Blackmailing The Queen

Blackmailing The Queen


Blackmailing The Queen


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by Euphonics


Indeed I wished to be in a Fantasy world of swords and magic.
Indeed I wished to transmigrate in a body of a beautiful lady.
Indeed I wished to be exceptional.
But--- wh...
After I Transmigrated as A Mermaid, I Transm...
After five years of being a mermaid that hid deep within the cold sea, Zhao Xiaokui had finally returned back to her human body.
Mobile games, anime and manga, my idols...
Raine Marcella was tired. Tired from working several part time jobs to support her family, while taking care of her sick grandmother. Tired of not living for herself...
Exiled Villainess Becomes Ruler (Unedited)
Evelina Winstead is the 16 year old villainess from the novel "The Wonders of Love". After being exiled for false accusations of bullying the heroine by her ex...
Carmela is a Neet all her life. Her parents are rich and her siblings are all successful. She is the only one who has no aspiration and like a leech unable to support he...
For demon Elliot Angels, nineteen thousand years isn't enough time to commit mass genocide on a global scale.
She's scorned by every race for her vileness.
And in a sing...
Zoella's last memory was when she drowned in the lake but suddenly she found herself in a strange world. A world where magic and mythical creatures existed. However, wha...

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The name's Alexis Niko. And I'm, by definition, a perfectionist.
'Do it, and do it perfectly.' That's the motto I live by.
But in a world where nearly everything has been done, it's really quite difficult to do something world-shatteringly amazing...

# dauntless
# femalemaincharacter
# femaleprotagonist
# love
# massacre
# modern
# overpowered
# perfect
# perfectionist
# polyandry
# queen
# revenge
# romance
# ruthless
# system
# war
# wattys2019
# öp

A hour after the debut of one Alexis Niko.


"-And I believe that this girl, will lead our country-No-Our race, to greater heights! For one day, we will accomplish things that could never be done! One day, we will make it to the moon and plant our flag upon the thing that has been shining down on us for billions of years! Perhaps we will be able to traverse freely to other planets one day! Perhaps we will make contact with alien life! That girl, Alexis Niko is our country's greatest shining star. Brighter than Polaris, than our sun." I say as I turn to a camera.


"That girl started her journey by introducing a genius mathematical formula that changed how we looked a subject as a whole. At the age of five, she had changed an entire topic in school across the globe! After that, she introduced things we could never even imagine of, let alone create. I, myself, have followed her theses ever since she published them. Her works in all fields have quite near changed the entire world!"


I started to name a few,"The theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, using magnets to allow trains levitate and go faster with zero friction."


"From the Brownian Movement, a study of the random movements on particles to chemotherapy, a revolutionary way of treating cancer! Cancer has a treatment! A way to eradicate cancer! Imagine that, a girl not over the age of fourteen working on things we people would dream of doing."


Alexis Niko, you have brought great fortune to the United Kingdom.


You're inspiring these young people to work harder, to make geniuses out of them.


I will support you wholeheartedly.


For the future of our country and for the bettering of humankind.


"And from the way I see it, she has used her debut yesterday to issue out a challenge!" I shout out to the massive crowd below me.


"More specifically, to you youths! Alexis Niko, expert in theoretical mathematics, neurosurgery, biological chemistry, medicine, engineering, architecture, music and computing to name a few, has offered the younger generation a challenge!"


"It is a challenge I will issue to you all in her footsteps!"


"Surpass the older generation! Inspire amazement and awe from the crowd, put on your thinking caps! Revolutionise and innovate, overthrow our thinkings and better them! Dare to step forward with a different opinion! And maybe, one day, I'll be standing here, giving yet another speech. And that speech, might be about you."


My voice was soft on it's own but-


With a microphone and thousands of cameras in place, recording me, my words resonate.


"And to end off, I would like to talk about and thank the very same person that I've been talking about. Alexis Niko. This name, you have all heard about. She is not known for being the 'heir' or 'successor' to some company. She is not known purely for her looks, but for her skill. This is the kind of people our country needs! These kinds of people will be at the forefront of humanity, leading us to a better and brighter future! So, Alexis? If you're watching this at home, know that this Queen is extremely happy with your work and will support you fully. That is all."


I walk back into Buckingham Palace and into my room.


"Anne, please get everyone to leave for a moment. I require absolute silence."


The room cleared, leaving me at my chair facing a single person.


"So, why did you request a private talk with me?" I asked.


I liked to be frank and frank people.


They were much easier to deal with than those slimy politicians that had words as smooth as butter but intentions as sinful as the devil's.


The girl puts down her teacup before smirking,"Frankly, your majesty, you know the subject. You have anticipated it. You merely don't wish to talk about it."


That situation was on lockdown and suppressed, no one other than the twenty of us should know.


"Whatever are you speaking of?"


"Your highness, I must point out, just because others are ignorant does not mean that I am the same. I have inferred from the news."


She stands up, walking around as if this were an interrogation room.


"Oil rates are rising rapidly, uranium and plutonium being bought off the markets by a mysterious third party, you leaving the European Union and America trying to threaten China whilst trying to sow discord in other countries? All this points to a single thing, your highness."


"Twenty people. Count them. Exactly twenty. Five trying to instigate, five trying to prevent and ten choosing to abstain, ie-remain neutral."


How could such a monstrous person exist?


There was one question remaining in my head.


That was the question I needed a definitive answer to.


"It's war. The third one. Only this time, there would be losses far greater than the past two. The moment you're embroiled in this war, your position as a monarch, will be in jeopardy."


"Why have you said these things to me?"


"A partnership, your Highness. A beneficial contract for us both. If we break it, it would only be our loss. This way, unless we are willing to give up the other, we have no reason to betray each other."


I was about to open my mouth to protest when-


"Please, your Highness. If you are about to say something like the duty of a British citizen, please refrain. In this world, affluence and influence reign supreme. Duty-bound honour and chivalry are a mere thing of the past hanging by its last thread. The amount of people who are loyal to this country has declined dramatically. Even more so when it comes to those that would give up their lives for the monarchy."


"You..." I was left speechless.


This was the first time I had been treated this frankly.


I mean I liked frankness but this was practically losing all decorum and insulting me and the throne.


I see a sharp glint in her eyes.


"Your highness, I do hope you are not thinking of me as having committed treason. After all, I do wonder if they know of these unhanded exchanges you had with the Japanese Yakuza leaders? Perhaps the Chinese Triad's Wang Hu? Or does the Luciano's family Fidel Luciano, son of Charles 'Lucky' Luciano sound more familiar?"


The colour drains from my face.


Yes, I admit, I had underhanded exchanges with them but it was all for the greater good of my country and not for personal benefit and yet-


"You may not know this, your Highness. But there is one more secret that you must know. It is my greatest achievement and yet, no one but my family and I know it."


I sense an ominous feeling coming up and instantly turned uneasy, my eyes narrowing.


She leans in, her mouth placed right beside my ear as she whispers the words,"I own Multi-Mania Inc. I own Moogle. Every single thing that has been searched there, every single bit of data recorded that has been plugged into any computer with my engine on it is stored in a faraway place that is thousandfold stronger than the Cheyenne Mountain Complex. Furthermore, even if Tsar Bomba was dropped on it, it would stand. This, I guarantee."


For the people, I had to comply with this grinning devil in the form of a girl, this person that I had just praised mere moments ago!


"Like I said, mutual benefit. But before we start, I do have to say, it's pointless trying to suppress the fight. It never works."


"I'm saying, that the war should start."


"Are you insane? Do you realise the ramifications should a world war occur?!" I shout in disbelief.


"Are you aware of the rewards reaped by war merchants?"


"Pull out. Exit that group of twenty. Completely isolate yourself. When they lose all decorum, they will have no reason to attack you and by the time they realise it after fighting amongst themselves, it will be too late."


"Take a good, hard, look at this piece of evidence I have found. And you'll understand what I mean."


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