Boarding School Spanking Stories

Boarding School Spanking Stories


Boarding School Spanking Stories

As a boy, I attended a strict boarding school where corporal
punishment was quite the normal consequence of misbehaviour.

At Junior School, we were punished in class by spankings across
our shorts, usually in front of the class. For serious classroom
misbehaviour, we were reported to our Housemaster for punishment.

Each Housemaster had his own methods, but always punished our
bare bottoms.  My Housemaster used a leather strap, giving
anything between 6 and 20 strokes, with the boy across his knee.
These punishments always reduced us to tears and left marks for
several days.

Very serious offences were dealt with by our Headmaster, who only
used a large gym shoe. We were usually beaten across our shorts,
being made to touch our toes in the centre of his room. Normally
he gave 3 strokes for the first offence in a term and 6 for a
second. As he used his full strength, most boys didn't return for
a third time. Those who did, though, always wished they hadn't!

One of my friends, Chris, had the misfortune to visit the head 3
times one term and told me what happened....

On being told to enter, Chris was given the usual lecture about
his behaviour and then the Head told him icily that as a senior
boy (he was nearly 13) he should be setting a good example and,
as he had not, then he was to be made an example of!

The next order rocked the boy on his heels. He was told to take
down his shorts and pants, an order virtually unprecedented for
Head's Punishment at this school. Very worried now, Chris did so
and was told to bend over the arm of the large armchair. Once in
position, Chris felt his shirt being pushed right up his back,
and the Head's large hand rested on his lower back, keeping him

The slipper then landed with great force on Chris' bare bottom,
causing him to yell out. Never had he felt such pain. The next
five strokes were just as hard and Chris says he yelled out at
each one. We other boys knew this as his screams could be heard
throughout the junior school!  At the end of this very severe
punishment, Chris was in floods of tears and his bottom really
was black & blue for days.  He never got another Head's
Slippering, but did manage a few more visits to his Housemaster
who used a tennis racket on bare bottoms and thighs to keep Chris
and others in order.

At the Senior School, we simply got the cane on our trousers, but
Middle School was not much different from Junior. Masters could
punish as they wished, within reason, and the vast majority
preferred the gym shoe on bare bottoms.

The French master was one such teacher. A fairly easy going
chap, he nevertheless insisted on slippering boys who kicked over
the traces.

Any one reported for slippering had to do so in the afternoon and
report in gym kit as an extra 'hassle'. We went inside and the
normal lecture always followed. That over, we had to kneel on
the seat of one chair, then bend right over it and then place our
heads and hands on the seat of another chair with its back
against the back of the one we were kneeling on. This brought
our scantily clad bottoms very high in the air and also very
taut- an ideal target for his gym shoe. The protection didn't
last long, though, as the shorts were then slowly lowered by the
master, who always punished bare. Then he would walk round to
his desk and open a drawer to take out his huge gym slipper.  he
often slammed it down on the desk as he came back, causing us to
jump and our bums to quiver in anticipation of what was about to

Then came the barrage of very hard slaps. As we were now 13 or
older, we could take the whackings better than when in Junior
School, but even so these slaps were not light. We were never
told how many slaps we were to get. This particular master gave
either 4 or 6 slaps and you were expected to stay in position
until told to rise. Any boy getting up before the end of his
punishment was given extra strokes- to rise after 4 slaps, when 6
were intended, meant you got an extra 2, giving 8 in all.

We always dreaded that awful gap after 4 strokes, hoping that was
it, because we were always pushed to last the final two strokes
without crying, older or not! If we did get the full 8, our bums
were marked for days afterwards.

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In the late 1950s and early 1960s, I attended a boarding school in the Midlands region of England, close to the Cheshire border. It remains a boarding school to this day with a similar name, so I will not mention that name, despite the school having gone through a number of changes.
When I attended it was a progressive, privately-run, fee-paying school and for the first two years my dormitory was mixed, containing girls and boys age seven through to nine. In their last two years, as seniors, girls and boys were segregated. 
In my class, there were usually 24 pupils (not students as they would be called now), up to eight of whom were day pupils and the others, like me, were boarders housed in a single dormitory. Boarders arrived at least two days before the school term began, usually on a Friday or Saturday, since all terms began on a Monday.
The school was considered progressive partly because from day one in the dormitory we were taught to respect each other’s differences, including that of our bodies. Nudity wasn’t especially encouraged as we had separate showers and toilets, but it wasn’t frowned upon and no attempt made to prevent it. Cleanliness and hygiene were considered far more important.
At that age, we had little or no inhibitions and as a result, we simply accepted each other and got on remarkably well – so there was no sniggering by a boy if he caught sight of a girl’s knickers, or shock from a girl if a boy walked around the dormitory wearing only his underpants.
Besides the normal lessons, we also had a healthy dose of outdoor nature activities. Attached to the estate was a working farm, a section of river and landscaped gardens. We would work on the school’s garden and sometimes take long organised walks in the grounds, as well as the usual sports activities. Outside sports activities were always given precedence of those in the gym, which some preferred and others hated.
It was school policy that the Head was a male, and that has always remained the case since the school formed. Teaching staff in my time were all female but what made my school interesting, at least to me and a few others, was that each dormitory was under the care and guardianship of a Housemother. Later, years after I had left, the name of the role changed to Dormitory Matron before later reverting back to Housemother. I don’t know if this is still the case.
The Housemother looked after our health and well-being but did not teach. Early in the proceedings, she informed us that whilst were were boarding she would carry out the same role as a mother or guardian would. I still recall the murmuring in our dormitory group as we sat on the floor around her when she said this. No doubt some, unlike me, had experience of parental discipline.
Our Housemother would have been perhaps in her mid to late 30s and tended to dress in light, cream or white blouses, and dark skirts, favouring various coloured cardigans that she would wrap around her shoulders. 
The girls soon noticed that she wore a wedding ring, so it was assumed her husband was perhaps connected in some way with the school. Quite a naive thought really – but we were young children. We later learned that there was no husband and that she wore a ring to give parents the impression that their child was in safe, maternal hands – which indeed we were, and she stayed as our Housemother until our year left that boarding school.
Of course, she had a name but I don’t feel it necessary to mention it here. We called her ‘Housemother’ and that is good enough. Although she was a stickler for hygiene, her other main role was taking care of discipline among those in her dormitory, and for the others in our class who left every afternoon to go home with whoever collected them.
The teachers also had this same responsibility of care and had the same authority to use corporal punishment but to my knowledge only one teacher exercised that latter prerogative. Having to write lines or attend a detention was not part of the school’s disciplinary regime.
We had what was termed a ‘meritocratic’ points system operating in school. This meant we earned merits for good work or good behaviour, and demerits for poor work or bad behaviour. Each merit or demerit would be shown on a slip which would contain a pupil’s name, a score of between one and five, and brief reason for the award.
These slips would be posted into one of four boxes near to the entrance hall and collected at the end of Thursday mornings by each of the school’s four Housemothers. The process was simple and fair, and it was not possible to tamper or interfere with any aspect or with the outcome.
School on Thursday had an early finishing time of 3.30 instead of our usual four o’clock, even though day pupils could not be collected until four onwards from the school library.
By 3.30, at the entrance hall, a list of those pupils each Housemother wished to see was posted next to her box. This was mainly for the benefit of the day pupils since the same list was also posted on the noticeboard outside each dormitory door. Usually it was in alphabetical order – the one exception to this rule was that any day pupil’s name would appear first and above boarders. 
It wasn’t possible to determine from the list whether praise or punishment would ensue. That would only become apparent on entering the Housemother’s room, which was at the head of our dormitory just across a short landing. Some may have had a reasonable idea but one could never be absolutely certain, and so thoughts of all possibilities would cloud one’s mind. 
During my four years at boarding school there were few Thursdays when the list contained no names at all – although it was exceptional for more than three or four pupils to be on the list. Most often it was just one or two. Those on the list would form an orderly queue, corresponding to the list order, on the landing seats that separated the Housemother’s rooms from our dormitory. She would open her door and invite the first (or only) pupil in.
Once inside Housemother’s room, we were asked to slide a small brass bolt across the door for privacy and then stand next to the Housemother as she sat behind a writing desk. Dependent on the slip or slips that would be lined up on her desk, Housemother would then discuss the merits and offer suitable praise and encouragement, or discuss any demerits attempting to determine the reasons and then suggest remedies. Sometimes, she had both merits and demerits to talk about with the same pupil. 
It’s important to remember that only pupils with either a merit, demerit or both would be on the list and required to visit the Housemother’s rooms. Now, if the overall net score was zero, or better still a plus number, the pupil would leave her room with a smile or at least a sense of relief. For minus scores (a net demerit score), the form of punishment she employed would depend on the actual total. 
We knew a little of these details in a vague sense, but there was a girl in our dormitory whose older brother was in his last year, and so before long we could work out the tariff more accurately.
Spankings were given either by hand or with an old gym slipper, always six strokes, and the scale of the demerit score determined whether pants or knickers were kept on or lowered.
For a score of minus one or two, Housemother used her hand on the seat of our pants or knickers. For minus three or four, you got a bare bottom hand spanking. Minus five or six meant a slippering on the seat of the pants or knickers, while minus seven or eight resulted in a bare bottom slippering. 
For any score of minus nine or more, it would be six on our bare bottoms with Housemother’s hand and another six with her slipper. This did happen though it was exceptional. Just as in life, we all had good weeks and bad weeks, but to exceed minus nine demerits was more difficult than it might seem. 
No-one objected at any time to this regime, as we simply accepted the rule and authority adults had over children. Our parents must have known but only one of the pupils in my dormitory was aware of the role of Housemother and her disciplinary role, because of the aforementioned older brother. There was no favourable treatment towards the girls either – they got exactly the same punishments as the boys.
All Maman stories are copyright, unauthorised reproduction may lead to legal action.
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I used to sneak into the shed were they kept the gardening tool with my girl friends. It was right next to the boys showers and discovered we could see inside through holes were towel hooks once were. It was out bye the running tracks and baseball field and away from the main high school building. It was tempting because boys used to shower after PE and teacher were off doing something else. We kept it a secret from other girls and sneaked in to pee on them. I remember four boys would shower at a time while we took turns watching them soaping up stark naked picking the ones that ha bigger d**** . I remember it was so arousing to go back to the main building with our panties wet. In all the time we in there to peep on them we almost saw every boy in school naked. If they only knew they had no secrets left to keep from us they would died of shame. I remember looking at the boy I liked and ending with bigger crush on him and found myself fingering every night thinking of him. Only thing I would have wished was peeping on them with their d*** hard sticking up in the air.

You should’ve just told the dude what you did and unless you’re an ugly hag, I’m sure he would’ve let you blow him at the least.

She's reported all those boys now for sexually assaulting her

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