- How to use the mix codes? - How to use the mix codes?'s mixing technology Madeamaze is more sophisticated than those of others. All of the funds for the transactions are carefully selected in a way that ensures that there are no funds, associated with the original senders. The mechanism is based on marking users' Bitcoins, as well as the change with special mix codes. This enables you using the mixer multiple time and not worrying that some of your funds will arrive to a desired wallet. While initially that may sound confusing, it's really simple to understand and to use Madeamaze.

Initiating a mixed transaction

Let's assume this is your first transaction. Go to The main page offers you to specify the desired output(s), set the delay time and choose the fee. Leave the 'Mixing code' field blank for now. Press 'Continue'.

You will be offered to download a guarantee letter for any mixing issues.

After you obtained the guarantee letter, you can send your funds to the address specified in section '02'.

Take a note of your mixing limit (more on that later) and send the amount of Bitcoins within this range to the address displayed. Once you are done with that, you can check the incoming transactions to this address. At the bottom of the screen there will be your unique mixing code, write it down, or save it somewhere for further transactions.

The mixing process

3 confirmations after you send the transaction, the mixing will start. All the funds, including the change will from now on be marked with the mixing code that you were previously given with. will compile a transaction(s) with the same amount of Bitcoins, but completely different funds from other users. Thanks to the mixing code, your funds are not going to leak to the destination address.

Using the service for consecutive transactions

By initiating a transaction you decreased your mixing limit. This means if initially you had 321 BTC available and mixed 100 BTC, your remaining limit of the service for all other transactions on the service is going to be 200 BTC. This is the essential means of ensuring that completely breaks links on the blockchain, while retaining the ability to provide actual information about its state.

The funds you initially sent to the service will be utilized for others' transactions for next 24-48 hours. After all of your coins left, your mixing codes will be deleted from the system, which will restore the mixing limit by the amount you have mixed.

Let's imagine you've just transfer the Bitcoins and you need to mix another batch to some address. In order to make sure that none of the coins from your previous transaction will be used for this one, just insert your Mixing code in the field '03'.

The process stays the same, except for the mixing limit. Your mixing code won't change while your funds are still in use.

So here it goes. After 24-48 hours since your last transaction your mixing code will be removed from the system, increasing the available mixing limit. Remember to always use the mixing codes to ensure maximum protection from forensic software. Enjoy!

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