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Connor Brooke
Last updated: 19 August 2022



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One of the most common pieces of wisdom more experienced business people have shared with me is that business networking is the fast track to success. It’s also one of the most commonly ignored pieces of advice. That’s a shame, because that advice holds true. People will do business with other people they know long before they’ll do business with people they find through an advertisement.
Business networking isn’t about making direct sales, though direct sales invariably occur as a result. Rather, business networking gives you professional connections, establishes trust, and lends business through new opportunities, increased knowledge, and the ever-so-valuable word-of-mouth advertising.
Like many others, I was at first hesitant to join business networking groups. First, I hate public speaking. Second, I felt I wouldn’t be taken seriously – mostly because I was so nervous speaking in public. Third, I found it difficult to justify the time investment required to network effectively; thinking instead that I was better off working and making money. Still, a colleague convinced me to give a local BNI group a try, and I found that:
Thus, I’m a huge proponent of business networking groups; and if you join the right organizations, you will be, too. Here’s a list of my top 10 business networking groups you should join.
1. BNI – Business Networking International
BNI is the world’s largest networking group, and one I highly recommend. BNI operates on the philosophy of “giver’s gain,” in which the more referrals you give to fellow members, the more referrals will be given back to you. BNI costs right around $400 per year; I clear about 20 times that investment every year from my membership alone.
MasterMind groups bring people together for a shared goal, or shared set of goals, such as better business. MasterMind groups allow you to tap into other perspectives, get support to achieve your goals, and create a level of accountability for taking action to do so. Learn more about joining or starting a MasterMind group here .
LeTip is smaller than BNI, but works off the same principle: referrals instead of leads. How do they differ? A referral happens when someone you know gives you the name of someone they know who is already interested in buying from you. The customer already trusts you, because their friend recommended you. A lead is a cold call. Which would you prefer to invest your time in pursuing?
If you’re a business woman, don’t pass up an opportunity to join WIB. Women In Business allows you to work with others to achieve your goals. Being a man, I do not have personal involvement in WIB, but many of my women colleagues and clients swear by it.
OK, so almost everyone joins their local Chamber; but how active are you in it? Do you attend meetings, volunteer for committees or otherwise play a role as an active member of the group? If not, you’re undoubtedly missing local opportunities and connections that can propel your business.
Your local Convention and Visitor’s Bureau is tasked with catering to tourism, so if you do not own a business that likewise serves tourists you might not be a member. Join anyway, and become active, for two reasons: first, you’ll make local business connections that can lead to new business for you. Second, an improved tourist industry means an improved local economy, which means more profits for you.
Be on the lookout for local trade, merchant and industry-specific associations you can join. My area has a Young Professionals Association in which we meet monthly to listen to a business speaker. That’s all good, but the true value of membership is realized over beers after the presentation, when we get to meet, discuss, network and grow.
Rotary International is a service organization, but look at the membership list of your local chapter and you’ll see it’s packed with the movers and shakers you need to connect with to grow your business exponentially.
Just like Rotary, Kiwanis is a service organization whose membership is often comprised of the “powers-that-be,” those people whose testimonials are iron-clad. Join, get involved and reap the rewards.
Optimists are another powerful group of service-oriented professionals. Like the other groups mentioned here, don’t just show up and expect business referrals. Show up, get involved and believe in the cause. Over time, your reputation will be gold; and so will your bank account.
 This article was written for Business 2 Community by Connor Brooke. Learn how to publish your content on B2C
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Connor is a Scottish financial expert, specialising in wealth management and equity investing. Based in Glasgow, Connor writes full-time for a wide selection of financial websites, whilst also providing startup consulting to small businesses. Holding a Bachelor’s degree in Finance, and a Master’s degree in Investment Fund Management, Connor has
You might also consider a similar type group, that is focused on passing referrals, Gold Star Referral Clubs. One of the biggest differences is that Gold Star is not a franchise, and offers members a monthly option to participate.
The very best reason to consider Gold Star Clubs, is that if there isn’t a Club where you are, you can start your own Gold Star Club with our proven methods and training, and get compensated for being the “start up” Director that puts the group together.
I’d be happy to answer questions. Please contact me through the website.
Have a great 2013!
Todd Davis
National Director
Gold Star Referral Clubs
“More Business by Referrals!”
Xenos Hospitality is a relationship marketing organization with networks across Georgia and Arizona. Network memberships are available for small businesses, professionals and nonprofit organizations and provide a multitude of benefits such as regularly networking opportunities, multi-channel advertising and technology education.
Xenos Hospitality is not exclusive to profession, but rather an elite group of local influencers within each community. Networking events are open to anyone who wants to attend, including newcomers seeking local connections for employment and quality-of-life resources.
Membership and network information is available at
We also have Facebook pages for all of our networks. We are also seeking opportunities to open new markets across the United States.
As the Founder and CEO, I invite you to join us anywhere, any time!
Janel Bailey
Queen of Connections
Xenos Hospitality Inc.
Successful salespeople connect with their customers – technology and social media have allowed us to broaden our prospect fields and reach larger markets. In the end, it’s about meeting with someone “face to face” and honoring your commitment to them. Networking puts a “face” on the available services. Great article!
You also want to consider Superior to traditional networking groups – No fees , No Structured Meetings, All on your own Schedule
Am intrested but,
How does it works?,
Is Network Marketing is also the business Networking ? allows you take an actual physical group online. You can stay in touch with all the members and share updates on the go. Engage everyone in the conversation. Very helpful tool.
I need some serious help with my Principles of business SBA
In the above article , the list of business networking groups are very informative
my suggestion is my another group is BOBclubs
Not on the map but growing is Master Networks. My buddy just brought this to Missouri. He lives in the Dallas area where they opened 40 groups in the last two years. We have three going in St. Louis area. I use to be in a BNI. The difference here is professional business training and rotating weekly agendas. More about development than just referrals. We do pass business and track what we make on those but don’t ballon our ROI.
In the UK, there is an organisation called Business Over Breakfast. The meetings generally start at about 7am – and include breakfast – allowing attendees plenty of time to network without encroaching on their working day. I have worked with several small businesses that have found this format very useful.
Very interesting, but where do I start? I am a home stager, new to North Carolina between Jacksonville and Willmington, not a lot in my area.
I get solicited to join networking organizations fairly regularly. However, a quick Google search of many bring up warnings that many of these groups are fake/frauds. How can you tell which are real and which are scams?
Thanks for adding to the conversation!
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A business partner is a commercial entity with which another commercial entity has some form of alliance . This relationship may be a contractual , exclusive bond in which both entities commit not to ally with third parties. Alternatively, it may be a very loose arrangement designed largely to impress customers and competitors with the size of the network that the business partners belong to.

A business partner or alliance can be crucial for businesses. However, businesses can not choose business partners, called business mating, in any way they want. In many instances, the potential partner might not be interested in forming a business relationship. It is important that both sides of the agreement complement each other and have some common ground, for example in management style, mindset, and technology. If, for example, management style would be to different between the firms, then a partnership could be problematic. Kask and Linton (2013) investigate under what conditions business mating (formation) takes place for startup firms seeking business partners. [1]

The meaning of the term is quite different from that implied in partnership , and it is because of the potential for confusion between the two that widespread use of 'business partner' has been discouraged at times in the past.

This is a wider definition than a business alliance .

One example of a business partnership is the "Agility Alliance" originated by Electronic Data Systems . [2] Members of this IT-focused alliance include Microsoft , Oracle Corporation , Sun Microsystems and SAP . This highlights two problems with multi-party partnerships:

Business partner search or business matchmaking is the process/service of finding buyers/customers, distributors, licensees, and/or other business partners. This can be provided as a paid service by a commercial organization, or as a free service by the commercial section of a country's embassy/consulate or an association of businesses in a particular area.

Customarily, commercial consideration of this service is a one time fee. The fee for this service depends on the business domain, the volume of business of both partners that will end up in a partnership relation as the end result of this service, etc.

The collaborative relationships with business partners are oftentimes prone to certain inefficiencies, which are represented by misalignments of either incentives or efforts between the partners. [3] Business actors thus employ various approaches to manage the business relationships and facilitate both cooperation and coordination. Two mostly used mechanisms are legal contracts and social norms (e.g., trust, prior relationships, or continuity of future collaboration). [4]

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Business Tour - Board Game with Online Multiplayer
Business Tour - Board Game with Online Multiplayer

"Business Tour" is a free to play multiplayer tabletop game. Play with up to 3 friends in online mode. Or single player in offline mode. Complete daily tasks, compete against the other players and receive trade items rewards!



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