Blowjob Day

Blowjob Day


Blowjob Day
Steak and BJ Day was founded by Tom Birdsey of Maryland
You know the drill. Every 14th of February you get the chance to display your
fondness for a significant other by showering her with gifts, flowers,
dinner, shows and any other baubles that women find romantic. Every Valentines
day you rack your brains for that one special, unique gift that will show
your wife or girlfriend that you really do care for them more than any
other. Now ladies, I'll let you in on a little secret; guys really don't
enjoy this that much. Sure seeing that smile on your face when we get
it right is priceless, but that smile is the result of weeks of blood,
sweat and consideration. Another secret; guys feel left out. That's right,
there's no special holiday for the ladies to show their appreciation for
the men in their life. Men as a whole are either too proud or too embarrassed
to admit it.
Which is why a new holiday has been created.
March 14th is now officially "Steak and Blowjob Day". Simple,
effective and self explanatory, this holiday has been created so you ladies
finally have a day to show your man how much you care for him.
No cards, no flowers, no special nights on the town; the name of the
holiday explains it all, just a steak and a BJ. Thats it. Finally, this
twin pair of Valentine's Day and Steak and Blowjob Day will usher in a
new age of love as men everywhere try THAT much harder in February to
ensure a memorable March 14th!
The word is already beginning to spread, but as with any new idea, it
needs a little push to start the ball rolling. So spread the word, and
help bring love and peace to this crazy world. And, of course, steak and

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Steak and BJ Day
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Urban Dictionary: Steak and Blowjob Day

^ a b c d Klee, Miles (March 1, 2020). "The short, stupid history of 'Steak and a BJ Day ' " . The Daily Dot . Retrieved September 11, 2020 .

^ a b Raven, David (March 14, 2015). "Steak and BJ Day 2015: 'Valentine's Day for men' is happening today across the world" . Daily Mirror . Retrieved January 16, 2018 .

^ Sollee, Kristen (March 16, 2015). "These Satirical Tweets About "Steak And BJ Day" Are Comic Gold" . Bustle . Archived from the original on January 16, 2018 . Retrieved January 16, 2018 .

^ "Steak producer sets off tempest with racy 'man's day' marketing campaign" . National Post. The Canadian Press. March 16, 2018 . Retrieved March 11, 2020 .

^ Shilcutt, Katherine (March 14, 2011). "Steak and a BJ Day: The Male Valentine's Day" . Houston Press . Retrieved January 26, 2018 .

^ a b Jones, Anna (March 14, 2013). "It's Steak and BJ Day! Should We Be Offended By That?" . LA Weekly .

^ a b Hell, Henriette (January 28, 2018). "Valentinstag – Männer, langsam müsst ihr euch den "Schnitzel & Blowjob"-Tag verdienen!" (in German). Stern . Retrieved January 31, 2018 .

^ a b Jones, Feminista (2014). "What's the Deal With "Steak and Blow Job Day"?" . SheKnows Media .

^ Namely: , , .

^ Doss, Laine (March 14, 2017). "Steak and BJ Day Is Today: How to Celebrate" . Miami New Times . Retrieved January 16, 2018 .

^ "March 14th is Steak and BJ Day!" . Q103 Albany . March 14, 2012 . Retrieved January 26, 2018 .

^ Saxena, Jaya (March 14, 2011). "Happy Steak And BJ Day! (Or Pi Day, Nerds)" . Gothamist . Archived from the original on March 7, 2018 . Retrieved January 16, 2018 .

^ Bellos, Alex (March 14, 2015). "Pi Day 2015: a sweet treat for maths fans" . . Retrieved March 14, 2016 .

^ "Cake and Cunnilingus Day, la "dolcissima" festa del sesso orale per sole donne..." Il Fatto Quotidiano (in Italian). April 14, 2018 . Retrieved December 3, 2018 .

^ "Heute ist „Kuchen-und-Cunnilingus-Tag"..." (in German). April 14, 2016.

^ Thornton, Walker (March 13, 2015). "Men Get Their Own Day" . Retrieved January 26, 2018 .

^ Nuñez, Alanna (February 27, 2017). "Yes, Steak and Blowjob Day Is a Real "Holiday " " . Men's Health . Retrieved January 31, 2018 .

^ García, Irene Sierra (March 14, 2017). "Día internacional del solomillo: confesiones de un vegano imaginario" (in Spanish). Diario AS . Retrieved January 31, 2018 .

^ "A Feminist Defense of Blowjobs" . The Brown Daily Herald . April 23, 2014 . Retrieved January 31, 2018 .

^ Jeret, Arianna (March 14, 2017). "Is A Steak And BJ Day A Symbol Of Male Privilege Or Feminist Opportunity?" . Tango . Retrieved January 15, 2018 .

^ "Steak And BJ Day Makes Us Want To Gag" . The Huffington Post . March 14, 2014 . Retrieved January 16, 2018 .

^ "How To Make The Most Of Your Steak And A BJ Day" . FHM Online . March 14, 2017 . Retrieved January 17, 2018 .

^ Robinson, Tasha (February 8, 2006). "Dan Savage" . The A.V. Club . Retrieved February 13, 2018 .

^ De Souza, Serena (February 14, 2005). "It's Singles-Bashing Day Today" . . Retrieved February 13, 2018 .

^ Horton, Randall. "Why I hate Steak and BJ Day" . Retrieved January 15, 2018 .

^ Yenisey, Zeynep (February 27, 2017). "There's an Actual Holiday Called Steak and Blowjob Day, and it's Almost Here" . Maxim . Retrieved January 15, 2018 .

^ Rose, Rebecca (March 14, 2015). "14 Absolutely Horrible Jokes From Men About "Steak and Blow Job Day " " . Cosmopolitan . Retrieved January 16, 2018 .

^ "10 Alternatives To Steak & Blowjob Day" . Sabotage Times . March 14, 2014 . Retrieved January 26, 2018 .

^ "Christina Aguilera Encourages Fans To Celebrate Steak And BJ Day" . The Huffington Post . March 21, 2014 . Retrieved January 16, 2018 .

^ Toomey, Alyssa (March 21, 2014). "Christina Aguilera Celebrates "Steak and BJ Day," Encourages Naughty Fans to Do the Same" . E! Online . Archived from the original on January 16, 2018 . Retrieved January 16, 2018 .

^ Dupuis, Adam (March 13, 2016). "March 14th is International Steak & Blowjob Day?" . Instinct . Retrieved January 16, 2018 .

^ "10 völlig sinnlose Aktionstage ("10 completely senseless action days " " (in German). Bild . March 14, 2012 . Retrieved January 25, 2018 .

^ Florent, Fab (March 14, 2011). "Un steak et une pipe, la réplique masculine à la St Val" . MadmoiZelle (in French) . Retrieved January 26, 2018 .

^ Znaty, Simon Kinski (September 1, 2015). " ' Steak & gâterie', la journée de l'homme!" . LeBonBon (in French) . Retrieved January 26, 2018 .

^ Bermejo, Diego (March 14, 2017). "14 de marzo, Día del Solomillo y el Sexo Oral, y otras cuatro citas carnales para marcar en rojo en el calendario" . El Mundo (in Spanish) . Retrieved January 31, 2018 .

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Steak and Blowjob Day (some­times Steak & BJ Day or Steak and Knob­ber Day [1] ) is a satir­i­cal hol­i­day [2] [3] [4] cre­ated in the United States as a male re­sponse to Valen­tine's Day and cel­e­brated a month later, on March 14 . [5] On the day, women are pur­port­edly sup­posed to cook a filet steak for and per­form fel­la­tio on a man in re­sponse to cards, choco­late and flow­ers given by men on Valen­tine's Day. [6] [7]

The ob­ser­vance has no of­fi­cial sta­tus, being a pop­u­lar In­ter­net meme rather than an ac­tual hol­i­day, but var­i­ous sou­venirs and video clips have been pro­duced about it. [1] [8] It was con­ceived in 2002 by DJ Tom Bird­sey on WFNX radio.

It has been sug­gested that Steak and Blowjob Day is a back­lash against the fem­i­nist move­ment ; the hol­i­day has been crit­i­cized as sex­ist and pa­tri­ar­chal , though it has also been pos­i­tively re­ceived by some, and used as a plat­form to fundraise for breast can­cer re­search .

Sev­eral websites [9] claim to be the of­fi­cial site of Steak and Blowjob Day, but none of them iden­tify as the cre­ator. The sites con­cur that the hol­i­day was de­vised by radio DJ Tom Bird­sey in 2002, dur­ing a show on WFNX radio sta­tion in Boston , Mass­a­chu­setts . [1] One of the var­i­ous web­sites com­pet­ing to be the 'of­fi­cial' page of the day stated "March 14th hence­forth be­came 'Steak and Blowjob Day.' Sim­ple, ef­fec­tive and self ex­plana­tory. No cards, no flow­ers, no spe­cial nights on the town; the name ex­plains it all: just a steak and a BJ. That's it." [10] The "of­fi­cial" web­sites pro­vide guides on how best to cook steak , and how to best per­form fel­la­tio . [11]

The day of cel­e­bra­tion is some­times sug­gested to be March 20 in­stead of March 14 , ei­ther be­cause the for­mer was pro­claimed to be Steak and Knob­ber Day by an­other radio host Dave Rickards in 1998, or be­cause the lat­ter co­in­cides with Pi Day , [1] [12] which ob­serves the math­e­mat­i­cal con­stant π  (pi) . [13]

A fe­male equiv­a­lent of the day, is "Cake and cun­nilin­gus day" on April 14. [14] [15]

Ac­cord­ing to the women's his­to­rian Lois Ban­ner , the day ap­peared to be part of the back­lash against the fem­i­nist move­ment , mov­ing to­ward a ver­sion of human in­ter­ac­tion in­her­ent to hookup cul­ture , and that men "are re­ally fright­ened be­cause women are out­per­form­ing them". [6] Ac­tivist Fem­i­nista Jones ar­gues that it lim­its women's free­dom of choice , thus being in the main­stream of tra­di­tional pa­tri­ar­chal re­stric­tion of fe­male sex­ual be­hav­iours . [8] The sex­ual ed­u­ca­tor Walker Thorn­ton wrote that the day, al­though silly, em­pha­sized for her the is­sues she had with the mod­ern world­view of Valen­tine's Day . [16] Men's Health was un­sure whether the hol­i­day was ac­tu­ally cel­e­brated, or whether the whole thing was a joke. [17] Span­ish soc­cer news­pa­per Di­ario AS con­sid­ers the hol­i­day to be "surreal". [18] Stu­dent news­pa­per The Brown Daily Her­ald dis­cussed the gen­der and sex­ual po­lit­i­cal im­pli­ca­tions sur­round­ing the meme, sug­gest­ing that fel­la­tio is con­sid­ered by many to be a job the giver must en­dure as op­posed to a form of en­joy­ment, and in the fram­ing of Steak and Blowjob Day as a "man’s hol­i­day" aimed at ob­tain­ing pay­back for Valen­tine's Day, this is perpetuated. [19]

Lifestyle blog Your­Tango felt the idea of such a hol­i­day was an en­shrin­ing of male priv­i­lege and was, like Valen­tine's Day, a "silly cal­en­dar filler". [20] The Huff­in­g­ton Post stated that the day "made them want to gag", [21] and FHM and the Daily Mir­ror noted that busi­nesses were cash­ing in on the un­of­fi­cial holiday. [22] [2]

The con­cept of a men's movement [23] look­ing to cre­ate such a day has caused some con­tro­versy and in­cited opposition, [24] being de­scribed as an­tifem­i­nist or pa­tri­ar­chal . [25] The men's mag­a­zine Maxim de­scribed it as the great­est hol­i­day of all time, [26] whereas Cos­mopoli­tan was un­sure whether it was an out­dated and sex­ist event or a bawdy cel­e­bra­tion of sex and food. [27] One opin­ion piece on the day sug­gested it was Ne­an­derthal in try­ing to force through the idea of a day de­voted to the com­bi­na­tion of fel­la­tio and steak, and sug­gested a range of alternatives. [28]

The hol­i­day has drawn at­ten­tion from celebri­ties in­clud­ing Christina Aguil­era , who en­cour­aged her fans to cel­e­brate it in 2014. [29] [30]

In 2016, In­stinct noted that the day is also now being used as a way to suc­cess­fully raise money for breast can­cer re­search . [31] In Ger­many, Bild noted the day is known as Schnitzel und Blowjob Tag , [32] or Schniblo for short, [7] and in France, fe­male-tar­geted mag­a­zine Mad­moiZelle  [ fr ] noted it was a day tar­geted at men, [33] while Le Bonbon  [ fr ] said it was a "most Amer­i­can holiday". [34] In Spain, daily news­pa­per El Mundo noted in Spain it would be called Día del Solomillo y el Sexo Oral and that the day joined food and sex, which it opined were two of the great­est plea­sures in the world. [35]

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