Black Hole Tyan Hentai

Black Hole Tyan Hentai


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I loved Meet 'n' Fuck's gloryhole games so much that I decided to add some stuff for funsies -- new characters, outfits, poses, maps, partners (with walk-in bosses) a full skill system and a 'classic MnF' end-scene!
Made this a while back, but now I've got permission to share it with everyone here! :D
Based on "Glory Hole Blonde Whore"
~ big thanks to Vadim & the Meet 'n' Fuck crew <3
cheats/write-up/downloads @
[this is an old one, so I'm probably not doing extra bug support this time. sorry.]
Known issues: Head-start button doesnt work on NG, but text cheats should still work fine.
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Fuck Your Champion: Rerolled [v.1.8.5]
by cortaNG
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I just keep coming back to this game. I mean honestly, you reused the assets of a frankly tedious game, and made the whole thing incredibly better and unique, it's a whole different game entirely really. Its just well made, well done and the end scene keeps me coming back every time. Overall, amazing.
The game is nice would give a 5 start but i cant save my progress
love the game in the past any way you could make it play able again
It's ..... awesome. Need more of this.
Good game, I got everything, but when I kept playing with the game already finished and it wouldn't let me enter the levels if it wasn't for that I gave it 5 stars
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