Biromantic Quiz

Biromantic Quiz


Biromantic Quiz

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10 Questions - Developed by: Bryce - Updated on: 2020-05-24 - 234,727 taken - User Rating: 3.7 of 5 - 15 votes - 82 people like it

First off, who do you currently feel the most romantically attracted to?
Who could you see yourself with in the future? Pick the one you feel strongest about.

It’s hard to imagine someone for myself

Both males and females are good with me

Scenario time! You’re at the mall and see someone cute of the same sex as you. They come up and ask you out. There is nothing wrong with them, per se. What do you say?

"Are you nice? Yeah? OK, when do we meet?"

“Sure.” But I would do the same with the opposite sex

“ But thanks. Sorry. You’re just not really my type”

“Nope, but thanks. I’m gonna go eat some cake now"

Now, this time, same scenario as above - but it's the opposite gender who approaches and asks you out. Would you go out with them?

Like before, if you have a great personality, I’ll go out with you.

I don’t like dating - not anyone. Leave me alone and let me eat my cake!

Girl or guy, doesn’t matter, I’ll date you

Who did you have a crush on in school?

Anyone I’d gotten to know pretty well

Which best describes most of the kids you hang around with?

They would have sex with anyone they find attractive, no matter the gender

They're not interested in having sex currently

STOP! Answer this one WITHOUT THINKING. What orientation just feels right for you?

The opposite sex, because there's mystery and excitement in the unknown

The same sex, because we understand each other instinctively

I really get tired of all the emphasis on sex and romance, so I guess aromantic

I am attracted to anyone I could connect with on a deep personal level, so, panromantic seems to fit me

Having a family with someone of the same sex

Being with the person I love of the opposite gender

Getting married and having a wife or husband

Walking down the aisle with the love of my life, no matter who it is

"I would be really surprised if I got:"

(Does not affect score)

Panromantic/anyone I am attracted to regardless of gender

I've got 30% on panromantic. I don't think that it fit me well... Whats the 70%?

it just said 60% bi.Whats the 40% then

Totally random teen girl (70949)

I wish this test included more gender identities than the basic binary. I got an inconclusive result between biromantic and panromantic. I’ve been struggling to define myself and my sexual and romantic attraction to other people. I can’t tell if some of the crushes/attractions I’ve had have stemmed from emotional connections, physical looks unrelated to gender, physical looks related to gender, or if I just latched onto someone because it’s been programmed into my mind that we all have to love someone. I’ve been attracted to boys because of their looks (not sure if gender had anything to do with it) and I’m currently dating a boy I was originally interested in purely because he’s stunningly gorgeous. Later, I discovered that he’s a really great person and the attraction got stronger. However, I’m also kind of in love with one of my best friends who I’ve known for about four years now. I don’t think physical looks had anything to do with my attraction to her. I kinda think that my romantic attraction to her is stronger than my attraction to my current boyfriend, but maybe that’s just because I’ve only really known him since the end of 2021 and haven’t yet gotten the chance to build the same deep and hugely meaningful connection with him that I have with her. I think I might be polyamorous because I really want to tell her how I feel and have a relationship with her, but I also still want to continue my current relationship with the wonderful boy I’m dating. My sexual attraction is a whole other conundrum. I feel like in theory I experience sexual attraction, but when actually faced with the idea of doing anything sexual, I’m really not so sure. Sorry for the huge dump here, I just haven’t been able to talk to any of my friends or family about this and I really needed to allow it to exist somewhere outside my brain or I genuinely thought I might explode. Can anyone relate? lmao

Omg, I'm actaully kinda surprised that im Panromantic, but at the same time im not because I like both genders! (well- obviously, im bisexaul) but please! im NOT looking for a date, but i'd love to have someone to talk to rn, so my pintrest username is @llora__ ( 2 under-scores!!*) and please don't be creepy but just say hi (and maybe introduce yourself), i might be confused at first, but i'll say hi. ( im 15) ok bye. :)

I got mainly heteroromantic.....I'm homoromantic if anything, if not already demiromantic. I literally can only imagine myself with a women, but guys are kinda hot. I'm also not women, but not guy.

Wow... I got aromantic... im kinda sad bc im asexual to :(

random asexual (51440)

this wasn't that surprising. i've been considering that i may be either demi or aro because i really don't know if i actually crush on ppl or if i just get emotionally attached. I'm the type to jokingly flirt, and obviously i'll blush if someone does it back because it's embarrassing. point is, how do i distinguish the difference between friends and crushes?

Compilcated (59577)

It makes sense, my entire life I was raised to believe gay was bad. I never had sexual attraction. I never really cared about looks, I just thought if you loved people, were nice, would put just as much effort into a relationship as I would, and wouldn't pressure me to be doing stuff with you, then why does it mater what gender you are? So I am PAN-ROMANTIC!

@Maq That's a conclusion I was thinking of for myself too.

Oh wow, I'm 20% of all according to this quiz. That wasn't something I expected.

I think I'm a person under the bi spectrum but also from the aro spectrum

i think i'm bisexual aromantic. add more gender, please.

I’m pretty sure I’m Biromantic Asexual but I’ve only have one crush on a female so I might be Homoromantic

Maybe you can add a Genderfluid/Enby/Pangender/Agender/Non-b inary/Bigender /other if I missed any.

I just trying to find out whether I’m Aromantic or Panromantic. HELP!!!! Also pls and a non-binary/enby/genderfluid option.

Panromantic! It's acurate lol. Would have liked nb options for choices tho.

that one Dazai kin (15608)

omg i feel like i'm an aro but i got pan l

Possibly a person.. (16591)

You should add a non-binary/enby partner on there since people might be female but be attracted to enby's no matter their assigned gender
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When it comes to romance, which category do you fall into? This romantic preference test will help you figure out whether you're homoromantic, biromantic, heteroromantic, aromatic or panromantic. See if you're right about your orientation, right now. PS: Skipping questions could throw off your score, so be sure to answer them all as honestly as possible.
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Hopefully this quiz will help you figure out you're romantic orientation? It doesn't include homo or hetero romantic in the results because it wouldn't allow me enough questions for that.
Biromantic: Romantically attracted to two or more genders. Can have preferences based on gender. Panromantic: Capable of feeling attraction to anyone regardless of gender. You can still have preferences towards any particular gender. Neptunic: Attracted to anyone except men. Uranic: Attracted to anyone except women. Skolioromantic: Attracted to nonbinary and trans people. Demiromantic: Can only experience attraction after establishing deep bond. Aromantic: Experiences little to no romantic attraction.
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