Bmw Asshole

Bmw Asshole


Bmw Asshole
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BMW driver is an asshole - YouTube
Why is every asshole on the road driving a BMW ? : ireland
Urban Dictionary: BMW Driver
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Why is every asshole on the road driving a BMW?
Why is every asshole on the road driving a BMW?
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This past week i have seen 4-5 examples of extreme dickishness on the roads and every single time it was a BMW driver.
I've heard the cliche before, but it really is true!
They're Keeping the Recovery Going ™.
BMWs are like inverted hedgehogs...
It's always been that way everywhere I've been. I live in both Country Donegal and Ontario, Canada at different times of the year and it's the same in both. There's an old joke my dad told me:
What's the difference between a Porcupine and a BMW? The Porcupine has the pricks on the outside!
If you ever feel useless, just remember that somebody somewhere is installing indicators in a BMW factory...
The other extreme (slowness and indecisiveness) is always Toyotas. If you want to go that slow why not get out and walk? Fucking Toyotas.
Nissan Micras around here, usually with some myopic octogenarian on her way to or from her third mass of the day.
The Yaris man. Anytime I see one I know it's gonna be some owl one crawling at 70 on the motorway.
Unless it's a pre-2000 Corolla, tanks of the road
1.4 2010 here. You know how fucking slow it is to accelerate? We're just technically limited and incapable to go faster.
It's also the most common corporate car.
And we trust these people to run our economy.
Middle to upper Middle-class women just about win the asshole-on-the-road championships imo.
middle aged middle income middle of the overtaking lane doing 60!
Absolutely! No indicating, never let anybody out/in, don't know how to use roundabouts properly and the awful spatial awareness. Fucking hell they are the bane of my existence.
My problem with them isn't that they're assholes, it's that they're oblivious or ignorant, which I don't think is the same thing.
In fact, I think it's a much more worrying thing. A BMW driver dangerously overtaking you knows what he's doing, he has control of his vehicle. The woman in the station wagon screaming at her kid or checking her makeup doesn't realise you're there. She'll hit ye and not even notice.

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