Bitcoin fog

Bitcoin fog

Bitcoin fog

Cash-exchanger – это международный обменный сервис, позволяющий совершать обмены электронных валют в любой точке мира, где бы Вы не находились.

Совершать обмены с Cash-exchanger можно с любого устройства, неважно чем Вам удобно пользоваться: мобильным телефоном, планшетом или компьютером.

Подключитесь к интернету и за считанные минуты Вы сможете произвести обмен электронных валют.

Все наши кошельки полностью верифицированы, что гарантирует Вам надежность и уверенность при совершении обмена.

Ознакомиться с отзывами о работе нашего обменного сервиса.

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Отзывы Cash-exchanger

Все обменные операции полностью анонимны, мы не предоставляем Ваши данные третьим лицам

Обменный пункт Cash-exchanger:

Андрей Россия 46.146.38.* (12 августа 2018 | 23:11)

При переводе на карту возникли трудности, банк отвергал платеж. Обратился в поддержку, в течение 15 минут вопрос был решен, перевели на другую мою карту. Оперативная техподдержка, удобный сервис, спасибо за вашу работу!!!

Galina Россия 5.166.149.* (12 августа 2018 | 21:01)

Перевод был произведен супер быстро! А если добавите еще Сбербанк, чтобы комиссия поменьше, лучшего о не пожелаешь! Так держать!

Влад Россия 46.42.42.* (12 августа 2018 | 10:18)

Выводил эксмо рубли на тинькофф - процедура заняла порядка 5 минут, с 25тыс заплатил комиссию 7,5 рублей.

Результатом доволен на все 146%

Егор Нидерланды 192.42.116.* (9 августа 2018 | 18:40)

Очень быстрыы и оперативные, я сам накосячил при вводе но ребята быстро помогли 10 из 10

Андрей Россия 213.87.135.* (8 августа 2018 | 19:27)

Как всегда быстро и качественно, СПС.

Андрей Россия 176.195.75.* (8 августа 2018 | 11:21)

Обменивал с карты ВТБ на эфир, транзакацая заняла меньше минуты, оператор отвечал очень быстро, определенно годный обменник, будем пользоваться

Леха Россия 93.81.174.* (6 августа 2018 | 11:19)

Все супер как и всегда

Bitcoin Fog is the Bitcoin Mixing and Tumbling service that covers up your tracks in the Bitcoin world. Is it not interesting when a lot of people start transacting with Bitcoins they believe that they are anonymous and that privacy is secure. However so many of the users do not realize that the basic working of the blockchain is such that it logs in every transaction. A lot of the readers of the post would be surprised to read this but yes it is true. Do not take my word for it check it out yourself. On this page you can enter a Bitcoin address in the search field in the top right corner of the page and search the transactions done on that Bitcoin address. You would be surprised to see that you can dig up every Bitcoin transaction done on that Bitcoin address. That too just using your browser and having the information where to look. You may say you have nothing to hide but frankly speaking who wants to lay bare his bank statement and credit card transactions for the world to scrutinize. This is a lot of information pulled up about a person just by looking up his Bitcoin address. Now think of a person doing Bitcoin Blockchain analysis who has access to a lot many tools and he can dig much deeper and can dig up much more information about any Bitcoin transaction, address or user. So this is where a Bitcoin mixing or tumbling service provider comes into picture. Bitcoin Fog is a Bitcoin service provider that does just that. The Bitcoin mixing service enables the transaction of money to be routed between the sender and receiver of Bitcoins in such a way that the possibility of establishing a direct correlation between the sender and receiver of Bitcoins is greatly reduced and so are the chances of Bitcoin money transaction being tracked to the user of the service. Bitcoin Fog is an account based Bitcoin mixing service thus a user needs to register an account and login every time he wishes to mix his Bitcoins. The way Bitcoin Fog mixes Bitcoins is that it lets the user make a Bitcoin deposit into his account. The user gets paid back his Bitcoins. He can get the bitcoins paid into one Bitcoin address or multiple addresses depending upon his choice and requirement. For providing this service Bitcoin Fog charges a fee on all deposits. Suppose Bitcoin Fog charged a fixed fee for Bitcoin Mixing service. This increases the security and anonymity of the user. To start the Bitcoin mixing process with Bitcoin Fox mixer first the users needs to make a Bitcoin deposit. The user can add upto 5 Bitcoin deposit addresses into his account. Multiple deposit addresses increase the anonymity of the transaction. Bitcoin Fog has a minimum limit for the deposits to be made. The user must check this limit at the time of making a Bitcoin deposit. The minimum Bitcoin deposit limit prevailing can be seen under the deposit page of the account. There after Bitcoin Fog operates on the principal of mixing the users coins with an existing pool of coins which are sent in by other users. Once the user executes a withdraw option clean and mixed coins are sent out to him. For this guide we would be using the term Bitcoin tumbling and Bitcoin mixing interchangeably. They mean one and the same thing to clean up the Bitcoins before they reach your actual wallet and to protect the users identity and secure his anonymity. In case Tor is not installed on the device that the user is going to use to perform Bitcoin mixing than it is required to install this browser. The Tor browser can be downloaded and installed from the torproject. Depending upon the operating system of your device you can install a tor browser that is supported by your device. Using the Tor browser increases the anonymity of the user. To lower the learning curve of learning how to use this new browser there is a well written and detail article that is available here. This opens the Bitcoin Fog home page. Registering to create a Bitcoin Fog account is a very straight forward process and involves the filling up of the following steps. Note that user registration to Bitcoin Fog is a one time process. Users who have an account can straight away login to the account. As a logged in user a person is able to see his username and Bitcoin account balance in the top part of the page. To initiate the Bitcoin mixing process first the user needs to deposit Bitcoins. To do this click on the deposit tab as shown in the image below. This pages displays the address to which the Bitcoins to be mixed are to be sent. This is also the address that should be given to someone who is sending in the Bitcoins that are to be mixed. The user can generate more Bitcoin addresses to deposit the Bitcoins. The maximum number of Bitcoin addresses that can be generated is 5. A good safety practice is to visit the page https: In case the deposited amount does not get reflected even after a span of 2 hours then the user is advised to contact the Bitcoin Fog support. Important note as per the site: In case a user has been inactive for several days, it may take additional 15 minutes AFTER user login to register any outstanding deposits. Once the deposit is received into the account the Bitcoin Fog service would add the coins to an existing pool of coins and mix them with other user coins that are present in the pool. Here the user needs to enter the number of hours to wait before starting the transactions. The maximum delay the user can pick is 48 hours. As long as the transaction is pending he has the option to come back and cancel the transaction. December 1, at 2: Albert Kocsika December 1, at 5: All URl is down. Wayne June 1, at 9: VodkaVida July 16, at 2: After some days my login blocked. Leave a comment Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

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