Black Hole Undisputed Se
Black Hole Undisputed Se
Black Hole Horizon in a Type-III Dirac Semimetal Zn$_2$In$_2$S$_5
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Recently, realizing new fermions, such as type-I and type-II Dirac/Weyl fermions in condensed matter systems, has attracted considerable attention. Here we show that the transition state from type-I to type-II Dirac fermions can be viewed as a type-III Dirac fermion, which exhibits unique characteristics, including a Dirac-line Fermi surface with nontrivial topological invariant and critical chiral anomaly effect, distinct from previously known Dirac semimetals. Most importantly, we discover Zn$_2$In$_2$S$_5$ is a type-III Dirac semimetal material, characterized with a pair of Dirac points in the bulk and Fermi arcs on the surface. We further propose a solid-state realization of the black-hole-horizon analogue in inhomogeneous Zn$_2$In$_2$S$_5$ to simulate black hole evaporation with high Hawking temperature. We envision that our findings will stimulate researchers to study novel physics of type-III Dirac fermions, as well as astronomical problems in a condensed matter analogue.
... The DOS at the Dirac point exhibits a peak due the critical-tilting rather than vanishing to zero as for ordinary Dirac node. We notice that a similar critically-tilted Dirac (Weyl) cone, which is also called Type III or zero-index Dirac (Weyl) cone, was recently discovered in electronic systems [55] [56] [57][58]. At this cone, the quasiparticles have highly-isotropic mass, which induces many interesting phenomena, like zero flection index [58], black hole horizon [56] and enhanced superconducting gap [59] etc. ...
... We notice that a similar critically-tilted Dirac (Weyl) cone, which is also called Type III or zero-index Dirac (Weyl) cone, was recently discovered in electronic systems [55][56][57][58]. At this cone, the quasiparticles have highly-isotropic mass, which induces many interesting phenomena, like zero flection index [58], black hole horizon [56] and enhanced superconducting gap [59] etc. It should be mentioned that when we change the mass of particle pair (2, 6) or pair (3,5), which conserves the glide reflection symmetry and selfduality, but breaks the spatial reversion symmetry (P symmetry), the Dirac nodes will not open. ...
... We further confirm that all the bands on M X line are Weyl nodal lines for ϑ = ϑ c . In 3D, the weyl (Dirac) nodal lines are usually associated with some topological invariant, similar to the case of the vortex line in superfluids [56] . ...
Duality is the one-to-one mapping between two different structures or objects. The structure whose dual counterpart is itself possesses unique hidden symmetry, which is beyond the description of classical spatial symmetry groups. Here we propose a strategy based on the attractive half-cylinder colloids to self-assemble these exotic self-dual structures. By using Monte Carlo simulations, we discover two isostatic open crystals which differ only in the stacking sequence while have distinct crystal symmetries, i.e., twisted Kagome crystal and a crystal with pmg symmetry. Each of the two crystals has a geometric duality, which produces the identical phononic spectrum at two different open angles. This dual structural pair coincide at a critical self-dual open angle. For the pmg crystal approaching to the critical point, we find the double degeneracy of all phononic eigenmodes and the merging of two tilted Weyl nodes into one critically-tilted Dirac node which is "accidentally" located on the high-symmetry line. Moreover, several flat bands also emerge at the self-dual point, which we interpret as the finite-frequency floppy modes. These modes can be understood as mechanically-coupled self-dual rhomb chains vibrating in some unique uncoupled ways. Our work pave the way for designing and fabricating self-dual materials with exotic mechanical or phononic properties.
... Recent attempts have been made to exploit developments in the prediction and synthesis of Weyl semimetals (WSMs), whose low-energy electronic states can be described by the Weyl equation [33]. In particular, it has been shown that a position-dependent tilting of the Weyl cone in a way to create neighboring regions with type-I and type-II WSM can lead to a black hole analog [34][35][36][37] [38] [39]. This analogy can be understood by thinking of the Weyl cones in the material as the light cones of a curved space-time, thus the boundary of the WSMs of different types as the horizon. ...
... Exactly at the transition point between type I and type II, the Weyl cones are tangent to the zero-energy surface, a situation called type-III WSM. One study has shown that the band structure of Zn 2 In 2 S 5 has such a property that makes it promising for the realization of a black hole horizon [38] . Proposals for tilting the cone as a function of real space include the use of structural distortions, spin textures, and external position-dependent driving [36,[40][41][42][43][44]. ...
... The models studied in this paper are simplified versions of more realistic systems where one might observe horizon physics experimentally. In real materials such as the previously mentioned Zn 2 In 2 S 5 [38] , disorder and interactions should be taken into account to have a complete description. Such calculations are still an open problem, and the effects they might have on the phenomena discussed in this paper require further studies. ...
To simulate the dynamics of massless Dirac fermions in curved space-times with one, two, and three spatial dimensions, we construct tight-binding Hamiltonians with spatially varying hoppings. These models represent tilted Weyl semimetals where the tilting varies with position, in a manner similar to the light cones near the horizon of a black hole. We illustrate the gravitational analogies in these models by numerically evaluating the propagation of wave packets on the lattice and then comparing them to the geodesics of the corresponding curved space-time. We also show that the motion of electrons in these spatially varying systems can be understood through the conservation of energy and the quasiconservation of quasimomentum. This picture is confirmed by calculations of the scattering matrix, which indicate an exponential suppression of any noncontinuous change in the quasimomentum. Finally, we show that horizons in the lattice models can be constructed also at finite energies using specially designed tilting profiles.
... Another example is the case of tilted Dirac dispersions that has been predicted to appear in quinoid and hydrogenated graphene [19][20][21][22], and which can be harnessed for valley filtering [23] or generating photocurrents [24]. Besides, when the tilting reaches a critical value, its associated Fermi surface changes from being a point to a line becoming what have been labeled as Type II and III Dirac points [25][26][27][28][29] [30] [31][32][33][34][35][36], which are believed to be instrumental to enhance the superconducting gap [37], to probe flat-band physics [38] and quantum chaos [39], or even study analogue black holes in solidstate environments [30,40]. ...
... Another example is the case of tilted Dirac dispersions that has been predicted to appear in quinoid and hydrogenated graphene [19][20][21][22], and which can be harnessed for valley filtering [23] or generating photocurrents [24]. Besides, when the tilting reaches a critical value, its associated Fermi surface changes from being a point to a line becoming what have been labeled as Type II and III Dirac points [25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36], which are believed to be instrumental to enhance the superconducting gap [37], to probe flat-band physics [38] and quantum chaos [39], or even study analogue black holes in solidstate environments [30, 40]. ...
... For completeness in the study of the possible Diraclike dispersions that can appear, in this section we will consider a generalization of the hopping model studied in the previous section by including anisotropic next-nearest neighbour hoppings, i.e., making J 2 = 0 and β 2 = 1 (see Fig. 1(b)). The reason is that this simplified model will allow us to tilt the energy dispersion [19][20][21][22], and explore the quantum optical phenomena induced by the so-called Type II and III Dirac points [25][26][27][28][29] [30] [31][32][33][34][35][36], which occur when a critical tilting leads to a linear band-touching along the Brillouin zone, instead of a single point as in the standard (Type I) Dirac points. ...
One of the most striking predictions of quantum electrodynamics is that vacuum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field can lead to spontaneous emission of atoms as well as photon-mediated interactions among them. Since these processes strongly depend on the nature of the photonic bath, a current burgeoning field is the study of their modification in the presence of photons with non-trivial energy dispersions, e.g., the ones confined in photonic crystals. A remarkable example is the case of isotropic Dirac-photons, which has been recently shown to lead to non-exponential spontaneous emission as well as dissipation-less long-range emitter interactions. In this work, we show how to further tune these processes by considering anisotropic Dirac cone dispersions, which include tilted, semi-Dirac, and the recently discovered type II and III Dirac points. In particular, we show how by changing the anisotropy of the lattice one can change both the spatial shape of the interactions as well as its coherent/incoherent nature. Finally, we discuss a possible implementation where these energy dispersions can be engineered and interfaced with quantum emitters based on subwavelength atomic arrays.
... A number of Dirac points with fourfold- [3][4][5], twofold-(Weyl point) [6][7][8][9], or higher degeneracy [10,11] emerged in topological semimetals. According to the tilt of the dispersion, Dirac or Weyl semimetals can be classified into three types (I, III, II) [12] [13] [14], among which type-III corresponds to the critical state of the Lifshitz transition [15][16][17][18] between the other two types. ...
... Type-I Dirac cone has T k < U k for all the wave vectors k near the Dirac point, while for type-II Dirac cone, there exists at least a wave vector that satisfies T k > U k . Type-III Dirac cone has T k = U k along one particular direction (Dirac line) but T k < U k along other directions [13] . The unique electronic band structure of type-III Dirac cone offers a solid-state platform for the study of Hawking radiation in high-energy physics. ...
... However, materials with intrinsic type-III Dirac cones are rather scarce compared with other types of Dirac cones. So far, only a small number of materials were predicted to have type-III Dirac cones, such as Zn 2 In 2 S 5 [13] , carbon network [33], photonic orbital graphene [14], and compressed bulk black phosphorus [34]. Despite the extensive researches on type-I Dirac cones [35], neither lattice model nor 2D material with the coexistence of the three types of Dirac cones has been reported up to now. ...
The linear energy-momentum dispersion of Dirac cones offers a unique platform for mimicking the fantastical phenomena in high energy physics, such as Dirac fermions and black hole (BH) horizons. Three types of Dirac cones (I, III, and II) with different tilts have been proposed individually in specific materials but lack of integral lattice model. Here, we demonstrated the three types of Dirac cones inherited in a -conjugated Cairo lattice of double-degenerate and orbitals by means of tight-binding (TB) approach, which paves a way for the design of two-dimensional (2D) Dirac materials. From first-principles calculations, we predicted a candidate material, penta-NiSb2 monolayer, to achieve these multiple Dirac cones and the Lifshitz transition between different Dirac cones driven by external biaxial strain. The coexistence of the three types of Dirac cones renders penta-NiSb2 monolayer a promising 2D fermionic analogue to simulate the event-horizon evaporation with a high Hawking temperature.
... Another example is the case of tilted Dirac dispersions that has been predicted to appear in quinoid and hydrogenated graphene [19][20][21][22], and which can be harnessed for valley filtering [23] or generating photocurrents [24]. Besides, when the tilting reaches a critical value, its associated Fermi surface changes from being a point to a line becoming what have been labeled as types II and III Dirac points [25][26][27][28][29] [30] [31][32][33][34][35][36], which are believed to be instrumental to enhance the superconducting gap [37], to probe flat-band physics [38] and quantum chaos [39], or even study analogue black holes in solid-state environments [30,40]. ...
... Another example is the case of tilted Dirac dispersions that has been predicted to appear in quinoid and hydrogenated graphene [19][20][21][22], and which can be harnessed for valley filtering [23] or generating photocurrents [24]. Besides, when the tilting reaches a critical value, its associated Fermi surface changes from being a point to a line becoming what have been labeled as types II and III Dirac points [25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36], which are believed to be instrumental to enhance the superconducting gap [37], to probe flat-band physics [38] and quantum chaos [39], or even study analogue black holes in solid-state environments [30, 40]. ...
... In dashed lines we plot the expected steady-state values, |R 0 | 2 , obtained from the overlap with the quasi-bound state given by equation (29). simplified model will allow us to tilt the energy dispersion [19][20][21][22], and explore the quantum optical phenomena induced by the so-called types II and III Dirac points [25][26][27][28][29] [30] [31][32][33][34][35][36], which occur when a critical tilting leads to a linear band-touching along the Brillouin zone, instead of a single point as in the standard (type I) Dirac points. ...
One of the most striking predictions of quantum electrodynamics is that vacuum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field can lead to spontaneous emission of atoms as well as photon-mediated interactions among them. Since these processes strongly depend on the nature of the photonic bath, a current burgeoning field is the study of their modification in the presence of photons with non-trivial energy dispersions, e.g. the ones confined in photonic crystals. A remarkable example is the case of isotropic Dirac-photons, which has been recently shown to lead to non-exponential spontaneous emission as well as dissipation-less long-range emitter interactions. In this work, we show how to further tune these processes by considering anisotropic Dirac cone dispersions, which include tilted, semi-Dirac, and the recently discovered type II and III Dirac points. In particular, we show how by changing the anisotropy of the lattice one can change both the spatial shape of the interactions as well as its coherent/incoherent nature. Finally, we theoretically analyze a possible implementation based on subwavelength atomic arrays where these energy dispersions can be engineered and interfaced with quantum emitters.
... In semimetals, unavoided conduction-and valence-band crossings at a single point in k space, associated with band inversion, often lead to 3D Dirac-like cones with nontrivial topology hosting Dirac or Weyl fermions [9]. Particularly interesting classes are the topological type-III Dirac and Weyl semimetals with exciting predicted analogies with cosmology [10][11][12] [13] [14]. A large number of exotic topological materials have been predicted [15][16][17], igniting an intense effort to prove them experimentally. ...
... Yet a type-III crossing emerges as a theoretical possibility exactly at the borders between type-I and type-II crossings, characterized by a unique linelike Fermi surface and a flat energy dispersion along one direction in the BZ. The search for type-III Dirac and Weyl semimetals is partly motivated [10,11] by the spectacular predictions that these materials (i.e., black phosphorous [12], Zn 2 In 2 S 5 [13] , and photonic orbital graphene [14]) could be the solid state (or fermionic) analog of the black hole event horizon potentially generating "Hawking radiation" at relatively high "Hawking temperature" [10]. Except for a recent report related to artificial photonic orbital graphene lattices [14], type-III Dirac nodes have not been experimentally realized in other crystals. ...
Epitaxial SnTe (111) is grown by molecular-beam epitaxy on Bi2Te3 substrates. Structural evaluation indicates that SnTe deviates from cubic due to in-plane compressive strain, which induces significant changes in the electronic band structure. More specifically, a pair of gapless crossings between the two uppermost valence bands occurs in k space along the out-of-plane ΓZ direction of the Brillouin zone, associated with a band inversion, thus defining topological three-dimensional Dirac nodes. Combined first-principles calculations and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy reveal an overtilted Dirac cone indicating that the crossing is a topological type-III Dirac node at the borders between type-I and type-II Dirac nodes.
... Dirac cone ΓY (Fig. 5f), which primarily stems from the zig-zag chains of boron atoms, is both anisotropic and titled. Near such Dirac crossing, massless type-II Dirac/Weyl fermions could emerge, giving rise to some exotic physics [34][35][36] [37] . Dirac cone XM (Fig. 5e) largely derives from armchair-shaped chains of boron atoms and is also highly anisotropic. ...
... Real-time monitoring of the film topography, diffraction patterns and chemical composition is shown to be an efficient strategy to create novel high-quality two-dimensional boron sheets and attain comprehensive insights. Single crystals of β 13 borophene offer a new platform to explore anisotropic massless Dirac or Weyl fermions and mimic exotic black-hole-related physics 36, 37 . We hope that this work will stimulate further experiments on the β 13 borophene, such as tuning of the chemical potential, ARPES and transport measurements, and study of various exotic quasiparticles. ...
Borophene, a crystalline monolayer boron sheet, has been predicted to adopt a variety of structures—owing to its high polymorphism—that may possess physical properties that could serve in flexible electronics, energy storage, and catalysis. Severalborophene polymorphs have been synthesized on noble metal surfaces but for device fabrication larger single-crystal domains are typically needed with, ideally, weak borophene–substrate interactions. Here we report the synthesis of borophene on a square-lattice Cu(100) surface and show that incommensurate coordination reduces the borophene–substrate interactions and also leads to a borophene polymorph different from those previously reported. Micrometer-scale single-crystal domains formed as isolated faceted islands or merged together to achieve full monolayer coverage. The crystal structure of this phase has ten boron atoms and two hexagonal vacancies in its unit cell. First-principles calculations indicate that charge transfer, rather than covalent bonding, binds this two-dimensional boron to the Cu(100) surface. The electronic band structure of this material features multiple anisotropic tilted Dirac cones.
... It has been argued recently, for example, that it represents an interesting candidate for simulating gravitational effects in the laboratory . Specifically, due to its particular anisotropic
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