Big Long Black Penis

Big Long Black Penis


Big Long Black Penis

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A man who claims to have the “world’s biggest penis” has stunned breakfast TV hosts by showing them an explicit picture live on air.
According to New York actor Jonah Falcon, his penis measures 13.5 inches – when erect, and has an eight inch diameter.
“For some reason, having 13-plus inches means I’m a bad person, or I’m egotistical, or I’m a porn star, or I’m dumb, or I’m a slut,” he told Britain’s This Morning hosts Phillip and Josie.
“Also, I’m sick and tired of having people wanting me to measure it in front of them. I’ve done it 10,000 times – enough already.”
Rather than again measuring his penis, Falcon shocked the hosts with a picture of it – leaving viewers stunned.
“This is just for you, so you don’t have to do all that imagining,” he told them.
“Hellfire. Congratulations, well done,” a stunned Phillip said in reaction, while Josie’s face said it all.
“I look down – there is nothing special,” Falcon then said.
“I don’t compare it to objects but when I take out the rulers I am like ‘OK’.”
While Falcon said being well-endowed had helped him sleep with celebrities, there are downsides – like being stopped at airport security when they spotted it hanging down his leg.
“Once I had it hanging, halfway to my leg and they asked me if I had a tumour, which I think would be someone’s first thought if they saw,” he said.
“I’ve learned if I’m going through security and things to ball it up a bit so it looks like a round mass. God help me if I get an erection if I do that. My testicles are proportionally large.”
In a 2017 interview with The Sun , he also claimed that his penis was having a negative impact on his acting life.
“It’s handicapped my acting because people won’t hire me,” he said.
“They Google ‘Jonah Falcon’ and then say, ‘We can’t use him he’s known for his penis size’.
“So it’s definitely harmed my career – I have two casting director friends who have told me so.”

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Jordan “That’s Too Much Meat” Peterson

The Highly Controversial Story Behind Lea Michele’s New Role
The Spill

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Meet Micha (or should I say meat?). He is 45 years old, lives in Berlin and is extremely well hung .
But he wasn’t always enormously endowed, a few years ago Micha underwent an irreversible penis enlargement .
His penis now measures a whopping 9 inches in length and 3.5 inches across, which for us sods still using the metric system is nearly 23cm long and 9cm wide. Aka: fucking enormous.
“Whether it weighs 7.5 pounds of 9.5 pounds, I can’t say right now,” he says.
“I just know that my kitchen scale, which shows up to 6.6 pounds, hasn’t been enough for a while.”
Remind me never to borrow your scales for baking , Micha.
Concerns about standards of food preparation aside, Micha is now the the subject of a new documentary from Vice called, wait for it, Monster Meat. Because his giant appendage really does just need to be seen to be believed.
The documentary is both fascinating and actually quite moving. Because behind his giant bulge, Micha is just a shy guy looking for love and self-acceptance .
“I didn’t have my penis enlarged because it makes me feel more beautiful,” he tells the camera, “but rather because it makes me feel better.”
The film explores the underground world of penis enlargement, dangerous procedures, extreme implants and the biggest question of all… Does size really matter?
“If a woman gets a breast enlargement, nobody says anything about it. If a man does something very similar to his body, it’s worth making a whole documentary about,” he says.
“People’s reactions are really different. I definitely get looks.”
Micha also confides that it can be difficult to tell if his partners really love him or just his giant dick.
“There’s always that danger also in a relationship. But I think if you take the time to get to know the other person, then I can tell what I mean to him. Whether he really loves me or just part of me. And then I make a decision, which may be against the partner.”
You can watch the whole thing here. It’s NSFW, but you knew that already (the post continues after the video).
Now, we didn’t include this originally, but by very popular demand, we’ve included an image of Micha naked below (via VICE ).
As for what it looks like from the front, Micha says, “I’ve been told that my penis looks like an ass or a mouth from the front.” How about that?
And to answer the one question that everyone keeps bombarding us with:
How does the penis affect Micha’s sex life? Apparently, “after you reach a certain size, you can’t do certain things any more. At least not with everyone and not without some foreplay. But there are other things you can do with it. You just have to free yourself from established roles and hardened ideas about sex and be ready to play.”
It turns out that there are a few unexpected options: “Of course you can penetrate my foreskin. A lot of guys have offered to do that. But I don’t get a lot out of that sexually.”
As for whether there are any drawback, Micha says his life is fairly ordinary, but “it isn’t as easy as buying a new pair of pants.”
And while we’re talking all things wang… Here are some things tat accidentally look like penises (you’re welcome):
Well hung, indeed. But whatever one’s size, health is also important. More men shoukd use a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to help fight penis odor, dry/flaky skin, loss of sensation, etc.
Or you could just shower daily and stay off certain drugs which will affect the sensation...

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Jordan “That’s Too Much Meat” Peterson

The Highly Controversial Story Behind Lea Michele’s New Role
The Spill

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Meet Micha (or should I say meat?). He is 45 years old, lives in Berlin and is extremely well hung .
But he wasn’t always enormously endowed, a few years ago Micha underwent an irreversible penis enlargement .
His penis now measures a whopping 9 inches in length and 3.5 inches across, which for us sods still using the metric system is nearly 23cm long and 9cm wide. Aka: fucking enormous.
“Whether it weighs 7.5 pounds of 9.5 pounds, I can’t say right now,” he says.
“I just know that my kitchen scale, which shows up to 6.6 pounds, hasn’t been enough for a while.”
Remind me never to borrow your scales for baking , Micha.
Concerns about standards of food preparation aside, Micha is now the the subject of a new documentary from Vice called, wait for it, Monster Meat. Because his giant appendage really does just need to be seen to be believed.
The documentary is both fascinating and actually quite moving. Because behind his giant bulge, Micha is just a shy guy looking for love and self-acceptance .
“I didn’t have my penis enlarged because it makes me feel more beautiful,” he tells the camera, “but rather because it makes me feel better.”
The film explores the underground world of penis enlargement, dangerous procedures, extreme implants and the biggest question of all… Does size really matter?
“If a woman gets a breast enlargement, nobody says anything about it. If a man does something very similar to his body, it’s worth making a whole documentary about,” he says.
“People’s reactions are really different. I definitely get looks.”
Micha also confides that it can be difficult to tell if his partners really love him or just his giant dick.
“There’s always that danger also in a relationship. But I think if you take the time to get to know the other person, then I can tell what I mean to him. Whether he really loves me or just part of me. And then I make a decision, which may be against the partner.”
You can watch the whole thing here. It’s NSFW, but you knew that already (the post continues after the video).
Now, we didn’t include this originally, but by very popular demand, we’ve included an image of Micha naked below (via VICE ).
As for what it looks like from the front, Micha says, “I’ve been told that my penis looks like an ass or a mouth from the front.” How about that?
And to answer the one question that everyone keeps bombarding us with:
How does the penis affect Micha’s sex life? Apparently, “after you reach a certain size, you can’t do certain things any more. At least not with everyone and not without some foreplay. But there are other things you can do with it. You just have to free yourself from established roles and hardened ideas about sex and be ready to play.”
It turns out that there are a few unexpected options: “Of course you can penetrate my foreskin. A lot of guys have offered to do that. But I don’t get a lot out of that sexually.”
As for whether there are any drawback, Micha says his life is fairly ordinary, but “it isn’t as easy as buying a new pair of pants.”
And while we’re talking all things wang… Here are some things tat accidentally look like penises (you’re welcome):
Well hung, indeed. But whatever one’s size, health is also important. More men shoukd use a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to help fight penis odor, dry/flaky skin, loss of sensation, etc.
Or you could just shower daily and stay off certain drugs which will affect the sensation...

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Culture September 25, 2018 at 06:00 pm
Mildred Europa Taylor September 25, 2018 at 06:00 pm

The enslaved African Muslim behind the first Islamic text written in U.S.
The enslaved West African woman who became the ‘pastry queen’ of Colonial Rhode Island
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Mildred Europa Taylor | Head of Content
September 25, 2018 at 06:00 pm | Culture
Mildred Europa Taylor is a writer and content creator. She loves writing about health and women's issues in Africa and the African diaspora.
Long before the introduction of penis enlargement procedures and products, the Batammariba, otherwise known as Somba people from Togo and Benin, were experts in the enlargement and elongation of the manhood and this was done during initiation.
Occupying the mountainous regions of the two West African countries, the Batammariba were not only popular for their ancient elongation technique but also for their architectural expertise.
In Togo, they reside in the northeastern Kara regions of Northern Togo with the Kabye (kabre) people, who are the second largest tribe in Togo.
In Benin, where they are known as Somba , they can be found around Atakora mountain range of northwestern Benin sharing a border with their Gur relatives in neighbouring Burkina Faso who also have a huge interest in architecture.
A Batammariba initiation ritual — Wikimedia Commons
The penis elongation and enlargement procedure, which was mainly done among the Somba , was part of the processes to initiate boys into adulthood.
A traditional herb is pounded and robbed on the penis, then, a branch of a tree or an ivory is cut and a hole of a particular size is made for the initiate.
The initiate puts his penis in it for some months until it reaches a particular size and length of his choice and can now remove it, according to historical accounts .
During the final public rites of initiation, rich clothes are draped over the shoulders of the initiates, cowries are hung around their necks and waists and horned headdresses are placed on their heads.
The people’s religion is animist and they worship the earth god — trip down memory lane
“The people who are the real builders of earth” is said to be the real meaning of Batammariba though the colonizers also gave them the name Tamberma which means “Good Builders,” hence, when one moves to Koutammakou where most Batammariba people live, they will find architecture of mud Takienta tower-houses – buildings that have two stories, and either flat or conical thatched roofs.
The Batammariba are famous for their incredible two-story fortified huts called Tata Somba —
In these two-story fortified houses, also known as Tata Somba, the ground floor, according to accounts , is used for “housing livestock at night, internal alcoves are used for cooking, and the upper floor contains a rooftop courtyard and is used for drying grain, sleeping quarters, and granaries.”
“Each house has life in it, divided into shade and light, masculine and feminine. As each house is a symbol of fertility and fecundity, the woman of the house honours and decorates it by drawing grooves in the wet mud before it dries, giving it its horizontally ridged appearance,” according to an article on .
The Batammariba are famous for their incredible two-story fortified huts called Tata Somba —
With an estimated population of over 176,000, the Batammariba migrated to their present location from the north and northwest around Burkina Faso where they were living with the Mossi people between the 16th and 18th centuries, historical research states.
Agro-pastoralists by tradition, the wealth of a family in Batammariba is determined according to the size of its livestock, which, in the past years, also served key socio-cultural purposes.
As outlined by N’Poh and N’Guissan, 1998 , 52 per cent of animals were meant for funerals and 28 per cent were for dowries, with the rest (only 20 per cent) meant for sale.
In effect, a large percentage of animals go into Batammariba funerals which are often associated with rituals such as the dance of drums (Tibenti) to honour deceased elders and the “turning over” ceremony performed on the funeral house.
Basically, when a man dies, another initiation ceremony is done for him as failure to do this will not encourage the deceased’s offspring to do same or may even cause the offspring’s death.
The funeral house is adorned with funeral cloth (just as initiates are dressed) and rich cloths are draped over the upper stories of the house as done for initiates.
Cowries are placed around the doorway of the funeral home just as initiates are dressed with cowries around their waist and necks, and earthen horns are placed on the centre of the entrance roof (as initiates are given headdresses).
In essence, these rituals enable a house to be reinitiated to “represent” and “nurture” its future descendants .

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