Blackmail Slave

Blackmail Slave


Blackmail Slave

She has become the sex slave of her best friend

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She has become the sex slave of her best friend
By: Emily A. Marcelo  Philippine Daily Inquirer / 04:14 AM August 25, 2013

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My problem is my relationship with my high school best friend. We were classmates all of four years in high school but took up different courses in college. We are both considered “beauty and brains”; she looks more Chinese, I am very Filipino.
After school, when I got a job, I stayed with her in her one-bedroom apartment, splitting the monthly bills between us.
We’d sleep in one bed, she in her pajamas, I in loose shirt and underwear. The bathroom has no door and this has not been a problem since we are both girls anyway.
We even used to shower together, naked, scrubbing each other’s back, at times teasing each other by touching each other’s private parts. We’d even share stories about our sexual experiences.
That’s how close we were with no feeling of malice.
Then, one night, I was awakened when I felt her hand inside my panties. In total shock, I pretended to be asleep until she finished what she was doing.
I must confess I enjoyed it like none of my boyfriends had made me feel. Or it could just be because it was my first time with a girl. I believe she knew I was just pretending to be asleep.
The next morning, we both pretended to be okay. We did not talk about it. It was awkward, especially seeing her watching me take a bath, which always happens because I go to work earlier than her.
Two days after, she did it again while I was sleeping, but this time, she went a step further. Again, I pretended to be asleep, but I know she knew I was awake.
The next day, I decided not to go home to her anymore. After three days, I went back to get my things and say goodbye to her. Surprisingly, I found a note on our bed with a flash drive. The note said: “If you’re thinking of leaving me, open the file, this will be all over the world, I promise you that!”
I opened the flash drive and ended up crying when I saw my video taken while I was in the bathroom. There I was (done when she was not in our apartment)—peeing, pooping (my habit of doing it with my feet on the toilet seat), shaving, bathing. Even my weird mannerism of smelling my used undies was caught on video. All these shocking, humiliating scenes were captured without my knowledge.
So, I am left with no choice but to stick with her. I pleaded with her to let me go. But she warned that she would upload the video and inform all our friends. If it were just a sex video, I would seek the help of authorities.
I became her sex slave. I had no idea she was a lesbian. She is very good in bed, she cares for me, she loves me—but I need a normal life, with a boyfriend and a husband in the future.
Now I can’t say no to her. She does things to me against my will. She chopped my 20-inch straight hair into a pixie look because she said she is jealous of men who think I am pretty with long hair. I wept as she chopped my hair. She was not even gentle; she cursed while doing it.
I want to get away from her and live a normal life. But I really cannot stand the possibility of my video on the Internet.
Have you heard of the word blackmail? Have you heard of people being sick in the head?
Blackmail is a crime. And this girl who purports to be your best friend and is in love with you is sick! Horribly sick in the head!
You allowed it to happen when you didn’t stop her the first time she touched you sexually. You should have screamed at her and not pretended to be asleep.
Had you followed your first impulse of revulsion, you would have nipped her intentions in the bud.
But she knew what was happening—that you were enjoying the sexual stimulation.
What she threatens to upload is something everyone does. Everybody poops, pees, farts, picks his nose, and other stuff that’s nobody’s business—especially in the bathroom!
A sex film may be titillating for some. But this? Yuck! For her to upload such bodily functions is terribly sick and malicious, and it is pathetic if any of your supposed friends will enjoy watching it.
Go, seek help for her from someone she respects or fears—someone like the boss in the company she works for, or a relative she cannot say no to. Go to the police and file a report. Gather flash drives, notes, and other evidence she has sent you. Do everything within legal bounds that would put fear in her sick mind.
She cannot keep you against your will. You have to fight for your freedom! Make her realize you mean business.
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