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Married teacher 'told schoolboy, 15, 'you have a bigger penis than my husband'
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Married Teacher 'had sex with 15-year-old boy'
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Princes Risborough Secondary School teacher Kandice Barber, 35, is accused of sexual activity with a then 15-year-old, whose schoolmates claim he showed them pictures and messages
A married teacher told a schoolboy she is accused of having sex with that he 'had a bigger penis than my husband', a court heard.
The 15-year-old boy claimed he had been picked up in a car driven by teacher Kandice Barber to take him to a field and woodlands for sex.
Prosecutors earlier told a jury how Barber, now 35, suggested she might be pregnant with the boy's child, which kept him quiet because he did not want his child to be born in prison.
Barber had later implied she would accuse the boy complainant of raping her if he told the headmaster at Princes Risborough Secondary School in Buckinghamshire about their encounters, it was claimed.
But Nadia Chbat, defending Barber, alleged the complainant had invented a police interview in January last year as a conversation-starter with his former girlfriend.
She said he had broken up with the girl October 2018 after years of dating, but said was still the person he trusted most.
Ms Chbat, speaking to the boy who appeared at Aylesbury Crown Court on a video link today, said he had been upset after the break-up, describing him as "sobbing" to his mum.
The court heard how the boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, had shown his ex-girlfriend a topless image of Barber as "proof" the pair were having sex, when the two spoke last January about their teacher on Facetime.
The complainant's ex-girlfriend advised him to go to the police.
In a text transcript read to the court, the boy's ex had said to him: "If she goes anywhere near our friend I need you to tell me. No joke, she's a paedo. People are starting to find out about you and Mrs Barber now, by the way.
"Why did you not tell me about this? I am not supposed to talk to you but you came to me for advice and this is a big deal so obviously I care."
After speaking to his headmaster about the rumours at the school, the boy complainant had told his former girlfriend that he had had a "police interview".
Cross-examining the boy, now aged 17, Ms Chbat said he had not actually spoken to the police and questioned why he was "misleading" his ex.
The boy replied: "I did not want her to know about the whole situation anyway. Obviously, if I did not follow the advice from her, she would have gotten annoyed at me."
Ms Chbat said: "She would have stopped talking to you, would she? So, you were doing it to get her attention, were you? She was certainly concerned about you.
"That was a problem at the time for you, in January 2019 people did not believe the rumours. Because she did not believe you, you had to show her a picture of Mrs Babrer. Was that the same for your other friends that did not believe you until you showed them a picture of Mrs Barber?
"You began, I suggest, to become obsessed with Mrs Barber and you told your friends that you and her were having private calls on Snapchat. You told your friends that you were messaging the teacher and they did not believe you, did they?
"I suggest that you, frustrated that people did not believe you, hacked into Mrs Barber's Snapchat account and got a photograph of her, then I suggest you started circulating that photograph so that people believed you about Mrs Barber and you."
The boy rejected Ms Chbat's assertions.
The court heard that other pupils had been shocked at seeing pictures, a video and messages which appeared to prove the boy had been having sexual relations with Barber.
The court heard evidence from one of the schoolboy's close friends who was with him at the moment of first online contact with the then-33-year-old teacher.
He said that he had seen a message on the complainant's iPhone from Barber, saying "do you prefer boobs or bum?" It was a message which had been sent at the sports event where the two were said to have added each other on Snapchat.
The witness said that Barber had told her pupil in another message at the sports awards event: "I had a dream about you" before exchanging contact details using his phone.
The jury heard that Barber and the complainant had met up several times since mid-October 2018, with sexual intercourse occurring only at their second meeting, as opposed to the first as the complainant had originally testified.
The fellow pupil told the court the complainant had told him of sexual activity with the teacher on multiple occasions.
"First I didn't believe it at all, then I started seeing the videos and messages and all that, I was like 'yeah, it's probably true'," the witness added.
"The messages said that he (the complainant) had a bigger penis than her husband. In another message she told him 'when I'm teaching you, let's see if we can make each other the horniest we can without the others knowing'."
The jury also heard that the complainant had gone several times during school time into Barber's office - and come out claiming they had been kissing in there.
Another boy from the same school said in a police interview he had seen the complainant go into Barber's office, and had seen the two of them talking in the hallways.
He said he too, had not believed rumours of the boy's affair with the teacher until he saw photographs and messages.
The second witness said in a police video interview that from what he had seen during the month before giving the interview, his fellow pupil had not been his same usual self.
"I remember he said to me she (Barber) would claim that he had raped her and that scared him, so I think that could be the reason. It's a sick thing, to say that."
Barber, of Wendover, Buckinghamshire, denies three counts of causing or inciting a child aged under 16 years to engage in a sexual act, one count of sexual communication with a child, one count of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activities while in a position of trust and one count of causing a child to watch a sexual act by a person in a position of trust.
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Story highlights People saw black men as more threatening, deserving of force Black men with 'blacker' features were seen as bigger
In a new body of research published by the American Psychological Association , 950 online participants from the US were asked to rate black and white men based on their weight, height, strength and build.
"We found that these estimates were consistently biased. Participants judged the black men to be larger, stronger and more muscular than the white men, even though they were actually the same size," said the study's lead author, John Paul Wilson, of Montclair State University.
The findings got even more ominous from there. Not only did participants distort the size of the men, they also identified the black men as, essentially, more of a threat deserving of force.
"Participants also believed that the black men were more capable of causing harm in a hypothetical altercation and, troublingly, that police would be more justified in using force to subdue them, even if the men were unarmed," Wilson said.
Skin tone and facial variations made a difference
There were more fascinating and concerning patterns in the study's findings:
Both white and black participants overestimated the size and strength of black men, but black participants did not label them as more dangerous or likely to deserve police force during an altercation
Black men with darker skin and more pronounced "black" facial features (wide nose, large lips, etc) were subject to more distortion. "We found that men with darker skin and more stereotypically black facial features tended to be most likely to elicit biased size perceptions, even though they were actually no larger than men with lighter skin and less stereotypical facial features," Wilson said .
Results have unnerving implications
It's not hard to see where these results could be applied -- the size and perceived strength of black victims of violence has figured into many prominent cases, including the 2014 shooting of Michael Brown and the 2014 shooting of 12-year-old Tamir Rice, who was characterized as "menacing."
To that last point, this study's findings also parallel a similar study published in the APA in 2014 that found people view black boys as older and less innocent than white boys .
The authors of this study say their findings could be used to further explore the role of stereotypes in social behavior and the application of police force.
© 2022 Cable News Network. A Warner Bros. Discovery Company. All Rights Reserved. CNN Sans ™ & © 2016 Cable News Network.
Updated 1445 GMT (2245 HKT) March 14, 2017
(CNN) When we look at black men, what is and what we see are often different things. Namely, we may see black men as bigger, stronger, and scarier than white men, even if they are the same size.

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