Big Tits Literotica

Big Tits Literotica


Big Tits Literotica
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It's nice when big tits run in the family.
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I've always been a late starter. I started school late so I was eighteen when I became a senior in high school. I even started late with girls. Being almost sixteen before I realized they weren't totally useless. And it took another two years before I lost my virginity. That happened when I met a girl named Annika.
She was extraordinarily pretty and had a perfect figure to boot. Her shoulder length hair was a mix of blond and light brown and her eyes were a stunning slate gray and light green. She was devastating. I'm not kidding, she was gorgeous. So much so that just being seen with her changed the way people treated me.
For example, before I met Annika there was a kid that would harass me. He was probably around eleven or twelve at the time. I had to go by his house as I walked home from school and each afternoon he would burst out his front door and call me bad names as I went by. He would stand close enough to the door, so that if I went after him, he could duck back into the house real quick. That moron would scream all kinds of nasty things and then go back inside laughing his head off. A couple of months after I'd been seeing Annika she agreed to go to my place after school. Sure enough as we were approaching his house this kid comes flying out the door, but this time he came to a screeching halt and didn't say a word. Just watched us go by. The next day as I was walking past his house he rushed out waving his arms and yelling for me to stop. I did.
He walked up and said, "Was that your girlfriend?"
"Yes. Why?" I was very suspicious of this little monster.
"I'll never mess with you again." He then turned and went back into his house. He kept his word, but he really was one strange son of a bitch.
A mutual friend introduced us, gymnastics season was long over and this was in early March so the weather was getting warmer. After about a week of standing in the school yard, talking for ten or fifteen minutes, I finally asked her if I could walk her home. Since her English was perfect I didn't know that she was an immigrant until I went to her house.
Something strange happened when we got there. As we entered the house we were met by an older woman that looked to be in her early forties. Annika introduced her as her Aunt Heidi who was visiting from Germany and then went to put her school books in her room. I stood there looking at Heidi while she blabbered away in German. I couldn't understand a word, but that woman had the kindest voice and the most loving smile I'd ever seen. I liked her instantly, a lot! Then I did something without thinking, it was just instinct, but it turned out Okay. With a timid smile I stepped closer and placed my hand in Heidi's, squeezed gently and said, "Hey". I was quite the articulate one back then.
Heidi burst into laughter and wrapped both her arms around my left one, pulled me close, then led me to the living room. Smiling and talking the whole time. I'm telling you she had the personality of a double hot fudge sundae. That's how sweet she was.
She also had really big tits! Heidi was an average looking woman, not bad, but nothing special except for her breasts. And Annika's mother was just like Heidi. It was easy to tell they were sisters. This story isn't so much about Annika as it is about my experiences with her Aunt and mother. Though I eventually had some wild times with Annika, it was Heidi that first got things going. Both Heidi and Frau Schmidt (Annika's mother) were the stereotypical big breasted German fraus. Imagine a beer house in Germany with a waitress carrying eight large beer steins resting on her huge tits as she was walking. If you can imagine that then you got a good idea of what Heidi and Frau Schmidt looked like.
I quickly came to adore Aunt Heidi, though Frau Schmidt made me nervous. She may have looked like Heidi, but Annika's mother was usually serious, fastidious and pretty much ran the household with a will of iron. Annika's father was a small man, about five-six and couldn't have weighed more than one-thirty. He was not around much and very quiet when he was.
Every day I would walk Annika home from school and a routine was rapidly established. We'd walk in the front door and I'd call out Heidi's name while Annika went to her room to change. Heidi would come rushing to me, jabbering and laughing like she'd just won the lottery. This happened every time I saw her! Soon I was greeting her with a kiss on the cheek to which she responded by giving me hugs. She'd then take me to the kitchen and offer me drinks and snacks. Heidi always showed great concern for my welfare. It was obvious not only to me, but to everyone else in the house, that she had genuine affection for me. As I had for her, though I tried real hard to hide it from everyone except Heidi. Later, around five-thirty or so, Annika's parents would come home. I always made a point of offering to help out. Carrying in the groceries or asking Herr Schmidt if I could help clean the garage, mow the lawn, little things like that. I think her parents appreciated my initiative because they gradually became friendlier, or at least not so anxious for me to leave. Though shortly after they came home from work I'd go.
One day I was sitting on the arm of their couch, alone. Annika was in her room doing something and her parents weren't home yet. Aunt Heidi came up to me, smiling as usual while speaking, though this time more softly. No idea what she was saying. Then she put an arm around my upper back and a hand on the back of my head and pulled my face in between those big tits. She then squeezed her arms together so that her tits enveloped my whole head and patted me gently on the back while talking to me in the cooing way you talk to little babies. Normally I wouldn't like that, but this time I decided to let it pass. Actually, I was so stunned I didn't move and just let my arms hang down at my sides. She soon released me and left the room. As I stood up Annika entered and her eyes went straight to my dick which was swollen as hell and reaching well into the left pocket of my jeans. I looked down at the bulge and started to cover it with my hand but stopped. I was embarrassed as this happened before I got her to go back to my place so that we could be alone. As a matter of fact, it was shortly after this incident that she agreed to be alone with me. Anyway, my cock is kind of big. About eight and a half inches or so depending on how much I cheat with the ruler, but best of all it's really fat. When a woman holds my dick, her fingers can't reach her thumb. And Annika could see just how big I was because my jeans molded perfectly around the shaft.
I looked up at her and lied, "I was thinking of you." Yep, I really said that and later that night in bed, while remembering all that happened, I was quite proud of myself. Thinking what a clever fellow I must be to make such a good recovery.
Well, from then on, when no one else was around, I made a point of sitting on the arm of that couch. And by golly Heidi did it again about a week later. This time however, I put my arms around Heidi's waist and held her tight. I pulled back slightly then looked up at her and smiled. I wanted her to know that I had absolutely, positively, no objections what so ever to what she was doing. No doubt she understood, because the third time she got me in her boob-hug I became more, I guess you might say pro-active. That time I not only held her close, but I started pressing my face in one tit and then into the other. Heidi let out a squeal, stepped back and slapped the top of my head half heartedly. Then, while waving her index finger at me, she said something in German. I couldn't understand the words, but the tone of voice was unmistakable. She was teasingly informing me that I was a naughty young man and by the slight smile that accompanied the delicate scolding, I knew she liked my naughtiness a lot more than she was saying.
Whenever Annika would spend a lot of time in her room, cleaning it or doing homework, I would sit in my favorite spot and enjoy Heidi's boob-fest. I continued to get naughtier. Soon I was placing my face at the front of her huge tits and pushing it gently into one then the other, feeling those soft, cushiony pillows that men love so much. When I could feel her nipples get hard through her bra and blouse I would place the tip of my nose at her nipple and flick back and forth. She would then squeal and slap me lightly, but I knew she loved it. It wasn't long before I started trying to use my hands to squeeze her boobs. She would pushed them away and after awhile I'd try again, sometimes I got a nice feel but usually not. At that point there was still a pretense of playfulness. The reality was that she was having fun sexually with a young man not even half her age. I've always wondered what was going on in her mind at that point. Was she nervous about getting caught? She never showed it. Did she feel guilt about fooling around with her niece's boyfriend? I could never tell because she always had a warm and loving smile on her face. Always! Other than tenderness and an obvious horniness, I couldn't tell what the hell was going on inside of her.
I remember it was on a Saturday afternoon that Frau Schmidt walked into the living room and caught Heidi holding my head against her tits. Annika and her father had gone somewhere and wouldn't be back for an hour or so. I didn't see her walk in, but heard her laugh loudly and say something in German to her sister. They talked excitedly for awhile and snickered a lot. Apparently, Annika's mother thought the sight of my face buried in Heidi's boobs was very funny. This surprised me because she always seemed so serious and stern. When I heard her voice I was so startled I almost fell off the arm of the couch and definitely expected trouble, but Heidi held me firmly to her breasts and didn't seemed alarmed at all.
"Ah, you like dat don't chu?" Frau Schmidt asked teasingly. She had a strong, commanding voice. Unlike Heidi, who's tone was much softer. "Don't lie, vee know vat yoong men like chu vant."
I turned my head and looked at Frau Schmidt. She had a huge grin on her face. I nodded slightly, embarrassed that it was so obvious.
They both laughed and talked and then I felt Heidi lean forward. I saw her trying to grab Frau Schmidt's arm and pull her over. Annika's mother yelped and slapped Heidi's hand away and they both burst out laughing even harder. Again and again Heidi reached for Frau Schmidt without success until she finally got a hold of her wrist and pulled her next to us. While they were talking Heidi moved to my left and maneuvered her sister next to my right side. They stopped talking and Frau Schmidt looked down at me.
"Chu don't say anytaing to Annika. Ya!" It was much more of a command than a question.
Then Frau Schmidt stepped close and Heidi pushed my face into her sister's huge tits. A moment later Frau Schmidt pushed me into Heidi's boobs who then pushed me back to Frau Schmidt's chest. Back and forth back and forth, laughing like crazy while they played boobyball with my head!
Soon they tired of their little game. (Don't know the final score, but I know I was the winner!) They spoke a few words in German then leaned forward and encased my head in their four giant breasts. It was kind of hard to breathe, even so I put an arm around each and pulled them even tighter.
"Chu like don't chu?" Frau Schmidt taunted teasingly.
I did my best to nod yes, but was really only rubbing my head against their tits. Holding their hips I pulled them slightly back, and in my best German said, "Das ist busten heaven!"
Unfortunately for me, my statement had the effect of causing them to fall away, roaring and holding each other up so that they didn't fall down laughing. And now that I was released from their titty tomb, I became aware of that familiar feeling of tight jeans being made even tighter by a raging hard on. The ladies were quick to notice also as I stood to ease the discomfort. Swiftly, their smiles turned to quizzical expressions of profound intellectual interest. (They were curious about how big my cock was.) As they chatted to each other, Heidi reached over and poked my dick with her index finger and said something to Frau Schmidt. Annika's mother apparently felt things were going too far and slapped Heidi's hand away. I listened carefully to their conversation and Heidi's disappointment was obvious as was Frau Schmidt's tone of understanding. Heidi took hold of her sister's wrist and pulled it towards my crotch, but Frau Schmidt would have none of it and ended the fun then and there.
After that things changed. Frau Schmidt became noticeably friendlier, which gave me a feeling of acceptance in her home that had not been there. I'd always felt like I was walking on eggs when she was around, but after her bit of frolicking with me, I was much more at ease. I would tickle her and she would play along. (As long as it was a very brief tickle!) When she was preparing dinner, I would slip into the kitchen and give her a kiss on the cheek and massage her back. She seemed to enjoy that very much, but opportunities to fool around with her weren't there.
But my relationship with Heidi became openly sexual. One time when we came to her house after school, Annika decided to take a bath. I went straight to Heidi and when I came up behind her and kissed her neck she eased back into me. Closing her eyes she took my hands and placed them on her tits. Whoa! This was definitely an invitation. So I continued to kiss her, working my way across the back of her neck to the other side. She moaned with pleasure and unbuttoned the top of her blouse. I thought she was going to give me a peek, but was pleasantly surprised when she put my hand inside her bra. Allowing me to play with her big tits as much as I wanted. I was hard, real hard and I pressed my cock against her ass. She responded instantly by pushing back against me, then eased away while reaching around with her hand. I felt it stroking my shaft through my jeans. She wanted my cock bad.
Heidi pulled my hand away, turned and pushed me against the wall. She unbuttoned the rest of her blouse as she moved towards me, speaking in a low, but lust filled voice. With her left hand she pulled my head down and kissed me passionately on the lips while her right hand went for my cock. I pulled her blouse open and started squeezing her tits with both hands, then reached around and unhooked her bra. As her breasts tumbled out I couldn't take it anymore, I had to have them so I bent down and lustfully squeezed, kissed and sucked them with a wild desire I'd never experience before.
While I was ravishing her tits she frantically worked to open my jeans and when she succeeded, Heidi jerked them forcefully downward exposing my cock. She then dropped to her knees and took it in both hands, then looked up at me, smiled, and said something. Heidi then kissed my cock from the top, all the way down the shaft to my balls. Then licked her way back up to the tip and then hungrily opened her mouth, taking as much in as she could. Her head bobbed up and down as she sucked so hard I could feel the skin of my dick being vacuumed into her throat. She continued to pump my cock rapidly with her hand as she looked up at me with pure lust in her eyes. She said something that I took to be an encouragement to come and then started wanking my cock even faster.
As my body stiffened I moaned softly, deliberately trying not to be heard by Annika.
"Ya, ya." Heidi encouraged as she jerked me off.
I couldn't hold it anymore and let out a loud groan of pleasure as my legs started jerking wildly. Instantly, Heidi had my cock back in her mouth, pumping and sucking viciously as my come shot again and again into the back of her throat.
This happened in the summer after my graduation from high school. Perhaps I should point out that I spent the vast majority of my time with Annika and the accounts I have related above were snippets, brief moments in between. Annika and I were regularly going to my place to perform various acts of monkey business. Though we weren't fucking yet, that didn't happen until September. But that summer was a very exciting time for me. After years of beatin' the meat, I was finally getting somewhere.
It was also a time of great sadness. Heidi wasn't a U.S. citizen and her visitors visa wouldn't allow her to stay forever. It hadn't occurred to me that she would go back to Germany, but of course it had always been just a matter of time. When I found out she was leaving I was devastated. My affection for Heidi was enormous and news of her departure was like being hit in the chest with a brick. I was aware that our age difference made a relationship impossible, but I also knew that if there hadn't been that age difference, I would have chosen Heidi over Annika despite Annika's great beauty. Heidi's heart was pure kindness. Never a harsh word, look or act. Always thoughtful of others while never demanding for herself. I didn't just love her, I admired her tremendously and nothing would have kept me from being with her and making her my wife if our ages had been similar. Actually, I did find a way to be with her despite the age and distance problems. But that's a different story. As is my experiences with Annika, who turned out to be pretty wild with a hankering for having sex with more than one person at a time. Maybe some day I'll write about it, then again maybe not. Who knows?
I was at Annika's the day before Heidi's flight, which was early the next morning. When I saw Heidi she was all smiles as usual, but I lost it! To this day I'm ashamed of how badly I allowed my emotions to overwhelm me. I tried desperately to hold them back, but as Heidi approached, tears burst like a flood down my face. When Heidi saw the extent of my sadness she also started crying and then embraced me. I think my tears told her how much I cared. Frau Schmidt was understanding and sympathetic, she also put her arms around me while promising to someday bring Heidi back. But Annika was a different story, she stood back and watched the whole (humiliating, for me) scene. The next day she told me how surprised she was at how I was crying and blubbering like a baby over her aunt. It was her aunt she exclaimed not mine and she didn't cry about it so why should I. It was a terrible moment. I couldn't tell her the truth and my vaunted cleverness failed completely. I just shrugged my shoulders and said I didn't know what came over me. Thank goodness she let it pass. For a moment I thought she might dump me for being a simpering wimp.
Soon after she left I started writing letters to Heidi telling her about a lot of unimportant things, but mainly of how I thought of her everyday and how much I missed her. Occasionally I would send her a picture of Annika and me or sometimes one of just me. The letters were in English so I guess she found a neighbor to translate them. She wrote back telling me basically the same thing. I got Frau Schmidt to translate her letters.
Anyway, time went on. I got a job, a car and took Annika's virginity in September. After that it was a non-stop fucking paradise!
I continued to flirt a bit with Frau Schmidt but nothing happened. That is until the following New Years Eve. Annika's parents asked me to spend the
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