


Bitwings is a mobile network operator, software developer, and ultimately, now a manufacturer of electronic products. Thanks to these three activities and sophisticated sensibilities aimed at advanced leadership, the needs of today's users are fully coupled with technological innovation to provide global solutions and unique products.

Bitwings was founded from 2007 to 2016. Competing in the business (B2B) wholesale business market, it provides services to the following major carriers:

Bitwings Ono (currently Vodafone), Jazztel (orange), Tata, Belgacom, etc. In 2017, the organization decided to enter the retail market, distribute services and products directly to end users, and create their own distribution system. This is a major problem for brands that are not well known in regions traditionally managed by large distributors who prefer famous and popular brands.

This brings the following value to the end user:

All high-tech solutions at an affordable price.

An economic approach to social content.

A decentralized marketing and distribution model gives customers the opportunity to join the business.

Support local production centers to prevent cost overruns associated with tariffs that are detrimental to reduced purchasing power in some regions (Latin America).

WINGS MOBILE is a mobile operator, software developer and manufacturer of electronic products since 2017. Thanks to these three business areas and sophisticated leadership, the needs of today's electronics users are fully coupled with technological innovation, providing the world's high-tech solutions and unique products.

WINGS MOBILE is a virtual cellular operator in Spain, offering a very competitive package on the second service call (domestic calls, international calls-avoiding additional roaming charges in over 60 countries).

WINGS ENERGY is a sales service provider that provides electricity and natural gas supply to businesses and individuals.

Privacy-Monitor phone conversations

It is increasingly possible that their telephone conversations can be interrupted by third parties. With the introduction of end-to-end encryption used in instant messaging applications such as WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram, etc., encryption will prevent hackers from decrypting messages, and users must be protected with encryption.

End-to-end encryption (sometimes abbreviated as e2e) is designed specifically to protect against hackers trying to “eavesdrop” connections between multiple users to steal information and personal data . As the name suggests (“middle man”), the attacker is in the middle of the transmitter and receiver. In this case, the message sent by the sender goes into the hacker's hand before reaching the destination. Attackers can save the collected information and use it at their own discretion.

Immoral price-centralized production economy

WINGS MOBILE is always very sensitive to inequality and socio-economic differences between countries. The production of household appliances (smartphones, PCs, etc.) is mainly done by some countries in Southeast Asia, especially “large-scale factories in China”. This will affect import prices in many countries, especially developing countries.

This logic of protecting the domestic market attempts to artificially balance the trade, import and export relationships of developing countries. However, this limits the end consumer and is likely to make it poor. The end consumer will be forced to pay for the same product 100% higher than the state consumer producing the product.

100% guaranteed first cryptocurrency

To confirm maximum confidence in project strength, BITWINGS is the first currency and guarantees a release price of $ 0.20. If the deposit value is lower than the issue price, it will always be accepted at the lowest price published in the WINGSPAY chain (online physical store and Wings Mobile).

Bitwings understands that the cellular market is evolving in an irreversible and uncontrollable way (VIS). And in addition to sending information via voice (calls) or data (all applications available on smartphones), they immediately become the main channel of financial exchange or confidential information. Thus, the key to ensuring that these dynamics occur in harmony is the development of security protocols and tools that facilitate the exchange of cryptocurrencies.

Bitwings Mobile is a very dynamic company that focuses on a combination of security and technology. As a result, financial applications are not indifferent to the security issues associated with the cryptocurrency universe of currencies and their ecosystems in a world that is oriented towards new technologies and developing.

WINGS MISSION MOBILE-Creates a device that can significantly improve cryptographic security and privacy standards without leaving the operating system benefits of using all currently available applications.

Wings Safe OS is based on an encrypted and protected partition (32GB) and is completely independent of the main Android system. There are no Android applications, controls, or APIs that can access Wings Safe Core.

ICO details

Token: BWN

PreICO Utility: 1BWN = 0.1 USD

Price: 1BWN = 0.2 USD

Platform: Ethereum

Trusted: BTC, ETH, Fiat

Minimum investment: 455 USD

Soft hat: 3.000.000 USD

Hardcover: 30.000 000 USD

Country: Malta

Limited area: United States, Canada


Stage 1: 24 million BWN public sales are sold, with a 25% bonus on official release values.

Phase 2: 30 million BWN public sale will be sold with a bonus of 15% of the official price.

Stage 3: 45 million BWN public sale will be sold with a bonus of 5% of public issue value.

Phase 4: 60 million BWN public sale will be sold with a bonus of 0% of official issue value.

Detailed information:



Twitter: Bitwings Ico (@bitwingsteam) |


Telecom: Bitwings_Eng

Medium: BitWings-Medium

Lindekin: -llc

GitHub: Bitwings-Overview

Reference link: Ref = d4808f9

AUTHOR: Dragonbal58


ETH: 0xfc8C7417f2D808077cbBBF7B4f62A104b7603B57

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