Biggest Clitoris In World

Biggest Clitoris In World


Biggest Clitoris In World

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  Yes, the individual on the right is the dominant spotted hyena female, and what you see is the world's largest clitoris, not a penis

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The clitoris is a female sexual organ in mammals - that is common knowledge by now. However, have you ever wondered why do mammalian females have one in the first place?
Well, at the beginning of its development, the embryo has no gender. As it prepares to develop into either of the two genders, it forms bud tissues that will later generate either a penis or milk glands. After the first stage of its development is over, the embryo starts generating sex hormones according to its chromosome information of what it's going to be, male or female.
Male hormones trigger the development of the penis, but female hormones stop the development of the penis bud, which thus remains a vestigial clitoris. As a side note, this is also why males also have nipples. Thus, the clitoris is the homologous female organ for the penis, the only difference between the two being that it lacks urethra (females do not urinate through their clitoris). The clitoris has only the function of inducing sexual excitement - it even has erectile tissue and a gland, just like the penis.
What's bizarre is that, in some mammal species, the clitoris can grow very large, reaching lengths that have prompted scientists to refer to it as to a "pseudopenis". So far, researchers have discovered the following cases of female mammals with pseudopenises: the European mole, some lemurs (a kind of primitive monkey from Madagascar), squirrel monkeys (from tropical America), binturong (a type of arboreal civetcat from Southeast Asia) and, of course, the most famous case, the African spotted hyena. The labia of the female spider monkeys (from tropical America) are also elongated and may be mistaken for a penis but, until now, their function has been unclear.
Female squirrel monkeys, for instance, use their large clitoris to display dominance over other individuals in the hierarchy of the group. It is presumed that, in other species as well, the pseudopenis plays the same role. Amongst these female mammals, the spotted hyena is by far the largest species: consequently, it is here that we also see the largest clitoris in the animal kingdom. In fact, the very well developed clitoris of the spotted hyena is extremely different from other pseudopenises. In the case of this animals, the vulva is fused, and the clitoris is used for urination, mating (when the clitoris contracts, while the opening widens to allow penetration) and giving birth.
To make matters even more complicated, the females also have a fake scrotum made by the enlarged joined vulva, and pseudo-testes filled with fatty tissue. You can imagine the surprise of the first explorers of Africa, back at the beginning of the 19th century, when they saw that their caged "male" hyenas could actually give birth!
For a long time, the species was believed to be hermaphrodite. In fact, only the shape of the gland marks the difference between a penis and a clitoris in spotted hyenas. The erection of the penis or clitoris, which is voluntary in both sexes, is certainly a display of submission in both male and female spotted hyenas. Studies have also revealed that the clitoris plays a high social role in the clans of these animals.
The subordinate female individuals lick the clitoris of a higher-ranked female as a clear sign of submission and obedience. Nevertheless, this is not something that happens only amongst females, since males (which are inferior to all females) and cubs also lick the clitoris of dominant females. There is also the situation when females lick each other's clitorises, which is a greeting or an affective behavior that strengthens links between individuals. Oppositely, a female will never lick the penis of a male, since it is subordinate - the highest ranked male is inferior to the lowest ranked female.
Another curious fact about female spotted hyenas is that they carry higher levels of testosterone than the males in their blood, and this is something that can be observed as early as the embryo stage. Later in life, females become bigger in size and more aggressive than their counterparts, which makes them the dominant sex in the spotted hyena society. That's why biologists initially believed that the development of the clitoris was caused by the huge quantities of testosterone to be found in the fetus. But, since anti-androgens administration did not stop the growth of the huge clitoris, this character is now regarded as genetic.
Another element that makes the female spotted hyena be so dominant within the clan is also the fact that it has full control of and during mating, since penetration is practically impossible without its cooperation.
Birth is particularly difficult because the clitoris itself is narrow. However, since it breaks during the first parturition, the subsequent births are easier. There are countless cases of captive females giving birth for the first time that had stillborn cubs because of the long and painful labor. In the wild, the survival rates of females fall sharply when giving birth for the first time. Just to state the obvious, we can easily conclude that the first parturition is extremely hazardous for the spotted hyena females.
This evolutionary trade-off is somewhat like the one noticed with the human bipedal position and the pelvis bones in women. Whatever might have been its causes, it seems to have paid off, as the spotted hyenas, due to their social organization, are the single largest dominant predators in the African savanna, with numbers surpassing by far that of the lions and leopards.
The other hyena species (stripped and brown) do not present the trait of the enlarged clitoris.
Image credit: Kay Holekamp's laboratory, Michigan State University

umm… if i had one of those die be bulled like krazy

First Female Army Ranger Brags About Her Veiny, Seven-Inch Clitoris
First Female Army Ranger Brags About Her Veiny, Seven-Inch Clitoris
First Female Army Ranger Brags About Her Veiny, Seven-Inch Clitoris
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FORT BENNING — The first woman in history to graduate from Army Ranger School, arguably the most grueling, toughest training in the U.S. military, and thus the world, has just pinned on her Ranger tab — and she is letting the world know how proud she is of her very large clitoris.
1st Lt. Penny O’Keefe, who was also one of the first females to pass the Army’s Infantry basic training course, told a group of reporters assembled to witness her historic graduation all about her genitalia.
“Glass ceilings and good-ole-boys beware,” O’Keefe said, smiling broadly. “You might be used to Rangers having big swinging dicks. But this Ranger,” she said, pointing to herself, “has a clitoris. A veiny, throbbing, seven-and-one-quarter inch clitoris.”
“Plus, it leaks a white fluid when she gets excited,” said her boyfriend, Navy SEAL Bleys Pasquale, running a hand through his exquisitely-gelled hair. “It’s hot,” he added, squeezing O’Keefe playfully.
This kind of talk may seem vulgar to some, but in the Rangers, which is the cream of the crop in the Special Operations community, it is considered commonplace to engage in rough talk. And O’Keefe can be forgiven for indulging in the practice — that bad-talking lieutenant just became an inspiration for millions of women around the world, putting to rest hundreds of years of sexist exclusion and inequality in the military.
Pasquale, her boyfriend, is more supportive than most men in the military would be.
“It doesn’t bother me that she has a hard-charging spec ops job,” he said, gesticulating effeminately and brushing lint off his teal capezios. “I love having a tough little hard-bodied butch girlfriend. It might make some guys feel inadequate, but I’m a SEAL and I wax every inch of my body, so I don’t think it’ll be a problem for me. We’ll probably have some great celebration sex tonight too."
"Only not too much. It makes my butthole hurt after awhile," he added.
Fellow Ranger School graduates had high praise for O’Keefe.
“I was really impressed with the way she performed in the SERE portion,” said Staff Sgt. Juan Gonzalez, an artilleryman from 3-319th Field Artillery. “She lasted longer than any of us, because when the instructors got close with their tracker dogs, Ranger O’Keefe covered herself in period blood to hide her scent. It threw the hounds off long enough for her to slip away and last out in the woods another 12 hours before they got her.”
O’Keefe received a phone call from President Obama the day before her graduation, congratulating her for blazing a trail in military equal opportunity and thanking her for setting such an important example. The White House tweeted its congratulations as well, in addition to its commitment to sending openly gay and transgendered soldiers to Ranger School in the future.
O’Keefe will report to her first Ranger assignment at Fort Stewart, Georgia, early next month and will likely lead a platoon of Rangers in combat in Afghanistan soon.
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Is sexual arousal what’s making my lady parts swell so big?

February 25th, 2011 May 14th, 2021
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I am 50 and a lesbian. I have had a pretty active sex life for the last 30 years, including a couple of long-term relationships. For the last three years, I’ve been with a woman I love very much. We have amazing sexual chemistry—by far the best I have experienced.
For the last two years, I have noticed that my clitoris is getting bigger. Not trans-man-takes-testosterone big, but substantially bigger than it has ever been. I thought it was due to a big increase in sexual excitement, but it soon became clear that the enlargement was a permanent thing. It gets much more erect than it used to and often throbs or twitches after I come.
No one’s complaining. I am enjoying the heightened sexual arousal, and my girlfriend (who is very GGG) is thrilled. But why/how is this happening? Could it get even bigger? And why now? I hit menopause seven years ago, so it’s not some weird hormone surge. Could our sexual connection have caused this all by itself? I don’t really want to ask my gynecologist, though I did notice her checking out my equipment with wide eyes at my last checkup . —Stiffie Needs A Zipcode
“I always like to hear from people who are satisfied with their sex lives and relationships,” says author, sex researcher, vulva-puppeteer, and archrival sex-advice columnist Debby Herbenick, and I have to agree. Most of our mail comes from people who are unhappy with their sex lives and/or dissatisfied with their relationships. It’s always nice to hear from folks who are having fun.
What’s not so nice is that we sometimes have to tell happy-and-satisfied folks that something may be seriously wrong.
“I would strongly encourage her to ask her gynecologist about her enlarged clitoris,” says Herbenick. “She should be very clear about the fact that it has increased in size. She should let her know when she first noticed this and roughly how much she thinks it’s increased in size.”
If your gynecologist isn’t comfortable talking with you about your clit—if she just stands there gaping at it—get a new gynecologist. Because your megaclit could be a symptom of something very, very serious.
“You need your doctor to examine your clit and rule out various medical conditions that could cause hormonal problems,” says Herbenick. “Sometimes these are benign health conditions. Unfortunately, sometimes they include vulvar cancers, ovarian cancers, and adrenal cancers that, for example, may present with symptoms including an enlarged clitoris.”
Some women believe their clitorises “grew” after menopause, but that’s not usually the case. When estrogen levels drop during menopause, other parts of the vulva—such as the labia—can become flatter or less prominent, which can in turn make the clitoris appear bigger. “However, she’s been in menopause for a long time,” says Herbenick, “and it sounds like the clitoral change happened well into menopause.” And amazing sex does not supersize clits: “High levels of arousal usually result in only a temporary swelling of the clitoris,” Herbenick says.
Make another appointment to see your doctor, SNAZ, “and keep asking questions until she’s sure that medical conditions, such as cancers, have been ruled out,” Herbenick urges.
And, again, if your gynecologist doesn’t want to discuss it or was too stupid to spot what could be a symptom of common lady-parts cancers (!), time to get a new gynecologist. —Dan
My husband is beautiful, awesome, etc. Unfortunately, his dick is small. It wasn’t so bad our first few years together; he knows how to work what he’s got. But then I had a baby, and I tore. A few days later, my stitches tore. My six-week checkup turned out to be a poke in the stomach to confirm that my uterus was back in place, and when I asked why I couldn’t get restitched, the doctor told me, “Vaginas are very forgiving.” But a year later, Kegels aren’t helping and both of us are having trouble getting off.
He enjoys anal sex, but it’s not really fulfilling for me. I want to get a vaginoplasty to fit him, but I’ll have to wait till we’ve saved up enough money to pay for it. Please, Dan, tell me how to have hotter sex with a small dick and a shredded kitty. —Unforgiving
“Many women who have had multiple or traumatic births—and it sounds like she had a good deal of tearing—have some degree of prolapse,” says Herbenick. (A uterine prolapse, says the Wiki, “occurs when the female pelvic organs fall from their normal position, into or through the vagina.”)
“If she did have prolapse,” says Herbenick, “she may be a candidate for anterior or posterior vaginal wall repair, which is quite similar to vaginal ‘rejuvenation’ surgeries, and then insurance may cover the surgery.
“Some people will wildly disagree with me and say that women shouldn’t have surgery ‘to please their man,’ but I don’t see that here,” Herbenick adds. “I see two people who are married and want better sex, and she may have experienced some physical changes that have affected that. And there are ways to fix it.”
Herbenick is the associate director of the Center for Sexual Health Promotion at Indiana University and the author of Because It Feels Good: A Woman’s Guide to Sexual Pleasure and Satisfaction , a book that I strongly recommend even though she once attacked me with a vulva puppet in a room full of people. —Dan
I live in Ann Arbor, Mich. Grange, a local restaurant, has a cocktail called “GGGinger.” Is it possible for a cocktail to be GGG? And how does it feel to have inspired one? —Curious Cocktail Connection
I’m saddened to report the GGGinger’s Gs refer to three of the gin-based cocktail’s ingredients—ginger beer, candied ginger, and ginger syrup—and not to the Savage Love meme “good, giving, and game.” Still, Grange co-owner Brandon Johns is confident that his GGGingers have inspired GGG behavior all over Ann Arbor.
“It’s been our most popular drink since we opened,” says Johns, “so it must be doing something right.”
And in other, more successful Savage Love memes…Former U.S. senator and current presidential candidolt Rick Santorum “opened up” to Roll Call last week about his “longtime Google problem,” aka “the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex” and always the No. 1 search result when you Google the former senator’s last name.
“It’s one guy,” Santorum told Roll Call . “You know who it is… It’s unfortunate that we have someone who obviously has some issues.”
I do have issues—I have lots of issues—but I take particular issue with politicians who compare loving, stable same-sex relationships to “man on dog” sex, as Santorum has done, or who would ban same-sex marriage and adoptions by same-sex couples, as Santorum has promised to do if he gets elected president. But the lowercase-“s” santorum campaign wasn’t “one guy.” A lot of people were involved—from the Savage Love reader who first suggested that we redefine your name to all the folks who’ve written about it over the years—just like a lot of people were involved in turning Rick Santorum out of office in 2006, an election he lost by an 18-point santorumslide. —Dan Savage
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