

Wong linglong3

Revolutionizing Access to Data, Healthcare, and Claims Processing for Everyone


Blüpass will revolutionize access to data, healthcare, and the claims process for everyone. We began our experience by administering benefits in a unique way. Our billing reconciliation process, HRaspirin, eliminated headaches between HR professionals and carriers. We spent six years in this space developing strong relationships. As good as our product was, it only solved for one side of a broken equation. This prompted us to create Blüpass, a total solution.

Blüpass will build a blockchain fabric to connect providers, consumers, and carriers. Historically, there are three major problems in the healthcare arena. First, healthcare providers must spend a significant portion of their time and revenue on billing, health records, and treatment modalities. The provider may not have a complete picture of the consumer’s financial responsibility or health record. Second, carriers attempt to limit potential fraud through a lengthy and manual claims process. This process can take up to 6 months in the current environment to pay claims. Third, consumers are caught in this vortex of uncertainty between providers and carriers. This turbulence places unnecessary burdens on consumers in the form of expenses and treatment delays. Blüpass will build a multilayer blockchain to accommodate existing and new healthcare technologies. We will utilize our unique blockchain ledgers to deliver instant data for claims service while providing technical support to eliminate fraud for carriers. Finally, we will build a client centric mobile platform that enables consumers to control the timing and delivery of medical records and application of claims. Simply put, we believe consumers should have instant verification of their policy information and claims adjudication at the point of service. Additionally, a simplified financing system in the U.S. could result in cost savings exceeding $350 billion annually, nearly 15% of health care spending. Imagine any other experience in which you buy a service and the provider can’t tell you how much it's going to cost up front and you are expected to pay whatever bill they send you 6 months later. When you buy insurance against this uncertainty, the carrier demands to be paid on time without exception but can't offer claims service at time of service. Blüpass solves for these inconsistencies.



Blüpass is an ERC-20 utility token that enables multiple users to access our platform designed to better connect providers, carriers, and consumers.

Our platform will put control in the consumers hands to facilitate data transfers between providers and carriers for electronic health records, claims service, policy and premium verification, and much more.

We believe our blockchain technology supported with smart contracts will dramatically change the insurance and delivery of healthcare..


Blüpass’s private ledger utilizes smart contracts to facilitate instant claims, fraud prevention, and consumer control over the healthcare process. The Insurance Market is $7 trillion globally. Because of our platform, Blüpass has an important advantage. We save time and money. We will fundamentally change the dynamics between providers, consumers, and carriers.


We utilize a client centric mobile platform that enables consumers to control the timing and delivering of medical records and application of claims.

Carriers & Insurers

Insurance carriers will have their claims administered instantly with decreased errors. They will also be insulated against instances of fraud.


Invoices are paid in minutes instead of months! Providers can reduce billing overhead and save money.


The Blüpass Marketplace will provide interconnective solutions for third party applications. e envision solutions such as Telemedicine, electronic medical records and other innovative ideas will flourish


The interaction between consumers, providers and insurers is fractured in the Healthcare system.


Patients enter provider facilities with a misconception that their provider and their insurer communicate seamlessly. Patients are faced with the reality their experience at the physician's office is far from complete. They may pay a copay at the window, but will leave certain of one reality, an incomprehensible bill will arrive in the mail.


Healthcare providers are often torn between the desire to serve their community and maintain the finances of a tormented business model. Administrative stresses and pressures force providers to compensate with ever rising price structures. Administrative costs in the United States are projected to reach $315 billion by 2018.


Fraudulent healthcare claims increase the burden to society through increased premiums and higher out of pocket expenditures. Large Medical facilities and hospital groups spend up to 10% of their budgets on records and billing. Premiums billed and administered by health insurance carriers rely on antiquated file formats.

Data Integration

Unfortunately for the consumer, patient data such as health records, consumer policy data, and claims data are siloed. Providers marginally share data with other providers. Carriers and Providers do not share data systematically leaving consumers to manually request information from medical record departments to facilitate any claims process review.


The interaction between consumers, providers and insurers is fractured in the Healthcare system.

Industry Know How

Blüpass has the best team of industry professionals. They are practice leaders with years of experience and dedicated blockchain experts with a track-record of successful Blockchain projects

Secure Ledger

Blüpass will build an open source platform designed to solve problems. We believe the best solutions are derived from multiple actors working in sync with a common goal

Self Regulation

Blockchain will decentralize the way we store data and manage information. This will lead to a reduced role for one of the most important regulators in the world, the middleman

Fraud Prevention

Consumers will benefit from reduced premiums and incentives. Blüpass’s smart contracts reduce loss due to fraud. Carrier savings can be passed on to consumers in the form of premium reduction due to efficient cost saving measures. Consumers will also have peace of mind their EHR is safe from tampering or identity theft.

Portable Benefit Utility

Blüpass facilitates PBU's that reconcile policy information, provider billing and insurer claims instantly. The secure Blockchain ledger is what makes this all possible. This technology propels Healthcare systems into the future.


Insurance is a $7 trillion global market. By becoming an early adopter of instant claim service, Blüpass can gain an important advantage.”


Q1 2017

Formation of HRaspirin. Beginning of premium processing software development

Q3 2017

HRaspirin software and mobile app launched

Q4 2017

Blupass is formed as next phase of solving healthcare data facilitation problems

Q1 2018

Whitepaper, executive summary, and website are published

Q1 2018

Pre-Sale is open

Q2 2018

Official Token Sale

Q4 2018

Bluwallet launched

Q1 2019

HRaspirin Carrier Private Label/Provider System 1.0

Q2 2019

Field Distribution Team / In App PBU Sales

Q3 2019

Provider System 2.0 with Telemedicine

Q4 2019

Launch BluMarket


Blüpass consists of team members across multiple essential backgrounds. Our vision requires collaboration between sectors from provider, consumers, technology, carriers and insurance specialists. We have deliberately sought forward thinking out of the box professionals that are successful in their fields and are keenly interested in change.

Shawn Stephens: CEO & Lead Blockchain 

Ray Keech, CLF®: Founder & COO 

Mark Luther: Founder & Chief Marketing Strategist 

Sandeep Chauhan: Chief Technology Strategist 

Jason Head: Chief Counsel 

Noel Allum: Graphic Designer 

Manuela Chundrlek: Administration Manager 

Praveen Kumar Sinha: Technology Architect 

Sachin Choudhary: Technology Architect 


Carlos Soriano 

Igor Yemel'yanov 










Author: Wong linglong3

Bitcointalk Profil:;u=1229230

ETH Address: 0x29AF24D027E5A0A74427A2A4D5dDFe09803D5F93

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