Black Spider With Green Spots

Black Spider With Green Spots


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How poisonous are black spiders with green spots?
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Answered 4 years ago · Author has 3.8K answers and 3.1M answer views
Not poisonous, because no spiders that we know of are poisonous. “Poisonous” refers to things like Monarch butterflies or pufferfish, which contain a toxin that will injure or kill something that eats it. Words are important - because if you get the word wrong, your idea gets misunderstood. I think what you meant was “venomous” - having the ability to deliver a toxic substance to another organism, such as by stinging or biting or spitting. Poisonous animals use their internal toxin for defense (although one of them has to die for the rest to be protected). Venomous animals generally use that internal toxin for attack. Almost all spiders are venomous, but the venom of almost all spiders is pretty ineffective against most things larger than small animals like insects and rarely, things like birds and mice. A very few spiders have venom that, for some reason, affects humans in unpleasant ways. Luckily, none of them could be accurately described as ‘black with green spots’. If those green spots are in the area of the face, and the spider is furry and about thumbnail sized, you have a large jumping spider in the genus Phidippus. These are quite harmless and quite interesting, but they can give you a noticeable bite if you grab one roughly. Not at all dangerous - it would be like getting stuck by a needle - but a bit painful.
Answered 4 years ago · Author has 1.7K answers and 2.4M answer views
Do spiders sense humans and stay away from them (us)?
Spiders see us as furniture that moves. They have no interest in us. They are not curious about us. They are in your room because they are looking for bugs to eat. You are not food, so you are not on their radar, so to speak. If they sense you moving towards them, they will run away, fearing you as a predator that is going to eat them. They are more scared of us than we are of them. They will not climb on you in your bed or crawl in your mouth. That is a myth, spiders don’t crawl into people’s mouths while they are sleeping.
I love spiders and I play with them every chance I get. They do NOT li
Spiders see us as furniture that moves. They have no interest in us. They are not curious about us. They are in your room because they are looking for bugs to eat. You are not food, so you are not on their radar, so to speak. If they sense you moving towards them, they will run away, fearing you as a predator that is going to eat them. They are more scared of us than we are of them. They will not climb on you in your bed or crawl in your mouth. That is a myth, spiders don’t crawl into people’s mouths while they are sleeping.
I love spiders and I play with them every chance I get. They do NOT like being on my hand, and if they are on my skin, i.e. my arm, my legs, wherever, they don’t stay long. They don’t like being on a surface that is unstable, moves around, and they aren’t going to bite you if they are crawling on you. I found a tiny unidentifiable spider at work today. I let it crawl off my clipboard onto my finger. He (or she) ran across my hand and leaped off, hanging by a drag line. I safely deposited the spider on a box where it would be safe. It was too small to bite me, and even if it was large enough to bite, it would likely find no reason to do so.
NONE of the spiders I have ever held in the last ten years has ever tried to bite me. I have handled hundreds, if not thousands of spiders in the last decade. Not one has ever bitten me. Not one. As long as you respect them, don’t try to crush them, or give them a reason to feel the need to defend themselves, they will not bite.
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How poisonous are black furry spiders with white spots?
What kind of spider is small, black, with one white spot on its back? In my house in Kansas, USA.
I killed a black spider. In the debris on the floor was a red fluid like substance. What kind of spider was this?
How dangerous is a black spider with a white dot on its back?
What kind of spider is black and has white spots on its butt?
How do you identify a black spider with a white triangle?
What spider has three yellow dots on its back and has thick furry legs?
How venemous is a black spider with white dots?
Is there a black market for poisonous spiders?
How poisonous are spiders with yellow spots on her belly?
What kind of spider is this black with yellow strip (photo)?
What kind of spider has black with a white dot on the head, 2 white dots (one on either side of its abdomen) and bands of white on the legs? It looks to have white dots where you’d expect eyes to be. Is it poisonous?
What kind of spider is this small black one, with three small yellow spots on its back?
How do I identify a black and white spider with green fangs?
Are black furry spiders, with white striped legs and blue eyes, poisonous?

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Black Spider With Green Spots

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