Big Vagina Lips

Big Vagina Lips


Big Vagina Lips
Home » Health » Is your vaginal normal? Eight different shapes revealed by experts
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A labia specialist has revealed eight totally normal ways a vagina can look – including having asymmetrical or enlarged inner lips.
Plastic surgeon Ben Khoda, from the UK, told how each month 250 people in the UK search for ‘is my vagina normal?’, and with the topic being something you wouldn’t bring up with your friends or family, many turns to the internet to give them answers.
Dangly or tightly tucked, wrinkled or smooth, thick or thin – the labia (or vaginal lips) come in all different shapes and sizes.
And like any of our beautiful body parts, the way the inner and outer labia (vagina) looks and feels is all part of our genetic makeup.
‘It’s a common misconception that vaginas should look a certain way but, this is not true at all,’ explained Ben, who works at The Hospital Group.
‘Just like the way in which the size, shape or girth of men’s private parts vary, so do women’s. The most common differences in the labia are the shape and size, however, the thickness and colour of them varies too.’
Here are the eight most popular types of labia;
Some women are conscious of their vaginal lips being different lengths. One may be tucked tightly towards the vagina, while the other hangs down a little.
Just like eyebrows, some labias thrive best as sisters and not twins!
Other women have curved vaginal lips, best described as a `flower`. Pretty as these labias may be, you might feel conscious that your vagina looks too wide, and prefer a slightly slinkier version.
Sometimes the inner lips of the labia hang below the outer lips, which may cause discomfort in some women. There’s no such thing as a perfection proportion, though!
On the flip side, some women have slightly loose outer lips, keeping the inside of the vagina hidden like a little pocket.
The outer lips can also be longer and may even brush against the legs, but not necessarily stick or bulge out. Again, this is completely normal and you shouldn’t be afraid to embrace the extra length!
Lots of women have small, petite lips which leave the rest of the vagina still visible.
Lots of other women have tiny vaginal lips that conceal the vagina completely.
Last but not least, some women have enlarged inner lips that may cause physical discomfort, since more of the sensitive vaginal skin is exposed.
Khoda said: “You’ll be happy to know that every labia is a normal labia. However, some women have enlarged or uneven vaginal lips which may cause them physical or emotional discomfort, which they may recognise as “abnormal” compared to other women.”
“If the size or shape of your labia is interfering with your everyday life or even reducing the quality of activities you enjoy, it’s time to think about whether you’d like an expert to take a look.”
“This may be especially true if the appearance or feel of your labia has changed in recent years and you’d like your old labia back.”
“If you have an enlarged or uneven labia, you may be experiencing discomfort while doing certain activities. Although these are nothing to worry about, they may be bothering you nonetheless:”
“Most vaginal lips stay the same throughout our lives, and if yours is enlarged or uneven, it could be due to genetics.”
Ben said: “Vaginal irritation can over time change the appearance of the labia, this can come from the clothes we wear every day to the type of exercise that we take.
“It can also come from some more obvious but none the less important factors such as childbirth and sexual intercourse which can affect the way the vagina looks over time. These are are all totally normal and natural ways for the labia to change.
“Vaginal examination is understandably an area where women may feel anxious or worried about. We provide female chaperones and ensure that the examination is performed in suitable surroundings.”

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Female genitalia is a mystery to most people because the parts are not outwardly visible unless you look for them. Believe it or not, some women never even see their own genitalia. If a person rarely sees their own labia or anyone else’s, it can be difficult to ascertain what’s “normal.” The truth is that just as hands or noses or ears look different from person to person, the same is true for the vulva. Some labia are longer, some shorter, some darker, some thicker, some asymmetrical. There is no standard of beauty for labia, but in some women, they grow large enough to cause discomfort, embarrassment, and even health complications, such as frequent urinary tract infections. In these cases, intervention by way of labiaplasty may be recommended.
When the outer lips of the vulva are larger than average, it’s known as labia majora hypertrophy. When the inner lips extend past the outer lips, it’s known as labia minora hypertrophy. Some people are born with labia hypertrophy and some develop it through puberty, pregnancy, menopause, or other hormonal event. The aging process can also cause labia hypertrophy, as skin loses its elasticity and female hormone levels decrease. And sometimes the labia grow an additional protective layer in response to repeated trauma, as from excessively tight and restrictive clothing or the impact of long-term competitive cycling. There is no single cause for labia hypertrophy, and in most cases, if it doesn’t bother the individual, there is nothing that needs to be done about it. But when excess labial tissue causes problems for the individual, whether physical or psychological, treatment is available. 
Big labia are not a problem in themselves, but in some cases, they do result in other complications. For some women, the enlarged vaginal lips hang outside of their underwear and chafe against their clothing, irritating the skin. For others, labia hypertrophy causes significant pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse. Additionally, large labia can hide bacteria that leads to frequent urinary tract infections, yeast infections, or feminine odor. Even when there are no physical symptoms, many women with big labia experience embarrassment from visible vaginal lips in sexy lingerie or exercise clothes, leading to extreme self-consciousness and anxiety about the appearance of their labia. When symptoms of physical or emotional discomfort interfere with a person’s self-esteem or quality of life, labiaplasty may help.  
Labiaplasty: treatment for labia hypertrophy
Labiaplasty is a procedure for changing the shape, size, symmetry or appearance of the labia for enhanced comfort, sensation, and aesthetic appeal. Labiaplasty is an outpatient procedure that typically takes 2 to 3 hours, but Dr. Laverson’s commitment to precision and excellence may result in a longer surgical duration. Dr. Laverson’s approach includes advanced plastic surgical techniques, reinforced closures for durability, optical magnification for precision, and multiple layers of anesthesia. The exact surgical technique will depend on the specific needs of the patient, but all labiaplasty procedures done by Dr. Laverson improve appearance and preserve sensation and function. The end result is pretty, trim, and sculpted labia and enhanced feminine appeal. 
Customized labiaplasty in San Diego | Feel Beautiful 
If enlarged or elongated labia are causing you discomfort in clothing, pain during sexual intercourse, or feelings of self-consciousness and anxiety about your appearance, labiaplasty may be the solution for achieving a prettier, tidier vaginal profile that looks and feels natural, delicate, trim, and soft to touch. For more information on Dr. Steve Laverson’s customized labiaplasty, call Feel Beautiful at (858) 295-4001 to schedule your free labiaplasty consultation today.

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Female Genital Mutilation


Written by Anuradha Varanasi | Updated : November 16, 2016 9:47 AM IST
Despite the fact that a woman’s labia is the most visible part of the vulva or external female genital organs, we know very little about it. As a woman, it is important to know about the labia or the part of the vulva that is popularly referred to as vaginal lips. Here are seven facts about labia that every woman should know of.

Your labia surrounds and protects the clitoris, opening of the vagina and also the urethra. The main function of the labia is to shield your vulva or the external female genital organs. Also Read - 3 Reasons You Should Never Consume Expired Food Items

There are different parts of the labia which are called labia majora or the outer labia and labia minora. Your labia majora are fattier and larger while minora are the folds of skin under the outer labia.

Your labia can become bigger than normal when you’re aroused during sexual intercourse. This is because the labia becomes engorged or swells with blood due to increased vaginal blood flow during sexual arousal [1]. Also Read - Chronic Heart Diseases To Fibromyalgia: Here Is How Arthritis Damages Other Organs of Your Body

Some women go under the knife for surgical enhancements for the labia. This surgical procedure is known as labiaplasty which means reshaping of the labia. Another cosmetic procedure to enhance the appearance of the labia is known as labia puffing or plumping. This is a non-surgical technique which involves injections of the woman’s own fat or dermal fillers in the labia majora. Women opt for this procedure to look younger down there. However, millions of women worldwide are subjected to Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) at a very young age where the labia is cut without any medical supervision or anesthesia. FGM is harmful and extremely traumatizing and was recently made illegal in several countries.

The labia can tear and get swollen due to childbirth and also following unfortunate incidents like sexual assault or abuse. However, other physical activities like intensive cycling can also cause swelling pain and a torn labia and female cyclists who have to cover long distances (an average of 462.5 km per week) are more prone to it [2]. Some women complain of pain and bleeding due to a torn labia after a rough and passionate lovemaking session. Also Read - Gas Leak In Tamil Nadu: 100 Students In Krishnagiri Admitted To Hospital With Extreme Uneasiness, Nausea

As you age, your labia will change in appearance as it tends to shrink and even become droopier when a woman is approaching or experiencing menopause due to low estrogen levels. During your 20’s, your labia will look slimmer [3].

Lastly, it is important to remember that every woman’s labia looks different in some way or the other. Pornography has placed unrealistic standards on how a woman’s genitals are supposed to look so don’t feel ashamed about how your labia looks. Also Read - Poor Diet Can Lead To Hypertension, Heart Diseases That Can Damage Your Kidneys Completely is India's fastest growing health information site with a team of health professionals and writers committed to providing unique, authentic, credible, well-researched, and timely information on topics related to physical and mental health. We use the latest interactive tools, graphics, live webinars and events, interviews, medical imagery, and more.
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Anna Swan is reported to have had the biggest vagina ever in recorded history. The Scot was 7’5-1/2″, her husband was 7’11”, and she delivered the biggest newborn ever recorded: his head was 19″ around. Do the math.

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Vaginas ! So strange. So mysterious. So essential a component of the female anatomy. Sure, you may have a vagina. Or maybe you’re just curious about vaginas. Vaginas are like snowflakes. No two vaginas are alike. Of course, some vaginas are more exceptional than others. Like Hazel Jones, the woman who was so brave as to go on morning television to talk about her, not one, but two vaginas. Click through to find out more about Hazel’s lady flowers and other amazing vaginas in our vagina-tastic list.

Twenty-seven-year-old UK woman, Hazel Jones, went on morning television to talk about her one in a million vagina. Or should I say two in a million? Hazel suffers from a condition called uterus didelphys, which is a fancy way of saying the woman has two uteruses and two vaginas. This means she lost her virginity twice, suffers through double heavy periods each month, and can get pregnant twice at once if she’s not careful. She’s declined to have surgery to correct the problem because of the possible risks. I give her credit for dealing with so much lady plumbing. [ Huffington Post ]

Hazel is not alone. Lauren Williams is yet another chick with two vaginas. She has a bicornuate uterus, which means she has two vaginas, two cervixes, and two uteruses. I don’t know what I would do with the extra vagina. Rent it out?
In 1975, performance artist Carolee Schneeman stood on a table, covered herself in mud, and extracted a scroll from her vagina. Then, she read it. The paper evidence from Interior Scroll is now displayed as a work of art. And what has your vagina done lately?

In 1999, adult film star Houston had sex with a purported 620 men in one day, resulting in “The World’s Biggest G**gb**g 3.” In reality, there were about 125 dudes there. Still, nothing to sneeze at.
Tatiata Kozhevnikova has the world’s strongest vagina. She can lift 31 lbs. with hers. She’s even listed in Guinness World Records. And has special vagina barbells. OMG. WTF.
“Susan” was born without a vagina. As it turns out, one in 4,000 women are born with congenital absence of the vagina. How’s that work? “Externally, the genital area is perfectly normal, with clitoris, labia, and urethra all in place. But where the vagina should be there is only a small dimple or indentation.” Some opt for surgery. Susan “succeeded in creating her own vagina through the dilatation, or pressure technique.” I am speechless.

In America, women undergo plastic surgery to have their labia trimmed. (Read one woman’s testimony: “I Had Labiaplasty Surgery.”) In Rwanda, women engage in labia stretching. In their culture, elongated labia are considered an asset and is perceived to result in better sex for both partners. The World Health Organization considers the practice female genital mutilation. Others see it as part of a long-standing tradition.

Maoni Vi of Capetown, South Africa, has pubic hair that is 28-inches long. But does she braid it? That I do not know.
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