Big Penis Vs Small Penis

Big Penis Vs Small Penis


Big Penis Vs Small Penis



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By onemilliondollarbillbaby | 15 posts, last post 4 months ago

Hi peoples I’m in need of some honesty and I don’t mind how it makes me feel, either way.
I just need to know if my 6 inch penis is big or small….5.3 girth & 6.3 long.
I know it’s a normal size (apparently) but I also know people who have double that in length and i bit more in girth, it must be on the small side of normal at least….right?
I always thought that 8 inches was the average length, having said that I don’t feel insecure about the size of my penis seeing that I have never had a problem performing. Purely out of curiosity I would like to know once and for all.
Am I coming up short with my 6 inch penis?
All answers and opinions are more than welcome regardless of however you choose to voice them.
big or small????


The average male penis is not 8", it is 5-5 1/2". So you're above average.

Don't worry about the size. You can't do anything about it anyways.

That is enough length 5 inch 6 inch is large and uncompartable

In reply to onemilliondollarbillbaby on 2010-11-17 - click to read

I have the same size penis as you, but I bet your penis looks much bigger than mine as you are probably about 5'8" to 5'10" tall. I am 6'10" tall, 260 -270 lbs with the same size penis as you. Don't feel bad dude!!!! I have been playing basketball for yrs now and workout often and like all people after a workout, I too shower at the gym. The showers at my gym are a community shower, meaning that 20 to 30 people are in one large shower at the same time. It is very embarrassing and humiliating taking a shower or changing at the gym. The size of your penis depends on your overall body size and shape. A 6 inch penis looks good on a guy that is 5'6" tall 176 lbs, but that same penis on a man 7ft tall 280 lbs would look small.

5 inches is the average size for a penis.Some people rather have an average size penis while others prefer larger/smaller.Men grow differently depending on how theyre built and whether its hereditary ,along with other characteristic traits. So as long as u know what your doing,no need to worry.I myself can say a women will be pleased, with the right motion in the ocean ;)

In reply to bigmanhungry on 2012-05-23 - click to read

I am 5'2" tall and my penis is about 6.2 inch

In reply to medic-dan109453 on 2010-11-17 - click to read

I'm 13 and I have a 6.3 inch is that normal

In reply to anonymous on 2021-08-09 - click to read

Hi Guest

Your way above average for your age and also above what is considered average for an adult.
Your friends and classmates might feel a bit intimidated in the change room.
Your perfectly normal you just happen to have a large penis.

In reply to bigmanhungry on 2012-05-23 - click to read

im 5 foot 6, 6.3 inches and 110 pounds and my penis looks small what do i do

In reply to anonymous on 2021-12-13 - click to read

In reply to anonymous on 2021-08-09 - click to read

bro im 5.8 and 13 and my penis is 6 inches tops

In reply to anonymous on 2022-03-30 - click to read

In reply to anonymous on 2021-08-09 - click to read

same lmfao but i am just 6 inches and im also 5,6 which makes it funny

In reply to anonymous on 2022-04-19 - click to read


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