Bitenny,Rearrange your future, disentangle the market.

Bitenny,Rearrange your future, disentangle the market.


Bitenny Platfotm

Bitenny - is an appealing new computerized money stage intended to disentangle your future and give outstanding chances and chances to fruitful venture. The underlying foundations of Bitenny's exceptional execution are its structure, idea and incorporation with AI and abnormal state AI innovation.


The execution is diverse on the grounds that merchants get assets with help that is utilized to claim assets as close to home inclinations, and more to separate teaches that are perfect for taking a shot at procedures with crypto venture arranging, the stages by Bitenny's designers as sponsor. As required by the work instruments accessible to their clients, as will be the situation with freedom and leeway of traditions, the discharge for utilization of the help will be made accessible and bolstered in the arranging as per Bitcoin's arranging in the business territory.




I additionally need to attract your thoughtfulness regarding the way that Bitenny will be a perfect arrangement for private use, yet additionally for other substantial corporate customers, just as different crypto-trades and banks. To do this, Bitenny has all the important secluded structures that enable you to supplement every conceivable administration, just as speak with a customer, giving most extreme security and straightforwardness all things considered.


Another striking favorable position of Bitennyplatform is its figuring center, which adds to the most extreme dimension of security and adaptability of the whole framework. In addition, all trade forms collaborate legitimately with computerized reasoning calculations, enabling you to get any kind of information progressively rapidly and securely.


In this way, inside the structure of Bitenny you can without much of a stretch check the equalization of your wallet, yet additionally to complete any kind of exchange both outside the framework and inside it. This and considerably more is hanging tight for each one of the individuals who need to join the Bitenny framework.


Bitenny brings down the hazard and anxiety of putting resources into crypto by offering a free AI-empowered wallet. This framework enables clients to swap virtual monetary forms all the more safely, with full consistence. In contrast to comparative stages, it additionally has tight joining among virtual and physical monetary forms, giving individuals a chance to hold, pay and appropriate digital forms of money and fiat monetary standards easily.


Ongoing access to crypto markets implies Prally, the intuitive right hand, can educate clients about current exchanging openings and furnish them with thoughts on exchange execution. A key component, this confines the hazard that originates from having absence of involvement in putting resources into crypto.


To make a consistent encounter for organizations that need to acknowledge crypto installments, Bitenny comes outfitted with the completely highlighted Bitenny API, which is anything but difficult to incorporate into online stores and is accessible for nothing out of pocket.


As opposed to one simple to-utilize stage, shippers are screwed over thanks to a few Payment Service Providers (PSPs) with an absence of coordination between them. Bitenny, a propelled specialized stage tolerating more than 50 techniques for installment, including extensive crypto incorporation, takes care of this issue.


The absence of specific programming makes it troublesome for physical organizations to acknowledge crypto installments. The Bitenny framework can be effectively introduced on a tablet PC utilized by the clerk at the purpose of offer, so that Bitenny Wallet clients can pay for the digital currency.


Straightforwardness and Accessibility


Rearrange your future, disentangle the market. This is the point of Bitenny.


The system accomplishes this through the arrangement of straightforward and exquisite installment arrangements which influence the accompanying highlights;


Ultra secure, ultra advantageous enlistment and login, utilizing PIN and biometric recognizable proof


Simple and complete access to full venture portfolios in the Bitenny wallet, just as rich examination apparatuses


Complete cash wallet following and secure private key stockpiling from the Bitenny Interactive Wallet


Market driving KYC authorisation as far as speed and security, enabling clients to rotate among fiat and advanced monetary standards effortlessly


Backing for credit and platinum card offices, supporting physical installments at in-store purposes of offer


Bridling man-made brainpower to help client speculations, and the sky is the limit from there

Token information

Token BTNY

Plattform Ethereum

Enter ERC-20

Price in ICO 1 BTNY = 0.07 USD

Hardcap: 25.000.000 USD

Max Token: BTNY


2018 Q3:

The initial financing is guaranteed $ 600,000

2018 Q4:

Develop a website

Development and testing of token sales contracts

2019 Q1:

Start of development of MVP

Release the whitepaper

Community development

Sale of international tokens

2019 Q2:

Further development of the Bitenny platform

2019 Q3:

List of tokens in the warehouse

Bitenny Handelsfreigabe

2019 Q4:

Bitenny released a payment solution

2020 Q1:

Share Prally's digital assistant

Implement Prally language queries and natural language user interfaces

2020 Q2:

Bitenny's white label solution for partners


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