Blockchain Marketing

Blockchain Marketing

The Venture Capital Studio

With the explosion of Bitcoin, there has never been more interest in cryptocurrency than now. But what we are now noticing is an increased interest in the technology behind Bitcoin and in fact, that same technology is behind most cryptocurrencies.

This technology is called blockchain and first came to mainstream consumers as the technology behind Bitcoin however as more and more people began to understand the technology there was a realization.

This versatile and new-age technology could be applied to a whole host of applications and wasn’t just limited to cryptocurrency.

As such more and more businesses begin springing up utilizing blockchain to empower the industry.

If you are reading this then there is a high chance you own or work at one of these businesses.

These new businesses are hot on everyone’s lips at the moment and rightly so they are promising to utilize a brand-new type of technology to help your business dominate in the modern age why wouldn’t there be excitement surrounding them.

However, as with any new industry, there is a peak then a fall and to make sure your blockchain business doesn’t fall today we will look at the most effective blockchain marketing tips you can utilize to help make your blockchain business a success.

What can blockchain be used for?

As we mentioned earlier Blockchain was originally exclusively used in cryptocurrency but now it has been discovered that it can actually be utilized in the financial sector it has also proven very successful in security particularly with identity verification and even in commerce.

Because of its versatile yet secure nature more and more companies want to utilize it. But you probably already knew that if you are working in this space.

How can I make my business stand out?

As with any new business, it's imperative that it is marketed correctly blockchain marketing takes a different route from typical marketing practices and this is mainly down to how new it is and its ever-growing popularity.

So, if you really want to make your blockchain business stand out amongst the crowd then follow these blockchain marketing tips.

Have a clear plan

As with any business, a clear plan is crucial. This should outline what your company does and how it can help customers.

It should also outline Examples of how you can utilize blockchain technology to help potential customers remember you are trying to sell a product that not many people are well versed in, so clarity is key.

Also, consider how customers can access information regarding your company make sure a large portion of the information explaining who you are and what you do is available on your website and you can also harvest data from this by having potential new customers provide contact details to access certain more detailed areas.

Utilize modern marketing techniques

You are operating in a modern marketplace so make sure you utilize modern techniques. You can actually reach out to people to help your blockchain marketing reach its desired audience.

In the digital age, influencers hold sway. A good way to effectively market your business is to partner with an influencer in the industry that way you can reach their audience with your marketing campaign and grown the number of people who come across your business without too much effort on your end.

Build a community

Once you have gathered attention and people are looking at your business it's important to keep them up to date with what you are doing. You are working in a new rapidly growing space and as such potential investors and customers will want to be kept in the loop with what is going on in your business.

You should have and maintain a regular social media presence this not only allows people to share in your wins and progress but also doubles as advertising.

On social media share your wins losses and points learned people buy into people, not corporations, and if you want your business to succeed you need to establish a connection with people.


As discussed, effective blockchain marketing is crucial to the success of your blockchain business regardless of what sector of the market you are looking to enter if you do not market your business properly then there is a high chance that it won’t succeed however if you follow the steps above and really push your business forward you give it the best chance of survival and can look forward to an exciting career in a brand-new market.

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