Black Impregnation Stories

Black Impregnation Stories


Black Impregnation Stories
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White wife cheats with black man and has his baby.
The first step toward a new life for all three of them.
She gets selected and gets the rules.
Beautiful African refugee finds romance and tragedy.
A white wife becomes pregnant with a black baby.
Ravishment of soon-to-marry virgin changes her life.
Humiliated & treated like a slut & bred by a black man.
Rochelle's mistake is going to cost her dearly.
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The source of this story is Storiesonline
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 26: The Impregnation - A modern career minded, churchgoing mother, attracts the interest of a rich African rakehell in Zimbabwe
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa 
True Story 
Black Male 
White Female 
Anal Sex 

Joseph Yoruba checked his watch. It was 1.25pm. If the report of his undercover officers was correct, Gerald Poslewhite would be about to leave for work and if he was as punctilious as had been reported he would not be back until 5.35pm.
When the gates opened Joseph smiled to himself. He liked people who were regular in their routine. It made his job that much easier. He waited for Mr Poslewhite's car to pass along the tree-lined street and turn the corner at the end of the street before stepping out from his car.
The gardener had stopped to chat with his friends outside the gate of the villa and was only now closing the gate. Joseph raised his hand in a commanding gesture allowing his leather wallet to fall open revealing his warrant card.
The cautious gardener carefully looked at the warrant card. He was well aware of the scams tried so often by criminals. When he saw the logo of the Central Intelligence Organisation he was filled with dread.
"Mr Poslewhite has just left for work, Sir."
"See that you do not allow Mr Poslewhite to return to the villa before I leave."
Joseph strolled on ignoring the troubled look on the old African gardener's face. He knew the African gardener would obey his order. No matter what affection or respect, or even fear the man has of his white employer, Joseph Yoruba knew the terror Zimbabweans had of the country's security organisation would ensure his orders were obeyed.
The gardener was indeed troubled but not by any concern for his white boss. Sarah Poslewhite, his employer's wife was a nice lady. Only yesterday, an African had called on her and now today a major from the dreaded CIO was calling, instructing him not to allow her husband into the villa until he left.
It was not good. Not good at all. He feared for his employer's wife, but he would do nothing. Not that there was anything he could do and he did not like her husband anyway but she had been kind to him and understanding.
Joseph strolled across the short entrance yard. It was shaded from the hot African sun by tall trees and the villa itself was shrouded by bushes. His professional eye noting the weakness in the villa's security represented by those bushes so close to the house.
He rapped hard on the heavy, dark varnished, main door.
It was opened a moment later by a pretty white lady who looked surprised, but not unduly worried by the appearance on her doorstep of a strange man.
"Yes?" She said looking around wondering why her gardener had let this man through her gate.
"Mrs Poslewhite? Sarah Postlewhite?"
He held out his warrant card watching her face as she read his identity. Her face showed none of the natural concern a Zimbabwe citizen would show at the realisation that a major of the CIO had come calling.
"Yes, you can. Mr Igwe Orizu mentioned your name. May I come in?"
He saw the tell-tale flush slightly colour her cheeks. The white woman hesitated a moment then she stepped back opening the door wide.
"By all means come in out of the sun. I don't understand. Why would Mr Orizu give you my name?"
Joseph stepped into the only slightly cooler interior and turned to watch as the woman slowly closed the door before turning back to him.
"Igwe told me you might like this."
He stepped close to the woman, curled an arm around her waist, pulled her close and brought his lips down on hers forceful and demanding.
Sarah at first was too stunned to resist. The African was strong and his second arm had come around to pin her arms to her side. The man's kiss was hungry and passionate as she squirmed in his grasp the heat of his body against her stirred a primitive reaction in her own body. His lips were aggressive, passionate, quite unlike her husband and his kiss was making her stomach flutter.
She gasped when he released her lips and tried to push him away but her arms were still pinned by his stronger arms.
"You can't do this! Let me go!" She wriggled in his grasp.
The African reached up behind her, which enabled her to get an arm free, and she tried pushing him away but his body was firm and muscular below the smart suit he wore. The African's right hand, behind her back, caught at her hair wrapping itself in her silky strands and Sarah squealed at the sudden pain as the hand, pulling on her hair, forced her head backwards.
Joseph's face hovered over hers for a moment as he looked down into startled amber eyes.
"Yes I can." He said lowering his lips to again kiss soft, full lips.
Sarah leaned away from the kiss, but held as she was, she could not pull away from his questing lips. By seeking to pull away with her shoulders she inadvertently pushed forwards with her hips pressing against his body. She felt his hardness, hot and throbbing inside his trousers which set her heart pumping. Her own loins throbbed in natural response.
She felt flushed and confused. The man was already full of lust and all she had done was answer the door to him. She knew his hard cock would drive all rational thought from the man's mind.
She looked into the African's eyes and saw the hungry lust in the man's eyes as they looked into hers. She flushed and closed her eyes. She was shocked at the way her body was responding to the thickening hardness, hot against her stomach. The feel of it made her strength evaporate and her muscles turn to water.
She was not used to being treated like this by a man and the reaction of her body shamed her. Her nipples had stiffened and her vagina was wet. Not damp or moist, she was wet with her juice as though her body knew better than her what it wanted and was preparing itself for the fucking to come.
This man was a stranger and he was black!
She made an attempt to push him away but her arms could not match the strength of the African holding her in his grasp.
"Your husband has been accused of being a racist, Mrs Poslewhite, are you a racist as well?"
Her eyes flew open and she glared at the African.
"But you do not deny your husband is a racist?"
Joseph watched the woman's face as her gaze left his and looked away. He enjoyed the tender white neck and the dainty, curling ear exposed as her head turned away.
"Do you know how serious the charge of racism is in Zimbabwe, Mrs Poslewhite? I have the power to lock up you husband for years."
Sarah turned back to the black man seeking out his eyes. She saw not a hint of compassion or sympathy in his eyes, just confident arrogance.
Her heart fluttered and her stomach writhed.
"Do you love your husband enough to prove to me you are not a racist?"
As he said it, the man pulled her close with his left hand and slowly humped his cock against her belly. She felt the hot throbbing heat through their clothes. She felt its length, which was did not seem longer than Mr Orizu's cock yesterday, but nevertheless was longer and thicker than her husband's penis.
There was no mistaking what 'proof' this black man was demanding.
If she denied him wouldn't he just take her anyway?
What power had this man been given have to destroy their lives and all he wanted to with that power was to bury his cock in her body.
Yes, Yes, Yes, her body seemed to scream at her, let him have her. Hot liquid seemed to escape her womanhood and leak down her thighs. Her legs parted in hungry readiness for the primitive rutting her body seemed to be screaming for. Her nipples ached.
Her voice was weak and tremulous. Even as she said the words her womanhood seemed to flower open in defiance of her mind as her body hungrily responded to the power and passion of the cock throbbing and pulsing so close to her fertile womb.
"Oh, you can't. You will get me pregnant."
Her eyes flashed back to the black man yesterday as she remembered it was her time of the month. That African had shot his seed up into her womb despite her pleading with him to pull out. She did not think this man would pull out either. His hot throbbing cock was clearly ready to shoot more sperm up into her receptive womb.
A womb that was eager for the seed it needed to do its job and produce a baby.
A baby her husband had not given her after 5 years of trying.
Yesterday, Mr Orizu had not pulled out when he came, shooting his sperm deep inside her, despite her protests she had clung to his thrusting body as he had shot his jetting sperm into her womb!
She might already be pregnant with a black baby and if she let this man have her, the risk of getting pregnant would be doubled and if that happened she would then not be certain who the father was!
She flushed and renewed her weak struggled in the African's arms.
He waited, patient, understanding and amused.
He enjoyed the feel of her warm curvy body writhing against him. Through her clothes he could feel that her nipples were hard, betraying her arousal. Her hips rubbed against his as she squirmed and his hardness enjoyed the softness of her belly.
After a moment she stopped struggling and looked up at him.
He lowered his head to hers, this time her lips parted. The African's tongue invaded her mouth like a hot slithering snake, finding and clashing with her tongue.
She moaned into his mouth. His grip on her hair had not relaxed and she tingled with a light pain that seemed to fuel her own passion. His arm pulled her close, so her super sensitive nipples brushed against the African's chest. The hardness of his body against her breasts sending renewed hot flushes through her loins.
The African's left hand cupped and squeezed her bottom sending thrills through her. While the hot bar of flesh throbbed and jerked against her stomach.
Joseph stepped forward, backing Sarah against the wall as he kissed, his mouth hungrily ravishing the softness of her, now, unresisting mouth. With her body trapped against the wall he was able to free up his hands. Bringing his left hand around to the front of her body, he found the zip of her trousers.
Belatedly, Sarah sought to push his hand away, but her right hand was still pinned by the hand gripping her hair and the strong African easily ignored her efforts. Her eyes widened at the sound of the zip of her trousers being lowered. Then the man's hand was inside her trousers and she moaned into his mouth.
Igwe's foraging left hand found panties that were soaking wet and he grinned as he kissed her. His eyes flashed a message of triumph to the squirming woman as fingers pushed aside wet fabric and delved deeper and lower into the soft, wet flesh of Sarah's hot womanhood.
Sarah's moan turned into a squeal as strong male fingers rubbed her clitoris.
The African hand between her legs had thrust her thighs apart.
She found herself confused, torn by feelings of lust and shame as her loins flooded the dark fingers toying with her womanhood. She gasped, then writhed as the African hooked a finger inside her then thrust it into her. She was struggling to cope with his thick finger circling inside her when the Africans thumb found and pressed on her clitoris.
Her eyes closed as an exquisite tingling shook her body.
Joseph looked down at her face. He relished the look of shocked delight on her pretty face, and she was very pretty. A heart shaped face and pouty lips, small nose and petite ears. The expression on her face was all excited passion.
He had seen that look on the face of other white women.
He did not give damn about what her husband thought, this was a woman that would take naturally to whoredom...
He stroked his thumb pressing forward with his finger deep inside.
Sarah released an unladylike squeal as her loins seemed to go into a spasm with a long series of pulsing throbs.
With his fingers outside her pussy stroking across her wet private parts, the finger deep inside her, and the thumb stroking her clitoris, Sarah was rapidly losing control of herself. His hand in her hair twisted its grip and the sudden twinge of pain seemed to synchronise with the heat in her loins.
She moaned into the African's mouth and found herself eagerly pushing her tongue into his mouth, seeking out his tongue with her own. Her nipples were centres of pleasure and she pressed them into the African, rubbing them against his chest, sending goose bumps and thrills through her body.
Joseph pulled away, sliding his hands out of her body, and out of her trousers. Releasing her hair he ran his hand down her soft cheek before stepping back.
For a moment Sarah wobbled on her feet unsupported by the African her knees were weak. She looked up at him confused by him backing away from her and she wondered why he had released her. Her body ached with hot need. Her now empty pussy throbbed, it wanted to be filled and stretched.
"Show me the way to the bedroom lady."
Sarah stared at him for a moment, then she decided not to make an issue of it.
If she did he might leave. For goodness sake he was a stranger, a complete stranger. Did she really want him to leave? Did she want to return to days of boredom?
Her nipples ached, and hot pulses of heat suffused her loins,
She turned and walked down the corridor leading to her bedroom.
The sudden slap on her bottom was a shock that made her jump.
Behind her the African chuckled and a bright flush suffused her face.
"I guess you are a lady who likes to be spanked."
Sarah felt a shiver run down her spine at the man's words.
As she walked down the corridor she swayed her waist and hips.
For a few moments her brain started to recover from the emotional surge of the last few minutes. Her heart pounded and her stomach flipped, and sudden doubts engulfed her as she walked towards her bedroom, her loins wet with an excitement she would never have expected to find within he. She walked to her bedroom followed by a black man she had never met before he strode through her door.
What sort of woman was she, she wondered. Her mind was troubled briefly, but her loins were in a turmoil of seething, throbbing heat, while her nipples were straining for more attention. She dismissed her doubts. This was incredibly exciting and her arousal was too great to stop now and the man behind her had a big, hard, throbbing cock. Her brain may have had a few second thoughts, but her feet kept walking to her bedroom.
Joseph followed behind enjoying her swaying bottom, in her tight fitting trousers. He already knew what kind of woman was Sarah Poslewhite.
He already knew she was a natural whore...
Sarah strolled into her bedroom and paused a minute looking down at the bed she shared with her husband.
Behind her she heard the bedroom door close and a shiver seemed to run the length of her body.
Joseph moved up behind her. His hands circled her body, reaching up to grasp firmly her full breasts. Sarah leaned back into him, her knees weakening. He pulled her close and the hard throbbing heat of his stiff cock pressed into her round bottom.
Joseph dipped his face forward, leaving a soft unexpectedly tender kiss on her soft white neck. The unexpected gentleness just sent more throbbing heat through her loins. Joseph released her left breast and dropped his hand between her legs cupping her mound through her trousers.
The hand between her legs was not soft and tender. He gripped her firmly, squeezing and moulding her wetness. Her panties were drenched and his grasping hand pushed the wet cloth into her hot loins.
As Joseph opened his mouth, his right hand squeezed a firm nipple pulling her closer into his arms, he moved his head forward seeking out the softer flesh then he closed his teeth and bit.
Sarah issued a long, gasping squeal.
Joseph maintained his grip, worrying her flesh determined to leave a love bite on the neck of this married white woman that she would struggle to explain to her racist husband.
Sarah quivered in his grasp. With one hand firmly squeezing her throbbing pussy, another teasing and toying with one of her nipples, while the African's ivory teeth savaged the softest part of her body, she dissolved into a melting, whirling, seething heat.
Joseph released her, pushing her forward so she fell on the bed.
The African's voice was authoritative, aggressive, and demanding.
Sarah felt a shuddering pass through her shoulders. A fit of shivering seemed to overtake her. Then she rolled over on to her back and looked up at Joseph, seeing that the man had shrugged off his jacket and was unbuttoning his shirt. Her hand flew up to the buttons her blouse.
She just had to get naked for this man! Her fingers flew down the buttons of her blouse and she sat up shrugging it off her shoulders before unclipping her brassiere and tossing it aside. She did not wait to see the effect on the black man, instead she lay back and her hands flew to her trousers.
With feverish hands she pushed them over her hips and down her legs, taking her soaked panties with them. She flicked them off her the bed with her feet. Then she lay back and looked up at the African and her breath caught in her throat.
Her eyes drank in the sight of him. He looked like a black Adonis.
His stomach rippled with muscle like some sort of washer board of hard muscled flesh. She had only seen rippling muscles like that on television, or in pictures of handsome male models. Her reality of the male torso was restricted to her husband and quite different to the muscled man standing before him.
From his loins his prick stood proud.
Her stomach tightened and her pussy flooded with even more hot wetness as she stared at it.
It seemed long and thick. There was no droop or sag in that hard length of black cock.
Sarah sighed and leaned back and looked up at his face. The African had a confident knowing grin on his face. She watched his eyes lazily run over her body and stiffened her shoulders so that her breasts pushed forward.
His hard cock bobbed and jerked in the air, drawing her eyes back to it.
Her mouth went dry for a moment at the prime evidence of his lust and desire. She opened her thighs to him, raising her knees and offering her womanhood to his rampant staff.
A shiver ran through her as she remembered she was fertile but she did not close her legs. Her own hot desire would not quenched until that virile man had thrust inside her and satisfied his lust with the exquisite pleasure that would entail.
Joseph looked down at the woman on the bed. She was typical of so many white women he knew and had bedded. Ostensibly happily married but seething with suppressed desires that were so easy to kindle into a burning hunger.
He looked over her lush curves. Firm round breasts topped with hardened, dark nipples that highlighted her sexual readiness. Sarah's spread legs surrendering her wet pussy to his cock, her round hips and slim waist, an inviting cushion which his clients will enjoy bouncing on them. Those legs were long and shapely and their soft white silkiness would be like a magnetic to lusting black men desiring to bed a
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