Bingham Cup 2022

Bingham Cup 2022


Bingham Cup 2022
Copyright © 2019-2022 Bingham Cup. All rights reserved.
Website and visuals created by Loogart .
Published on December 17, 2019 - 22:00
Published on December 16, 2019 - 22:00
Thank you for your interest in registering. At this time, all pre-sale and early-bird categories are sold out and we will be down for two days of maintenance. Registration will re-open after 8am EST December 18, 2019. See you then!
Published on December 15, 2019 - 19:00
Registration is now open. Two main registration modes are offered: Club / Tour Manager-managed, or Individual. Any club can choose to use one approach or the other, or both. Please review carefully the information contained in the following sections of the Bingham Cup Ottawa 2022 Website before commencing your registration process: ·        COVID-19 page ·        Registration page ·        FAQ (Costs and Fees) As in previous tournaments, team staff (for ex. coaches), referees, and supporters are invited to register in the appropriate category; player - coaches must sign up as players if they intend to step onto a pitch, even if only for five minutes. Volunteers and media will be registered through a different process.
Registration will close at 23:59 on 30 June 2022. Kindly note that the registration fee is non-refundable. More information is available in the FAQ section.
Registration includes access to the players' village, lunches on-site during the tournament, access to all Bingham-related events, notably the opening and closing ceremonies, participation in the Flash Your Badge rebate program, free access to the City of Ottawa’s public transportation during the tournament period and more.
Individuals will of course be able to sign up on their own, indicating the name of the club with which they are affiliated, or listing themselves as unaffiliated.
Individual registrants will be able to edit their own registration records, whether those were created by themselves or by a club/tour manager; so there will be at most two individuals who will have editing rights for any given registrant record.
World Barbarians and unaffiliated players who wish to sign up will find options letting them indicate their affiliation, or lack thereof, as well.
Individual registrations can only be paid by credit card.
It is possible to sign up as a referee-player for Bingham 2022. Only individuals who are already affiliated with an IGR club will be allowed to do so; unaffiliated individuals cannot sign up as match officials with the Barbarians, or as unaffiliated players willing to be assigned to any team short of players.
Referees have to sign up under one of three category:
Individuals who have already signed up as referees affiliated with an IGR club prior to these eligibility changes will be contacted by email to clarify their registration status. Individuals who have signed up as 'Unaffiliated' will be invited to review their registration and select either 'ISIRR' or 'Unaffiliated'.
Individuals who sign up as referee-players must understand that for the purposes of tournament, fixtures, and referree assignments planning they will be considered referees first and players second . Referee-players whose clubs end up with 20 or fewer registered players when registrations close will automatically be excluded from the game officials pool; furthermore, no special provisions will be made regarding referee assignments apart from avoiding having a referee-player officiating a match in which his/her club is playing. Skipping on a refereeing assignment without a valid reason such as by electing to simply play a match instead of officiating in case of a scheduling conflict) will result in disciplinary action, up to and including stripping an offending individual's Bingham credentials entirely.
Women's bracket registration fees will be blocked at the Early Bird rate for the whole registration period – until June 30.
There will be an Old Boys (henceforth referred to as IGR Veterans) game / bracket at Bingham 2022 Ottawa. Participants will have two options, provided that they have reached the age of 35 by the first day of the tournament (August 18th, 2022):
They can sign up for the ‘IGR Veterans’ side when registering. This will indicate to tournament organizers that they wish to play in the IGR Veterans bracket and in that bracket only . This means anywhere from one to three (or possibly more) standard Bingham-length matches (40min.) Participants who register in this fashion will be guaranteed to play in the IGR Veterans bracket but can only play in that bracket.
They can sign up as regular players, selecting the club with which they are affiliated, the World Barbarians, or no affiliation, and indicating they are also available to play in the IGR Veterans bracket. This means they will be playing with a regular side during the regular Bingham brackets, and will therefore possibly play up to six 40min. matches, and will also be available to play in IGR Veterans bracket matches, as scheduling allows.
As IGR Veterans participants will be players, they will be charged the ‘player’ registration fee; there will not be a special fee structure for IGR Veterans.
Canadian players who are not members of current Canadian IGR clubs (the Armada, the Muddy York, the Rogues or the Wolves) can demonstrate their registration with Rugby Canada through any otherCanadian club; if they are not registered with Rugby Canada, they will be registered through the Wolves for the duration of the tournament. This is a mandatory Rugby Canada step and has no bearing upon the final side to which those players will be assigned for the tournament itself.
“My club will not be travelling as a team to Ottawa. Can I still sign up?”
Of course! Individuals who find themselves in such a situation have a couple of options:
They can reach out to another club that they know well, and ask to play with them – and upon registration, sign up with them! Easy-peasy. This can also apply to small groups of players: if none of clubs A, B and C will be registering full sides, but all three will send a handful of players, they can discuss merging plans right now and (say) agree that players from clubs B and C will sign up under club A's name; they can play under a completely different, just-for-this-Bingham, identity once the tournament comes! The Bingham 2022 Ottawa organizing committee strongly urges that those arrangements be made as early as possible as it will lessen the player-dispatching and sides-creating burden placed upon the tournament liaison committee in the weeks leading up to the tournament itself. If clubs do make such arrangements, please send an email providing details to .
They can simply sign up as an unaffiliated player , in which case in the days leading up to the tournament they will be assigned to a side which finds itself short of players, as per the rules / process set by the tournament liaison committee. Their own preferences regarding the club to which they'll be dispatched may or may not be taken into consideration – the position they play will usually be the defining factor: if they're an inside center, and the club they really really like is short a tighthead prop, they probably won't be assigned to it. If they already know they would wish to play with this or that club, they should talk to them now and register under that club’s name .
The registration portal will let anyone self-designate as Club/Tour Manager for any given club upon registration; that individual will be able to register and pay for several players and other affiliated registrants at once. Club/tour managers will also be able to log in, purchase registration packages, and register participants in several volleys, as needed, and to edit all of their club’s registration records, up to the close of the registration period; they will have editing rights for all registrant records which are part of their club.
Because the organizing committee did not want to slow down the registration process unduly, we chose not to put in an approval process for Club/Tour Managers; If a club wishes to designate a new individual to act as Club/Tour Manager, it must send an email to that effect to .
The Club/Tour Manager will not need to have all their club registrants’ details upfront; they will purchase registration ‘blanks’, which have to / can be filled out later. As a Club/Tour Manager holds editing rights over the entire set of their club’s records, they can fill those out themselves. Alternatively (and less work intensive for them!), they can issue sign-up codes for already-purchased registrations to their club’s participants and ask them to fill out the registration fields. Club / Tour Managers who will be attending the 2022 Bingham Cup themselves in any capacity need to use one of the registration codes they purchase to register themselves in the appropriate category: player, team staff, etc. Conversely it is also possible for a Club / Tour Manager to not travel to Ottawa for the Bingham Cup and therefore to not need to use one of their club's registration codes.
As registration records will remain editable until the end of the registration period (until 30 June 2022), Club/Tour Managers will be able re-assign an already-purchased registration to someone else should the original registrant find themselves unable to participate in the tournament. The organizing committee will review and approve such reassignments to ensure that no one is deprived of their right to play without their knowledge.
If a club were to wish to pay for bulk registration through a bank transfer, please email for banking details, copying .
Please note that Bingham 2022 Ottawa will issue ID badges with photos. Therefore, you will be invited to upload a face picture when you register, or later, at your convenience. Registrants who do not provide a photo will not be issued an ID badge; furthermore, participants will need to show another piece of photo ID (such as a passport or a driver’s license) when they pick up their ID badge. Players whose identity cannot be verified through proper Bingham Cup Ottawa 2022 credentials with photo will not be allowed to step onto a pitch (if they signed up as players) and will be refused entry at Bingham Cup Ottawa 2022 events, as Bingham 2022 ID badges will be used as proof of legal drinking age (19 in Ontario).
As registration records will be editable up until the end of the registration period, you will not need to upload a photo immediately when you register. However, a certain number of mandatory fields will need to be filled out when a record is created, such as a first name, last name, and email address.
Since the bid in 2018 to present day, the Ottawa Wolves RFC and its Bingham Cup Ottawa organizing committee have been steadfast in ensuring that the 10thedition of the tournament was the most inclusive and affordable ever. With everything that has happened since 2018– we are incredibly proud to have stayed true to our vision and values for a truly world-class rugby tournament in August 2022.  We’ve also been listening: your feedback was very important to us. Your message was loud and clear: a majority wanted a pricing structure that didn’t have caps or limits for each pricing category. Rather, the cut-off was to be time-based. So for Bingham Cup Ottawa2022, the Registration Fee Pricing Structure is as follows:
All prices in Canadian dollars. Registration fees are quoted without the Harmonized Sales Tax of 13%, which will be added and visible on a separate line on your invoice. As of November 26 1 CAD = 0,79 USD; 0,59 GBP; 0,70 EUR; 1.09 AUD; 1.14 NZD. Match officials will not have to pay a registration fee provided they referee for at least one full day.


Bingham Cup Ottawa 2022 Release New Tournament Dates

One of the World’s largest amateur rugby tournaments, promoting inclusivity and equality, is coming to Ottawa in August 2022. 83 Clubs. 148 Teams. 20 Countries.
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International Gay Rugby (Association & Board) – IGR (Registered Charity Number 1154241)
is a charity registered in England with a Registered office at:
71 Holland Road, West Ham, London, England E15 3BP, United Kingdom.
Back in October 2018, the Ottawa Wolves Rugby Football Club (RFC) won the hosting rights for the 2020 Bingham Cup, one of the world’s largest amateur union rugby tournament. Due to the pandemic – the highly anticipated international tournament was postponed to 2022. Today, the Ottawa Wolves RFC and the Bingham Cup Ottawa 2022 Organizing Committee are thrilled to announce the dates at which the tournament will return to Canada’s capital region. 
The tournament activities will start on Saturday, August 13, 2022. Opening ceremonies will take place on Wednesday, August 17, 2022. The finals of tournament play and closing ceremonies will take place on Sunday, August 21, 2022. Information regarding all tournament activities including the official tournament schedule can be found at 
The Ottawa Wolves RFC is the first Canadian inclusive rugby club to host the Bingham Cup and follow other inclusive rugby clubs that have successfully held the biennial tournament, located in cities such as London, United Kingdom; New York, U.S.A; Dublin, Ireland; Sydney, Australia; and Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The Bingham Cup is an international gay rugby union tournament that promotes inclusivity, equality and competition. Thousands of participants from rugby teams from five continents are expected to participate in the 2022 Bingham Cup. 
“Having the Bingham Cup come to Ottawa is great news for our city and our local economy,” said Mayor Jim Watson. “After the global pandemic, this event will bring excitement, camaraderie and much needed economic benefits to Ottawa, while allowing our residents to enjoy world-class rugby here in the nation’s capital.” 
Administered by International Gay Rugby (IGR), the Bingham Cup is named in memory of Mark Kendall Bingham, a former University of California, Berkeley rugby star and c o-founder of the Gotham Knights RFC, a gay-inclusive rugby club in New York City. Mark Kendall Bingham lost his life in the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks onboard United Airlines Flight 93. 
“The international gay and inclusive rugby community is very excited to see the return of the Bingham Cup. Due to the global pandemic, IGR clubs have lived through the postponement of their marquee tournament as well as numerous regional tournaments. It’s been a challenging few years. We’ve lost important members of the IGR family. The Bingham Cup has historically been a moment when we honour and celebrate those individuals. But on the positive side, we’ve also seen the emergence of new clubs and players. To know that rugby players from around the world will be travelling to Canada for first time in 2022 – a country with a growing rugby community and a proud reputation of openness towards the LGBT+ community – is truly momentous and most welcome news!” said Karl Ainscough-Gates, current Chair of IGR. 
First held in 2002, the Bingham Cup is understood to have grown to become one of the largest, if not the largest international amateur rugby union tournament in the world. The 2018 tournament hosted by the Amsterdam Lowlanders RFC had more than 2,300 registered participants from 63 countries.
The 2022 tournament in Ottawa will include week-long cultural, educational and sporting events and is forecast to generate economic activity in excess of $8.5 million. The 2022 tournament will also be carbon-neutral, feature a wheelchair rugby exhibition game and celebrate Indigenous culture. 
The 2022 Bingham Cup will be hosted by the Ottawa Wolves RFC. One of only four gay-inclusive rugby clubs in Canada, the Ottawa Wolves RFC was engaged in an extensive bidding process to win the rights to host the Bingham Cup in the nation’s capital back in 2018. Only six months before the start of the 2020 edition of the tournament, all activities were postponed due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. 
“What a ride it has been. From the historic announcement of having won the bid, and then working tirelessly to deliver one of the world’s largest rugby tournament – only to have to postpone it due to the pandemic – our organizing team has faced challenges, the likes never seen before. But we’re rugby players – we don’t ever give up. It’s simply not an option! Working with our amazing partners, we are thrilled to announce the dates of a tournament that will benefit both rugby and the inclusive sports movement in Canada, for generations to come” said Jean-François Laberge, past Captain of the Ottawa Wolves RFC, President of the Bingham Cup Ottawa 2020 Bid and Organizing Committee and current President of the Bingham Cup Ottawa 2022 Organizing Committee.
“Hosting the Bingham Cup reinforces that Canada is an open, inclusive and welcoming country. With everything that has happened since 2018 – I know that the IGR family needs this tournament more than ever. That’s why we’re committed to deliver a unique tournament experience – and to make as affordable as possible – so everyone can come. We want all tournament participants and the Canadian public to get the chance to gather safely in Ottawa and celebrate the inclusive rugby movement. We can’t wait to see everyone – showcase our values and what we stand for – as well as everything that we are and will continue to be!” 
“Equity, diversity and inclusion are core values of rugby” said Sally Dennis, Chair of Rugby Canada. “We applaud the Ottawa Wolves RFC and the Bingham Cup Organising Committee for their significant contribution to the Canadian sporting community in bringing us this exciting event, which we are incredibly proud and honoured to support. Put the dates in your calendar!” 
“From the first day the Ottawa Wolves RFC joined the Ontario rugby family, the club has been a welcome, valued and trusted partner. We have and continue to support them as they have supported Rugby Ontario and the Eastern Ontario Rugby League. We are thrilled to learn of the new official dates and look forward to enjoying a world-class rugby tournament in Ottawa, in August 2022” said Kathleen McGinn, Chair of Rugby Ontario. 
The Ottawa Wolves RFC has built important relationships to secure world-class tournament facilities, such as the allyship with the Gloucester Hornets Soccer Club and the Gloucester Dragons Recreational Soccer Association. 
“Whether it be rugby or soccer, there is simply no room for discrimination in sport. It’s not lost on us that Canadian soccer player Quin became the first out Trans, Nonbinary to win gold in Tokyo just a few weeks ago.” Said Marc Raymond, President of the Gloucester Hornets Soccer Club. “It was natural for us to support the Bingham Cup Ottawa 2022 team, as well as the Ottawa business and tourism communities.” 
“Whether engaging at the recreational level, or at the Olympics: everyone deserves to reap the benefits of putting on a pair of cleats and stepping onto the pitch with their sporting family. Sport is for everyone.” Stated Bill Coleman, Chair of the Gloucester Dragons Recreational Soccer Association. “This is
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