Black Incest Fuck

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Black Incest Fuck
Home » News » Incest Everywhere!: Shocking stories across the nation
***My father impregnated me, threw me out of his house
***’My father has been raping me; now he’s threatening to kill me after I became pregnant’
***Man admits being father of his daughter’s child, blames alcohol
***Toddlers not spared: Man sleeps with 5-yr-old step daughter
***Woman bears 3 children for her son
An illustration of a rape incident.
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Over the years, the issue of sexual activity between two people who are very closely related in a family, such as between father and daughter, mother and son or brother and sister has become so rampant across the world especially in Nigeria.
Cases of incest are recorded almost every week.
There are tales of mothers having babies for their sons and daughters getting pregnant for their fathers.
The life of a 17-year-old girl (whose name is being protected) took a downward turn immediately she lost her mother last year and her father began to sleep with her.
The victim, who resides in Eket Local Government Area of Cross Rivers state said her father threw her out of his house after impregnating her.
Her story: “Shortly after my mother’s death, my father began to sleep with me until I became pregnant in December 2020.
“Later, my father threw me out of the house. I had no option than to come over to Uyo and find anyone who may be interested in my unborn child.
“Although I have never had any antenatal care and I’m almost due for delivery, I then started wandering about in Uyo looking for whoever would accommodate me.
“On Tuesday 21st September 2021, I was at a popular plaza asking people around if they needed a baby. I was desperate to have a family accommodate me until I give birth and handover the baby to the family.
“However, on Tuesday night, a man who saw me wandering about offered me accommodation to spend the night and I thought I had found succour. But the man took advantage of me and slept with me even as he saw that I was heavily pregnant.
“Nevertheless, fate smiled on me the following day when a human rights activist, Oga Yenne, with the help of concerned individuals located me at the plaza and rescued me.
“Oga Yenne then handed me over to the President of a gender-based violence committee, Notovole Foundation, Patricia Obot.
“The case has been reported to the Police at Ikot Akpan Abia where my medical needs are being taken care of and hopefully I will get all the help and necessary support”.
“My father has been raping me; now he’s threatening to kill me after I became pregnant”.
Similar fate has also befallen many other girls. Last month, on the 16th of September, a 45-year-old man, Olaoluwa Jimoh was arrested by Operatives of Ogun State Police Command for impregnating his biological daughter.
It was learned that the randy father with uncontrollable libido, was arrested following a complaint lodged at Ode Remo Divisional Headquarters by the victim, who reported that she had been living with her father for the past two years, but sometime in June 2021, her father forcefully had sex with her. Jimoh reportedly raped his daughter until she got pregnant.
According to the 19-year-old victim, “I have been living with my father for the past two years, but sometime in June 2021, my father forcefully had sex with me.
“Since then, he has been raping me severally and always threatened to kill me if I dared inform anybody.
“My mother had separated from my father a long time ago, and I had been living with my mother until about two years ago when my father asked me to come and live with him.
“I decided to report regardless of my father’s threat when I discovered that I was pregnant.” As usual, during interrogation, the victim’s father, Olaoluwa Jimoh blamed the devil who pushed him to continue to rape his daughter till she got pregnant”.
Also in August, this year, a middle-aged man, David Akpokpokpo was arrested by a vigilante group for allegedly raping and impregnating his teenage daughter in Amukpe area of Sapele, Delta State.
Akpokpokpo had carnal knowledge of his daughter which resulted in pregnancy. She has given birth.
Like Olaoluwa Jimoh, Akpokpokpo threatened to kill his daughter if she opened up to anyone.
However, when she could no longer bear it, she had to report to the vigilante group in Amukpe on Friday, August 27.
During interrogation, the suspect claimed to have slept with his daughter only once under the influence of alcohol but the victim countered him saying that her father raped her four times. Akpokpokpo also admitted being the father of the child.
Toddlers not spared: Man sleeps with 5-yr-old step daughter
For most of these depraved human beings, age isn’t a hindrance. They can violate a toddler the same way they violate a teenager. How else does one explain a 39-year-old Oladapo Akinola sleeping with his five-year-old stepdaughter, who calls him father?
Oladapo Akinola was arrested by men of Ogun State Police Command on Monday 20th of September 2021.
It was learned that Akinola was arrested following a report lodged at Adigbe Divisional Headquarters by the mother of the victim. According to the victim’s mother “while bathing my daughter, I discovered blood in her private part, and upon enquiry, she said that my husband who happened to be her stepfather had carnal knowledge of her.”
In some cases, it doesn’t just end with having canal knowledge and impregnating the victims, they go ahead to procure abortion for them to cover up their act. So it was for 52-year-old Jimoh Mutaliu who is currently in police custody for impregnating and procuring abortions for his teenage niece.
According to the father of the 16-year-old victim who lodged a report at Adatan Divisional Headquarters in Ogun state, “when I discovered that my daughter was pregnant, I asked her who was responsible, she revealed that my brother, who is her uncle was responsible for the pregnancy.”
Jimoh Mutaliu revealed during interrogation, that he actually committed the crime, he also affirmed that he had procured two abortions for her with the help of a nurse.
Ironically, men are not the only culprits in this menace. Though not as common as the men, a few women have joined the men in the incest trade.
Recently, an immigrant from Benin Republic, Fati Sime, was arrested by the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), Kwara State Command for allegedly having carnal knowledge of her biological son and bearing three children for him. Adamu Sabi Sime (son) and Fati Sime (mother) were also discovered not to have the necessary papers to stay in Nigeria and the suspects were handed over to the Nigeria Immigration Service for background check and further action.
Within the last three months, over thirty cases of incest have been reported in the country.
Reacting to the rampant cases of incest in Ogun state, retired Commissioner of Police, Edward Awolowo Ajogun advised mothers to be very watchful of their female children, and that they should not allow men to play with them no matter their relationship with such men.
However, despite the numerous arrests of suspects involved in incest, only few have been successfully prosecuted across the country. One of such cases was 38-year-old Patrick Ayesen, who was sentenced to 10 years in prison in May 2020 for raping and impregnating his 18-year-old daughter, at Okosa village, near Iguobazuwa, headquarters of Ovia South-West Local Government Area of Edo State.
Police investigations revealed that in January 2020, Ayesen had unlawful carnal knowledge of his biological daughter, resulting in pregnancy for him.
Also, 47-year-old Godwin Allu was sentenced to seven years imprisonment with hard labour by a Benin Chief Magistrate’s Court for having carnal knowledge with his 12-year-old daughter on November 20, 2012, at number 19, Omono Street, off Stadium Road, Benin City.
According to the prosecutor, his offence contravened section 208 of the Criminal Code, cap 48 Vol .11 of the defunct Bendel State of Nigeria, 1976, which is applicable to the present Edo state.
The Chief Magistrate, Mr Peter Obaseki, while delivering her judgment in 2012, described the heinous act as cruel for which the accused deserved no mercy.

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More stories to check out before you go
I am a 28-year-old career woman, a banker to be exact. Unlike many girls my age who are getting ready for marriage and planning weddings, I am in a relationship people may call bizarre. I am in love with a man who cherished me as a baby and watched me grow up. This is the man who has never stopped calling me beautiful, whose love is broad-spectrum and is in and out of season. That man is my father.
Don't be hasty to judge me, I have no regrets nor am I ready to change my mind.
It all began when I was 13. Those were the days I badly needed love. My mother gave more attention to my two younger brothers and often I felt left out. She kept finding fault with me; throwing tantrums at the slightest provocation and blaming me sometimes for things my brothers did.
"You should be their role model," I remember every beating from my mother. Justly speaking, it was not all uphill with her; there were some good times but I can dare say that the bitter moments outweigh the good ones by far! I grew to hate her too. I am not embarrassed that I found love and consolation from her husband.
Daddy is a businessman; so many times he'd be away on business trips. When he came home, I would lie on his chest and cry asking him not to leave me behind next time he went for a trip. "Darling, you're still in school," he'd gently tell me and press me hard on his chest. I was only a little girl then. If my mother shouted at me in his presence, he'd reprimand her. Those were the only times I felt justice being done to me.
At the age of 12, after my first menstruation period, I dared my mother for a woman-to-woman chat. "Why don't you like me? Is it that you expected a boy and you got me? Did dad rape you on the night you conceived me," I recited what I had been coached by my peers. She insisted she loved me but her actions continued to be different.
Then, my hips started growing and I was turning into a pretty woman. I often caught my dad stealing glances at me especially at the dining table. I didn't know about man-to -woman love then and it's much later I that I realised my dad had fallen in love with me long before I knew it. My mother cautioned me against men generally and talked ill about all of them.
But dad was and is still different from all the men I have ever met. He's charming, caring, listening and willing to understand. I can describe my dad as my father, my friend, counselor and my lover. No man can match him! As a little girl, I could see jealousy written all over my mother's face and at some point I started enjoying it. I would sit on dad's lap and wrap my little hands around his neck just to provoke her. She'd make a face but not at any time did she ever stop me. Maybe if she had talked to me about incest then, things would be different today.
On my thirteenth birthday, Dad had a surprise for me: a trip with him to South Africa. I can't narrate the joy of being alone for a whole week with a person who loved me dearly and away from my mother's quarrels. A nice hotel in Jo'burg was my birthday place. I had a nice spacious room all to myself and dad's room was opposite mine.
On the second night he came to my room and without any preambles he held me tightly and gave me a long deep kiss on the lips. I felt a sense of belonging and a very special attachment to him. That is the night I gave my virginity to my dad. That night we discussed many things and he told me that he wouldn't mind telling the world that he loved me were it not for societal outlook.
We'd keep it secret though sitting on his lap and him hugging me and kissing my forehead or cheek would continue. I left Jo'burg with many presents but above all, feeling gratified that I had been ushered into adulthood by a man who loved me and whom I loved.
Our love blossomed by the day and we'd go out many times. He'd pick me from boarding school and we'd spend the afternoon together. The world knew dad loved me but perhaps their interpretation was different. This continued until I joined university.
At the University I could see my peers with their little boyfriends and at some point I thought I would give it a try. I got myself a boyfriend but the relationship lasted barelya week. He was childish, noisy and hyperactive! That is the complete opposite of my dad. My relationship with dad is mature. He has taught me to be calm and how to handle issues maturely. I am not surprised he pushes away any young man who comes close to me.
The day my mother caught me on her bed with dad, she faked surprise and I had to tell her bluntly to stop pretending. Was she so blind all those years to see dad was treating me better than her? He'd give me money to pay workers. We'd go shopping with him and have night-long loud-laughter chats in the study. We went for his international business trips together and even have a joint bank account! When she caught us and kicked him out of their bedroom, the poor man ran to me. I now share my bedroom with him without an iota of remorse. My brothers hate me but because my dad has always been there for me, I must fight to make him happy.
Though we denied it when summoned by the clan elders, thanks to my mother's big mouth, our love is not ending anytime soon. I know the science behind having a child with a blood relative that's why dad and I have kept it on hold.
When the right time comes, I may opt to adopt. Meanwhile, I continue being dad's best friend and lover. We have never fought over anything over the years. Though people may call us insane, from my intellectual eye, I notice even the elders who stood to condemn us admire our relationship.
- The identity of the person telling the story has been hidden to protect her and others involved from stigma
Incest is a serious public health issue but it's usually ignored in order to protect involved families. Father and daughter incest is common in many African countries and as Allan Kimani, a counseling psychologist at Nairobi Counseling Services explains, many incest victims suffer from Stockholm Syndrome where they develop irrational empathy for their assailants.
"Whether the girl is a minor or an adult, consented or not, the girl remains a victim because the father has the upper hand in the illegitimate relationship", says Kimani.
Section 20 and 21 of the Sexual Offences Act stipulates that if two adults of close relation get involved in sex, the two are guilty of incest and can face a jail term of not less than ten years. Consequently, in the case of an adult daughter and the father, the two can be charged in court.
Dr Kevin Wamula, a psychiatrist at Mathari Hospital points out that incest is more of a criminal than a mental illness. He however notes that in extreme cases between a father and daughter, mental evaluation is paramount. "The evaluation can determine whether any of the two is suffering from schizophrenia or any other mental illness," he said.
Schizophrenia is a mental disorder which affects how a person thinks, feels and behaves. Dr. Wamula advises that should a person detect that they are sexually attracted to close relatives, they should seek either counseling or mental health services to prevent regrettable situations.
Scientifically, a baby conceived out of such a relationship is likely to inherit genetic defects and terminating the pregnancy would be the safer option.
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The Standard Group Plc is a multi-media organization with investments in media platforms spanning newspaper print
operations, television, radio broadcasting, digital and online services. The Standard Group is recognized as a
leading multi-media house in Kenya with a key influence in matters of national and international interest.

Standard Group Plc HQ Office,
The Standard Group Center,Mombasa Road.
P.O Box 30080-00100,Nairobi, Kenya.
Telephone number: 0203222111, 0719012111

More stories to check out before you go
I am a 28-year-old career woman, a banker to be exact. Unlike many girls my age who are getting ready for marriage and planning weddings, I am in a relationship people may call bizarre. I am in love with a man who cherished me as a baby and watched me grow up. This is the man who has never stopped calling me beautiful, whose love is broad-spectrum and is in and out of season. That man is my father.
Don't be hasty to judge me, I have no regrets nor am I ready to change my mind.
It all began when I was 13. Those were the days I badly needed love. My mother gave more attention to my two younger brothers and often I felt left out. She kept finding fault with me; throwing tantrums at the slightest provocation and blaming me sometimes for things my brothers did.
"You should be their role model," I remember every beating from my mother. Justly speaking, it was not all uphill with her; there were some good times but I can dare say that the bitter moments outweigh the good ones by far! I grew to hate her too. I am not embarrassed that I found love and consolation from her husband.
Daddy is a businessman; so many times he'd be away on business trips. When he came home, I would lie on his chest and cry asking him not to leave me behind next time he went for a trip. "Darling, you're still in school," he'd gently tell me and press me hard on his chest. I was only a little girl then. If my mother shouted at me in his presence, he'd reprimand her. Those were the only times I felt justice being done to me.
At the age of 12, after my first menstruation period, I dared my mother for a woman-to-woman chat. "Why don't you like me? Is it that you expected a boy and you got me? Did dad rape you on the night you conceived me," I recited what I had been coached by my peers. She insisted she loved me but her actions continued to be different.
Then, my hips started growing and I was turning into a pretty woman. I often caught my dad stealing glances at me especially at the dining table. I didn't know about man-to -woman love then and it's much later I that I realised my dad had fallen in love with me long before I knew it. My mother cautioned me against men generally and talked ill about all of them.
But dad was and is still different from all the men I have ever met. He's charming, caring, listening and willing to understand. I can describe my dad as my father, my friend, coun
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