Blogging Is Not Free Of Charge

Blogging Is Not Free Of Charge


Blogging ranks higher on a simple search on making excess or passive income on any of the popular search engines on the internet. Bloggers say this, internet entrepreneurs repeat this, my friends and foes shout this, and forum members encourage this. But AgentNnamdi is telling you today that you cannot make money by "blogging free of charge". This is one fact we try to avoid by listening to speakers who emblem the thoughts of starting a blog completely free of charge. And making shit tons of money from our blogs. Spoilers: Free web hosting domains for blogs also charge money for extra tools and services.

Have you ever listened to an honest blog entrepreneur before? He/She talks about passion, patience, consistency and constant inputs in order to achieve great success in any online business. We are going to look into them in a few details in order to show you the fact that Blogging is not free and cannot be free.

What You Will Learn:

  1. How blogging takes your finances at the start.
  2. Necessary tools required for blogging that come at great cost.
  3. Keeping the hard work when morale is low and patience is running out.
  4. Paid promotions that cost money.
  5. Finally, the summary of how blogging is not free.

First Blogging Costs

Firstly, you were encouraged to install a free Custom Management System (CMS) platform because it is an entirely free blogging platform. The first bad news is, you're going to pay money for Domain name and a Hosting package. This is it! We've spent money on two things already just starting "a free blog". And you think it's coming cheap? What if your desired domain name is being used by another person? More money to shell out. Simple. Hosting is not cheap either, except for the first year or two years. Are you willing to abandon your blog after two years? I guess not. Then you must start paying recurrently for your blog to always be available to your visitors and loyal customers. Blogging cannot be free, the more the traffic to your website, the more costly the hosting packages and tools become.

Blogging Templates, Plugins And Scripts

Head over to Themeforest or Codecanyon or any other popular marketplace for bloggers and internet entrepreneurs. There you will see thousands of amazing features which will come at premium prices if you really want to make something out of your website. "Blogging free of charge" doesn't exist anywhere on the internet. You must be willing to shell out money in order to get premium features on your blog. Another bad news is, you might end up buying the wrong theme, plugin or script at a costly price and there are no refunds for you. What a good way to lose money. Wait! Did I hear you say you can start using the free ones available? It's okay but you are headed to failure down the hill. Premium themes or templates will give you outstanding features for your blog, while Plugins will make your life simpler. These things are must have for a determined blogger. And they don't come cheap either. Another sad news is, you may spend awful time reading paid reviews from top ranking blogs on search engines. These blogs are determined for your failure; they get "kick-backs" from honest awful reviews in order to exploit your pockets.

There are good ones, but the most helpful ones are mostly hidden because of their no-nonsense reviews. And they often get to the lower positions on popular search engines. Why not? Search engines have to make money, bloggers have to recoup their expenses, and programmers have to pay in order to make it too. So why can't they deceive you? Are you certain you won't join their baggage reviews when your finances start depleting? Huh?! It's a jungle online, all must have their way to the top. See how to get referrals for your Paid to Click websites.

The Passion, Patience, Consistency And...

Why do they always say these things whenever honesty returns on the formula for making money online? Simply put, they know you'll spend tons of money in order to break through and yet will be headed to nowhere. They have to give you the encouragements you desire when you've come to the discovery that Blogging is not free and can never be free of charge. In reality, to make money, a person must work extra hours and must be smart in their decisions. This also applies to internet businesses. You must work hard and smart in order to outrank billions of other internet entrepreneurs like you struggling for that one person that will come around and share his own money and time with your creativity. So in order to make you not to lose hope, you MUST apply the whole words and probably convert them into a sentence. Then apply it/them to your internet business before you can start getting tangible results.

The Social Media, Ad Networks And Tools

Shout out to Facebook and Google, they are the two most populous platforms to get free traffic to your website. But as we've seen that blogging is not free of charge, the different developers also make sure to get their share from your pockets. Facebook developers are smart. They now restrict any form of free advertisements on their platform. Any attempt to deceive them can get your post not to be visible to a large group of your friends and followers. They make it hard that you must pay for Adverts. Google is lenient, but you must spend tons of money on premium services like SEO and paid tools for you to start seeing results. And for the record, SEOs come pricey and when handled by another company, you must shell out more money. It is very simple to get; blogging is not free. Any attempt to make use of free tools will backfire and you have yourself to blame. Except you join some Blackhats websites, you must shell out money to be successful.

Blogging is Not Free And Cannot Be Free

Now we have seen that one must be prepared financially before venturing into the world of blogging. A blogger must be willing to pay for certain services before getting back his/her earnings from blogging. The domain name, hosting packages, templates/themes, plugins, SEO services, etc. all come at some cost. And these things are necessary for a successful blogging outfit. Although it might not be too costly, blogging still takes great sorts of our financial resources and time. Blogging is still lucrative and feeds over a thousand internet entrepreneurs worldwide. Happy Blogging! 

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