Black British Vampires

Black British Vampires

"Pitiful loser," Lord Vaughn said, and the Elder Vampire looked at the fledgling before spitting in disgust. As the Master of the Blood Legion, it was Lord Vaughn's duty to train new recruits and turn them into a force to reckon with. The Supreme Council of the Undead expected no less of him. The aforementioned loser happened to be Omar Selkirk, and he was truly deserving of the moniker. He'd slacked off during drills before but almost allowing his human quarry to flee, well, that was simply unacceptable...

Vampires are predators and must kill in order to feed, that's Vampire 101. Evidently, Omar Selkirk had been absent when this rule was invented. The fact that Omar had been a Vampire for only a few years was no excuse. Once a person became infected with the Vampire virus, the virus rewrote their DNA and altered their psychological makeup. The transformed creature would become five times stronger and three times faster than before, and would become immune to disease and old age. In order to keep those Undead benefits, the Vampire has to drink human blood.

Lord Vaughn's duties involved recruitment and training of fledgling Vampires, and the Elder Vampire found some of these fanged rookies sadly lacking in predatory instinct. Tonight's incursion into what remained of London had proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that some Vampires were inferior, powers or not. Lord Vaughn sent a small unit of ten Vampires into the post-Apocalyptic metropolis, tasking them to slay a human each, and bring back their heads. Carefully supervising his recruits, Lord Vaughn was disappointed when Omar hesitated to slay a human female, nearly allowing her to get away. The lout's cowardice knew no bounds, evidently...

"Won't happen again, Chief," Omar replied, and the tall, brown-skinned, curly-haired fledgling Vampire flinched under Lord Vaughn's merciless gaze. Lord Vaughn had been a Vampire for many centuries, having been a nobleman in Wales, England, prior to being turned. The former soldier, nobleman and statesman, now a leader among the Undead, knew what it took to be a soldier and Omar simply didn't have it...

"It better not, or I will stake you myself," Lord Vaughn replied, and he dismissed Omar, who walked away, forlorn. Outside the Fortress, the sky was bleak and dark gray, as it had been ever since the nuclear holocaust. Humanity reacted harshly when it discovered the existence of the Undead, and the world's surviving Vampires were forced to team up in the name of survival. Lord Vaughn had to mold semi-useless blood drinkers like Omar into an elite fighting unit, lest the Vampire species go extinct...

Omar walked into the depths of the Fortress, heading to the barracks. There were hundreds of Vampires around, going about their duties. They trained with sword and axe and crossbow, and also practiced with guns. Solitary by nature, the Vampires had to learn to be a community ever since the humans discovered their existence. When a Vampire uprising compromised Washington D.C. and Vienna, NATO used their nuclear options, plunging the world into semi-permanent darkness. Since then, human and Vampire had been at war...

Not for the first time Omar wondered how different his life might have been if he'd listened to his parents and fled to Kano, Nigeria, his mother's ancestral homeland. Omar was born in London, England, to a British father, Oliver Selkirk, and a Nigerian Muslim immigrant mother, Kamala Amir. He was only twenty, a business student at Brunel University when the Apocalypse began. The world discovered the existence of Vampires, triggering a war between the two species. Americans and the British used their nuclear arsenal against the Undead, thus dooming the entire world.

In the chaos that ensued, Vampire Legions stormed the cities of the world, infecting confused and frightened humans at will. Omar was hiding out in his London flat when the Undead horde came. A single scratch from a pretty Asian lady with fangs, that's all it took to transform Omar Selkirk from tall, handsome biracial geek to sullen blood drinker. In the aftermath, Omar roamed the smoldering remnants of London, confused and starving. To stave off his hunger, Omar fed from rats...

The local Vampires called themselves the Blood Legion, and their leader Lord Vaughn recruited Omar into their ranks, along with dozens of other newbie Vampires. At first, the Blood Legion seemed like a good thing. At night, Vampires ruled the streets of London and the humans hunkered down in their hiding holes. During the day, the Vampires slept, and the humans foraged for food while also hunting their enemies. It was the deadliest of stalemates. To the initially naïve Omar, the Blood Legion offered protection, and there was strength in numbers. The Fortress was the ultimate Vampire stronghold, the one place no human would dare enter...

"Hey stranger," came a female voice, and Omar turned to see Vana Everhart, Lord Vaughn's favorite fanged soldier. Tall and curvy, with blonde hair and lime-green eyes, the forty-something, decidedly alluring Vana had been a top notch soldier in the UK's Armed Forces prior to being turned. The career soldier adapted quite well to life as an Undead trooper. Too bad Omar couldn't say the same. Vana looked Omar up and down, flashing that trademark smirk of hers. What did she want?

"You saw that, of course," Omar said, and he closed his eyes, hard. Vana licked her lips and nodded. Of course she'd seen Lord Vaughn rip Omar a new one. Omar had committed perhaps the ultimate Vampire taboo by almost failing to kill a human. What Omar hadn't told Lord Vaughn and the others is that the human woman he'd almost spared tonight reminded him of his sweet Caroline, whom he hadn't seen since before the Apocalypse began...

"Yeah, you got cold feet but in the end you drained that bitch and killed her, so you did the right thing," Vana said with a shrug. Omar nodded, trying to project confidence. Tonight, he'd snuck into a human stronghold and killed two men. When it came to the sole human woman in the hiding hole, he'd hesitated. Tall, dark-skinned and slim, the woman bore a striking resemblance to Caroline Adewale, the beautiful Nigerian student whom Omar had dated pretty seriously, shortly before the world went to hell.

"The woman reminded me of Caroline," Omar said, and Vana bit her lip, remembering all the times Omar went on and on about his mortal friends and family. Caroline was the woman Omar hoped to marry, back when he was human. They'd lost track of each other during the Vampire Apocalypse. Vana nodded at Omar and gently laid her hand on his arm. Omar hesitated, then relented as Vana drew closer. The snarky look on her face vanished, replaced by one of concern.

"Omar, I got turned into this by the freak who killed my father, my mother, my husband and my daughter right in front of me," Vana said tersely, and Omar nodded at her. A lot of the newbie Vampires had similar tales of woe. Impulsively, Omar hugged Vana, who embraced him. They were no longer human. They no longer breathed. Their hearts no longer beat. Still, they felt fear, and pain, and loneliness, and loss. They were the rarest kind of Undead, those who still felt human emotions...

"We're not like them," Omar said, taking Vana's face into his hands, and she nodded. Slowly, tentatively, they kissed, and then, hand in hand, they went deeper into the welcoming darkness of the Fortress. Omar took Vana to his barracks, which consisted of a mattress, heavy covers, a table, a chair, and a pile of books. Vana grinned and drew him down to the floor, and they slipped out of their uniforms before exploring one another...

"Make love to me," Vana demanded, and the tall, pale-skinned, curvaceous, blonde-haired female Vampire looked up at her tall, dark-skinned lover. Omar grinned, for Vana's eyes were bright crimson, which happens when a Vampire is hungry or upset. He went into her welcoming arms and kissed her, caressing her breasts, even as her hands gripped his ass and stroked his hardening manhood. Vana spread her legs, and welcomed Omar inside of her. With a swift thrust, Omar buried himself inside Vana, and began fucking her...

"Oh yes," Omar groaned, giving into primal, atavistic need, and he sank his fangs into Vana's neck, drawing blood. Vana roared, and scratched Omar's back, her claws coming away bloody. Omar bucked his hips, slamming his hard dick inside Vana's tight, cold pussy. He kissed her throat and sucked on her breasts as they made love, and she pressed him against her, loving the feel of his thick cock inside her snatch. As a mortal and as a Vampire, Vana loves a good fucking, and Omar was just what she needed...

"We need to change things around here," Vana said to Omar as they lay together, basking in the warm afterglow of a good fuck. Omar nodded, resting his head against Vana's belly. The Amazonian blonde female Vampire was something else, and he loved that about her. Omar wanted to fuck again but Vana was evidently not in the mood. When Omar queried as to what she was getting at, a laughing Vana told him exactly what he had in mind. Omar suddenly wished he'd kept his mouth shut...

"You want to kill Lord Vaughn and take over the Blood Legion? Are you nuts?" Omar asked, and Vana shook her head. In the darkness, with the ruthlessness of a serial killer, and the mindset of a four-star general, Vana plotted the demise of Lord Vaughn, leader of the Blood Legion, and one of the most powerful Vampires in the world, answerable only to the Supreme Council of the Undead. Got to give the gal credit for her ambition, Omar thought, shaking his head as Vana went on about her scheme...

"Omar, there are many Vampires who feel as I do, Lord Vaughn is insane and outdated in his thinking, we should abandon the war and find an island to occupy, instead of raiding human settlements where our enemy outnumbers us," Vana said firmly. Omar looked at her, this beautiful female Vampire whom he'd just made love to. Vana was smart and ambitious, but she also lacked a healthy amount of fear and self-preservation. This would prove to be her undoing.

"I'm with you all the way," Omar said, and he kissed Vana passionately. The two of them resumed making love. Vana returned to her barracks, determined to bring her scheme to fruition. The following night, Vana was surprised when Holly, Edgar, Malik and Geoffrey, members of Lord Vaughn's personal bodyguard came to grab her. Over Vana's protests they brought her to the Hall, where Lord Vaughn conducted matters of state and strategy.

"Welcome, Vana, you traitorous bitch," Lord Vaughn said, greeting her with an insolent smile. Vana was chained and forced to kneel before the Vampire Elder, along with several Vampires whom she considered to be her allies. Vana and her fellow prisoners looked at Lord Vaughn, wondering who could have betrayed them. Their scheme had been top secret. It should have been foolproof. Vana's mind reeled when a tall, handsome figure strode into the Hall, and her non-beating heart sank...

"Don't be so surprised, Vana, of course I reported your treachery to Lord Vaughn," Omar said, laughing. Lord Vaughn looked at Omar, and nodded approvingly. The fledgling Vampire whom Lord Vaughn thought of as a ponce turned out to be quite loyal and useful. Lord Vaughn knew that many Vampires in the Blood Legion despised him, and sought to root them out. Imagine his surprise when Omar turned out to be loyal while Vana, his former mistress, turned out to be the traitor...

"Vana, you betrayed me, and Omar here exposed you, I owe him a lot," Lord Vaughn said, and the ancient Vampire handed a silver sword to Omar, who took it. Glowering at Omar, cursing him for his treachery, Vana struggled in her chains. The blonde female Vampire could not believe that Omar had betrayed her. She cared about the little ponce and he sold her out to protect his neck. I should have killed Omar, Vana thought, shaking his head.

"I will see you in Hell," Vana cried, and she struggled to rise, only to be yanked down by Lord Vaughn's servants. Omar stood there, posturing with his sword. Lord Vaughn stood up, and walked up to Vana. As Omar looked on, the ancient Vampire grabbed the blonde Vampire gal by the throat and lifted her off her feet. Roaring in rage, Lord Vaughn turned to look at the dozens of powerful Vampires who made up his court, of sorts. In Lord Vaughn's grasp, Vana struggled, fighting for her life...

"This is how a traitor dies," Lord Vaughn said, and he tried to rip Vana's head off, using his preternatural strength. Vana saw stars, and resigned herself to her fate. She was about to die. Omar watched Vana struggle in Lord Vaughn's grasp, and his face fell. What happened next stunned both Lord Vaughn and Vana. Omar raised the sword, and thrust upward, neatly cutting off Lord Vaughn's arm at the elbow. Vana fell to the floor, Lord Vaughn's hand still clutching her throat. The ancient Vampire screamed in pain and fear, and Omar moved for a killing blow.

"Guess I'm not such a pitiful loser after all," Omar screamed as he buried the sword in Lord Vaughn's chest. The other Vampires surged forward, and although Omar tried to resist, there were too many of them. In the ensuing confusion, Vana hurled herself through a nearby window. The blonde female Vampire plummeted into the ravine, hundreds of meters below. Vana hit the ground hard, and lay still. When Vana woke up, hours later, she was grievously injured but alive...

"My sweet Omar, thank you," Vana whispered, coughing up blood. Injured, broken and alone, the solitary female Vampire began the long trek back to the City of London, England. There were hundreds of thousands of humans left in town, a paltry number consider there were once millions of them. Vana would seek out the human leaders, and hand over everything she knew about the Fortress. Perhaps the humans would let Vana live. Perhaps not. One way or another, Vana would see to it that the Vampire occupation was halted, and her sweet Omar avenged. Nothing else mattered.

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