your scalp back and forth slowly. Second, I use firm fingertips to lovingly caress your scalp. I’ll ask which of the two methods you prefer, then use that method. (about 2 minutes) Then I move on to the forehead, using the same type of open palm massage to rock your forehead back and forth slowly. From there, I move on to your temples, starting with the heels of my hands and then switching to my thumbs.
Now the face massage starts in earnest. I move on to the jaw muscles – which are the strongest human muscle as measured by weight. Then the chin and lip muscles. I will then use two index fingertips to massage the pressure points at the bridge of your nose and the base of your ears. I will rub gently your ears! (about 5 minutes for a full face massage)
I will conclude that first division with a 1-minute summary! I will repeat briefly all the steps in the same sequence as originally executed. Now, 10 minutes have elapsed and the first division is finished.
Then it is time to begin the second division. Experts divide the arm/hand/fingers section into two upper arm muscle groups (mostly the biceps and triceps), the forearm muscle groups, and the various hand and finger muscle groups. I will start with your shoulders, stretch out your arms, and work downward toward your hands – upper arm muscles (2 minutes), followed by your lower arm muscles (2 minutes). I have a very special treat for your hands – an interlocking palm massage. I literally use all 10 of my digits to intertwine your 5 digits. You probably do not know just how pleasurable the sensation of having the areas of skin on the sides of your fingers actually is until you experience that pleasure for the first time! Probably no one ever touches that area of your body – not even your wife. The only time in our lives when another human touches us there is when we are holding hands with fingers intertwined – a rare event, and one associated with great romantic pleasure.
When I am done with the fingers (total of 5 minutes on the hand and fingers), I will do a 1-minute summary. I will review briefly the shoulder, upper arm, lower arm, hand and finger massages that we have been through.
Then I will repeat the same process for the other arm/hand/fingers division. The third division will be a mirror image of the second division. And I will follow the exact same process that I followed for the first! PREDICTABILITY. You will know exactly what to expect! (another 10 minutes)
When I move on to the fourth and fifth divisions, you can almost predict what to expect: a sequence very similar to the second and third divisions. In other words, I will follow do your legs/feet/toes just like I did your arms/hands/fingers. The same types of divisions are made of the legs/feet/toes, and again the sensation of having the areas of skin on the sides of the toes touched is an exquisite pleasure few will ever forget! Yes, my index finger will lovingly caress the inter-spaces of your toes one by one (not multiple interlocking like the fingers between there just isn’t enough room!). (2 minutes for upper leg muscles, 2 minutes for lower leg muscles, 5 minutes for the feet/toes, and a 1 minute summary; total of 20 minutes for the two divisions) Sometimes I do the upper and lower leg muscles of both legs so that I can do both feet one right after the other.
But I have a special treat above and beyond the sensuous touching of the toes inter-spaces. I will use a hot towel compress to clean the lotion from your feet!! Have you ever had a hot towel compress applied to your feet in your whole life? It is an exquisite pleasure.
And now on to the sixth and final division. The back consists of the upper back, the middle back, and the lower back. Let's not ignore the butt -- that is where the most powerful muscles of the body -- the upper leg muscles -- connect to the main pelvic bone. That area is always knotted and needs attention. Then the rest of the muscle groups that are found there need attention. EVERY human being on the face of the planet loves a great butt rub!! (you have probably predicted this: 2 minutes on the upper back, 2 minutes on the lower back, 2 minutes on the legs, 3 minutes on the butt, and a 1 minute summary) Not counting the separate identities of each finger and each toe, there are some 20 separate areas to address, plus the 6 summaries. Add the fingers and toes and there are really 40 separate areas. True professionals hate to conduct a session in less than a full hour because each area barely receives a minute of attention. If you truly love body rubs, try a full 2-hour-on-the-table session. That simply can't be equaled! After that near-therapeutic body rub, let's move on to the dermal stimulation body rub. This session is designed to stimulate the middle layer of skin. That is much easier to do than it might sound! And in fact you have done it to yourself every day of your life, and your girlfriend / significant other has probably done that for you a few times. It is as simple as a scratch. But try to convince your girlfriend / significant other to scratch your body all over -- 100% -- and you'll find it an unlikely scenario. But that is exactly what I do. In this 2nd type of body rub, I go back over all 6 divisions, all 20 subparts, all 40 sub-subparts, once again -- with a gentle scratching technique. A scratching session of the whole body is one of life’s grandest pleasures. And after the near-therapeutic body rub followed by the gentle scratching body rub, let's move on to the epidermal body rub. This session is designed to stimulate the outer layer of skin. It is unlikely you have ever felt the extreme pleasure that this type of stimulation provides. For this type of body rub, my very, very soft fingertips ever so gently glide across the outer layer of your skin. I use a touch that is lighter than a feather. In fact, this is called a feather touch. It feels as gentle as the sensation of a single feather gently moving across your skin. It feels heavenly. But much better than that is the tremendous build-up that you will feel as I approach the last area of your body with this feathery touching. I go in the same order for all three types of body rubs, and that means that the back and butt are last. I will tease your butt and the insides of your upper legs with feathery touches that are extremely pleasurable! And remember that the next phase is the grand finale, the penile stimulation. By the time we arrive at this phase, you wil be ready for the ultimate pleasure of an explosive discharge! The three types of body rubs that came before have been foreshadowing the main event. Guess what? During the course of mankind's progress, different civilizations have developed different forms of Happy Endings! I offer two different types: American and Japanese. The American Happy Ending is the Traditional Happy Ending -- I do exactly what you do! I will masturbate you just as you masturbate yourself! The Japanese Happy Ending is the Geisha Happy Ending. One hand on the shaft going up and down, the other hand experimenting with the head of your penis in various tender, loving ways!
Less noticeable are the subtle things I will do. One is a nonchalant strip tease. When you first meet me, I’ll be dressed like a professional strip tease dancer – that is to say, I will have a lot of layers hiding my entire body! Over the course of time, I will remove these layers one by one until only my birthday suit remains!! By then perhaps you would like to put me on the table and give me a body rub!! My guess is that you will create your own new divisions: 1 minutes on the head, back, arms, and legs combined; 29 minutes on the breasts and genitals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gentle and respect limits, please. Our time together will take a little over an hour and a half. For our time together, I ask for a donation of $250. Would you like to double the amount of time on the table? (120 minutes of therapeutic, 20 minutes of scratching, 20 minutes of feather touching) For that I ask for a donation of $450. 
Please contact me for a visit at: TrishTrenton@Yahoo.Com
When contacting me, please tell me a little about yourself. Age, occupation, local or visiting, etc. 
Once we set the appointment by email, I will then need a number to reach you on, to confirm with my address. I do not call Google numbers. 

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Usually, the choice of kinky massage parlors and independent masseuses is truly impressive and various . All big cities in US are covered and popular touristic destinations in smaller towns as well . 
I’ve played them since I was in college and hooked up with more than one woman that way . They’re an all new twist on the traditional game of “where did you go today”. It’s like a Rubik’s Cube, where you have to match the correct color with the correct person in order to get what you want. Here are some ideas for RubMaps for women that might spark your date ideas .
For this game, you need to head to the meadow where you can find a small pond. All you have to do is immerse yourself in the pond to create a diversion to keep the focus off your date. The game is easy once you get the hang of it. For example, one of the challenges is to balance a bowling ball on your nose . One person takes off their headband and puts it on their nose. The other person must then balance a bowling ball on their nose while wearing the band .
As you make your way through the forest , you’ll see many clues scattered about. They will usually consist of things like “you’re lost” or “ get out of the forest “. Use these clues to lead your date to your location. Make sure you’re in a safe location if you’re not on foot.
In that you must avoid animals. I found that I attracted a lot of attention by staring at stray cats that were staring at me ! However, there were also a few cats that seemed to be too friendly. So, try to avoid animals as much as possible to increase your chances of having a successful date.
As you progress through the woods, you will encounter signs that identify camps made from logs. Each camp has a bed, a stove, cooking pot and a sleeping bag . Your goal is to cook up a campfire and romance your date. You can choose to sit and wait for her to come to you can start to play the game with her . Just remember to stay within walking distance or you could run into some complications.
It’s a good idea to include elements of real-life dating. If your date is a college student, they likely would not enjoy being stalked by a wolf. If you’re playing the game with women who already have a boyfriend or husband , you may want to mention their relationship to them as well. They’ll feel a little more secure knowing that your game isn’t based entirely on luck.
I recommend playing the game with two people. That way, one person can control the situation and the other can help direct the game. It’s a better idea to play the game with a group since it’s easier to keep the women on track and to help guide them than it is to get them off track. Plus, if things get a bit hectic , you’ll have someone else to focus on controlling the situation. You can also choose to play the game with a friend or a few friends, so that you can give and receive feedback on how your date is doing .
As you can see, there are many ways that you can use the Rub Maps near Meadow style . You can use it during a first date, you can use it as a date game, or you can simply show it to your buddies when you’re out on the town. All of these games are great ways to spend a night at one of the most charming places in London . It may even inspire some women to try their hand at dating!
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The main reason is simply because they don’t have to leave their home.
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Another free dating application is Lovely.
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Here are three places to meet real women: (1) Join a Meetup group.
Post a profile that’s honest and clear.
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This way, you’ll be more successful than before.
You can then start chatting with her in the comfort of your home.
Alternatively, you can visit her at her place of work and have a date after work.
You’ll be able to contact her directly.
These classes are very inclusive and can help you build your confidence.
These classes will also help you learn how to be charming and quick on your feet.
If you don’t like the idea of playing improv, consider joining a co-ed sports team instead.
EuroBabes is an all-women dating website, featuring ladies from Eastern Europe.
It is a popular site among LGBTQ+ women, and has more than 4.
The app’s search function allows you to be creative with your gender and sexual orientation when searching for the right woman.
This feature will help you to meet a woman who shares similar interests and has similar goals in life.
This website is not ideal for casual dating, but provides a wide range of women looking for a serious relationship.
While the free dating site is a good way to start, you may want to upgrade if you’re not satisfied with the quality of your matches.
Remember that people don’t always look the same online as they do in person, so it’s best to set expectations and go on a couple of casual dates before making the decision to meet them on a more formal basis.
HER is an attractive free dating site for men looking for a serious relationship.

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