Black Girls Assholes

Black Girls Assholes


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No. Once loyalty is broken, I won't give a second chance, especially if I find out myself rather...
I think it depends on what exactly happened and why. If they've been carrying on for years as a...
I recently thought about this and wanted to share mine. Feel free to share something that happened to you/someone you're close to below....
Disclaimer: I am not encouraging anyone to keep secrets from their family without having very valid reasons for doing so. I am simply...
Disclaimer: As you may be aware, the vaccine rollout in the UK is very successful. I was granted priority because I do come into close...
Disclaimer: I am writing this post because I in my more than 13 months on G@G I noticed that so many men on here have a very wrong view...
On my friends I've mentioned this before and I'll say it again - I don't exactly have the greatest of friends (4 girls). I won't go into...
Neuroscientists study many things. One of those, for instance, is what happens in the brain when we observe expressions on other...
It seems that almost every famous peraon now conforms, and agrees to every opinion the media has about the world (i. e. Abortion is a...
For me i believe 27-32 around there because i need some more time to get on my feet, find a longtime career to be financially stable,...
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't asking this for my own curiosity to see if I do any of the things mentioned
Is she really being a beneficial presence and a possibly trustworthy friend like I'm considering her to be, or is she softening and...
Their eyes are buried in the phone the majority of the time that they are awake.
Like if she offers to pay for a few meals when you’re together or if she surprises you with a card just because!
I’ve had multiple injuries when cutting myself at work (carpenter) worse one at work was when I cut off the tip of my finger! As a kid I...
Not that he is completely opposed to owning pets; he's willing to if you want to, but by himself he doesn't have the desire
I love women. I don't think they're crazy. They have their ways of things.
personally i'm glad skinny jeans are going out as a trend lol, ofc you can still wear them if you like them but they dont look good on...
I do, though I may seem crass to you. But I beleive it expands your own POV. Who knows more about religion than atheists? Right? We get...
I'm just sayin, protein is hard to get when trying to build muscle mass. A 100g of crickets contains more protein and more nutritious...
According to a whistleblower at the Washington Corrections Center For Women, in Gig Harbor, Washington, six men are now incarcerated at...
Just say you're seeing/dating someone And you find out he/she likes to go out to fine dining (above average or expensive restaurants)...
It now costs the United States more than a cent to manufacture a penny. Should we just get rid of pennies and round every transaction to...
I have been single for quite a few years now and I think it's time I give up. I have never been in love and honestly I don't think I...
Yes, I know ugly subjective. I’m talking about men you find ugly (on the outside).
Apparently there is a correlation between money & happiness. Previous research has indicated that money stops buying happiness after...

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