Blue heart экстази

Blue heart экстази

Blue heart экстази

Blue heart экстази

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Chat or rant, adult content, spam, insulting other members, show more. Harm to minors, violence or threats, harassment or privacy invasion, impersonation or misrepresentation, fraud or phishing, show more. Can you die from taking blue hearts ecstasy? Are you sure you want to delete this answer? And to people saying 'There is no way to tel if ur gettin extasee!! If you were smart about using, you would look up your pills or test them first. That is why you should go to pillreports. See look, I just googled 'blue hearts ecstasy pill reports' and found the pill you described. I have known a lot of people that have taken E I was just at a festival with , people At that festival several of my friends took it for the first time As for the actual ecstasy Also, take breaks and sit for minutes every once in a while. All dealers exagerate how long the stuff lasts Then theres a little bit of an afterglow for a while even sometimes into the next day a bit where your mind is kind of fuzzy, but that wears off as your seratonin is replenished. This country tends to have a policy that if it makes you feel good, it is bad, and therefore it should be made illegal. The law is on the side of profits If I told you to run across the Interstate, and told you that half the people who try are killed, would you? If you know there is a high risk of his dying, and he takes it and dies, you might just be in some legal trouble. You are suppose to intervene, you know. You are really some friend if you let your pal kill himself. And understand the odds do not get better with repetition. Ecstasy damages your brain, and there is a lot on the internet about it. Print it out and make him read it. You read it, too. Some day you may actually find a use for your brain. For the best answers, search on this site https: So what does it matter if you actually will die. I would be worried about piperazines or something else nasty like PMA. Even then, no way one pill will kill you. Why would dealers press lethal pills? I would be more concerned about the risk of developing severe mental health problems such as Schizophrenia from using a hallucinogen rather than death itself. Lets get this straight ANY time you take an illegal drug off the street, you have a chance of dying. It is dumb to do that, but hey population control who knew. Duh, you can die from it. It is a terrible death too. Explore Digital Home Security. Related Questions Taking half of an Ecstasy pill? If you take 2 ecstasy pills, will your high last longer, or will your high be more intense? What effects do you get if u just take half a pill of ecstasy?? I want to try Ecstasy but not sure? I took a PrilosecOTC 20mg delayed release yesterday afternoon at or around Can I take another now? Why does the nurse avoid doing venipucture on mastectomy site? How to pass a piss drug test? Is it hard to withdraw from Gabapentin? Does high voltage detox work? Tripping badly off weed? How can I clean my urine before my drug test tomorrow?

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Can you die from taking blue hearts ecstasy?

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This Dog Ate A Huge Bag Of Blue Heart Shaped Ecstasy Pills In The Park By Accident

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This Dog Ate A Huge Bag Of Blue Heart Shaped Ecstasy Pills In The Park By Accident

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