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Give the gift that keeps on giving.
Fetish maid Joy licks and sucks Master Leo’s cock while being fingered, and wanks his big cock onto her face at the end.
Hedonistic love between a consenting loving couple is such fun for both. Love, openness and honesty about each others desires and respect for each other is so important. If you don't have care, love, trust and respect the relationship would be abusive.
Fun times in Key West Florida with Susan and girlfriends
Fun times in Key West Florida with Susan and girlfriends
Fun in the Florida Keys with beautiful Susan
Beautiful Susan loves having her photo taken and always loves to enjoy life to the full
Joy in a purple camisole and lingerie. You can watch her dressed like this sucking my cock and getting a cum facial by visiting my site here -
With my wife and number one girl Skye in Denver on our wedding day
Hedonistic love between a consenting loving couple is such fun for both. Love, openness and honesty about each others desires and respect for each other is so important. If you don't have care, love, trust and respect the relationship would be abusive.
Fun times in Key West Florida with Susan and our girlfriends
Fun times with beautiful Susan in Key West Florida
Loving fun time with beautiful Susan in Key West Florida
Beautiful Susan loves having her photo taken and always loves to enjoy life to the full
Fun times with beautiful Susan in Key West Florida
Weekend playtimes with beautiful Susan in Key West Florida
Fun times in Key West Florida with Susan and girlfriends
With my beautiful fun loving partner partner Susan in Key West
Joy goes down on my cock and gets a cum facial.
You can see all the uncensored cumshot if you click here -
Fun times with beautiful Susan in Key West Florida
With my wife and number one girl Skye in Denver on our wedding day
Loving fun time with beautiful Susan in Key West Florida
.:Short Leash:. Princess's Hideaway
• 26 bento animations (5 solo, 5 masturbation/tease, 6 cuddles, & 10 adult (5 MaleDom/5 FemDom)
• 2 metal, 13 pillow/blanket, & 26 tent/blanket textures via HUD
*DEMO AT MAINSTORE & EVENT - 25% off for Short Leash group at event! be sure to wear your tag!*
My girlfriend Shannon aka Darkness in Key West Florida. Everybody needs a Goth girlfriend
Hedonistic love between a consenting loving couple is such fun for both. Love, openness and honesty about each others desires and respect for each other is so important. If you don't have care, love, trust and respect the relationship would be abusive.
Fun times in Key West Florida with Susan and girlfriends
Read about how I used this stunning slut, fucked her and came all over her slutty face.
Click the link to read it -
Weekend playtimes with beautiful Susan in Key West Florida
Loving fun time with beautiful Susan in Key West Florida
Fun in the Florida Keys with beautiful Susan
With my wife and number one girl Skye in Denver on our wedding day
It was wonderful having Skye in town visiting me. We spent lots of time catching up before going out to Cafe 915 in the evening for dinner
Fun in the Florida Keys with beautiful Susan
We so drunk, and High, we time travelers!

SmugMug + Flickr .

Connecting people through photography.

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SmugMug + Flickr .

Connecting people through photography.

Give the gift that keeps on giving.
Fetish maid Joy licks and sucks Master Leo’s cock while being fingered, and wanks his big cock onto her face at the end.
Hedonistic love between a consenting loving couple is such fun for both. Love, openness and honesty about each others desires and respect for each other is so important. If you don't have care, love, trust and respect the relationship would be abusive.
Fun times in Key West Florida with Susan and girlfriends
Fun times in Key West Florida with Susan and girlfriends
Fun in the Florida Keys with beautiful Susan
Beautiful Susan loves having her photo taken and always loves to enjoy life to the full
Joy in a purple camisole and lingerie. You can watch her dressed like this sucking my cock and getting a cum facial by visiting my site here -
With my wife and number one girl Skye in Denver on our wedding day
Hedonistic love between a consenting loving couple is such fun for both. Love, openness and honesty about each others desires and respect for each other is so important. If you don't have care, love, trust and respect the relationship would be abusive.
Fun times in Key West Florida with Susan and our girlfriends
Fun times with beautiful Susan in Key West Florida
Loving fun time with beautiful Susan in Key West Florida
Beautiful Susan loves having her photo taken and always loves to enjoy life to the full
Fun times with beautiful Susan in Key West Florida
Weekend playtimes with beautiful Susan in Key West Florida
Fun times in Key West Florida with Susan and girlfriends
With my beautiful fun loving partner partner Susan in Key West
Joy goes down on my cock and gets a cum facial.
You can see all the uncensored cumshot if you click here -
Fun times with beautiful Susan in Key West Florida
With my wife and number one girl Skye in Denver on our wedding day
Loving fun time with beautiful Susan in Key West Florida
.:Short Leash:. Princess's Hideaway
• 26 bento animations (5 solo, 5 masturbation/tease, 6 cuddles, & 10 adult (5 MaleDom/5 FemDom)
• 2 metal, 13 pillow/blanket, & 26 tent/blanket textures via HUD
*DEMO AT MAINSTORE & EVENT - 25% off for Short Leash group at event! be sure to wear your tag!*
My girlfriend Shannon aka Darkness in Key West Florida. Everybody needs a Goth girlfriend
Hedonistic love between a consenting loving couple is such fun for both. Love, openness and honesty about each others desires and respect for each other is so important. If you don't have care, love, trust and respect the relationship would be abusive.
Fun times in Key West Florida with Susan and girlfriends
Read about how I used this stunning slut, fucked her and came all over her slutty face.
Click the link to read it -
Weekend playtimes with beautiful Susan in Key West Florida
Loving fun time with beautiful Susan in Key West Florida
Fun in the Florida Keys with beautiful Susan
With my wife and number one girl Skye in Denver on our wedding day
It was wonderful having Skye in town visiting me. We spent lots of time catching up before going out to Cafe 915 in the evening for dinner
Fun in the Florida Keys with beautiful Susan
We so drunk, and High, we time travelers!

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SmugMug + Flickr .

Connecting people through photography.

Read The Lost Valkyrie in order! Some chapters are NSFW!
Ivar had been told he was to come and support his king in a disagreement with their neighbor, King Ulf of Bollurgard. And so he had dutifully saddled up his horse with the rest of the men King Friedrich had gathered to go and meet Ulf. The warrior was considered an accomplished swordsman, but he was also good with a bow, so he brought both with him.
“What is the disagreement,” Ivar asked his fellows.
“King Ulf refused to give his sister in marriage to the King,” Magnus, one of the more senior men replied. “We’re going to persuade the boy King to change his mind.”
And the other men had laughed. And though Ivar had joined them, he still had misgivings.
After the laughter subsided, Ivar spoke his thoughts aloud.
“Do we really want to risk a war for this? I have no argument with Bollurgard.”
Magnus gave Ivar a hard, flat stare. “If the King has an argument, then we all do.”
Ivar was not stupid. He knew when to shut up.
“Very well,” he replied with a nod to the other man as he moved away.
Friedrich’s group rode from their village out into the countryside, and Ivar could see they were making for the mountain pass that marked their border to the south with Bollurgard. After they had been traveling a half hour or so, Ivar risked another question.
“We’re going to meet Ulf at the pass? What then?”
Their leader replied, “We’re going to give him a friendly greeting, of course.”
Ivar rode along in silence. He had a bad feeling about all this.
It wasn’t long until they had arrived, hidden their mounts safely out of the way, and got their group into position. Ivar could see the sort of “friendly greeting” King Friedrich had planned as they made a circle of warriors hidden from the view of those traveling through the pass.
Turning to Leif, the man next to him, Ivar whispered. “What are we doing here? Nursing an old man’s wounded pride?”
Leif nodded. “Yes, and maybe if you say that to the King, he’ll change his mind. Or maybe you just do your job and serve your Lord.”
Ivar sighed. The other man was right, of course. He settled in to wait for Ulf’s arrival, wrapping his warm fur around him against the chilly mountain air.
He didn’t have to wait long, thankfully. And as he watched, a lone horseman walked into the pass, looking around alertly for any danger. A scout!
Ivar knew he was well hidden, and that from the angle below, looking up, the scout could not see the men around him. Nevertheless, he crouched down a little more behind the shelter of the rock in front of him.
Soon, another man approached, riding up quickly to join the first man. The two men spoke, and Ivar could just hear their voices drifting up to him from below.
“Captain, the pass looks clear of snow, and I don’t see any danger. But it would be good if we scouted through the rock walls on either side.”
“Well said,” the man called ‘Captain’ replied, getting off his horse. “We’ll leave our horses here and each take a side of the pass.”
But as the first man also dismounted and made ready to go scout the area, the Captain came up behind him and suddenly stabbed him in the back! It was quick and silent, the scout getting out no more than a gurgling gasp of surprise before he was falling into the snow, dying.
By the gods, it was betrayal! Ivar was appalled. He had NOT signed up for THIS. The man wished he was at home with his wife and children, tending to their farm.
“There is no honor in this,” he muttered.
“Agreed,” Leif replied, also looking disgusted. “Let’s just get it over with and go home.”
What choice did they have? Ivar nodded.
While he watched, the murderer took his own horse and moved out of sight, into the rocks beside the pass. Probably to go stand with King Friedrich, Ivar assumed. All was silent again for a few minutes.
But then more men appeared, riding hard up to where the scout’s body lay, the man now dead. They all dismounted, and Ivar could see which one was King Ulf by the way the other men surrounded him.
King Ulf WAS a young king, Ivar could see. Probably about Ivar’s age, in fact. Ivar watched as he shouted for the man called “Captain.”
And he watched as his fellows began to laugh at Ulf, springing the trap and starting to close in around the other king and his men. Finally, they were getting ready to launch their attack.
Ivar could hardly take his eyes off her as she left two of his fellows dead behind her and stood before the whole group. She was lovely, for one thing, her battle armor barely covering her pale soft skin, her light blonde mane flowing down her back and every curve of her shapely body plainly on display. She looked more like a goddess than a shieldmaiden.
But more so than that, she looked coldly dangerous as she stood before them, her beautiful face expressing one emotion: fury.
Ivar had to resist moving away from her, she was so unnerving. And when she spoke, her words did nothing to make him feel better. Something that sounded very much like “every one of you is going to die here, today.”
Somehow, Ivar knew the woman was capable of delivering on this promise. He watched in horror while the creature below - he could not believe she was human - glowed and pulsed with some inner light.
Ivar didn’t even hear King Friedrich’s promise of a gold coin for her head. He knew he needed to get out of here. NOW.
Ivar looked at Leif, still crouched next to him, and the other man looked back at him.
With unspoken agreement, both men began to turn around to move away. They wanted no part of whatever was going to happen down there in the pass.
“What’s this,” a voice said close to them as the two men prepared to flee. “Running away, are you? From some GIRL? You cowards.”
It was Magnus. By the gods. And his blade was drawn, pointing at them.
“The first man to try to run gets my sword in his guts,” the more senior man warned them. “Get your bows ready.”
And so it was that Ivar and Leif both were amongst the bowmen to shoot at the girl.
Every archer in the pass thought they had a good shot at the lone warrior facing the group of almost thirty, including Ivar.
And they all had time to loose at least two arrows at the girl. She should have been dead long before the charging men came at her with their blades. She should have been nothing more than a bleeding pincushion with a dozen arrows stuck in her!
Because Ivar KNEW there was simply no way a person could avoid that many arrows at the same time. They came at her from almost every direction, and they came in bunches of five, or seven, or nine.
It was a disgusting tactic: not right or fair. Or honorable. It was the trick of a gang of ruffians, not brave warriors destined for Valhalla.
Even if the girl below wasn’t human, she didn’t deserve THIS.
And yet, as Ivar and the rest watched, the woman did exactly what Ivar KNEW she couldn’t - avoided every arrow. She moved in ways that defied description. She knocked arrows away with her blade. Some she seemed to pluck out of the air and drop to the snowy ground. A few arrows seemed to actually bend in their flight path to sail harmlessly past her!
“Good gods!,” the man exclaimed. What kind of witchcraft was the girl using???
The last arrow she snatched from the air and used to stab the throat of the first man to reach her.
After that it was too late for more arrows, and both Ivar and Leif grabbed their blades with the rest of the bowmen to join the fray, Magnus close behind them.
Ivar hoped she’d be mercifully dead before he arrived. The girl might be quick and nimble, but there was no way she could stand against so many men!
But as the young warrior approached, the sounds of battle - the harsh ringing and clanging of metal against metal - immediately became mixed with the screams of injured and dying men as the girl started mowing them down like they were crops to be harvested.
Ivar and Leif, and even Magnus standing behind them, could only gape in horror as men would wade in, their blades hacking furiously at her, only to fall back with an arm or hand missing moments later. Their blood spurt out in great jets of crimson as others leapt to take their place and stab at the girl.
Men stumbled away, bellowing in agony. Men toppled over without a sound, headless. Men could be seen FLYING THROUGH THE AIR as if tossed away like dolls discarded by an angry child.
“By the gods, WHAT IS SHE,” they all heard another man cry out in despair, blood streaming from both stumps of his arms where his hands used to be.
There were flashes of blinding white light. Screams to freeze your blood. One man stumbled, shrieking, back from the fray, and he was ON FIRE, his body turning into a blazing conflagration in the snow as he dropped to the ground, the stench and smoke of burnt flesh and hair filling the pass.
“In the name of the Allfather, have mercy!”
But there was no mercy to be had. Not today.
As the three men observed, some of the remaining men thought better of the fight, turning to flee. These would suddenly find the girl in front of them, like an avenging angel dealing out death, the grim fulfillment of her earlier promise that she would “kill every one of them, today.”
King Ulf and his small guard unit watched the slaughter in mixed admiration and horror. So engrossed had they become that they were taken by surprise when King Friedrich and his larger guard attacked them suddenly!
“Come, boy, let us finish this like men,” the older King called out as his men drove forward against Ulf’s. “Call off your pet witch girl.”
The new battle was furious and desperate - Ulf’s men were outnumbered two-to-one. But now they finally got to use their new training! Together with their King, they started slicing away at their attackers, defending skillfully until one of their foes would open himself up… and then exploiting the opening viciously.
Soon three of Friedrich’s men were down, the rest looking dismayed as the odds started to even. The older King urged his men to press the attack, but the little mini-battle was starting to turn, and it was Ulf and HIS men pushing forward, now!
Before, the elite men of Bollurgard had been brave warriors, worthy of praise. Now they could see that Tyna had transformed them into lethal fighting machines. Friedrich’s hand-picked men were men of valor, and they had skill, but they were no longer any match for the brave men of Bollurgard!.
The other group started to fall before them, unless they allowed themselves to be pushed back, fighting purely defensively as their numbers plummeted. Ulf resisted the urge to gloat, instead devoting his energy to the fight.
But he did offer the older man a chance to live. “Surrender, my Lord,” he called out as yet another of Friedrich’s men fell under the masterful skill of his blade. “Save your men that still remain, and we can work out some sort of an agreement.”
But the other King was a wiley man, and he’d left nothing to chance. Or so he’d thought. He’d brought a large group of men. And he’d kept his personal guard in reserve to sneak attack if necessary. And now he had one more trick up his sleeve!
As King Ulf continued the fight, suddenly he felt a great pain in his left shoulder, making him fall back, groaning in agony. Looking down, he saw he’d been shot with an arrow! Someone was acting as a sniper! While he watched, one of his guards was hit, too!
“Watch it, men, an archer,” he called out, looking around. And he could see the archer, locking eyes with the man who stood partially concealed behind some of the rocks.
It was the Captain, and he was drawing his bowstring back to shoot again!
Fuck. His best friend! He’d known it must be true when they’d found the dead scout in the pass. But to have this treachery confirmed this way was a blow.
As the next arrow whistled in, Ulf pulled the guard it was meant for out of the way.
But it was hard for his men to watch for arrows and also press the fight against Friedrich. The other side started to push the fight back against Ulf and his group of only three guards.
Ulf looked for the Captain, frantically trying to keep track of his position. But his friend
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