Blue Waffle Pussy

Blue Waffle Pussy


Blue waffle disease is a kind of sexually transmitted disease, which was first spread on the internet with highly contaminated and painful pictures of the vagina. Women are the primary patient who is being affected by the blue waffles. It makes their vagina Blue. Hence, it mainly affects to those who have the weak immune system. I have collected some interesting blue waffles pictures below to spread the awareness about the disease.
Just for your information, we have already discussed the most important symptoms of Blue waffles disease in our earlier post. I would highly recommend you to go through the article and try to compare the points discussed in symptoms with given blue waffles pictures as well as with your affected area if you got one.
As we all know Blue waffles disease first start with the interference of bacteria near to vagina, then it takes blue color followed by itching and burning. When you do intercourse with your partner then it further changed into sexually transmitted disease and become quite scary. So through this blue waffles pictures post, our main goal is to make you aware of above processes through pictures so that you can get more awareness of the disease.
When you see these pictures you won’t have a pleasant experience. These pictures are very rare because very few pictures are available in public domain; just to spread awareness and feel the experience how one may suffer from the disease. When you go deep down to these blue waffles disease pictures you see bacteria have attacked so badly that they made skins near to vagina as well as private part of men so dead to function it properly.
Most people have the mindset that these blue waffles pictures are the edited version or just a rumor. You have right to go with your perception, but we being a safety champions our main goal is to make you aware and warn you about any kind of disease. Because we always believe “Safety begins with me”. Hence, it is always good to be self-aware and takes necessary precautions.
When I first looked at these blue waffles images then I felt like having dizziness. These images are really scary and look quite painful. Now I can personally feel the kind of pain one who suffers from getting Blue waffles disease.
I would highly recommend you keep these pictures away from the reach of children. These pictures are really not pleasant to your eyes as well as to your mind. These blue waffles pictures contain everything that we have discussed while discussing its symptoms, except its unpleasant odour. However, you can imagine its odour by comparing these pictures to something rotten things in our real world. If not like rotten, then its odour is like the wound of dog or dead animals.
It’s time to explore Blue waffles images so that you can get more awareness. These pictures will open your mind and will guide you through the disease in many respects as till now we have only discussed theoretical part of blue waffles disease only.
Apart from these serious pictures of blue waffles When I did next round of my research I found some funny blue waffle pictures too on the Internet. As I have already said that my work is to present the best and all kinds of real pieces of information to the world. This blog is solely on real-time research work and information shared in the public interest with the feedback by the users. I have personally gone through your below comments and it really surprised me to conduct another round of research work.
After my research, I really found some funny and meme kind of blue waffles pictures. I should personally thank Google for helping me in my research work for providing another face about this blue waffles disease. SO guys, here are some of the funny pictures of blue waffles disease (Maybe not a disease).
Disclaimer: This page will be updated time to time which is based on the research work and feedback from the user, so keep sending us your feedback through comments or contact page.
36 thoughts on “35+ important Blue Waffles Pictures”
I can say that a few pictures are not really someone infected with blue waffle disease. One example is the pictures of someone’s hand. You can clearly see that it’s 2 hands with gum in between and blue paint or syrup of some kind on top. The second is the other picture of a hand with a nail in it…its a nail that went through the finger, not the disease. The other picture in question has the caption “vagina deeply impacted by blue waffles disease”. If you look closely, you will see the image laying on top of a cupcake wrapper. I had someone I know look at that picture as well and they agree it looks more like a pastry that was purposely formed that way.
You might be correct Tara, but we got pictures from someone who was infected. SO it’s people’s contribution. If you have some unique blue waffles pictures then you can share too, we will post them here to make people aware.
Ha ha ha!…. real or not I’m laughing for all the right reasons..
Share the laughs reason and let us laugh too.
One pic was a chicken and one that was called scary vagina due to blue waffles disease was actually what should have been called untreated severe case of genital warts OMG read a medical book.
Y’all do know there’s no such thing right?
The disease turns your genitals into pastrys Tara. Also if left untreated you WILL get a screw in your finger… Educate yourself before you comment Tara.
It’s a sexually Transmitted infection that causes your tissue to deteriorate
This is most disturbing thing I have ever seen.. Smdh
Got damn this shit is just f***** sick and I need to tell my friends because they like to Suck The Other A**** P*** Especially My Friend Paris
Ummmmm that last one is Miley Cyrus..
On the sixth image or the seventh you can clearly see that there is a bullet in the finger.
Yupp… that image is provided by the patient.
Well, if this was supposed to be an awareness thing, especially when you are doing it on such a horrible disease, at least make sure the photos are of ACTUAL BLUE WAFFLES DISEASE!!! Common sense, seriously.
If these are donated, then you would have posted them… either this was a joke, or you are really just stupid enough to give misleading photos, information, etc.
This is serious, and someone like you should not have posted non-related photos.
This is pretty sad honestly, especially when you take in consideration I am only twelve.
I’m smh, face-palming, and sighing…. this is not good. At. All.
I can not believe that this urban legend is actually getting passed as real. This is not real. Blue waffle was the brainchild of some dumb kids in Mankato, Minnesota and it turned into an urban legend.
First of all you are seriously misinformed and grossly uneducated. A serious individual would not depend on a picture of an actual chicken as an authentic photographic submission of this horrible general disease. And that’s giving you credit for not knowing what an actual chicken looks like (which I highly doubt but let’s assume you’re not only uneducated but that you also live in some third world country eating weeds and grass and would be scared out of your mind if a chicken crossed your path because you’ve never seen one before). If you’re truly making an attempt to try and educate people you’ve done a horrible job and this can very easily be taken for a joke. Any half-witted medical professional would tell you that. That being said I believe you should delete this information and if you’re so hell bent on posting it then I suggest you find a website for all things comical…if that’s how you see it. I’m sorry but you’ve done no one any favors with this misinformation so please pick up a medical journal of some kind and while you’re at it possibly a grammar/dictionary. It’ll do you a world of good.
I come from a third world country, I don’t eat weeds and grass, I know how a chicken looks like.
My son is over seas on deployment. My daughter told me about this and to google it. I was sick to my stomach. Told her of my fear for my son. Are there cases of this disease in the United States? Or just over seas? She said if found in the milatary they are NOT allowed back home to the States cause there is no cure. Is this true? Omg how f@#king scary.
As a professional Diagnostical Examiner I concluded Blue Waffles is one of the more serious infections rapidly infecting the planet a couple of years ago. Talk of it seemed to die down as no one in the medical field wanted to admit what they had seen was real. The last picture is incredibly late stage, I’m surprised that that vagina lasted that long without just falling off. If you ever come into contact with infected genitalia make sure to scrub in bleach immediately to prevent STD infection.
Dr, Mandingo, anyone with one eye and half sense would know that you do NOT wash any part of the body with bleach, as it is extremely hazardous………….. I’m glad you’re not MY doctor, because I would probably have to open a lawsuit for medical malpractice, because you’re clearly NOT a real doctor.
I’d get riggity riggity rekk’d on the puss and pene broseph, ask my ex’s i have low standards. Puss is puss and pene is pene, i also do anal.
Of course, the blue waffle disease is fake, there’s no such thing………. The “blue waffle” disease was conjured by some idjit on the internet with WAY too much time on their hands. You can Google “blue waffle” and you can find a lot of sites that are disproving the “blue waffle” disease………. Also, a lot of pictures were of people with either herpes, or a severe case of genital warts. And of course, one was a picture of a chicken with something of a blue, or purlple-ish color stuffed inside, another was a picture of a pair of hands, holding something blue with blue dye on the hands.
I understand that in order for this website to not be taken down or whatever that you have to pretend like it’s for medical purposes, but you could at least fact-check before you put all this misinformation out there on the internet. I’m pretty sure the scientific term for this inflection isn’t ‘blue waffles’ and a lot of these pictures aren’t even of actual genitals and even if they were, calling them ‘dead vaginas’ is in no way professional or even scientific. Not to mention that some of these infections are other types of infections and not ‘blue waffles’. It’s cool if you want to have a goof web page, just make sure that the general public is aware that you have no idea what you’re talking about so they don’t put themselves in an awkward position with their doctors.
If you’re dumb enough to believe this bunch of malarky, then you seriously need to back to whichever educational institution you last attended and ask for a refund of all funds you paid for the time you were there. Seriously people. The whole blue waffle thing was a hoax created by a bunch of people with too much time on their hands. It also shows just how gulible the world at large is….. “But I saw it on the interent, so it must be true!!” Bulls#it. At least 60% of what you see or hear on the net is thumbsucked by some idiot. When you read something like this, refere to genuine medical sites or even to your local clinic or health care professional. They will quickly and honestly give you the facts.
Blue waffle, the great mimicker, just like Treponema pallidum. Could’ve sworn that hand was Raynaud’s phenomenon, the resemblance is uncanny…
You guys are all sick,and crazy! Just go to the CDC website,and look it up,there is no such thing. Yes some of those pics are vile,and putrid,and some are fake,but blue waffle is not a disease,so no hissing,and spitting,steaming twats,with fangs,and blue mold,for Gods sake ppl,get it together,and be safe wear protection.
bro you are a sick man go fuck yourself.
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You are here: Home / Sexually Transmitted Diseases / Blue Waffle Disease – Symptoms, Causes, Pictures, Treatment, Prevention
Last Modified April 1, 2021 By Dr.Thulasi
The term “Blue Waffle” has created a stir among millions of people around the globe. Till now, there is no concrete evidence to establish that ‘Blue Waffle’ disease exists. But media and online world is spreading false concerns each day about this disease. Not a single authenticated medical website has recognized the name of Blue waffle disease so far. It does not relate to anything that resembles fabled waffle. Blue waffle is a condition that resembles vaginal infection that causes itching and swelling of vagina. Even though there is no recognition for this term, still it can be one of the rare vaginal infections that can be contacted through sex.
The infection can be caused by bacteria or protozoa or fungi and occurs largely in women than men. Blue waffle is believed to be caused by Trichomonas vaginalis protozoa that are responsible for causing several genital infections. Like many other diseases, this can also be contacted through sexual transmission. Men are likely to catch this infection while having sex with infected women. In simple terms, blue waffle is a type of vaginal infection that causes swelling and itching of vagina.
As mentioned earlier, the symptoms of blue waffle resembles much like vaginitis. It can cause excessive itching, burning sensation on the vaginal region. There can be fluid discharge from the vagina frequently and due to bacterial infection on the area it can cause bad odor.
Often any condition of vaginal infection is caused by poor genital hygiene. Using wet pads for long duration, having unprotected sex, having multiple sex partners and using unsanitary products for masturbation are some of the causes for blue waffle. Bacterial infection can occur due to poor genital hygiene. Most of the symptoms of blue waffle will get resolved if you are maintaining proper hygiene of your private parts.
There is no need for any laboratory test for detecting vaginitis. Your doctor can easily identify vaginal infection by physical examination of your vagina.
Images, Pics, Photos and Pictures of Blue Waffle Disease :
The first line treatment for any type of vaginal infection is to keep your vagina clean and dry. Avoid using dirty pads for long time and don’t share your under garments with anyone. You need to maintain proper genital hygiene after having intercourse. Do not use scented perfumes on private parts since this can increase the chance of infection.
In case there is strong odor with continuous itching around the vagina, you can consult your doctor immediately. She may prescribe oral antibiotics for treating bacterial infection. You can try some of the home remedies like taking oatmeal bath to control itching. Keep your immunity strong by eating balanced nutritious diet. It is better to maintain proper hygiene than to take treatment for any infectious disease.
Avoid having multiple sex partners particularly at young age. This can increase the chance of getting sexually transmitted diseases.
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