Black Clover Nero Ass

Black Clover Nero Ass


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Secre Swallowtail (VIZ), Secré Swallowtail (Funimation)
17 (as a human)[1]
18[2] (Spade Kingdom Invasion)
500 (as a bird)
Magic Knights
Royal servant (former)
The ones you looked down on and stepped on and toyed with are going to defeat you today!!
Secre Swallowtail 「セクレ・スワロテイル Sekure Suwaroteiru」[1] is a noblewoman and the former servant of Prince Lemiel Silvamillion Clover, the first Magic Emperor.[3] She is transformed into an anti-bird named Nero after sealing Lemiel into a statue.[4]
Five centuries later, she decides to stay alongside Asta after encountering him at the beginning of the Magic Knights Entrance Exam.[5][6] After regaining her human form, she is accepted herself as a member of the Black Bull squad of the Magic Knights.[7]
As a human, Secre is a short, slender woman with black hair in a bob style. Two locks of hair stick up from the top of her head. She has dark bags under her eyes. She wears a black dress with thin straps and a short, ruffled skirt that resembles feathers. Due to using Forbidden Magic, she grows two black horns on the sides of her head.[8]
After becoming a member of the Black Bull squad, she begins wearing the squad's signature robe.[7] After six months of training in the Heart Kingdom, she wears a modified version of the robe, which is held by a grey cord.[9]
As an anti-bird, Nero is a very small bird with a pair of sleek wings, a pair of tails that form an arrow at the tip and a black beak. Nero's feathers are black at the back, white at the front, and red on her face. In addition, Nero also possesses a pair of horns on either side her head and a pair of long black feathers sticking up from the top of her head.
One of her notable features is her slanted eyes that give Nero a hostile aura. The design of her eyes are present in both Nero's human and anti-bird form.
Furthermore, the feathers around Nero's neck have a fuzzier texture then the rest of her feathers, which creates the sense of wearing a collar around her neck.
Secre's servant outfit
Secre's waitress uniform
Nero concept art
Secre's normal outfit
Secre's anime design
Secre concept art
On Tetia and Licht's wedding day, Secre hears Lemiel calling for help and finds him bound by magic. She reports that the magic siphon was stolen and unseals the prince. They fly to the wedding venue but are too late. The magic tool was used to kill the elves and Tetia, and Licht's grimoire has become corrupted into a five-leaf clover. To prevent Zagred from taking his body, Licht uses the magic stones to transform himself into a giant demon.[17]
Five centuries later, Secre and a flock of anti-birds are present when the Magic Knights Entrance Exam is held. They pester several examinees prior to the start of the exam. After she encounters Asta, Secre decides to land on top of his head[5] and sneaks into his clothes for a couple of days without revealing herself to the former.[14]
Afterwards, Secre begins to chase Asta around the village while pecking his head, with Noelle Silva following them from behind. She then lands on top of Asta's head while the latter is giving a few words of encouragement to one of the children of the village.[22]
Secre then follows Asta, Magna Swing, and Noelle back to the Black Bull base to report about the mission. During that time, Secre meets Vanessa Enoteca, who compliments the cute little creature.[23] Later on, Secre follows Asta, Noelle, and Vanessa's venture to Kikka, where she remains in close proximity to Asta.[24]
After they walk in the dark for quite sometime, they finally arrive at the inner-side of the dungeon. During the time, Secre remains silent when Luck pulls a prank on Asta and Noelle and leaves almost immediately and when a trap is activated and Yuno saves Asta and Noelle from it.[26]
After a while, Secre, Asta, and Noelle finally find the correct path and cruise through it towards the center of the dungeon until Asta decides to take a detour to save Luck.[30][31] While the Black Bulls fight against Lotus Whomalt of the Diamond Kingdom, Secre lands on top of Asta's head, but quickly flies away to avoid being a hindrance to them.[32][33] After Lotus is defeated and manages to escape, Secre follows the Black Bulls to the center of the dungeon. When she arrives along with Noelle and Luck, Secre sees that Asta and Yuno are prepared to fight against another Diamond Kingdom's mage, Mars.[34][35]
Suddenly, Mars breaks through the treasury's door and manages to incapacitate everyone except Asta and Mimosa.[38][39] Mars then sends Asta crashing through the wall that Secre showed to Asta earlier. Seeing that Asta is inside the hidden room, Secre quickly follows and flies over him before landing on the pommel of a sword covered with dirt.[40] After Asta is finally able to understand Secre's hint, the boy takes the sword and resumes his fight.[41]
After Mars is instantaneously defeated by Yuno, Secre remains close to the fainted Asta as all of them rush towards the exit as the dungeon is collapsing.[42] The anti-bird immediately lands on top of Asta's head, the moment the boy awakes and Klaus suddenly hugs him.[43]
However, when Asta begins to get annoyed while his comrades are being humiliated by those honorary Knights, Secre decides to take off from Asta's head as she watches the latter confronting them.[47] After the commotion dies down when someone enters the banquet hall to inform the Knights that the Royal Capital has been invaded, Secre returns to Asta's side as the latter joins the Knights' discussion regarding their counterattack strategy. Not long after, the anti-bird follows Asta when the latter decides to move out before the others.[48] Secre remains by Asta's side until they find the man behind the invasion, Rades Spirito.[49]
Later on, Secre stays on top of Asta's head as the Black Bull members prepare their departure from the Royal Capital. The anti-bird also remains composed when Yuno sends his farewell to Asta by launching an attack towards him. As they arrive at the Black Bull's headquarters, Secre keeps herself comfortable on top of Asta's head while the Black Bull members are having a conversation around him.[54]
Secre then stays by Asta's side when the latter visits Rebecca in Nairn. The anti-bird flies away when Gauche Adlai assaults Asta.[57] After returning to Asta's head, Secre then discovers Noelle who is watching them from afar. She approaches the noblewoman and stares at her as Noelle learns about Asta's decision to stay at Rebecca's house. After dinner, Secre goes to sleep next to Asta in one of the bedrooms. However, the moment Gauche sneaks into the bedroom and causes some havoc, Secre quickly flies outside from the hole, which the mirror mage made.[58] When they realize that the children of Nairn have gone missing, Asta and Gauche, along with Sister Theresa from the church, set forth to pursue them. However, Secre decides to stay at the town alongside Noelle and Rebecca.[59][60]
Back in the house, Secre sits on Pem's head while Noelle reports to the Magic Knights.[61] Secre settles on the window sill, staring out and waiting.[62] Secre reunites with Asta after he returns from meeting with the Magic Emperor. She then sits on his head when he returns to Nairn. Marco returns Asta's squad robe and Rebecca kisses Asta's cheek.[63]
She sits quietly as Asta travels to the Royal Capital to report to Julius. The meeting is interrupted by a report that the Diamond Kingdom is attacking Kiten.[67] The Black Bulls travel to Kiten and Secre stays near Asta who tries to direct the citizens to safety.[68] However, she stays behind when Asta launches himself at Yagos.[69]
Secre accompanies Asta on his visit to Owen. She stays with him during the celebratory feast. Later, Asta goes off to contemplate his diagnosis and Secre sits next to him on the rock.[70] The next morning, she is back to sitting on his head and shoulder while he wanders the base.[71]
During the Star Awards Festival, Secre sits on Asta's head.[73] When the Black Bulls are ranked second, Secre flies off of Asta's head before Yami throws the boy on stage.[74]
A week later, Secre accompanies Charmy Pappitson to the Royal Knights Selection Exam. She hides the two of them in a ball of cotton within Noelle's hood.[75] Secre silently watches the matches from atop Charmy's head.[76]
The bird follows Asta and Yuno when the two leave to defend Hage from attack. She watches the fight from the church's steeple[83] and flies down after Asta exorcises the elf spirit.[84] She then settles on Asta's head and travels with the boy to a town in the Common Realm.[85] She watches the fight from afar and, after Lufulu is exorcised, flies down to settle on Asta's head again.[86] She remains on Asta's head while the Black Bulls return to their base[87] and they travel to Hecairo. She remains in the base when Asta is fired from a cannon.[88]
After Drowa is exorcised, Secre flies over and sits on Gauche's head.[89] She stays on Gauche's head when the Black Bulls remain behind to fight a group of possessed Golden Dawns.[90] Secre reacts to Yuno's magic stone opening a gate to the Shadow Palace. The bird follows Yuno and Charmy but the gate closes before she can enter.[91]
Secre watches as Licht draws on the other elves' magic to power a spell to destroy the devil. However, Zagred survives and regenerates his body.[99] Asta tries to imitate Licht's spell, and when Lemiel asks about the boy's sword, Secre explains that another devil took up residence in Licht's grimoire and Asta uses its Anti Magic.[100] When Zagred summons more monstrous creatures to overwhelm the boy, Lemiel grabs Asta and tries to fly with him but Asta accidentally hits Lemiel into a wall. Secre flies over to the prince and offers to seal Asta's power which is becoming more uncontrolled, but Lemiel suggests that she wait.[101] When Asta succeeds in controlling the Anti Magic, Secre explains to Lemiel that Asta is a magic-less idiot who refuses to give up.[102] Asta and Yuno work together to stab Zagred, who in response summons even more creatures from the underworld, threatening to swallow the Shadow Palace. Despite the overwhelming threat, Secre believes in Asta and tells him to win.[103]
Secre flies over to Licht and Lemiel as they send out protective auras to the elves,[104] and Patolli protects the three of them from the devil's magic.[105] Asta and Yuno manage to pin Zagred between their two swords, but Asta's black form gives out. Yami then uses Dark Cloaked Dimension Slash: Equinox to cut the devil in half, and Secre takes the opening to seal Asta's physical strain, allowing him to pull off one more Black Divider and to destroy the devil's heart.[106] Secre then thanks Asta and Yuno for ending the centuries of strife.[107]
Later that day, Secre attends a meeting with Julius. He explains that he survived thanks to Swallowtail, the name of which surprises Secre. When Julius notices her standing there, his curiosity piques and he inquires about what type of magic she has. Yami pulls Julius back and directs him back to discussing the problems that the Clover Kingdom faces.[111] After Julius explains Weg and its connection with Forbidden Magic, Secre transforms back into a bird, demonstrating how her magic was altered by her usage of Forbidden Magic, which piques Julius's curiosity again. She then sits on Asta's head and listens to the rest of the meeting.[112]
Suddenly, the other Black Bulls barge into the courthouse to rescue Asta and Secre, and Secre is shocked to hear Yami refer to her as a squad member.[114] She initially protests and asks them to take Asta and leave her, but they invite her to join anyway. Yami says that she will fit in with their weird mix and puts a squad robe on her. Remembering Lemiel's last request, Secre accepts her new companions and frees herself from the handcuffs.[115] The Black Bulls prepare to fight to defend Asta and Secre, but Damnatio shrinks their spells. Asta uses the Demon-Destroyer Sword's ability to remove the effect, and Yami charges at Damnatio. Nozel Silva and Fuegoleon Vermillion then interrupt the fight and pass on a mission from Julius: The Black Bulls will be exiled while the squad investigates devils and monitors Asta and Secre.[116]
Secre and Asta accompany Yami when he goes to ask Charlotte Roselei about her curse. The Blue Rose's captain runs screaming from her room and past Secre and Asta who are standing outside the door.[117] Secre later transforms back into a bird and rests on Asta's head while he and Yami visit the Blue Rose base.[118]
Secre accompanies Gordon, Asta, Gauche, and Grey when they visit Gordon's family to ask about curses. She stays in her bird form and mainly stays seated on Asta's head.[119] She also accompanies Asta, Noelle, and Finral when they visit Mimosa to ask about getting into the Heart Kingdom. After they receive passes to enter the Heart Kingdom, Secre accompanies them in her bird form as an extra member.[120]
Lolpechka explains that they were testing the Knights' Magic Stages. Asta explains that they are investigating a devil's curse, and Lolopechka bluntly reveals that she is the cursed one, which shocks Secre and Asta. Undine adds that the curse is from Megicula. As Lolopechka is inviting the Magic Knights to join, she abruptly runs off to take care of various tasks around the country. Secre is impressed by the Princess's expansive and delicate magic power. Secre and Asta then watch as Lolopechka is dressed in her royal garb and proceeds to trip and roll over the long hem.[125]
In the royal palace, Secre and Asta are reunited with the other Magic Knights, and Lolopechka explains why the Heart Kingdom needs the help of the Clover Kingdom. She notes that Secre and Asta are Arcane Stage Mages. Secre and the others listen as Lolopechka and Julius discuss an alliance between the Heart and Clover Kingdoms. Once an agreement is reached, Lolopechka offers to have the five Zero Stage-ranked Spirit Guardians train Secre and the others.[126]
Secre, Noelle, and Mimosa are trained by Lolopechka, who focuses on the plans and tactics she developed after facing Vanica Zogratis and Megicula.[127]
After Vanica takes Lolopechka as a hostage, she decides to detonate the devil power in her Dark Disciples across the Heart Kingdom.[131] Secre is protected by Noelle and Mimosa attacking the explosion. The Magic Knights are later found by Patolli, Rhya, Vetto, and Fana, who take them back to a secret village of elves, Elysia. After she wakes, Secre is overcome with emotion to learn that two of the elves are descendants of Licht and Tetia's child.
When Noelle pleads with Patolli to train them, Secre and the others echo her resolve to become stronger, and Patolli agrees to teach them the elves' Ultimate Magic.[132]
↑ Black Clover Manga — Vol. 21 (p. 156), Character Profile
↑ Black Clover Manga — Vol. 27 (p. 24).
↑ 3.03.1 Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 204 (p. 2) and Episode 117.
↑ Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 205 (p. 12-13) and Episode 118.
↑ Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 2 (p. 4) and Episode 4.
↑ Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 9 (p. 5-9) and Episode 10.
↑ 7.07.1 Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 219 (p. 4) and Episode 122.
↑ Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 205 (p. 11) and Episode 118.
↑ Black Clover Manga — Chapter 229 (p. 1-2).
↑ Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 9 (p. 15-16) and Episode 10.
↑ Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 18 (p. 8-9) and Episode 18.
↑ 12.012.1 Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 11 (p. 3) and Episode 14.
↑ 13.013.1 Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 201 (p. 15) and Episode 116.
↑ 14.014.1 Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 9 (p. 5-6) and Episode 10.
↑ 15.015.1 Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 12 (p. 14) and Episode 15.
↑ Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 204 (p. 2-5) and Episode 117.
↑ Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 204 (p. 10) and Episode 117.
↑ Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 265 (p. 4-5) and Episode 169.
↑ Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 205 (p. 4-9) and Episode 118.
↑ Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 205 (p. 10-13) and Episode 118.
↑ Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 9 (p. 6-9) and Episode 10.
↑ Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 9 (p. 15-19) and Episode 10.
↑ Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 10 (p. 1-2) and Episode 11.
↑ Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 10 (p. 6-18) and Episode 11.
↑ Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 11 (p. 3-6) and Episode 14.
↑ Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 11 (p. 7-17) and Episode 14.
↑ Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 12 (p. 4-10) and Episode 15.
↑ Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 12 (p. 12-14) and Episode 15.
↑ Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 13 (p. 6-7) and Episode 15.
↑ Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 14 (p. 11-12) and Episode 16.
↑ Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 15 (p. 1) and Episode 16.
↑ Black Clove
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