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Mar 1 United States Deviant for 9 years She / Her
I love to read, draw and write (I have the sloppiest penmanship of anyone I know, but writing stories is fantastic!). I want to travel the world someday (for experiences to write about and for fun). I am very disorganized and I think I have ADD.
Harry Potter the Deathly Hollows Parts 1 and 2 nd the other Harry Potter movies
Percey Jackson series, Harry Potter, The Secret Series, and The Mysterious Benedict Society
Rick Riordan, J.K. Rowling, Pseudonymous Bosch (I know it's a pen name), and Trenton Lee Stuart
Portal and Endless Ocean Blue World
online painters, pencil and paper, graphic tablet
I deleted most of my old deviations because they were awful. I've improved a lot. So, yeah. I guess that's it.
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I've worked a lot on my art. I'm better at it. And... Yeah, I guess that's it.
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I'm back. I'm also much better at art, I think. So... Yeah.
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Thank you very much for the favorite!
Your welcome! and thank you for the comment!

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Nov 16 Mexico Deviant for 17 years He / Him
Moebius, Travis Charest, Poppy and more...
Star Wars Sagas and The Professional.
I don´t consider myself a gamer, I consider myself a casual.
Walking in the afternoon every day.
Hello to all my friends on Deviantart.
I want to tell you that I have just opened a new gallery in Bluevelvet08 ~Bluevelvet08 (

The intent of this gallery is that for my work
I have no time to upload pictures as often as I'd like
So in this new gallery
I'll upload my drawings of exercises,
sketches as ideas I've done over the years.
I hope you enjoy my work and visit it often.

Thanks you very much:
Edgar Manjarrez.

Hola a todos mis amigos en Deviantart.
Quiero comentarles que acabo de abrir una nueva galería en Bluevelvet08 :iconBluevelvet08:

La intención de esta galería se debe a que por cuestiones de trabajo
no puedo subir
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Anuncio de un tomo recopilatorio de Rosita Fresita STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE: BERRY GOOD TI
por parte de la editorial APE ENTERTAINMENT.

El cover lo dibuje yo y el color es por parte de los hermanos Peniche.

Notice of TPB
Strawberry Shortcake: Berry Good IT

I drew the cover and the color is by the brothers Peniche.

Here are the links.
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Gracias a la ayuda de mi amigo Beto
ahora cuento con un espacio para subir mi tira.

Espero que puedan visitarla y escribir un comentario,
el reto personal es subir una tira cómica diaria.

Aquí esta el link.
Claudia. Aniversario de la Revolución.

Y de paso échenle una mirada a las siguientes tiras de mis amigos y colegas Beto e Ismael.


¿Quién es Isaías Snake?

No podemos olvidar a…
Las Websterietas.

Así como a la Ensalada de Moneros en dond
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Best Bluvelvet99 stories of 2018 (Pick up to 5 stories)
2 Ass Cheeks Named (Pride) & ( Joy )
I Spy With My Little Eye 2 (There's No Place Like Home)
It Takes a Village II (The Stranger)
It Takes a Village III (Conspiracy)

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Open discussions about the various fetishes.

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================================================ The Fetishes Forum is now closed for new posts. It is against the Forum Rules to discuss Fetishes as the main topic of a post anywhere at PsychForums. ================================================ You are entering a forum that contains discussions of a sexual nature, some of which are explicit. The topics discussed may be offensive to some people. Please be aware of this before entering this forum.

Hey guys! Ever since i can remember, i always was extremely turned on by the thought of somebody i hate, like a bully or boss, having sex with my mom. I've been fantasizing about it for as long as i've been fantasizing about anything. It actually feels really naturally to me. I just wanted to know, does anybody know if there's a name for this type of fetish, how i maybe came to develop it, and if any of you out there feel the same way.

I got nothing, but welcome to the forums! Might help others with replies to know if you're a guy or a girl...?

Tell someone you love them today, for Life is short. But scream it at them in Klingon, for Life is also confusing and terrifying. We do not delete posts. Let it go. Without (forum) rules , we all might as well be up in a tree flinging our crap at each other.

You might win the prize for the most fascinating fetish ever. What you're experiencing could be a form of non-physical masochism. You which to be humiliated, not in physical bondage or domination, but in the notion of abandonment and betrayal in the form of the person who should theoretically always be on your side being intimate with your most distant. If you don't mind me asking do you have any actual attraction to your mother? Do you prefer for her to enjoy it or to be humiliated too?

Let's judge each other on our actions.

Thanks for the reply! I acknowledge that my mom is very attractive, but I don't have any sexual attraction towards her personally. But i do like the visual of her very attractive body against that of a man i find intimidating. I don't prefer my mom to be explicitly humiliated in any way. Basically i'm not turned on by the thought of my mom betraying me knowingly by sleeping with my enemy. I don't think that would be likely anyways. what i'm turned on by is the thought that it is physically possible that guys i hate could sleep with her, especially if she doesn't know that he picks on me. If i were to see my mom being hit on by one of my coworkers or my boss i would make a conscious effort to not step in to stop it. I might even lie to make that person look good in my mom's eyes. So i don't want her to be humiliated in any way, but I also like the idea that there's a fast one being pulled on her.

How's your relationship with your mother? Close? Or distant but amiable? Would you want to to hypothetically watch or listen to them doing it?

Let's judge each other on our actions.

Me an my mother are extremely close. She's one of the few people in my life that I trust along with my brother. My dad isn't with us and hasn't been since I was very young. I wouldn't have to watch or listen to it happening to enjoy it. Just knowing that it did happen and the guy was probably going to brag about if for the rest of his life would be enough to get me going. Although watching it happen would be ideal. Maybe just to see what he's enjoying.

Okay. Don't get angry, first of. I'm talking out of my ass and I'll be the first to admit I don't know nothing. But if it were ME... knowing how I am.... If be tempted first off to think I had an unconscious attraction for Mom. IRL my own mother I was also very close to, also a child of divorce. More than once I had vivid sleeping dreams, and a subsequent waking fantasy, of having sex with her. So there's that even though it's not a conscious thing on your part, certainly wa wasn't on my part with mine, doesn't mean it's not there. I really don't even think that's abnormal or weird. So your enemies... You say these people pick on you. I don't know about you, but I see myself about as masculine as..... Well I don't, not very. I don't see myself in a manly light hardly at all. If you had an unconscious attraction for mom, or some dynamic that presented itself in that way, could there be an unconscious desire to live vicariously thru someone considered more aggressive? More completely male? Remember I'm way, way out in voodoo-land with these speculations. Just trying to think of something that fits. Or would if I were the one with this fetish. I could easily see myself like that because I'm naturally androgynous. Or...... An alternate one.... Maybe some hidden resentment to mom manifesting itself by seeing her taken in by those you have dislike for. Hmm. Either because of the incest taboo, or something else. Or..... Maybe you seek to legitimize others' perceived power over you? If they're with your mom do they transform into someone entitled to have authority over you? The reasons obviously could be legion unless you had some quality time with a professional. But if any of those have not already occurred to you there's some ideas to chew on. What do you think?

Tell someone you love them today, for Life is short. But scream it at them in Klingon, for Life is also confusing and terrifying. We do not delete posts. Let it go. Without (forum) rules , we all might as well be up in a tree flinging our crap at each other.

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