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October 23, 2021

Some people are confident about their sex at an early age. Others didn’t figure it out until they were much older. Some people never really work. The truth is that sex is a very confusing and personal thing that you have to practice on your own. Of course, you can read about the signs of female bisexuality and other types of sexuality, but it depends on your mood and feelings. If you think you might be bisexual or all other sexes, take your time and learn at your own pace.
Of course, there are signs of a woman’s bisexuality that you can spot and may help you understand your own gender or someone else’s sexuality. [Read: The 12 most common bisexual stereotypes we need to get rid of ASAP ]

In this chat, we will focus on same sex. But let’s reiterate that there are different types of sex. And you have to figure out which type you can identify the most.
If you identify as bisexual Show that you are a woman who is attracted to both men and women. You may be in a romantic and/or sexual relationship with a specific gender. And you’re not likely to be sexually satisfied. Although some bisexual people prefer one gender over the other just a little It’s a personal matter!
It’s easy to confuse being bisexual and being gay. that’s a lesbian But there is one big difference. Basically, lesbians are attracted to other women and they are not attracted to men at all. Bisexual attracts both of them. [Read: The best of both worlds? How to date a bisexual woman ]

The key to understanding the signs of a woman’s bisexuality and exercising your preferences is knowledge and understanding. Understand the basics and you can work from there.
the bigger the worse I know I should be more positive. but it’s really bad It’s not just you trying live , pay bills , find a job , graduate school But above all, you should figure it out. who you and what make you happy It’s not much pressure, right?
This is where gender identity plays a key role. And when we’re in the dating world It might be more complicated than that. Now it’s not just about you. But it’s also about other people. You may like girls But you’re just not sure if she likes you. [Read: Are you bisexual? How to understand your true desires ]

Now, it’s not easy to find someone’s gender without them telling you. First of all, people often don’t share their gender with people they don’t really know. Especially since bisexuality is often labeled as confusing. It’s quite insulting on many levels. Being bisexual doesn’t mean you don’t know what you want. It does mean that you don’t consider sex as a barrier if you like someone.
But that’s not the only reason. Many people are still figuring out their sexuality and although they may feel bisexual. But they didn’t confirm to themselves. So even if you’re trying to figure out someone’s sexuality. Don’t think that they keep it in their head You should also ask yourself if it really is your business. Or not trying to do it from the start! [Read: Pansexual vs bisexual: All the ways to tell the real difference ]

No one said sex was a walk in the park. But at least you can learn the signs of a woman’s bisexuality to help you along the way.
How can I explain this? Maybe if you’re bisexual, you might. feel It or it could be if someone else is. Of course, these signs can help you. but at the end you have intuition This may be vague. But there is no other way to say it. you just feel it [Read: How to listen to your gut and strengthen your inner voice ]

Obviously, this is the most obvious and easiest way to find out if someone is bisexual. There is no other clearer sign. If someone tells you they are bisexual. they understand
Maybe they are in a bisexual relationship or have experience and know their gender. So if they tell you, you know. [Read: How to understand if you’re a lesbian or bisexual ]

Okay, some of us have times when we get drunk and hang out with our friends. It doesn’t always mean that you’re bisexual or even gay. really Like and want to do more That could be a sign of a woman’s bisexuality. Remember the difference between bisexual and lesbian.
Being bisexual depends on women being attracted to both men and women. It doesn’t mean they have same-sex sexual experiences. but when they see a woman You don’t have to have sex with someone to know that you’re interested in them. Bisexual girls may never have sex with other women. But they felt very attractive and that’s what sums up their sexuality. [Read: What it means to have a lesbian fantasy as a straight girl ]

technically She didn’t call it a relationship. It’s more like casual dating. But it seems that she accidentally dated someone of both sexes. if she has ever had a sexual relationship with both a man and a woman She might be bisexual.
You might have dinner with her and a good-looking woman walks past. You both can look at her. Okay, the girl looks at the other girl. It doesn’t mean they are bisexual. There is a difference between appreciating a woman who looks good and being attractive to her.
If she talks openly about her beauty or traits that have nothing to do with costume or makeup. She could also be bisexual. [Read: Sexually fluid: What does this even mean in the dating world? ]

We all have fun times. She seems to talk a lot about this in the conversation. whenever there is a chance She immediately used it to talk about that time in the Jacuzzi with some girls or three she had over the weekend. Her story seemed endless. This does not mean that she is bisexual. But it’s definitely leaning in that direction. [Read: Is she a lesbian? 20 signs your BFF is too close for comfort ]

Of course, there are more bisexual women who dress as women than anyone else. But there are also many bisexual women who dress more masculine or gender neutral.
If she’s openly telling you that she is acquainted with the LGBTQ community, then she’s most likely a lesbian or bisexual. She might be bisexual. if you are a woman She could be either. If she identifies with the LGBTQ community, ask her who she identifies. [Read: Definition of queer: What does the Q in LGBTQ really mean? ]

This can be considered stereotypical because I act like a man and that doesn’t mean I’m homosexual. But if you’re looking for signs of being a bisexual woman. You can use this as a loose signal that she can Bisexual, she acts more masculine. hang out with lots of men and most interact with her as if she were a man.
Most of her friends are part of the LGBTQ community, and most of her boyfriends are lesbians. Her male friends are gay. Again, this doesn’t mean she’s lesbian or bisexual. But people tend to hang out with other people they know and feel comfortable and safe with. [Read: Sexually fluid – What this really means in the dating world ]

She wears an LGBTQ t-shirt or pin if her t-shirt says “I’m bisexual!” or “Gay rights.” She could very well be bisexual. but vice versa She can be straightforward and just support the LGBTQ community.
If she has a gay family member or friend Wearing a brooch may support them and doesn’t mean she’s bisexual. [Read: Commonly accepted sex myths that are so wrong ]

If you’re a girl and notice that another woman has been making eye contact with you for a long time She may be indicating that she likes you. It’s normal to make eye contact with people. but if longer than usual She’s trying to tell you something. [Read: How to tell if a woman is attracted to another woman ]

This is what all these signs do not mean that she is bisexual. unless She frankly tells you that she is. Straight women or lesbians can wear loose clothing. Support the LGBTQ and non-bisexual community. This is why her best sexual affirmation is if she tells you.
Nobody said finding your gender would be easy. After looking at the signs of a woman’s bisexuality, what about you? Is it your interest?
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2 Bisexual People Have Higher Rates Of Mental Health Issues Than Straight Or Gay Folks
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Another day, another study proving that people have some weird AF misconceptions about bisexuality . New research published in The Journal of Sex Research shows, like many other studies, that bisexual women are more likely to be thought of in a negative light than other women.
The study asked 261 heterosexual participants (154 men and 107 women) to provide descriptions of heterosexual women, lesbians, and bisexual women. They also were presented with descriptions of two characters on a date and asked to give an evaluation. And the results? Well, they won't come as a surprise to any bisexual women out there. Bisexual women were described as more confused and promiscuous than other women. They were also evaluated as more neurotic, more extroverted, and more open to experiences. Now, not all of those are bad things — but good or bad, they all have literally nothing to do with being bisexual. The study also found that these stereotypes are not learned by seeing bisexual behavior, but rather come through assumptions about bisexuality. In other words, they're just prejudices with no basis in reality.
As a bisexual woman, this all sounds all too familiar to me. Bisexual women are often thought of as either greedy or going through a phase — or, even worse, "faking it" to impress a guy. We run into these misconceptions all the time. But it's time to stop perpetuating these stereotypes and start talking about what it's actually like to be bisexual. Here are seven things you should know.
Some people think that being bisexual means your sexual experiences have to be 50/50. Seriously, if you say you're bisexual people want the receipts. They want to know how many men and women you've slept with, how long you check out a man versus a woman, and of course, "WHO DO YOU LOOK AT FIRST?!"
But it's not an exact science. I probably was more man-leaning for a while, but then it shifted. Some people never act on their bisexuality at all, but that doesn't make them any less bisexual.
It also may take a while to realize that you're bisexual, or you might know right away. And that's OK, too. I know bi people who didn't have any experiences with women until their 30s, but that doesn't make them any less valid.
Although a lot of people think bisexual people are basically just whining about bi-erasure, there are some real problems in the bisexual community. Studies have shown that bisexuals have higher rates of anxiety , depression, and even suicidal tendencies than straight or gay people. Part of the problem is not feeling like we belong in the straight or queer community, and another part of the problem is that we feel uncomfortable seeking help set aside for LGBTQ folks. Either way, it means people aren't getting the help they need — and that's an issue.
One of the reasons bisexuals don't seek help meant for queer people is that not everyone in the queer community is cool with bisexuals. Some people think it's just a matter of time before we retreat back into our heterosexual privilege — or that we're just experimenting. It can be really stressful finding out where you belong. My girlfriend is a lesbian and, though her close friends were all very welcoming, many of those in her wider LGBTQ circle made it clear they were skeptical of me because I was bi. It was a rocky transition.
It gets even rockier when you consider the fact that we still experience queer-phobia. When men shout "dyke" at my girlfriend and I or try to have a threesome with us, it's really upsetting. But I feel like I'm not allowed to be upset or talk to other gay people about it because I won't be taken seriously.
One of the ways people made it clear they weren't convinced about me and my girlfriend as a couple was by making it very known that they refused to date bisexuals. Yes, that's a thing. Some people, regardless of gender and orientation, just straight up say no to you if you're a bisexual.
In fact, on some female-focused dating apps women can request on their settings not to see bisexuals at all. I mean, I wouldn't want to end up on a date with someone who wouldn't want to date me, but it's still not a nice feeling to know that other women who are attracted to women would rule you out automatically.
...Or if we are, it had nothing to do with our bisexuality. Some bisexuals want to have sex with everyone and some are relatively asexual. Some are outgoing, and some are shy. I'm greedy if you put a pizza in front of me, but that's not because I'm bisexual — it's because I love bread.
People suddenly thought that when I started dating my girlfriend that I became a lesbian overnight . Even men that I had sex with for years wondered if it meant I actually secretly hated their penis the whole time. Now, there were obviously some issues with them feeling threatened or emasculated, but this is really common.
So let me say this for the people in the back: we're still bi. Whoever we're dating, whoever we're having sex with or not having sex with, we're still bi. I'm always bi, just like I'm always a Gryffindor. You can fly that effing flag as high as you want.
Some people might experiment sexually and find out they don't like something — and that's fine, that's what experimenting is for. But bisexuality is an orientation, it's not a phase. One study found that 92 percent of people who identified as bisexual still identified as bisexual a decade later. That is not a phase.
Being bisexual is not something I've ever felt ashamed of, but I've definitely found it challenging at times because of people's assumptions and treatment. It's 2018. It's time to get over these misconceptions about being bisexual . If you want to know the truth about what it's really like, we're here — just ask us.

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Theres so much about open relationships on the net. I think you'll find generally only the positives get highlighted but there are far more negatives than what makes the net. I've personally seen two marriages fall apart overnight when one mentioned it to the other.


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Heyyy. Sorry if I ramble . . . I'm kind of just thinking out loud.

So, my husband recently told me he is bisexual. He apparently got/gave a BJ or two before he met me, and he said he's only interested in BJ's (no anal, etc.). He said he's always found the idea of an open relationship interesting, but if we don't do it he'd be 100% fine with that. I'm just wondering if any other married couples have gone this route? How'd it go? I just want him to be happy, but I'm just confused. When someone you love tells you they want other people, it can hurt a bit and raises some self-doubt issues. I'm not opposed to the idea, but I guess how do you get over the jealousy?

Some additional info . . . I've obviously asked him a million questions. I asked why he doesn't want to try more then a BJ, and he said he's just not into anything else (he won't even do anal with me). I've asked him how strong his desires for guy contact was, and he said not very much. He says it's something he's interested in and would like to try out again, but it's not the end of the world if he can't. We talked about maybe trying a 3-way, but neither of us have done anything like that before. He had hinted at having a 3 way with another woman, so I asked him given the choice, which would he prefer. He said definitely woman . . . which confuses me more because I thought he really wanted some bi interaction. I've never done anything with a woman, but I'm not against the idea. I also asked him if he honestly is happy with me and doesn't just want an open relationship because he's not . . . and he said no he's totally happy and loves me.


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My wife and I have had an open marriage for over 6 yrs..i am bi..she had a playmate for several years and so did I.we have mostly played separately and it was alot of fun..we don't deal with jealousy so overall it just added to the energy in our relationship..neither one of us has had a playmate for several years because we have had a tough time meeting people because we want to focus more on playing as a couple and we want friends first

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DaveTheBiGuy , Paulievcvc and b.kind like this.


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Theres so much about open relationships on the net. I think you'll find generally only the positives get highlighted but there are far more negatives than what makes the net. I've personally seen two marriages fall apart overnight when one mentioned it to the other.
Heyyy. Sorry if I ramble . . .
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