Bikini Ass Crack

Bikini Ass Crack


Bikini Ass Crack
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Heidi Klum, Coco and More Celebrities Who Have Exposed Their Butt Crack on the Red Carpet

If celebrities have proven anything, it's that there's no limits when it comes to their red carpet fashion. Cleavage, pelvic bones, butt cracks … there's no shortage of skin stars will show.
Click through the gallery to see celebrities who have exposed their butt crack on the red carpet.
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410 Motoring model in bikini contest
this is most recent. only thing different is my hair is nearly to my asscrack. Which makes for interesting toilet experiences.
Picture taken with Sony Alpha 700 Camera and Minolta Maxxum AF 70-210mm F/4 Zoom Lens at 150mm focal length, F/4 and 1/2500 sec exposure time. ISO speed set at 400. Metering Mode Center Weighted Average.
March 6, 2011 - Contestant Seven competes for Mr. Incredible.
both blue and pink next to each other
the last pose in the contest by her
A serious look during the bikini contest.
now that's a little closer, wish I had a better shot of the tattoo
410 Motoring model in bikini contest
410 Motoring models in bikini contest
lined up and waiting for the judges.....
walking away from the front of the stage....


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As if we women didn’t already have enough to agonise over in the looks department; now it’s a no-no to have a high butt crack.
You didn’t really expect me to post a photo of MY butt crack, did you?!
Being a typical woman, there are many things about my body that I have loved (my legs) and hated (my nails, my ears, my nose, my teeth, knobby knees, my … well you get the idea) over the years.
But until recently, I never once thought – let alone worried – about my butt crack.
On my last shopping trip to DFO with my fave girls (sister, daughter and niece) we stumbled across a great sale on swimwear . Now, you might think this was because it was the middle of Winter but now I’m wondering if there was another reason …
I picked up a really cute bikini to try on and HURRAH! The top fitted and looked great!
Now, everybody knows that getting a swimsuit top that fits is no easy task. If only more swimwear manufacturers took into account that within a size 14 (or 10, or 8, or 20 – whatever the case may be) there are MANY different boob shapes and sizes; they really should make them all like bras, with various cup fittings.
So you can understand my excitement – I was well on the way to taking home a gorgeous new swimsuit – and a bikini at that (the hubster WOULD be pleased !). Because OF COURSE the pants would fit. That’s a no-brainer – everybody knows that the fit of the top is what makes or breaks a swimsuit.
BUT(T)! Oh my goodness. I turned around to check out the rear view in the mirror and there it was. My butt crack, revealed, for all to see.
I’ve never thought of myself as having a big bum, but these bikini pants sat so low, even my bottom cheeks were blushing.
And that’s when Miss 17 informed me: I must have a high butt crack. And yes, apparently it’s a thing. Who knew?!
Maybe I’m cynical, but I can’t help wondering – is it that I do, in fact, have a high butt crack – or is it a trend, or perhaps a way for manufacturers to save money, by skimping on fabric in bikini bottoms?
So how high is your butt crack? Have you ever noticed that it is a problem – and should we launch an investigation to get to the bottom of the matter?!
Funny Janet! Mine is so low it’s almost dragging on the floor. I would have thought a high bum crack meant you had a toned bum. Anyway… bikinis are a thing of the past for me now. Even up to two years ago I could still get away with them but sadly no more.
Ha ha Janet, I’ve never really measured the height of my butt crack! But I know they make bikini pants very low and skimpy these days, so it is probably more to do with the cut than your butt crack.
@hugzilla and I were just talking about low rise the other day! HA! I always worry about buying a swim suit or bikini, especially a swim suit because my butt is big and my boobs are small. Now it sounds like I may have to worry about both issues if this is becoming the trend. Luckily for you there is also a trend of 1950’s swimmers out which have lot’s of cute high waisted bottoms to try! I like a Canadian seller on etsy Ava Bell – . I’ve bought a couple of her swimsuits. Perfect for my big bootie, or high crack in your case!
Bahahahaha Jess, this reminded me of that too! Can honestly say that I’ve yet to experience plumber’s crack in a bikini. Or maybe I have, and people have been too polite to point it out to me….
Goodness, I haven’t measured mine…this – how can I delicately put – ‘posterior crevice’ – is reminiscent of the erstwhile obsession with the thigh gap!!!! I’m either too old or too obese to know or care about either!
Kudos to you for trying on a bikini! That is somewhere that I haven’t been since I was 4! Should I though, I almost certainly suspect I have a high crack. Just as well I love my butt!
I am not even going to think about a high butt crack, can’t remember the last time I wore a bikini, the bathers got an outing once last year and that was for half an hour in a pool. Sad being I know, beach scares me and pools mess with my hair, not going to happen xx
I don’t know about mine… because I’ve never worn bikini to worry about that. I always says I’ll wear them one day when I have the body but I’ve lived almost 1/2 of my life and I still don’t and I don’t think I’ll ever have the guts to wear them.
I don’t know about this butt crack thing. I’d say it’s more the swimwear companies making the pants lower and lower and lower! In the back AND the front! I like the bottoms to come up over my little mama pouch and sit below my belly button, but most of them barely cover the pubic bone! It’s ridiculous!
I agree Aroha, just another example of fashion gone mad …
I think it’s less about the butt crack and more about the designers skimping on the fabric. On the topic of tops though, I was thinking the other day that designers should introduce a small, medium, large to each size of shirts. There are so many times when I buy a top and it is either massive across my bust or the girls threaten to pop out and make an appearance. I’m sick of it!
Haha oh no! This story is a little bit cheeky to be honest, Janet. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink. I’m sure your crack is perfectly fine and the bikini is the problem!
Ooo nice pun – wish I’d thought of that one! Yes, definitely the BIKINI’S problem. Because my body is better than Elle McPherson’s … ahem. We’re about the same age (in fact I’m younger) so that must be right!
I have never thought of measuring bum crack! Good on you for wearing a bikini.
Well, I think you’re pretty fabulous for wearing a bikini! x
Did not realise this was a thing! the way my butt sags, I have a LOW butt crack, which brings other problems Well done for seeking out bikinis s – very brave!!!!
I think you’re brave to even shop for a bikini! The thought alone scares me!!
Now that you mention it, I think I have had the high butt crack conversation with someone before. Maybe it is a thing?
I just love the title of this post! It made me laugh. I’ve never heard of it being a thing. I guess we are all built differently, so it could be a thing! I am curiously tempted to go check out my butt in front of the mirror, not that I will be buying or WEARING a bikini….ever!
I laughed too when Miss 17 said it was a “thing”. Seriously though, I think it is just a “trend” to have skimpy bottoms, though why anyone would want to let it all hang out like that escapes me …
Apparently I am SO ahead of the times. I do have a high butt crack and realised this quite some time ago. I’m ok with it but I do have to be conscious of ‘plumbers crack’ in even the most modest of pants.
Hi - I'm Janet Camilleri aka the Middle Aged Mama ; crazy cat lady, award-winning business woman, and recent mother of the bride . I might be a middle aged woman, but that doesn't mean I've lost all interest in looking stylish! I love chocolate, chick lit, cruising holidays and the husbear - and not necessarily in that order . I live in Brisbane, Australia, and I'm learning how to fashion a new life now that we have an empty nest - did somebody say "travel"?!
© 2022 Janet Camilleri / Middle Aged Mama

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