Bitch Cousin Manga

Bitch Cousin Manga


Bitch Cousin Manga

Description :
From An Endless Story:
Tsubomi Shirakawa, 18 years old, has graduated from high school, but while her circle of friends have already found jobs or started college, she has decided to become a "Freeter," and begins part-timing at a local rental video store. Meanwhile, she finds out that her cousin Noni, whom she has not met from as long as she can remember, has debuted in show business.
Tsubomi may have a chubby figure but was uninterested in beauty of figure or form. However, that is about to change when a coworker, Shiro, brings her to visit a bar where she falls in love with the owner, Nasukawa.

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- 21 votes

Current Time is Jul 01,2022 - 05:17:15 AM


After not visiting for a long time, Hyunsoo is forced to stay at his grandmotherโ€™s house in the countryside during summer vacation on his first year of college. There heโ€™s reunited with his older cousin, Young-sook. To his surprise, his cousin looks nothing like what he remembered. She has a killer body and is acting as if theyโ€™re still kids being totally careless in front of him. But it seems like sheโ€™s keeping a few secrets...
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It's quiet. Too quiet. Suspicious. Oooo, chocolate!
Moms only. Just say what's going on. No judgments, no nastiness.
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Do you remember back in December that bromo that posted about the bitch cousin that held a big ass F-U sign while she put her whore mouth to my daughters sippy cup? Well that was me.
If you read further i talk about abortion so if thats a triggerthen you might want to stop reading.
So, i havent had a phone since Feb. and my SO leaves his with me all the time in case of emergency and what not. He usually calls me at least once a day to see what we're up to and just to have a casual conversation. Our daughter had her 15mo. Check up this morning so i called to let him know how it went. There are some concerns that i brought up to the pediatrician and she sent us to the lab for blood work just to make sure everything is ok. We wont know anything until the labs come back.
So, to the point, I was talking to him andour daughter was in another room with my mom and i heard her crying so i went to go check on her amd i said i'd call him right back. Checked on her and she was fine so I called him back. his cousin answered the work phone and said 'es la bruja es la bruja' meaning its the witch. I didnt want to jump to any conclusions and thought maybe she was talking about rude customer or something and i said hello a few times then the line cut off. I waited a few minutes before calling back and she answered again. I asked for him, with attitude she says hes not here call him back later. Click. Its not normal for him to leave the location. Shes the one that does all that. So i called one more time and she answered and went OFF on me. First thing she says is why the fuck do you always have my cousins phone thats what i want to know. I said what business is it of yours and she cut me off and was just cussing up a storm and was letting me know she knows ALL of our business and whats been going on between my SO and I. She called me a lazy bitch because I don't work and brought up the whole sippy cup thing so i told her that yeah i didnt want her mouth touching my kids cup because i know that shes a whore and sucks a lot of dick and has unprotected sex with multiple partners so excuse me if i didnt want my child to end up with herpes. She went on and on about how i hate their whole family and i keep the baby from them and im such a bad mom and everything in the book! I told her, no, we take our daughter to his moms house EVERY WEEKEND!! His mom will just say hi to her and hold her for like 15 min and then go to her room. Im left to chase her around making sure she doesnt hurt herself because that house ismt baby proof at all. All my SO does is go outside to smoke weed with his brother and their friends and then comes inside to play video games the whole time. Not helping me at all with our daughter.
Im sorry idk how to link my previous posts talking about the issues i have with my SO. But for the last few weeks things have been fine between us.
When i was talking to him 5 min before this shot storm happened we were totally fine. I guess in the 5 minutes that i went to check on our daughter the couson sent him to do a delivery. So he wasnt there while she went on her rampage.
This month cousin who is trying to get better (recovering addict) stayed with us for about 3 weeks to het clean before going into rehab. We live with my parents and it was their call for him to stay here. He minded his own business, didnt bother us, he slept most of the time and my dad kept a close eye on him.
So this bitch then says 'you had a drug addict living there what kind of mother are you?!' He wasnt doing any drugs here. My dad made damn sure of that. He stayed in the back of the house, we stay in the front.
My mom grabbed the phone from me and wemt off on her
The whole time the cousin is going off im saying things back and defending myself. I am NOT one to stay quiet.
She starts saying that she's better than us and pulling the whole 'holier than thou' shit so i dropped a bomb on her. I said if you want to act like youre better than anyone youre not. Because you fuck all kinds of guys without protection and have a abortion.
She then goes on to say that its none of my business what she chooses to do with her body and i have no right to talk about it. So i said just like whatever goes on between my SO and I is NONE of your concern. Then she hung up.
I then did some really petty shit. I have my SO's phone so i typed up a nice looooong text to her parents about her whoreish ways.
Now i know ill get tons of downvotes and hate comment because of my pettyness
EDIT: because i didnt lnow i left all the spacing
No judgment here. All I want to know is how did your SO respond?
He was really really angry with both of us. He said that i need to understand that i'm messing with people his family's relationships with each other. (Meaning his bitch cousin and her parents) and asked if i cared that i probably ruined her relationship with her parents who are very religious. I said no i dont care about their relationships that i only care about ours.
It's your SO's job to stand up for you, the mother of his child, when his family bad mouths you. Since he isn't doing that, then you have to stand up for yourself. No judgement. I'd do the same thing.
That's exactly what I said. That I'm not going to sit there and let her bash me. I honestly believe she thought I wasn't going to say anything at all.
He also said he gets that i was attacked and used the ammo that i had. I told him yeah she threw a rock so i threw a boulder.
i hope you are ok- dealing with inlaws who don't like you is really hard.
Thank you. I don't care if they like me. I only care when they stick their nose in our business!! Ugh. I just wish I could kick her ass.

Marisa Tomei Mrskin
Danielle Christine Fishel Nude

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