Blood Sugar Sex Magik — Википедия

Blood Sugar Sex Magik — Википедия

Blood Sugar Sex Magik — Википедия

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Artificial sweeteners may contribute to soaring levels of diabetes, according to a controversial study that suggests the additives could exacerbate the problem they are meant to tackle. Researchers in Israel found that artificial sweeteners used in diet drinks and other foods can disrupt healthy microbes that live in the gut, leading to higher blood sugar levels — an early sign of diabetes. Sweeteners such as saccharin, aspartame and sucralose are widespread in western diets and are often used to cut calories or prevent tooth decay. Eran Elinav , a senior author on the study at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, said that while the evidence against the sweeteners was too weak to change health policies, he had decided to give them up. But the study has left many experts unconvinced. The findings draw largely on tests of just one sweetener in mice, raising doubts about their relevance for people, and to other sweeteners. Large studies in humans have found that sugar substitutes can help people maintain a healthy weight and protect against diabetes. In the first of a series of experiments, the Israeli group found that mice fed on three artificial sweeteners — saccharin, aspartame and sucralose — developed high blood sugar levels. But when the mice were given antibiotics to kill off their gut microbes, the ill effects disappeared. The scientists then focused on saccharin. They transferred gut microbes from mice fed on the sweetener to different mice that had no gut bacteria of their own. Soon after, the recipient mice developed high blood sugar levels themselves. Genetic analyses of the gut microbes from mice fed on saccharin found that as a group they behaved differently, breaking down more carbohydrate in the diet than normal. The scientists ran tests on people and found that those who consumed the most artificial sweeteners had different gut microbes than others, and on average were heavier and more glucose intolerant. In their final set of experiments, the scientists gave seven people the maximum allowed daily dose of saccharin for a week. Each dose was enough to sweeten around 40 cans of diet cola. At the end of the week, four in seven had high blood sugar levels and their gut microbes mirrored the changes seen in mice fed on the additives. To round off the study, the researchers transferred bugs from the people who developed high blood sugar after massive doses of artificial sweeteners into mice that had no gut bugs of their own. These mice went on to develop high blood sugar too. According to Elinav, the study shows that artificial sweeteners may contribute to higher blood sugar in mice and some people. One possible explanation is that artificial sweeteners let some microbes thrive at the expense of others, leaving a population that extracts more energy from the diet than normal. There are studies that report more diabetes among people who consume lots of diet drinks. But in many cases it is impossible to work out what is to blame. Lots of people are already fat and on course to develop diabetes when they turn to diet drinks to lose weight. Please treat the URL above as you would your password and do not share it with anyone. See the Facebook Help Center for more information. You and 3,, others like The Guardian. Sign up for the Guardian today - UK edition. Emails are sent every morning. All comments Staff replies Guardian picks. These comments have been chosen by Guardian staff because they contribute to the debate. Sorted oldest first newest first Go There are no staff replies yet. Sign in or create your Guardian account to join the discussion. Showing 50 conversations, threads collapsed expanded , sorted oldest first newest first Go. Well, everything is made of chemicals But sweeteners are interesting. Personally, I loathe them. Of course you are right and I am a bit sloppy with my words. I meant manufactured chemicals. Interestingly most poisons do have a bitter taste I believe. Off now to have a fresh sea bass with salad, boiled potatoes and freshly baked bread. That meal will certainly do you more good than it does the Sea Bass. No need for potatoes AND bread! ElectricDr jama 17 September 9: However all natural foods contain a fair amount of nasty chemicals in them irrespective of farming practices pesticides. Of course they do. Read a lot of Miss Marple. Ortho swedishyorkie 17 September They taste bitter to me too, especially aspartame. I prefer to have no sugar at all in coffee or tea rather than a sweetner. Aspartame in particular gives me a headache and makes me feel queasy. Then you have to eat a bunch of real sugar in order to counteract the insulin. ID chry5anth 18 September 5: EarlyVictoria Ortho 18 September 7: BeccaM Ortho 18 September 7: Aspartame effects my Mum also. She felt so ill she thought she must have food poisoning, until we realised about the lemonade. Years ago when diet foods were recommended by Weight Watchers, she got migraines from aspartame contained in them. Interesting and relevant article here , fully referenced as well. However, I grow all my own vegetables and hence have a choice. Eat them as they are or spray them with a powder from a pack covered in health warnings. Which shall I choose? Aliktren swedishyorkie 18 September 9: Sucralose doesnt taste bitter, I love it in tea this may get me banned from CIF! Ortho EarlyVictoria 18 September 9: All the ones with mayonnaise which was almost every one of them had aspartame in the mayonnaise. It may just be the stuff they use. I think you should add dihydrogen monoxide, just to be on the safe side. Arras Ortho 18 September I was in a restaurant and ordered a soda, regular. The printed ticket was put on my table and of course I read it. She danced around the issue saying she hit the wrong key. I asked for the manager I told her if I ha drunk it and it did have an articifical sweetener in it that chemical could case me to lose control of my car due to visual problems.. By the time the manager was there my voice was quite loud and I was asking how she could hit the wrong button. I would like to see the cash register. I told him one small taste told me. Since all the surrounding customers were listening in, I told the manager and the waitress that I had taken numerous taste tests of coke and pepsi and was always right. I got my ice tea and of course never went there again. Plenty of that stuff in my butt. Show 19 more replies Last reply: Does not surprise me one bit. TheRussianGirl swedishyorkie 17 September 8: Can I ask your opinion about GMO? I am very curious. The technology itself has the potential to be a force for good. It has to be safe. One technique I hate is terminator seeds.. ID swedishyorkie 17 September 9: I avoid them at all costs. I friend of mine who is diabetic was told by his doctor to avoid artificial sweeteners. TheRussianGirl swedishyorkie 17 September 9: I am very cnfused about GMO, in Russia we are told it is dangerous. Deebles swedishyorkie 17 September GMO is dangerous - at least in its current form, plus they cannot stop it polluting the natural gene pool. Banoonoo swedishyorkie 17 September While I can see the argument i. I remain wholly unconvinced that GMO is safe, or at least that we have no significant longitudinal data to support such a categorical assertion My intuition at best says that we have no idea how GMO will interact with the finally balanced eco system it is released into, in the longer term Banoonoo Banoonoo 18 September PS I will go further and predict it will all end in tears Scientists discover link between GMO and declining flora fertility which is desimating the rural landscape and threatening sustainable agriculture'. ID DomesticExtremist 18 September 5: UncleDad ID 18 September 6: Actually, many of what are thought of as 'successes' for GMOs are in fact based on early research being reported churnalism from press releases as future successes. For example, Golden Rice has never made it to commercial viability. The amount of Vit A from it would require a person to consume gross quantities to make the equivalent of one carrot. Quite unlikely to solve world hunger then. There are many examples of the hype preceding any deliverable from GMO programmes, but the vast amounts spent on PR have created a GMO 'friendly' establishment. Show 14 more replies Last reply: Acidfairyy 17 September 6: Bluthner Acidfairyy 17 September 6: That sugar has to come from somewhere. The article states that the mice broke down more of the carbohydratein their diet than normal. Bluthner demagogue8 17 September The bodies in question are in a state of ketosis, producing sugar from the breakdown of proteins and fats. And artificial sweeteners are having no effect whatever on that. No one is suggesting that consuming artificial sweeteners would raise blood sugars in a person in a state of ketosis. So the fact that art. Show 3 more replies Last reply: No saccharin in my Diet Coke so all good. In fact best I can tell saccharin is not commonly used in many products anymore. Which would make this a bit of a non story. Plenty of aspartame which scientists are not reaching a consensus on as to whether it causes a myriad of problems. Sorry but there appears to be complete consensus that aspartame is safe. There appear to be a lot of scare stories about it but none that hold up. Please link to clear evidence of one of these myriad of problems. The safety of aspartame has been studied extensively since its discovery with research that includes animal studies, clinical and epidemiological research, and postmarketing surveillance,\\\\\\\\\\\\\[38\\\\\\\\\\\\\] with aspartame being one of the most rigorously tested food ingredients to date. Oldtymer demagogue8 17 September 8: Anyone could have written that entry, including the makers of aspartame. Yes but they kindly referenced every claim made. Diet Cokes for everyone! And they probably did. I prefer to read around the fringes and find Blaylock interesting on this - as someone who cannot tolerate other exitotoxins. CaptCrash demagogue8 17 September 9: But it doe fool your brain into thinking 'sweet'. It then seems to set some of the same reactions in place. And the consensus is a crock of shit. Oldgroaner demagogue8 17 September 9: Ortho demagogue8 17 September So I remain unconvinced by all this testing. Potentially you simply have an allergy and it is nothing more sinister than that. Ortho stoneshepherd 17 September But the start and conclusion are not reassuring. I doubt it is an allergy, actually, but I accept that it is possible that it is. Oldtymer Ortho 18 September 8: It gives me migraine or sinus type headaches. Ortho Oldtymer 18 September 9: Show 18 more replies Last reply: The guardian probably should check if any of the products in the picture actually contain saccharin or not. DomesticExtremist demagogue8 17 September The harder work is finding products that have not been adulterated with it these days. Ortho DomesticExtremist 17 September PatLux 17 September 6: Cold water with or without a squeeze of lemon juice avoids all sugars and sweeteners and is very refreshing and thirst-quenching. What about the pesticides to help fend off insects when the farmer was intensively growing this lemon of yours? What about the shite in the water you have no control over? StrawBear simonsays 17 September 9: Myopicus simonsays 18 September 1: EarlyVictoria Myopicus 18 September 7: The point here is simple: Pretty sure lemons contain sugars Adding slices of cucumber reduces the acid for your teeth, and is surprisingly good. As is a slice of ginger. Show 4 more replies Last reply: ID 17 September 6: Yes very convincing, especially as diet cola does not contain saccharin. ID demagogue8 17 September 7: It was used as a reference, so people can visualise the amounts of artificial sweeteners mentioned. As a side note, diet coke used to contain saccharin but was replaced with other artificial sweeteners due to taste preference. Oldtymer ID 17 September 8: Not due to taste preference, due to the fact that the food authorities who had previously declared it safe suddenly found it caused bladder cancer. It was replaced by Cyclamates till they were found also to be carcinogenic. Splenda sucralose is being downgraded from 'safe' to 'caution' after an Italian animal study linked sucralose to a higher risk of developing leukemia. You could do some investigation yourself or just trust the Dr. ID Oldtymer 17 September 9: And the beat goes on,,,, introduce it first, then profit for a few decades until some underfunded rebel researcher decides to gather the evidence from samples, from the mass of the population, until the debunking from industry is overwhelmed, until the population pressures the bribed politicians to do something about it ThoYor ID 18 September 1: And links with cancer. The drinks do try to warn you of the potential dangers with their awful tastes. SaudiMike ID 18 September 5: These tests always use the maximum possible and then the media picks it up as being yet another scare story. It was 40 cans per day they were given. A very unrealistic dose. Show 8 more replies Last reply: SybilSanderson 17 September 7: Both, Qing Yang and S. On top of it, there is mounting evidence showing a clear relationship between intake of artificial sweeteners and bladder cancer. Everyone who calls for sugar to be replaced by an artificial substitute opens another can of worms. Yes - many studies on this. Been known for many years. Everyone drinking diet Coke is always fat and never loses weight. Rhapsodin 17 September 7: Yet another study that suggests Either show something reasonably conclusive or leave it alone - the public get fed up with the confusions caused by incessant food nannying. Is synthetic food better than natural food? What knuckleheads think it might not be..? Show 2 more replies Last reply: Heres a conclusion-Stop eating processed crap and refined foods. Stick to a simple diet. Eat what you need not what you want. How can fake stuff be congruent with our bodies physiology. Our poor kidneys and liver. Stop eating processed crap and refined foods. Also, if you want to cut out sugar, just stop eating it. You might feel deprived at first, but after a couple of weeks you will have weaned your taste buds off it and anything with sugar in will taste too sweet. Myopicus ambushed 18 September 1: ASaltyDog 17 September 7: You will only get high blood sugar levels if you eat sugar on an empty stomach. I can bet you failed biology at school. Xiangfa ASaltyDog 17 September 8: They say ignorance is bliss, so I can only assume you wanted to share that feeling with a wider audience. My mum thinks that. Think you need to revise that claim, as you clearly know very little about how the human endocrine system works in a healthy person never mind one with diabetes. Aspartame has always been controversial. There are stories that its acceptance in the US was helped along by Donald Rumsfeld although they could have course be urban myth. Read the Bressler Report http: Anything on natural low cal sweeteners like stevia, xylitol and sorbitol? Adam Pearl epinoa 17 September 7: You beat me to it. Stevia was known about long ago, but took years to be approved by FDA because one study showed it might be carcinogenic. It was forbidden until the multinationals came with their own 'stevia' with a very low percentage stevia. I buy the one with pure steviol glycosides from the trademark lucovital. By the way, over this article, I just saw the documentary 'Fed Up' where they explain that it is since fat was satanised that the multinationals started adding all kinds of sweeteners for the taste. All these sweeteners are addictive. They interview obese children that are so unhappy it is heartbreaking.

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