


Bitwings adalah operator jaringan seluler, pengembang perangkat lunak dan, akhirnya, sekarang menjadi produsen produk elektronik. Berkat aktivitas rangkap tiga ini, dikombinasikan dengan sensitivitas canggih yang ditujukan untuk kepemimpinan tingkat lanjut, sempurna menghubungkan kebutuhan pengguna saat ini dengan inovasi teknologi, menawarkan solusi dan produk unik di dunia.

Bitwings didirikan pada 2007 dan sampai 2016. Ini bersaing di pasar bisnis grosir untuk Bisnis (B2B), menawarkan layanan kepada operator telekomunikasi besar, seperti:

Bitwings Ono (sekarang Vodafone), Jazztel (Oranye), Tata, Belgacom dan banyak lainnya. Pada 2017, organisasi memutuskan untuk meluncurkan pasar ritel, langsung memberikan layanan dan produknya kepada pengguna akhir dan membuat sistem distribusi sendiri. Ini adalah masalah besar bagi merek-merek yang kurang dikenal di wilayah-wilayah yang didukung tradisional oleh distributor besar yang lebih memilih merek-merek terkenal dan dicari.

Ini menciptakan nilai bagi pengguna akhir melalui:

Solusi teknologi tinggi untuk semua dengan harga terjangkau;

Informasi ekonomi dengan konten sosial;

Berikan pelanggan peluang untuk diberikan dalam bisnis melalui model distribusi dan pemasaran yang terdesentralisasi;

Bantu pusat produksi lokal, cegah pembengkakan biaya terkait dengan harga yang merugikan harga beli yang lebih rendah di beberapa wilayah (Amerika Latin).

WINGS MOBILE adalah operator seluler, pengembang perangkat lunak, dan sejak 2017, produsen produk elektronik. Berkat tiga bidang bisnis ini, dikombinasikan dengan kepemimpinan yang canggih, sempurna menghubungkan kebutuhan pengguna perangkat elektronik saat ini dengan inovasi teknologi, menawarkan solusi teknologi tinggi dan produk unik di dunia.

WINGS MOBILE adalah operator seluler virtual di Spanyol, dengan paket yang sangat kompetitif pada panggilan layanan kedua (panggilan nasional, panggilan internasional - hindari biaya roaming tambahan di lebih dari 60 negara) dan data.

WINGS ENERGY adalah penyedia layanan penjualan yang menawarkan pasokan listrik dan gas alam untuk perusahaan dan individu.

Privasi - memantau percakapan telepon mereka

The possibility that their telephone conversations will be interrupted by third parties is becoming increasingly possible. With the introduction of end-to-end encryption used by instant messaging applications such as WhatsApp, Messenger and Telegram, users should be protected by encryption, because encryption makes messages unreadable by hackers.

End-to-end encryption (sometimes abbreviated as e2e) is specifically designed to protect against hackers who, to steal personal information and data, try to "intercept" connections between two or more users. As the name implies ("man in the middle"), the attacker is in the middle between the transmitter and receiver. In this case, the message sent by the sender falls into the hands of the hacker before they reach the destination. An attacker can store information collected and use it at his own discretion.

Price is immoral - centralized production economy

WINGS MOBILE has always been very sensitive to inequality and socio-economic differences between countries. Production of consumer electronic goods (smartphones, PCs, etc.) Mostly carried out by several countries in Southeast Asia, and mainly by "large Chinese factories." The latter has caused a number of conflicts, for example, resulting from the introduction of high tariffs, which ultimately affected the price of imports in many countries, especially in developing countries.

The logic of protecting this national market is trying to balance the trade, import and export relations of developing countries artificially. However, this is more likely to limit and impoverish end consumers, who are forced to pay for the same product even 100% higher than the consumers of the country that produces the product.

First cryptocurrency with 100% guarantee

As a confirmation of Maximum Confidence in the Strength of the Project, BITWINGS is the first currency and guarantees a release price of $ 0.20. It will always be received at the lowest published price in the WINGSPAY chain (physical store and Wings Mobile online) in the event that the deposit value is lower than the issuance price with a published price guaranteed 100% GUARANTEED

Bitwings understands (VIS) that the mobile market is developing in an irreversible and uncontrolled manner; and that, in addition to sending information via voice (call) or data (with all applications available for smartphones), they will immediately become the main channel for financial exchange or confidential information. Therefore, the key to ensuring that these dynamics occur harmoniously is the development of security protocols and tools that facilitate the exchange of crypto currencies.

Bitwings Mobile is a very dynamic company that focuses on a combination of security and technology. Consequently, in a world that is oriented and developed towards new technologies, even in financial applications, it cannot be indifferent to security issues related to the cryptocurrency universe and its ecosystem.

WINGS MISSION MOBILE - the creation of devices that can significantly improve the CRYPTO SECURITY and Privacy standards, without having to let go of the advantages of the operating system, which allows you to use all the applications currently available.

Wings Safe OS is based on an encrypted and protected partition (32GB) and is completely independent of the main Android system. There are no Android apps, controls or APIs that have access to Wings Safe Core.

ICO details

Token: BWN

PreICO Utility : 1BWN = 0.1 USD

Price: 1BWN = 0.2 USD

Platform: Ethereum

Accepted: BTC, ETH, Fiat

Minimum investment: 455 USD

Soft Hat: 3,000,000 USD

Hard Cover: 30,000 000 USD

Country: Malta

Area limited: United States, Canada


Stage 1 public sales: 24 million BWNs are sold with a 25% bonus on official release value.

Phase 2: 30 million BWN public sales are sold with a 15% bonus from the official price.

Public sales Stage 3: 45 million BWNs are sold with a 5% bonus from the official issue value.

Phase 4 public sales: 60 million BWNs are sold with a 0% bonus from the official issue value.

Further information:


White Paper:

Twitter: Bitwings Ico (@bitwingsteam) | Twitter

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Telegram: Bitwings_Eng

Medium: BitWings – Medium

Lindekin: -llc

GitHub: Bitwings - Overview

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