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You are here: Home / Global Dating / How to Get a Black Girlfriend

Choose a college with a high percentage of black people (maybe already too late)
Get to know black people and become friends with them. Go to parties where a lot of black people go to. Sit next to the most beautiful black girl in your class. Organize a party and invite all the black girls.

Go there anyway.
Hang out in the library and socialize. Approach girls on campus.

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You are a white guy who wants to know how to get a black girlfriend and when you think of black girls, a couple of words pop up in your mind:
Attractive, beautiful, passionate and oh God, that beautiful brown skin…
Dark-skinned women are beautiful, they are attractive and it is no secret that many guys are into them. Unfortunately, most white guys have absolutely no clue how they could possibly convince a black woman to call them “honey”, “boyfriend” or “white chocolate”.
But most white guys think it is. Maybe you are one of them. Maybe you also think that kissing the soft lips of your beautiful black girlfriend and taking romantic walks in the park with her will always remain a dream.
It doesn’t have to. I dated dark-skinned women and you can do the same. The reason why you still don’t have a black girlfriend has nothing to do with your ability to attract and seduce them, but with the beliefs that you torture your mind with.
It's time to learn to control your mind and to say "hi" to your first black girlfriend...​
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I recently wrote an article about the finer art of getting a girlfriend. You can read it here . In this article I made the bold statement that the only difference between a man who has the power to get a girlfriend and a man who doesn’t have this “privilege” is his mindset.
Your mind can be your worst enemy or your most valuable ally. You decide.
Unfortunately, most white guys who dream about having a black girlfriend, approach this seemingly impossible task with the wrong mindset. Instead of empowering themselves, they beat themselves down before the show starts.
It’s sad, but this is what most guys who can’t get a black girlfriend tell themselves…
Have you ever heard of the expression yellow fever ?
It’s a label that people love to give white guys who are into Asian women . This stupid expression is the number one reason why most white guys deny that they are attracted to Asian women, even though it is widely known that the majority of white guys are attracted to Asian women.
Statistics tell the truth…so do porn preferences.
It’s the same with white guys who are into black women. Okay, the prejudice is not that extreme, but it does exist.
“So, you are into black girls, huh?”
That was the first comment I got when one of my classmates in college found out that I went on a date with a black girl. Nothing bad about that comment, you might think. Well, you should have heard the way he said it.
"So, you have a slave fetish, huh?"
That’s what he really wanted to say. But even when people pretend to be nice, you can still hear the truth when you listen carefully.
Every white guy who is into Asian women wants a submissive Geisha. Every white man who is into black women wants an obedient slave. Yep, that must be true.
You might be afraid that it’s true.
Just because you are physically attracted to black women doesn’t mean that you belong in the nuthouse for your weird fetish. You have the right to be attracted to whoever you want. No reason to feel weird about it. Stop listening to interracial dating naysayers.
Forgive them for they don’t know what they do.
This can be a problem, but only if you make it one.
You probably overreact anyway. Just because your father made one racist joke during dinner doesn’t mean that he is a member of the Ku Klux Klahn. Calm down.
In case you are still living at home and you know that you want your next (maybe your first) girlfriend to be a black girl, tell them and do it with pride. I am sure your friends and family members are totally okay with it.
I received so many emails from guys who worried about what their family and friends will think about their interracial relationship. The result was many sleepless nights for them and no big deal for everyone else.
This is the biggest mistake you can possibly make.
I don’t know why, but for some inexplicable reason, the majority of white guys on this planet believe that black girls are not attracted to them.
The results of this stupid belief are forum posts like this one:
I know so many black girls who are totally into white guys. If you still believe that getting a white girl is impossible for you, you should watch more videos like this one and type “I like white guys” in YouTube:
You are not a weirdo, just because you like black girls. And hey, big surprise, many black girls would love to have a white boyfriend like you.
Where do you meet your beautiful black girlfriend?
Well, there are many places where you can meet your dark-skinned beauty and I’m going to list a few of them later, but the best and easiest way is through an interracial dating site.
There are many interracial dating sites that bring cacao and milk together in order to create beautiful chocolate. Oh man, that was cheesy.
Anyway, most interracial dating sites are graveyards… with one exception .
The by far best interracial dating site for white men who want to get a black girlfriend is
There are thousands of black girls on this site who are only there for one reason:
They want to meet a white guy like you.
Maybe you are not a big fan of online dating. Maybe you have never heard of this mysterious place called the internet. I don’t judge.
You don’t need to sign up on Afrointroductions, even though it’s definitely the easiest way to get in contact with many black women who are girlfriend material.
You can also meet black girls in the real world.
Let’s have a look at two places that are perfect for white guys who want to know how to get a black girlfriend…
There’s a high chance that you are either from the USA, the UK or France. One thing that all these countries have in common is the popularity for Hip Hop music.
Most nightclubs I know have so-called “black music days” where they ONLY play 50 Cent, Tupac, Snoop Dogg and maybe one or two Eminem songs (to respect the white boy). It sounds incredibly stereotypical, but in my experience these are the nights when the clubs are full of black women .
Big surprise, most black women listen to Hip Hop music. And no, that’s not racist. It’s just a fact. Go to one of these parties and after five minutes you’ll be dancing with a beautiful black girl to “these hoes ain’t loyal”.
Are you still in high school or college? Maybe you are, maybe you’re not.
Here’s what you do when you are still in college:
There are so many things you can do. It’s called socializing and taking action. You just have to do it.
Here’s what you do when you are not in college anymore:
The world is your oyster. Swallow that damn oyster and take action.
It’s not easy. Let me tell you, it’s not easy to get a black girl to like you if you are white. You need a lot of gold chains, grillz and fast cars to get her attention. No mulla, no black girlfriend.
Oh, and in case you believed the last words I wrote, your mind is still your enemy .
Forget about the stereotypes. Forget about the gold chains, the Lamborghinis and the “let’s make it rain” songs that poisoned your brain.
Not all black women are strippers with pink hair and butterfly tattoos on their butt cheeks.
Your future black girlfriend is a normal girl who wants a guy who treats her like a normal human being. That’s how you get a black girl to like you. Be you and obey the first rule for getting a black girlfriend.
You are not Tyga. You are not Lil Wayne. You are not going to making it rain.
The worst thing you can possibly do is the one thing that most confused white breads who want to know how to get a black girlfriend do.
Thinking that you have to be her personal Eminem is the biggest mistake you can make. Just think about it.
Why the hell would she date a white dude who acts black?
She could just date a black guy. It doesn’t make any sense. The main reason why she wants to be together with a white guy like you is BECAUSE you are different. It’s BECAUSE you are who you are. So please be who you are, continue to play chess and leave the swag at home.
Be the white guy you are and do whatever white guys do (I am one, but what do we usually do? In case you are black guy or girl reading this….please let me know in the comments below).
Nevertheless, you need to be a white guy with balls. You might not have a bigger dick than your black competitors (I should really stop with these stereotypes), but you need the bigger balls.
Black guys tend to be very sexually aggressive and a lot more direct than white guys. There’s nothing bad about that. Some of my black friends have a lot of success with this aggressiveness. The only downside is that dark-skinned girls are used to guys who are extremely direct.
No beating around the bush. No “ hey, uhm…maybe we could hang out”.
If you really want to learn how to get a black girlfriend, this wishy washy has to stop once and for all.
Be direct. Give her an honest and direct compliment. Tell her that you like her hair and that her curves are driving you crazy (white guys are allowed to say that).
She’s not used to subtle signals and she expects you to make the first move.
I hope that this website turns more and more people into interracial dating fans, but there are still a lot of people who are against interracial relationships. Others are not against it, but they like to make a mean joke here and there.
It’s your job and your duty as her future boyfriend to not care about what others think.
Will you get stared at? Yes, you will.
Will you get sick of the ebony and ivory jokes? Yes, you will.
Will people whisper behind your back? Yes, these people shit, breathe and live.​
Will you not care about any of these things, look into her eyes, and tell her that she is the most beautiful woman in the world? I hope you will.
How do you know when a black girl likes you?
She might invite you to a Chris Brown concert and kiss you when he sings “ Love More ” with Nicki Minaj…but that’s very unlikely.
No, she will show her interest like any other woman . She will let you know when she is attracted to you. No matter if the woman you are dating is white, yellow, black, or purple, the female signals are the same.
The only difference is the intensity…
Like I said, interracial relationships are still not that accepted. Interracial couples are still judged and the woman of your dreams might be afraid of exactly this judgement.
You would be surprised if you knew how many black girls who like white guys have the same fears that you have. She thinks about what her parents would say, how many marshmallow jokes she would have to survive and what her Black Lives Matter activist friends would think of her.
That’s why her signals are a lot more subtle than when she would show interest in a black guy.
Okay, also because she knows that white guys tend to overreact and interpret every smile as a sign of interest (we really do). But her fears, worries and insecurities also play a role.
So look out for the subtle signals and remember the hair and curve compliment when you spot a signal.
This is the most obvious and funniest indicator that a black girl is really attracted to you. Remember, she has the same fears, worries and insecurities as you have. Just like you think that acting black is the solution, she thinks that acting white is the solution.
One girl I dated during my college time in England took acting white to a whole new level.
When I met her, she had curly hair, big earrings and when I told her how beautiful she looked, she laughed out loud. God, I love the honest and uninhibited laugh of black women.
On our first date, however, she was a completely new person. She straightened her hair, had no earrings and whenever I made a joke she tried to suppress her laughter. It was funny and weird at the same time. When she later told me that Eminem was her favorite rapper, I had to put an end to this game.
I told her that she should just be herself and on the second date she had curly hair, big earrings and a hearty laugh…
In the previous lines I shared everything I know about how to get a black girlfriend.
I told you what you should do, what you should avoid, where you can meet her and how you can tell if the black lady of your dreams is interested in you. You know everything you need to know.
Still, I decided to include a little Q&A at the end of this article.
This is not my first article about interracial dating between white men and black women. I have written about the reasons why black women like white men and I have shared the best places to meet black women who are looking for white men (I also shared fractions of this article with you in the paragraphs above).
Thanks to these articles, I get asked the same questions over and over again. And because I don’t want to send the same reply every day, I decided to briefly answer the three most common questions, so that you can experience the beauty of having a black girlfriend as soon as possible...
I think I already answered this question in great detail.
Don’t act black and be very direct with your compliment.
Oh, and because of her own worries and fears in regards to dating outside of her race, it’s always good to ask her out when you are either alone or with her female friends.
As soon as other guys are around, you might get a stupid comment. These comments usually come from guys who are jealous that you have the courage that they never had , but she might still be irritated by them.
“How do I get a black girl’s number?”
You get her number in the same way as you would get the number of an Asian girl or a white girl. You don’t ask.
You display confidence by assuming that she’ll give you her number anyway.
Have a look at this article for more information on how to get a girl’s number.
“How do I get a black girl to kiss me?”
You’ll love the softness of her lips. Back girls have beautiful voluptuous lips. It’s a pleasure to kiss them.
At the end of the day you will realize that having a black girlfriend is the same as having a white or Asian girlfriend. It’s beautiful, exciting and nurturing. Enjoy every moment of it.
Learning how to get a black girlfriend requires the same mindset shift that is necessary to make any other girl your girlfriend. You need to face your insecurities and negative beliefs and you have to overcome them.
Oh, and you shouldn’t act black. I’ve never met a black girl who wanted to be the girlfriend of a white guy who acts black. That’s not how it works. However, you have to be direct. She expects that.
And she also expects you to recognize her subtle signals that she sometimes suppresses because of all the racist idiots who still believe that interracial dating is evil.
I am a tall attractive piece of chocolate (smile) I live in a pretty diverse neighborhood and a building full of men of other ethnicities, all I can say is the first one that actually stops staring and asks me out, I have a dress all ready :).
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