Bizarre Pregnant

Bizarre Pregnant


Sharon C., mom of one in Gilbert, Arizona, shares, «During the last trimester of pregnancy I began to experience a lot of pain in my pelvis and thighs. It was painful to do anything that required movement if one leg separated from the other (such as turning over in bed, putting on pants, walking up stairs or getting in or out of the car).»
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«I didn’t know what I had until after childbirth.»
The symptom is known as pubic symphysis diastasis and there isn’t much that can be done to help it. Sharon advises, «However, if you experience this, there are different labor positions that should be tried other than the traditional due to the fact that having this increases the chances of baby being in the face up or occipital posterior position which is much harder labor (lots of back labor) and typically longer labor. Being able to adjust your positioning can be helpful. In my experience my doctors didn’t give much thought or concern to my complaints and therefore I didn’t know what I had until after childbirth. Consequently I had a very difficult and long labor which resulted in a fractured pelvis and weeks of postpartum pain.»
Stacy R., brand new mom of one, says, «I know it’s common for the hair on my head to get stronger [during pregnancy], but I never got grays on my roots and only had to shave my legs once a month or so!»
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It’s no secret that weird cravings are common during pregnancy (pickles and ice cream, anyone?). But these odd cravings take the cake!
During her second pregnancy, Scottsdale, Arizona, mom of two Mindy H. began having «strange cravings for smells, namely, chlorine (I looked forward to my son’s indoor swim lesson every week!) and the alcohol in hand sanitizer. I also once insisted on needing to eat burnt pie crust.»
«I find them repulsive normally, but I couldn’t help myself.»
Jennifer T. of Phoenix, Arizona, admits that during pregnancy, «I ate McDonald’s fish fillets at least once a week! I find them repulsive normally, but I couldn’t help myself.»
Эти 2 овоща могут убить ваш жир с живота за ночь!
Suprina B. of Starke, Florida, shares, «I was never a coffee drinker but with my third I craved it like crazy! And of course that’s something you can’t have while pregnant. So I had coffee ice cream, coffee candy and coffee-flavored everything. Since then I have become a huge coffee fiend!»
These moms’ experiences take the term «pregnancy brain» to a whole new level.
Karyn R., mom of two in Anthem, Arizona, insists, «Pregnancy brain is real. I was getting ready for bed, bent over to take off my pants and gave myself a black eye by hitting it on the edge of the dresser.»
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Mom of one Courtenay B. from New York City reveals pregnancy brain left her rather absentminded. «I completely forgot my age the entire time [I was pregnant] — like I totally blanked when I was asked a thousand times at doctor appointment or registering.» She adds, «Now, not so much!»
«I used to puke during or after sex.»
Melissa G. of Desert Hills, Arizona, mom of two children ages 3 and 1, had a particularly bad reaction to sex during her first pregnancy. She shares, «I used to puke during and/or after sex.» She adds, «It would just hit me out of nowhere. I wasn’t nauseous when we would start!»
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Maureen W., mom of three in Cornelius, North Carolina, shares, «With my first and third pregnancies (my two boys), I seriously couldn’t breathe the entire pregnancy. I mean, it was like I was getting a crash course in snot before I became responsible for snot-creating beings. When I became preggo with my first and the congestion began, I thought I was getting sick. When the same congestion kicked in about a week before I could take a pregnancy test with my third child and second son, I knew. And since I’d had the same symptom with my oldest son, I suspected we were having another boy. Ding, ding, ding!» Maureen adds, «My pregnancy with my daughter — my middle child — was congestion-free. Does this mean she’s the only child not trying to kill me?»
Michelle M., mom of two in Corona, California, says, «When my NP told me she was in labor for four weeks, I was like, ‘yeah, right.’ Then, my contractions started regularly (30 minutes apart) at 36-1/2 weeks and proceeded until my OB/GYN broke my water three weeks later. That’s karma getting back at me ​ for doubting her pregnancy story!​»
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Published: May 5, 2021 in Moms News by
Anyone who has experienced pregnancy dreams knows that they are no joke. They can be so vivid…and bizarre…and absolutely terrifying. But wait. In addition to whatever came to mind when you read the term “pregnancy dreams,” there’s… another type. So while some of you may have ended up here looking for information on the weird […]
Anyone who has experienced pregnancy dreams knows that they are no joke. They can be so vivid…and bizarre…and absolutely terrifying. But wait. In addition to whatever came to mind when you read the term “pregnancy dreams,” there’s… another type. So while some of you may have ended up here looking for information on the weird dreams you’re having while you’re pregnant, others (who are not currently pregnant) landed here hoping to find an explanation for the dreams they’re having about being pregnant. Well, don’t worry: we’ve got everyone covered. Pregnancy dreams of either variety can be disturbing nightmares, so here’s a primer on dream interpretations for pregnant people, what to know about what they mean, and why you’re having them.
So, you’re pregnant (congratulations!). And even though you’re beyond exhausted, there’s a part of you that is hesitant about going to bed early or taking nap. That’s because as soon as you drift off to sleep…that’s when they start. Your dreams, that is. A perplexing combination of horrific nightmares and truly bizarre (and vivid) imagery and scenarios — like your own personal old-timey circus sideshow.
In short, yes. According to the Sleep Foundation, not only is it normal to have vivid dreams and nightmares while you’re pregnant — it’s also very common. So what, exactly, causes these hellish nightmares? It’s actually a combination of factors, including changing hormones, disrupted sleep patterns, and intense periods of daytime fatigue (which can increase the likelihood of having vivid dreams). Oh, and naturally, the dreams can start during the early stages of pregnancy and last until you go into labor (and often don’t stop after the baby has arrived).
And maybe you’ve always been someone who is aware of their dreams, but have noticed distinct changes since becoming pregnant. According to the American Pregnancy Association, these shifts can include:
OK, so what do these pregnancy dreams even mean? Do they mean anything at all? Is this really what your brain wants to do with its precious downtime?!
If this is something you find particularly interesting and want to do more of a deep dive, then check out this chapter of Dr. Patricia Garfield’s book Women’s Bodies, Women’s Dreams. But if you don’t have time for that (at least right now), here’s a brief rundown of what imagery in certain pregnancy dreams mean, broken down by trimester:
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This video also provides a good introduction to the subject of pregnancy dreams and their meaning:
Having a dream about being pregnant when you’re not actually pregnant (or at least are not aware that are you are) can elicit a range of feelings. For some people, it might seem like a pleasant preview of what’s to come. For others, like those dealing with infertility or another obstacle to pregnancy or starting a family, these dreams can be heartbreaking. They can also be full-on nightmares — like for someone who is actively trying not to get pregnant.
But what causes this type of pregnancy dream? According to Garfield, sometimes they happen while a person is ovulating. Another theory, as outlined by Healthline, is that dreaming about being pregnant can be an early sign of pregnancy itself, which again, would make hormones the culprit. Other than that, it’s the usual: your brain working through something in your subconscious.
A whole bunch of things — just like any other type of dream! Given how common these pregnancy dreams are, some psychologists and researchers have looked into their possible meanings. Here are a few expert interpretations from an article in Refinery29:
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Source: Scary Mommy

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