Biggest Pregnant Belly In History

Biggest Pregnant Belly In History


Biggest Pregnant Belly In History
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Here are some of the biggest baby bumps in the world.
This article was originally published on October 25, 2017. It was updated on September 19, 2020 by Kirstie Landry. 
Labor can be challenging since it is one of the hardest things a body can go through. There is nothing easy about having a baby , and the same thing can certainly be said for having more than one baby at one time.
It's hard to believe that there are moms out there who have done it, and some of them have even done it with little to no issues whatsoever. In addition, what can be even harder to believe is that there is a 74-year-old woman who has given birth to a set of twins after she spent many years having trouble conceiving.
Things like that just go to show that carrying a child is not for the faint of heart, and doing it at an older age is not as impossible as some people might think it is. Furthermore, a trans m an also faced some challenges while being pregnant.
Giving birth and raising children can be extremely challenging, which is likely something that any parent can confirm. But those are not the only parts of parenting that are tough for a person to go through.
After all, being pregnant in general is no walk in the park. In addition, sometimes a woman might be very surprised when she ends up having a huge pregnant belly when she is approaching her due date.
But noticing a bit of growth in that area is normal and to-be-expected during pregnancy. A woman's womb has to expand when she is pregnant so that there is plenty of room for the growing baby or babies inside of her.
Most people know that. Nevertheless, that does not stop some women from feeling like they have the biggest pregnant belly, stomach, or baby bump in the entire world.
Getting used to walking around with a baby bump is no easy task. After all, even ones that are of an average size tend to get in the way a lot, which can be very frustrating for the women who have them. Lots of awesome things can happen during pregnancy , but having a large baby bump isn't always fun. Here are some of the women who have had the biggest baby bumps.
There are a lot of famous mothers in the world, and one of them is Nadya Suleman. There are a few reasons why she is so well-known. Firstly, she gave birth to octuplets in 2009, according to , which of course means that she had a massive baby bump (some pictures of it can be seen here ) .
But the fact that she had a huge pregnant belly at one point is not the only thing that has made her famous. One would think that losing weight after having given birth to octuplets would have been an extremely difficult thing to do, but it seems as though she dropped the weight rather quickly.
She now had to take care of many new babies on top of the children she already had, which probably helped her lose some of the weight she gained during pregnancy. After all, running around after that many children cannot be an easy task.
Having a baby bump that large can be rather difficult, and some women might even be alarmed by it. But the good thing is that there are tips for women who find themselves in that particular situation.
According to , if a woman is walking around with a really big baby bump these days, there are a few different ways in which she can try to make some tasks easy for herself. For example, if she feels like exercising, she can try doing some exercises that will be gentle on her body and won't harm the baby with a doctor's approval.
But this is definitely something she should consult her doctor about before she does it. That is because there are so0me exercises that can be dangerous for pregnant women to do. However, some light yoga should not be bad for women who are expecting, and it is something that they can enjoy, even when they have large baby bumps. Also, if they feel like stepping out of their comfort zone, some pregnant women might want to try doing a bit of belly dancing .
This is a Czech mother who gave birth to the country's first naturally conceived quintuplets. Alexandra Kinova gave birth to four sons and one daughter via cesarean. Until the babies were born, Kinova had a huge pregnant belly, and pictures of it can be found on the Daily Mail's website . The 23-year-old didn't even know she was having quintuplets until a month before they were born -- doctors had previously thought she was having quadruplets since they could only ever count four at the time.
"When we finally found a fifth head, I started to cry," Kinova said, according to . The baby's names are Deniel, Michael, Alex, Martin, and Terezka. Mom and Dad didn't know all of the sexes until the babies were born since two were hidden in all the ultrasounds.
The birth, thankfully, went off without complications, though mom and babies needed some time in the intensive care unit after they were born. In addition, this mom's children were the first quintuplets to be born in Prague.
Women who are in the same kind of situation that she was in might find themselves having some really severe back pain from carrying all that additional weight around. Being pregnant is hard, but being pregnant with many babies at once is really difficult.
Fortunately, there are some steps that one can take if they are feeling discomfort in their back due to large belly bumps. According to , they can ask their doctors or midwives if they can get a referral to a physiotherapist. In addition, they can even find out if it is safe for them to get a massage while they are pregnant. Massages can be very relaxing and beneficial for anyone, including pregnant women.
Kate Gosselin already had a pair of twins when she decided to try for one more baby via IVF, according to . She definitely got not just one more baby, but six more babies.
She is one of the world's most famous moms of multiples due to her reality shows, but there was a time when she was just an average person who was walking around with what could be the biggest pregnant belly, stomach, or baby bump, which can be seen here on the Daily Mail's website .
According to , the sextuplets are 16 years old now, and a lot has changed in their lives. From the divorce of Kate and her husband John to her son Aidan needing to live in a special facility to fulfill his needs -- things are much different for the family than they used to be.
Also, it is unlikely that Gosselin is the only woman who has ever walked around with that many babies in her womb. There are others who might find themselves in that spot, and they should know that there are some things they can do to make life a bit easier on themselves while they have what they might think is the biggest belly in the world.
One thing they can do, if they just feel like relaxing for a bit, is lie on their left side. This can be nice for a pregnant woman, and it is also usually great for her unborn baby as well. That is because being in that position can keep one's organs in areas where they will not be getting in the baby's way.
Also, women who are reaching their due dates can buy a birthing ball for themselves to sit on before the baby arrives. Birthing balls are usually easier for pregnant women to get up from than couches or chairs are, so they can be very beneficial.
Much like Gosselin, Guillermina Garcia, and her husband, Fernando, had issues conceiving. While they already had one daughter, they still wanted a bigger family, so they decided to have fertility treatments done.
Garcia suffered from bruising due to the strain on her body from carrying so many babies. Carrying that many children had to be tough, and it seems to have had quite an impact on her body. Those who are interested in seeing what her belly bump looked like can check it out on Newsner .
Garcia delivered her five babies at 31 weeks gestation, which is seven weeks shorter than the average single pregnancy, but three weeks longer than an average quintuplet pregnancy.
Thanks to the team of doctors and a dozen nurses, this mom was able to go home with three little girls and two baby boys named Esmeralda, Fatima, Marissa, Fernando, and Jordan. While it seems like birthing this many children at once would have been very complicated, it went without a hitch.
If other women discover that they are in a similar situation, and sporting a really large baby bump, then they might want to prepare for some things. For example, women who have larger-than-average baby bumps tend to attract a lot of attention, and it is not always the good kind.
According to , a lot of people stare at pregnant women when they have particularly large baby bumps. So if a mom has just found out that she is carrying more than one little one in her womb, this is something she might want to prepare for. This can be upsetting, but moms should remember that most people mean well and that they might not mean to be offensive.
On the other hand, something else women in that position might want to prepare for is receiving some unwanted comments from other people. Dealing with people who stare is one thing, but no pregnant woman should have to deal with rude comments, even if she does have the biggest belly in the world.
Furthermore, one of the other things pregnant women have to deal with a lot is unsolicited advice. However, that is something that can also happen to a pregnant woman that does not have a huge belly.
Stacey Herald was the world's smallest mother, and she passed away at the age of 44. Every bit of Herald's story is outstanding since she defied the odds in many ways.
Herald, who was only a little over two feet tall, was informed that being pregnant at all could be very dangerous for her health. Nevertheless, she still gave birth to three children.
Pictures of Herald and the baby bump she sported in her third pregnancy, as well as her family, can be seen here . Her bump might not look very big in comparison to other baby bumps, but it is big for someone that is her size. Furthermore, she is known as the world's smallest mother.
Motherhood is already challenging enough for most people, but it had to be particularly hard for Herald, even with the help of her husband. That is because she suffered from a very rare condition that is known as Osteogenisis Imperfecta. According to , people who have this condition lack the ability to build strong bones, which is why it is also referred to as brittle bone disease.
Since she had a bump that was likely very big for her, it might have been difficult for her to find clothes that fit during her three pregnancies. In addition, women who have particularly large bumps in general tend to have a hard time finding clothes they like that fit them when they have reached the last few weeks of their pregnancies.
According to , women who have large bumps have difficulties finding fashionable clothing at the end of their pregnancies. But one thing some pregnant women might be able to do to fix this issue is buy regular clothes that they like in a bigger size than what they would normally wear.
While one would think that all of the women who are known for having some of the biggest baby bumps would have given birth to multiple babies at once, that is not always the case.
This is where Laura Carpenter-Beck comes in. At one point, her baby bump measured 55 inches around, and some pictures of it can be seen here on the Daily Mail's website . Carpenter-Beck experienced a lot of very fast belly growth when she was pregnant, and she knew that that was not normal even though she had never been pregnant before.
In fact, when she was just 12 weeks pregnant, other people were already asking her when she was going to have her baby. It seems as though part of the reason why she gained that much weight so quickly during her pregnancy is that she had previously been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.
One would think that a person in Carpenter-Beck's situation would have given birth to a baby that needed some extra attention health-wise, but she ended up having a perfectly healthy little girl. She and her husband named their daughter Savannah, and she weighed in a total of nine pounds and five ounces.
The baby girl was a bit bigger than some other babies are at birth, but that does not seem to have harmed her in any way. Before Savannah was born, six pounds when her mother was just thirty-two weeks pregnant.
It seems like Carpenter-Beck's size increased dramatically during her pregnancy, which is something that can happen to other pregnant women as well. Women who are starting to get baby bumps should do their best to prepare for the fact that they might accidentally underestimate their size at some point since they are likely not used to walking around with that much extra weight.
Furthermore, they also need to know that they likely will not be making any graceful movements during the last few weeks of their pregnancies. Walking around with a big baby bump can be really hard, and some pregnant women tend to waddle in the weeks the precede the birth of their children.
In addition, those who have a chance of ending up with a rather large baby bump need to know that even some of the smallest tasks can become a huge challenge once the baby gets bigger. Some pregnant women struggle to tie their shoes once they have reached that point. In this case, women should not be afraid to ask their partners for help.

Is this the biggest pregnancy baby bump ever?
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Mum-to-be was asked when she was due at just 12 weeks into her pregnancy
It’s completely natural to gain weight when you’re pregnant. But Lara Carpenter-Beck, 29, from Bristol, gained an incredible 6st 9lb while carrying her first baby Savannah.
Lara's weight gain resulted in her baby bump growing to 55 inches - quite something when you're 5ft 7in.
The reason for Lara's big bump is that she suffers from Type 1 diabetes, which makes her more prone to gaining weight.
Most women will put on between 1.5 and 2 stone during their pregnancy.
Lara grew from a size 12 to wearing size 22 clothes, and found that normal maternity clothes just wouldn’t fit around her bump.
"At just 12 weeks people were asking me when I was due - I was that big. And my bump just kept growing and growing," Lara said.
"It was my first pregnancy and so I had no idea what to expect - but I knew it wasn't normal to grow at the rate I was, especially with just one baby."
Lara's baby was also quickly putting on weight. At 32 weeks a nurse told Lara her baby weighed 6lb, which was fairly close to the average weight of a full-term baby (7lb 6oz for a girl)..
Just 4 weeks later, she was rushed in for a caesarean at 36 weeks after her waters broke unexpectedly.
Lara and her partner Chris, 38, were delighted to welcome baby Savannah, who was born weighing 9lb 5oz.
"Chris and I always assumed we were having a boy because my bump was so big, so it was a massive surprise to find out we had a girl," she said.
"She was a big baby and filled the weighing scales.
"We were so happy she was healthy though. We could cope with the fact she was a bit bigger than most newborns."
Lara was worried about getting her pre-pregnancy figure back – but lost a stone in the first week after giving birth, and another stone in her second week.
A year later, Lara has now shed the weight and is fitting back into her old clothes, and perhaps incredibly hasn't been put off going through it all again.
"I couldn't believe how big I became - but it definitely hasn't put me off having another one," she said. "Even if I get bigger than last time, it is all worth it to have a healthy baby."

Is this the biggest baby bump ever? Mum-to-be had massive 55-inch tummy
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Lara Carpenter-Beck, 29, gained a staggering six stone nine pounds and was forced to wear size 22 clothes because normal maternity wear didn't fit
A new mum has told of her struggle to cope with her massive 55-INCH baby bump before giving birth.
Lara Carpenter- Beck, 29, gained a staggering six stone nine pounds while carrying her first baby Savannah, and was forced to wear size 22 clothes , as normal maternity wear didn't fit around her bump.
Lara gained weight at a rapid rate during her pregnancy, because she has diabetes , making her more prone to gaining weight.
But incredibly, she has managed to lose all of it little more than a year.
Lara said she never imagined that at 36 weeks her weight would have jumped from 11 and a half stones to 18.
Lara said: "At just 12 weeks people were asking me when I was due- I was that big. And my bump just kept growing and growing.
"It was my first pregnancy and so I had no idea what to expect- but I knew it wasn't normal to grow at the rate I was- especially with just one baby."
At 32 weeks a nurse informed Lara her baby already weighed 6lbs- the size of some full-term babies .
Just four weeks later, Lara was rushed in for a caesarean after her waters broke unexpectedly.
Lara and her partner Chris, 38, a property agent, were delighted to welcome baby Savannah into the world, who was born weighing a hefty 9lbs 5oz, almost a pound heavier than Prince George whose birth weight of 8lbs 6oz attracted much commentary.
Proud Lara said: "Chris and I always assumed we were ha
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