Black Piss

Black Piss


Black Piss

What is Urine?
Fun With Pee

Cloudy Urine
Foamy Urine

Blood in Urine
Dark Urine
Frequent Urination
Painful Urination
Protein in Urine
Urinary Incontinence
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
Urinalysis / Urine Test

Red Urine
Clear Urine
Orange Urine

Blue Urine
Black Urine
Green Urine

Black urine can be, in a word,... terrifying. We are used to seeing many different shades of yellow, but once you notice urine that is much, much darker than you expect, it is hard not to worry. As with all urine colors, there are a variety of causes of black urine, some harmless, and some much more worrisome. Black urine causes can mainly be broken down into 3 major categories: Food Causes, Medicinal Causes, and Health Causes. After we discuss the basics of these 3 categories, we will group the causes of black urine by sections of ‘Not So Dangerous’, ‘Possibly Dangerous’, and ‘Very Dangerous’.

Food-related changes to your urine color are typically nothing to worry about... unless you are eating something you should not be ingesting. To create black urine through foods, you have usually consumed a fair amount of some type of food that either contains natural or artificial dyes, or a food that causes a chemical reaction with your urine creating a dark brown or black urine color.

When your black urine is not caused by the food you have eaten nor a medical condition, it usually comes down to medicine you are taking or chemicals you are using. These medicinal causes of black urine typically range from Not So Dangerous to Possibly Dangerous. Any of these could be Very Dangerous just because overdose and prolonged exposure always create great risk. The medicinal causes list can be quite long. If you can’t remember if you are taking any of these medications, then... you may just be taking too many medications. Or you’re buying your meds in unmarked plastic bags... we’d definitely have to recommend against doing that.

When food causes black urine, you can remove it from your diet. When medicine or chemicals cause your black urine, many times you can switch medications or change your exposure to those chemicals to control any risk. When your black urine is caused by a health issue, you need to do one thing... see a doctor. It could be stated that health issues don’t so much cause your urine to turn black as your black urine is a symptom of those health issues. It’s a warning sign. It lets you know something is just not quite right. In the case of black urine, it lets you know that perhaps something is very, very wrong. That being said, there are some health issues that are minor or even insignificant. And others...well, you know.

What is Urine?
Fun With Pee

Cloudy Urine
Foamy Urine

Blood in Urine
Dark Urine
Frequent Urination
Painful Urination
Protein in Urine
Urinary Incontinence
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
Urinalysis / Urine Test

Red Urine
Clear Urine
Orange Urine

Blue Urine
Black Urine
Green Urine

There are not many foods causing black urine that would be considered to be very dangerous unless you were to ingest known poisons and call them foods, or unless you were to consume such vast quantities of these foods as to cause harm to your health. If that’s the case, black urine is probably not your primary concern.
Most any medicine can be considered very dangerous if you overdose. So, if you refer to the Possibly Dangerous Causes page and review the medicines listed there, you’ll find ones that would be considered very dangerous if you failed to use judgement and overindulged.
It’s thought that Blackwater Fever is a possible complication as your body’s immune system reacts to the use of quinine to treat the malaria. The good news is, it’s not that common anymore. Malaria can now be treated with other antimalarial drugs that do not use quinine. Chloroquine was introduced in the 1950’s to replace quinine, and cases of Blackwater Fever all but disappeared. That’s good! In some more recent cases of Malaria, however, the virus has become resistant to chloroquine [1] . That’s bad. Today a drug called artesunate is used and is much more effective than quinine, and it also has the added benefit of not causing Blackwater Fever. That’s good… again.
Blackwater fever can still occur when a quinine treatment is used. When is that likely to happen? Perhaps if you’re out in some backwater hole, where they don’t have access to any medication developed since 1960, and you’re treated with a quinine. Unfortunately, money talks, and sometimes outdated medicines are used because they are cheap.
How do you treat Blackwater fever? It would usually require a full blood transfusion and alternative antimalarial drugs.
So, does black urine signify the end of the world? If you’ve been reading, and not just skipping to the end, then you would know it completely depends on the cause of the black urine. Most food causes are harmless. Medicinal and chemical causes can go either way, but you can usually cut out the medicine or prevent contact with the chemical in question. When it’s health related, you should be seeing a doctor, so you can rule out worst case scenarios, and receive a prescribed plan of action.

Medically Reviewed by Minesh Khatri, MD on April 23, 2021
If your urine is brown, your first thought is probably, "I need to drink more water ." It's true that dehydration can sometimes be the cause. But if you drink extra fluid and your pee is still brown, then something else is going on.
A number of different things, including some medical conditions, can lead to brown urine. While some are harmless, others need a doctor's attention.
In some cases, bloody urine can look brown.
Doctors call bloody urine hematuria , and there are many different causes. These include:
If you think your urine is brown due to blood, and you are not menstruating, you should have a doctor check it out.
Brown urine is one of the first and most common signs of hepatitis , which is another name for liver inflammation . There's more than one type of this disease, including hepatitis A , B, and C.
When you have it, your liver can't clean your blood properly. This can lead to a buildup of an orange-yellow substance called bilirubin in your blood and urine, and can turn urine brown.
If hepatitis is behind your brown urine, you might also have symptoms like:
If you think you could have hepatitis, call your doctor. The treatment for the condition depends on the type of the disease you have.
Brown urine can also be a symptom of cirrhosis . That is the name for scars on the liver that form after you've been living for years with hepatitis or other types of liver disease .
Early cirrhosis might not cause symptoms, but in advanced stages, it can cause brown urine as well as:
Brown urine, especially along with yellow skin or eyes , can also be a sign of many other liver problems. If you have these symptoms, see your doctor.
Some kidney diseases can cause brown urine. For example, a kidney infection called post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis (PSGN) can turn your pee a reddish-brown color. This infection happens after strep throat and most often in children.
If kidney disease is the cause of your brown urine, you might also have symptoms like:
You should see a doctor if you have symptoms. Doctors will diagnose the cause and suggest the right treatment.
In rare cases, intense exercise can cause muscle cells to burst and leak into the bloodstream. This condition is called rhabdomyolysis , or "rhabdo," and it can turn your urine brown.
If you have brown urine because of rhabdo, you might also notice:
Rhabdo can cause serious kidney damage and can be life-threatening. If you think you have it, get medical attention.
One form of anemia called "hemolytic anemia" destroys red blood cells. This can turn your urine brown
Some people get this type of anemia from their parents. Others develop it after another condition, such as autoimmune disorders like lupus , rheumatoid arthritis , or ulcerative colitis .
Besides brown urine, hemolytic anemia can cause symptoms like:
If you have these symptoms, see a doctor. Treatment depends on your health and the cause of the anemia.
Melanoma can sometimes cause skin pigment to leak into the bloodstream, though it's rare. This can lead to brown urine.
The more common signs of melanoma are changes to moles . You should see a doctor for any skin abnormality that is growing or changing quickly and doesn't go away.
Some ticks carry a bacteria that causes a serious infection called babesiosis . One of the symptoms is dark urine.
Ticks in the Upper Midwest and Northeastern U.S. are most likely to carry the bacteria that causes babesiosis.
Babesiosis doesn't make most people sick enough to need treatment, but there are drugs that can help if you need. If you get sick after a tick bite, see a doctor.
Some prescription drugs can cause brown urine.
The color should go back to normal after you've finished your prescription.
Fava beans, rhubarb, and aloe can cause your urine to turn brown if you eat a lot of them in a short period of time. Beets can cause red urine. Your pee will lighten up when the food is out of your system.
Cleveland Clinic: "What the color of your urine says about you," "Hepatitis: Viral Hepatitis A, B, & C."
Johns Hopkins Medicine: "Common Characteristics of Liver Disease," "Hemolytic Anemia."
Mayo Clinic: "Cirrhosis: Symptoms & Causes," "Urine Color: Symptoms & Causes."
CDC: "Post-Streptococcal Glomerulonephritis: All You Need to Know," "Blood in your urine?" "Babesiosis," "Viral hepatitis."
Harvard Health: "Rhabdo: A rare but serious complication of … exercise," "Red, brown, green: Urine colors and what they might mean."
New York State Department of Health: "Babesiosis."
Urology Care Foundation: "The Meaning Behind the Color of Urine."
© 2005 - 2022 WebMD LLC. All rights reserved.
WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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