Bikini Atoll

Bikini Atoll


РекламаПодключение онлайн касс Меркурий, Атол, Вики принт, Штрих-м. Печать название в чеке. · пн-пт 10:00-18:00
РекламаБольшой выбор. Выгодные цены. Самовывоз/доставка. Сервис, гарантия! · Москва · пн-вс 7:00-22:00
Welcome to this historical World Wide Web site for Bikini Atoll. Bikini Atoll is located in the central Pacific and is one of the 29 atolls and 5 single islands that ...
What was the nuclear test at Bikini Atoll?
What was the nuclear test at Bikini Atoll?
The nuclear testing at Bikini Atoll program was a series of 23 nuclear weapons detonated by the United States between 1946 and 1958 at seven test sites on the reef itself, on the sea, in the air, and underwater. The test weapons produced a combined fission yield of 42.2 Mt of explosive power.…
How long has Bikini Atoll been in exile?
How long has Bikini Atoll been in exile?
The fallout from this weapon has forever devestated the lives and the lands of the people of the Northern Marshall Islands. 2020 marks 74 years that the people of Bikini Atoll have lived in exile away from their beloved homeland. 20 of the 23 weapons tested by the United States on Bikini Atoll from 1946 to 1958 were hydrogen bombs.
What kind of culture does Bikini Atoll have?
What kind of culture does Bikini Atoll have?
Bikini Atoll contains many hallmarks of island culture, including coconuts, volcanoes, and gorgeous beaches.
Country: Republic of the Marshall Islands
Inscription: 2010 (34th session)
Area Land: 6 km² (2.3 sq mi)
Population: 5 caretakers
Bikini Atoll , sometimes known as Eschscholtz Atoll between the 1800s and 1946 (see Etymology section below for history and orthography of the endonym), is a coral reef in the Marshall Islands consisting of 23 islands surrounding a 229.4-square-mile (594.1 km ) central lagoon. After the Second World War, the atoll's inhabitants were relocated in 1946, after which the islands and lagoon were …
Bikini Atoll , sometimes known as Eschscholtz Atoll between the 1800s and 1946 (see Etymology section below for history and orthography of the endonym), is a coral reef in the Marshall Islands consisting of 23 islands surrounding a 229.4-square-mile (594.1 km ) central lagoon. After the Second World War, the atoll's inhabitants were relocated in 1946, after which the islands and lagoon were the site of 23 nuclear tests by the United States until 1958.

The atoll is at the northern end of the Ralik Chain, approximately 530 miles (850 km) northwest of the capital Majuro. Three families were resettled on Bikini island in 1970, totaling about 100 residents. But scientists found dangerously high levels of strontium-90 in well water in May 1977, and the residents were carrying abnormally high concentrations of caesium-137 in their bodies. They were evacuated in 1980. The atoll is occasionally visited today by divers and a few scientists, and is occupied by a handful of caretakers.
Resident and non-resident population
Перевести · Welcome to this historical World Wide Web site for Bikini Atoll. Bikini Atoll is located in the central Pacific and is one of the 29 atolls and 5 single islands that form the Republic of the Marshall Islands. Bikini …
Бики́ни — атолл в Тихом океане в цепи Ралик. Наиболее известен как полигон ядерных испытаний США.
Bikini Atoll the test site for the USA atom bomb program, sank about 9 ships, but destroyed over 100. My second trip and a lot has changed, I advise anyone thinking of visiting war wrecks or places l… Отзыв целиком
This is some of the best wreck diving in the world. Diving the "Atomic" fleet must be on your bucket list if you are a serious diver. For the last four seasons diving there has been operated by the… Отзыв целиком
I went for a week in 04 and enjoyed the best diving of my life(time for a new review people). It recently reopened to diving after a 4 year hiatus. The dive operations then were profesional, planned … Отзыв целикомБикини_(атолл)
Архипелаг: Ралик
Население: 9 чел. (2011)
Плотность населения: 1,5 чел./км²
Площадь: 6,01 км²
Бики́ни (англ. Bikini [ˈbɪk.ɨˌniː] или [bɨˈkiː.ni], марш. Pikinni [pʲi͡ɯɡɯ͡inʲːii̯] — «кокосовое место», ато́лл Эшшо́льца) — атолл в Тихом океане в цепи Ралик (Маршалловы Острова). Наиболее известен как полигон ядерных испытаний США.
Перевести · Bikini Atoll the test site for the USA atom bomb program, sank about 9 ships, but destroyed over 100. …
Paradise lost after nuclear tests on island of Bikini Atoll | 60 Minutes Australia
Bikini Atoll/Marshall Islands Nuclear Testing 67 Bombs Experiments
The Forgotten Nuclear War - Bombs on Bikini Atoll | Full Documentary
US: Hydrogen Bomb Over Bikini Atoll - 1956 | Today in History | 21 May 16
Bikini atoll nuclear tests documentary 1949 ✪ Nuclear Weapons Testing Channel
YouTube › Nuclear Weapons Testing Channel
Weapons tests
Relocation issues
Recovery of marine ecosystem
Nuclear testing at Bikini Atoll consisted of the detonation of 23 nuclear weapons by the United States between 1946 and 1958 on Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands. Tests occurred at 7 test sites on the reef itself, on the sea, in the air, and underwater. The test weapons produced a combined fission yield of 42…
атолл Бикини Остров в Тихом океане, в архипелаге Маршалловых островов [Marshall Islands]. Под опекой США. Площадь около 5 кв. км. В 1946 и …
Атолл Бикини (Bikini Atoll) Атолл Бикини известен своей красивейшей лагуной, прозрачной водой, множеством затонувших судов …
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For the post-rock band, see Bikini Atoll (band).
Bikini Atoll (/ˈbɪkɪˌniː/ or /bɪˈkiːni/; Marshallese: 'Pikinni', [pʲiɡinnʲi], meaning "coconut place"),[2] sometimes known as Eschscholtz Atoll between the 1800s and 1946 (see Etymology section below for history and orthography of the endonym),[3] is a coral reef in the Marshall Islands consisting of 23 islands surrounding a 229.4-square-mile (594.1 km2) central lagoon. After the Second World War, the atoll's inhabitants were relocated in 1946, after which the islands and lagoon were the site of 23 nuclear tests by the United States until 1958.
Bikini Atoll. Two craters from Operation Castle can be seen on the northwest cape of the atoll, adjacent to Namu island. The larger is from the 15 Mt Bravo shot, with the smaller 11 Mt Romeo crater adjoining it.
Map of the Marshall Islands showing Bikini
The atoll is at the northern end of the Ralik Chain, approximately 530 miles (850 km) northwest of the capital Majuro. Three families were resettled on Bikini island in 1970, totaling about 100 residents. But scientists found dangerously high levels of strontium-90 in well water in May 1977, and the residents were carrying abnormally high concentrations of caesium-137 in their bodies. They were evacuated in 1980. The atoll is occasionally visited today by divers and a few scientists, and is occupied by a handful of caretakers.
The island's English name is derived from the German colonial name Bikini given to the atoll when it was part of German New Guinea. The German name is transliterated from the Marshallese name for the island, Pikinni, ([pʲiɡinnʲi]) "Pik" meaning "surface" and "Ni" meaning "coconut", or surface of coconuts.[2]
Bikini islanders' traditional lifestyle was based on cultivating plants and eating shellfish and fish. They were skilled boat-builders and navigators, sailing the two-hulled proa to and from islets around Bikini and other atolls in the Marshall Islands.[4] They were relatively isolated and had developed a society bound by extended family association and tradition.[4] Every lagoon was led by a king and queen, with a following of chieftains and chief women who constituted a ruling caste.
Japan occupied the islands starting in 1914. The islanders worked the copra plantations under the watchful eye of the Japanese, who took a portion of the sales. Chiefs could retain as much as $20,000 per year, and the remainder was distributed to the workers. The Marshall islanders took pride in extending hospitality to one another, even distant relatives.[5]
Men traditionally wore a fringed skirt about 25 to 30 inches (60 to 80 cm) long. Women[6] wore two mats about a yard square each, made by weaving pandanus and hibiscus leaves together[4] and belted around the waist.[7] Children were usually naked.[4] Christian missionaries from Oʻahu arrived in the late 19th century and influenced the islanders' notions of modesty. They introduced a dress for women which was a long, wide, loose-fitting gown with long sleeves and a high neck, intended to cover as much skin as possible. The dress is called wau ([wɑːu]), from the name of the Hawaiian island of Oahu.[8]
In 1919, a visitor reported that Marshall Islands women "are perfect models of prudery. Not one would think of exposing her ankles." Women in the Marshall Islands today are still very modest. They believe that a woman's thighs[9] and shoulders should be covered.[10] Women generally wear cotton muʻumuʻus or similar clothing that covers most of the body. Personal health is never discussed except within the family, and women are especially private about female-related health issues,[6] although they are willing to talk about their breasts.[6]
Marshall island women swim in muʻumuʻus which are made of a fine polyester that quickly dries. In the capital of Majuro, revealing cocktail dresses are inappropriate for both islanders and guests.[10] With the increasing influence of Western media, the younger generation wears shorts, though the older generation equates shorts with loose morals.[citation needed] T-shirts, jeans, skirts, and makeup are making their way to the islands via the media.[11]
The Bikini islanders continue to maintain land rights as the primary measure of wealth.[12]
To all Marshallese, land is gold. If you were an owner of land, you would be held up as a very important figure in our society. Without land you would be viewed as a person of no consequence... But land here on Bikini is now poison land.[13]
Each family is part of a clan (Bwij), which owns all land. The clan owes allegiance to a chief (Iroij). The chiefs oversee the clan heads (Alap), who are supported by laborers (Dri-jerbal). The Iroij control land tenure, resource use and distribution, and settle disputes. The Alap supervise land maintenance and daily activities. The Dri-jerbal work the land including farming, cleaning, and construction.[4]
The Marshallese society is matrilineal and land is passed down from generation to generation through the mother. Land ownership ties families together into clans. Grandparents, parents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, and cousins form extended, close-knit family groups. Gatherings tend to become big events. One of the most significant family events is the first birthday of a child (kemem), which relatives and friends celebrate with feasts and song.[4][14]
Payments made in the 20th century as reparations for damage to the Bikini Atoll and the islanders' way of life have elevated their income relative to other Marshall Island residents. It has caused some Bikini islanders to become economically dependent on the payments from the trust fund. This dependency has eroded individuals' interest in traditional economic pursuits like taro and copra production. The move also altered traditional patterns of social alliance and political organization. On Bikini, rights to land and land ownership were the major factor in social and political organization and leadership. After relocation and settlement on Kili, a dual system of land tenure evolved. Disbursements from the trust fund were based in part to land ownership on Bikini and based on current land tenure on Kili.[15]
Before the residents were relocated, they were led by a local chief and under the nominal control of the Paramount Chief of the Marshall Islands. Afterward, they had greater interaction with representatives of the trust fund and the U.S. government and began to look to them for support.[15]
Most Marshallese speak both the Marshallese language and at least some Spanish. Government agencies use Marshallese. One important word in Marshallese is "yokwe" which is similar to the Hawaiian "aloha" and means "hello", "goodbye" and "love".[citation needed]
Bikini Atoll is part of the Ralik Chain (for "sunset chain") within the Marshall Islands.
The United States detonated 23 nuclear devices between 1946 and 1958 at seven test sites on the reef, inside the atoll, in the air, and underwater.[16] They had a combined fission yield of 42.2 Mt. The testing began with the Operation Crossroads series in July 1946. The residents initially accepted resettlement voluntarily to Rongerik Atoll, believing that they would be able to return home within a short time. However, Rongerik could not produce enough food, and the islanders starved. They could not return home, so they were relocated to Kwajalein Atoll for six months before choosing to live on Kili Island, a small island one-sixth the size of their home island. Some were able to return to Bikini Island in 1970; however, further testing revealed dangerous levels of strontium-90. The United States government established several trust funds which as of 2013 covered medical treatment and other costs and paid about $550 annually to each individual.[17]
Some 74 kilometers northwest of the atoll is Wōdejebato, a probable shield volcano that is connected to it through a submarine ridge.
There are 23 islands in the Bikini Atoll; the islands of Bokonijien, Aerokojlol, and Namu were vaporized during the nuclear tests.[18] The islands are composed of low coral limestone and sand.[citation needed] The average elevation is only about 7 feet (2.1 m) above low tide level. The total lagoon area is 229.4-square-mile (594.1 km2). The primary home of the islanders was the most northeast and largest islet, Bikini Island, totaling 586 acres (237 ha) and 2.5 miles (4.0 km) long.
The islanders cultivated native foods including coconut, pandanus, papaya, banana, arrowroot, taro, limes, breadfruit, and pumpkin. A wide variety of other trees and plants are also present on the islands.[18]
The islanders were skilled fishermen. They used fishing line made from coconut husk and hooks from sharpened sea shells. They used more than 25 methods of fishing.[4] The islanders raised ducks, pigs, and chickens for food and kept dogs and cats as pets. Animal life in the atoll was severely affected by the atomic bomb testing. Existing land species include small lizards, hermit crabs, and coconut crabs. The islands are frequented by a wide variety of birds.[18]
To allow vessels with a larger draft to enter the lagoon and to prepare for the atomic bomb testing, the United States used explosives to cut a channel through the reef and to blow up large coral heads in the lagoon. The underwater nuclear explosions carved large holes in the bottom of the lagoon that were partially refilled by blast debris. The explosions distributed vast amounts of irradiated, pulverized coral and mud across wide expanses of the lagoon and surrounding islands. As of 2008, the atoll had recovered nearly 65% of the biodiversity that existed prior to radioactive contamination, but 28 species of coral appear to be locally extinct.[16]
The islands are hot and humid. The temperature on Bikini Atoll is 80 to 85 °F (27 to 29 °C) year-round. The water temperature is also 80 to 85 °F (27 to 29 °C) all year. The islands border the Pacific typhoon belt. The wet season is from May to December while the trade winds from January through May produce higher wave action.[18]
When the United States asked the islanders to relocate in 1946, 19 islanders lived elsewhere. The 167 residents, comprising about 40 families[19] who lived on the atoll, voluntarily moved to Rongerik Atoll, and then to Kwajalein Atoll, and once again in November 1948 to Kili Island, when the population numbered 184. They were later given public lands on Ejit and a few families initially moved there to grow copra. In 1970, about 160 Bikini islanders returned to live on the atoll after they were reassured that it was safe. They remained for about 10 years until scientists found an 11-fold increase in the caesium-137 body burdens and determined that the island wasn't safe after all. The 178 residents were evacuated in September 1978 once again.[12]
Since then a number of descendants have moved to Majuro (the Marshall Islands' capital), other Marshall Islands, and the United States. In 1999, there were 2,600 total individuals; 1,000 islanders living on Kiji, 700 in Majuro, 275 on Ejit, 175 on other Marshall Islands or atolls, and 450 in the United States. Of those, 81 were among those who left the atoll in 1946.[20] In 2001, the population of the dispersed islanders was 2,800.[21]
As of March 2016, there were 5400 living Bikini islanders: 800 islanders living on Kili, 2550 on Majuro, 300 on Ejit, 350 on other Marshall Islands, and 1400 in the United States and other countries. Of that number, 25 lived on Bikini in 1946.[22] The resident population of the atoll is currently 4–6 caretakers,[1][21] including Edward Maddison. Maddison has lived on Bikini Island since 1985. His grandfather was one of the original residents relocated in 1947.[23] He also helps the U.S. Department of Energy with soil monitoring, testing cleanup methods, mapping the wrecks in the lagoon, and accompanying visitors on dives.[24] He is also the divemaster of Bikini Atoll Divers.[24]
The Bikini islanders were historically loyal to a king, or Irojj. After the Marshall Islands separated from the United States in the Compact of Free Association in 1986, its constitution established a bicameral parliament. The upper house is only a consultative body. It consists of traditional leaders (Iroijlaplap), known as the Council of Irooj, who advise the lower house on traditional, cultural issues.[25] As of 2013, there are four members of the council.
The lower house
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Bikini Atoll

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