Blood And Sperm

Blood And Sperm


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Always call your healthcare provider if you notice any blood in your semen. The semen may be blood stained, brownish-red in color or have a pink tinge. Most of the time, blood in the semen is caused by swelling or infection of the prostate or seminal vesicles. The problem may occur after a prostate biopsy.
Hematospermia, more commonly known as blood in semen, is a disease that is capable of frightening every man and can occur for various reasons.The majority of the causes of brown, pink, red semen or just blood in semen are not so urgent to treat and they can be resolved without any treatment.…
Is it possible for blood in semen to go away?
Is it possible for blood in semen to go away?
It should go away on its own. Blood in semen can go away and come back, but it generally clears up without treatment and doesn’t increase the risk of other diseases. On its own, blood in your semen doesn’t put your sexual partner at the risk of other diseases either. If other symptoms are found, the blood in your semen might have an underlying ...…
What is the treatment for blood in semen?
What is the treatment for blood in semen?
The treatment your GP or urologist recommends will depend on what they think is the underlying reason for the blood in your semen. In many cases, particularly if you have no other symptoms or the blood in your semen was an isolated incident, no treatment is necessary and the problem will usually resolve on its own.
What causes blood in semen after prostate surgery?
What causes blood in semen after prostate surgery?
Broken vessels then leak blood into the semen, urine or both. Your doctor will ask if you've had prostate surgery or a prostate biopsy recently, since these procedures can cause blood in semen for several weeks afterward.…
Перевести · Blood in the semen is otherwise called the scientific word "hematospermia." And this concept denotes the appearance of blood in male sperm …
Перевести · 15.09.2020 · Rare causes of blood in semen: Amyloidosis (buildup of abnormal proteins in your organs) Benign growths (cysts, polyps) in the bladder, urethra or prostate; Schistosomiasis; Testicular cancer; Tuberculosis; Warfarin side effects
Перевести · Blood in semen (haematospermia) It's unusual to find blood in your semen when you ejaculate, but try not to worry. It's usually only temporary and the cause is rarely anything serious. The semen may be blood …
Перевести · Blood in semen (called hematospermia, because sperm are mixed with blood in the semen) can be a frightening symptom, but it is usually not a sign of a serious ... Anyone can experience blood in their semen, also called haematospermia (hee- ma-toh- sperm …
Specialised Cells - Red Blood Cells and Sperm Cells - GCSE Biology
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Why is there blood in my sperm ? Hematospermia explained - Dr Shahs Clinic
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Перевести · At orgasm, sperm and fluid travel from the testicles, through the urethra (the tube that connects the bladder with the penis) and out of the tip of the penis.Bleeding can happen anywhere along the way, and the semen can have a brown or red colour. Most of the time there is no pain, and blood …
Перевести · 30.01.2020 · Blood in the semen may be a sign of a ruptured blood vessel. When there is blood in the semen, the blood usually comes from …
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Alexey Portnov, medical expert
Last reviewed: 26.06.2018
Blood in the semen is otherwise called the scientific word "hematospermia." And this concept denotes the appearance of blood in male sperm with ejaculation.
This deviation from the normal state of men is not new. Similar cases were described in the early hours of the formation of medicine, even in the time of Hippocrates, Galen and, of course, after them. But the very first description of the details of hematospermia was obtained in the writings of Lindston.
Men have different attitudes to the appearance of blood in the sperm. Someone she scares and makes to do diagnostic tests of health. And someone remains indifferent to this phenomenon. How many people, so many reactions.
In ancient times there was an opinion that the blood in the semen is associated with an immoderate sex life. Also a similar phenomenon, in the opinion of physicians in the old days, causes prolonged abstinence or an interrupted sexual intercourse. According to the same modern medicine, the causes of the appearance of blood in the semen are different than previously thought.
At present, all the questions that swirl the formation of sperm in the blood have been studied and all mechanisms of this pathophysiology have been identified.
In more cases, the appearance of blood in the ejaculate remains causeless. Therefore, it can be said that these cases do not have disturbing physicians and patients with a clinical picture of the disease. But in other cases, blood in the semen is the cause of serious diseases.
Hematospermia is caused by the following reasons:
If you look in detail at the diseases that can cause hematospermia, then they include:
Men who have found a discoloration of the ejaculate may start to wonder: why did the blood appear in the sperm?
Such an unpleasant state of affairs is associated with the existence of a whole list of diseases. Let's get acquainted with this list. Disturbing symptoms can cause the following diseases:
Also one of the reasons for the appearance of a bloody semen coloration can be the passage of a biopsy. In this case, this phenomenon is classified as an unforeseen complication after medical intervention. Blood in the sperm after a biopsy is not a frequent occurrence, but it is not so rare that it is not well-studied by physicians.
Specialists will explain that with the biopsy of the prostate in the semen, blood may appear for a while. This is due to the fact that the tissue of the prostate gland was damaged. Such a symptom is not a sign of a prostatic disease. After the tissues have healed, and the integrity of the organ is restored, the man can forget about the disturbing symptoms.
In addition, other medical manipulations - not just prostate biopsy - can stain the sperm bloody. The following iatrogenic actions (medical interventions) that cause disturbing symptoms include:
If a man found blood in the semen after sex, do not immediately despair and begin to believe that the body has settled an incurable disease.
There is a possibility that the blood that is released together with the sperm is not the blood of a man. It can be bloody discharge from the genital organs of a woman who fell into the male body and went out together with the ejaculate.
Also, blood after intercourse can mean that the genitourinary tracts of men are subject to bleeding. In order to be convinced of this or to refute the supposed, it is necessary to examine in detail the following organs: the kidneys, the ureters and the bladder. Sometimes with such dysfunctions in the blood color, not only the sperm of a man is stained, but also his urine.
At a prostatitis (disease of a prostate gland) also the staining of a semen in brown color is characteristic. The same symptoms can "boast" and the functioning of the following organs:
Men need to know that changing the color of sperm after sex is due to inflammatory or infectious processes in the pelvic organs. At the same time, infections can be both viral and bacterial. Also, the cause of this phenomenon can be sexually transmitted diseases, sexually transmitted diseases during sexual contact with a partner. In order to understand the cause of the disease, you need to see a doctor and take all the required tests.
And of course, do not discount the various injuries of the pelvic organs. They can be light or heavy, received during the course of ordinary life or during medical intervention. But at the same time cause the appearance of blood in the semen after sexual intercourse.
Hematospermia, like many other diseases, can be treated. After a survey conducted by specialists, which will reveal the cause of the appearance of blood in the sperm, it is necessary to begin to eliminate the underlying disease that caused such an unpleasant symptom.
If any disease is found that provokes the appearance of blood in the sperm, then the treatment, as well as the predictions for recovery depend on the nature of the disease and the degree of its severity.
In hemotospermia, two types of therapy are used: non-surgical (conservative) and surgical.
To conservative methods resort to certain diseases. For example, the treatment of blood in semen with prostatitis requires the appointment of antibiotic therapy. If, however, the presence of adenoma of the prostate gland is identified as the cause of hematospermia, in this case absolutely different drugs will do. These include medications that will help reduce the degree of obstruction of the urinary tract.
It happens that the examination reveals a bad coagulability of the blood, and as a result, hematospermia. In the presence of such a major disease, only certain drugs that are not suitable for therapy in other cases are used.
Surgical methods of treating blood in semen are used if the cause of dysfunction is varicose veins of the prostate gland. In this case, varicose veins transfer the coagulation procedure.
In case of problems with the vas deferens, as well as the ampulla of the ejaculatory ducts and seminal vesicles, there are new techniques that use endoscopy when performing surgical intervention. This auxiliary method is used mainly when bleeding is persistent and persistent.
Oncological diseases of the prostate and bladder are operated in accordance with the rules of surgical intervention in cancer. Cysts and stones in the prostate gland are not recommended to be treated surgically, since this does not make sense.
First and foremost, if a man who has discovered an alarming symptom, you need to calm down. Those representatives of the stronger sex, who have not yet turned forty, do not panic at all. Because at this age the blood in the semen can not serve as a basis for suspicion of any serious disease.
Experts believe that the appearance of blood in the sperm in healthy men until the age of forty passes quickly and independently. In this case, the treatment of a symptom is not considered necessary.
What to do if you find blood in the semen? About what you need to drop the panic and begin to reason cold-bloodedly, we already mentioned. The next stage will be a consultation with a specialist. In this case, a man needs to contact a urologist or andrologist. And this doctor is already examining the patient and will recommend him to undergo some additional research.
At the primary consultation, the doctor collects data about the patient's condition. In this case, the specialist collects some data on the state of health of the man who addressed him. The doctor is interested in the color of sperm and the number of cases of finding an unpleasant symptom in the ejaculate. Similarly, the doctor should be interested in the presence of injuries that could precede this dysfunction. Other associated blood in sperm symptoms are taken into account. In addition, the specialist should ask the patient about the diagnostic tests preceding the consultation. Important information is also about the medical preparations that the man takes, especially about anticoagulants and antiaggregants. And of course, it is necessary to find out the history of the patient's sexual life.
In addition to all of the above, the doctor is obliged to inquire about the patient's stay in places with unfavorable conditions in relation to the epidemics of tuberculosis. It is also important to find out whether the man was sick with hypertension before finding out the symptoms that stir him. The specialist should ask whether there are any medical conditions in the patient's history that are associated with poor blood coagulability.
After the information collection phase, the patient's own examination begins, which is carried out by examination. When examined, a specialist should evaluate the general physiological state of a man. Also, palpation is performed, to which the spermatic cord and testicles are subjected. Upon examination, the crotch area is subjected to the examination, as well as palpated and the penis is examined. At the very end, a procedure of digital rectal examination is performed, to which the prostate gland and seminal vesicles are exposed.
The next step is the appointment of laboratory tests, which are the analysis of sperm or spermogram. It is also necessary to pass blood tests, which include: a general, on the factors of blood coagulation, on the level of prostate-specific antigen. And it is necessary to appoint tests that can detect a pathogenic microflora: they include the procedure of inoculation, microscopy and PCR.
Further the expert can advise to pass procedure of inspection by means of non-invasive methods of visualization. These methods include transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) and MRI (magnetic resonance therapy). It is important to know that MRI is more expensive than TRUS, although their ability to diagnose is almost the same. There is also a method of computer diagnostics (CT). But this method of research, nevertheless, has fewer opportunities to discover the true cause of blood in the sperm.
In some clinics, the TRUS method is used in conjunction with a diagnostic method such as Doppler (or duplex scanning). Experts can also connect elastography to these two methods. The whole complex of diagnostic procedures allows to conduct a survey of those parts of the patient's organism in which oncological processes may be present.
In this case, men need to know that the age of the patient is important in the choice of diagnostic techniques. For example, in cases of complaints of hematospermia in persons under the age of forty and in case of single such cases, specialists do not consider it necessary to prescribe TRUS or MRI. Most often, these episodic bleedings go without any intervention or treatment.
After the forty-year boundary of the patient, doctors recommend that men undergo transrectal ultrasound or magnetic resonance therapy. This must be done because from this age there is a possibility of appearance in the body of oncological processes.
Blood in the semen, of course, is not a pleasant symptom, but is not always considered a sign of any serious illness. Therefore, men need to keep in mind that no self-diagnosis and self-treatment will work in this case. Only a specialist consultation and necessary research procedures will be able to establish a definitive diagnosis and help specialists choose the ways of treating the patient.
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Blood in the sperm: causes and treatment | Competently ...
Blood in semen Causes - Mayo Clinic
Blood in semen (haematospermia) - NHS
Blood And Sperm | Артуха.RU | ВКонтакте
blood and sperm all over the place | ВКонтакте
Blood in semen - Causes & Treatment | Healthy Male
Blood in semen: Causes and treatment - Medical News Today
Blood And Sperm

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