Bigg Boss 9 Oct 16

Bigg Boss 9 Oct 16

bosses day joke

happy national boss day

16. I would like to thank you for this promotion. See if people like Bosses here. You can read all about it and cop/preview the limited 7″ here… If you are planning to make this new year indelible one then here we have a best idea for you. If so, then spend the December 31st night with your girl. If you want to impress your boss by gaining good marks in terms of your behavior then make sure to send him a new year message on the eve. Our collection of New Year Message To Boss is something that would have never come across till date. I can’t imagine my life without you in it, and I will do anything to be yours till the end of time. This will surely hit him hard in the heart. Some of the pictures drawn of Tweed hit the nail on the head, and some don't. Offices with a more formal dress code may require your boss to always look his best. May our future be as bright as your eyes and as careless as I am when I’m with you. “Will you have the courage to read these questions and do your best to answer them all candidly, to show that this meeting is about us, or will this meeting be just a commercial for you?

happy national boss day

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