Big Joey D

Big Joey D


Big Joey D

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Christopher Downey aka “Joey D” is a RAPIST/PEDOPHILE




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This violent rapist must be held accountable and face serious consequences for his vile actions
This site is to raise awareness of Christopher Downey’s (“Big Joey D”) criminal behavior. This information is very true and extremely urgent. I met this person online through a gay dating app. He drugged me, physically and sexually assaulted me, strangled me to unconsciousness, raped me, and fisted me (which I’d never done) without my consent while unconscious and against my will, after kidnapping me and keeping me in his room after I tried to escape. I did not consent to any sexual contact whatsoever, plus I even said “NO” and “STOP” in addition to trying to physically escape the room. He filmed it all without my consent and invited others to violently rape me while I was completely unconscious. It was an extremely violent, scary, traumatic, and near-death, life-threatening experience. This is an extreme case of Rape, Trafficking, Kidnapping, Drugging, Assault, Strangulation (Attempted Murder), and Pedophilia. He is a vile scumbag criminal who must be severely punished and held accountable for his violent crimes. 
The reason I have to write this blog is because my state and local government, including the police, prosecutors and beyond, is polluted with homophobic bigots who have refused to help me, even though I have provided substantial evidence and done the right thing by reporting it. I’ve been mistreated, disrespected, victim-blamed, neglected, gaslighted, and discriminated against by numerous authorities who’ve used this extremely traumatic experience to be hurtful and express their hateful and ignorant beliefs. They are against the LGBTQ+ community, and reporting this to the police made things worse for me. It is a hate crime, a violation of my human rights, obstruction of justice, and public corruption. There is a longstanding history of systemic oppression and discrimination against the LGBTQ community in Kansas City (a known sex-trafficking hub), in addition to the multitudes of malicious bigotry and ignorance within law enforcement (who were also recently investigated for serious negligence and incompetence regarding several years worth of hundreds of child rape cases, and thousands of other sexual assault/rape cases)—which clearly facilitates and perpetuates violent rapists of larger organizations of criminal activity manipulating, attacking, and exploiting innocent people while escaping charges, such as trafficking. In addition to the Kansas City Police Department, the Jackson County Prosecutor’s Office has also proved themselves to be extremely homophobic and corrupt, not only refusing to provide the bare minimum of professionalism and respect—but also injusticing me along with countless others while going out of their way to be mean and hurtful. Fortunately, I have many advocates and organizations on my side who are helping me to seek justice and stand up for what is right, including the FBI, the National Human Trafficking Hotline, the Center for Missing & Exploited Children, and many other resources.
The rapist, Christopher Joseph Downey (aka “Big Joey D”), is currently under the username “indversff” on, and is also on many other gay dating apps and social media. His Twitter is @big_joeyd and his instagram is @dworksout. It’s very obvious he is a repulsive creep who has serious mental problems. He is currently living in Indianapolis, Indiana.
We began chatting online, and we talked about various sexual desires and interests because adults are allowed to do that. Needless to say, I just wanted to meet someone to begin with, and I definitely wasn’t looking to have sex right away. Safety and trust are very important to me, which includes informed, in-person consent OBVIOUSLY. I told him I had never been fisted before, since fisting was an activity he was looking for in his profile. My understanding of that activity is that it might happen between consenting (and obviously conscious) people who have already developed trust, respect, intimacy, and sexual chemistry by gradually exploring with each other over time, so I was definitely not looking to jump into that, or even sex, right away with a stranger I’d never met before. I was very clear that I wanted to “take things slow” and “get to know each other first.”
He was only in town for a few days (he lived in Chicago at the time, he has since moved to Indiana), and he was very coerceful to make me come over within a few hours of chatting. I felt manipulated and rushed into leaving my house to meet him. He calls himself an “alpha muscle god,” but obviously he is only an insecure, loser rapist who takes a lot of steroids and meth (which he later admitted to). I was noticing some issues with this person, yet decided I should take a chance meeting him, at least, since it can be difficult to meet other gay guys where I live. So, after work, around 6 or so, I took a long drive to downtown to possibly make a new friend and maybe a POTENTIAL playmate. I was not necessarily planning on having sex with him even though we talked about sexual stuff, and I was very clear when I specifically told him I wanted to “take things slow” and “meet each other first,” both in text and in person. 
By the time I arrived at his hotel room, he was already naked. I used his restroom since he was telling me to drink a lot of water beforehand. He had said I was “not allowed to use the bathroom,” which I thought was weird and did anyway. He must have taken that as an opportunity to put some sort of roofie drug in my water bottle. We talked for about 15-20 minutes, and I was starting to feel very uneasy and not interested in hanging out or playing with this person whatsoever (“turned off,” to say the very least) because he was showing me videos of him fisting people who seems entirely unresponsive, comatose, and unconscious, which scared me. In addition to appearing completely paralyzed, the people in his video looked too young for sex, as in prepubescent.
Plus, he is very ugly in real life, must have sent outdated photos, is much shorter than he said, and was obviously tweaking out on hard drugs. He also said he “didn’t care if the bottom was clean or dirty,” in terms of anal sex, which really grossed me out. Then, he actually boasted that, “he prefers much younger boys and girls… because their holes are tighter.” He even showed me pictures of young boys who seemed like they were in high school or even younger. Then he laughed it off as I was totally disgusted and wanted to puke. I immediately tried to escape the room as I realized Christopher Downey is a vile, real-life sexual predator, pedophile, and an overall repulsive creep. I clearly told him I was not interested anymore and that I wanted to leave. I clearly remember quickly moving toward the door and trying to escape. 
He also had many bags of pills in his room, such as Xanax and Kolonopin, which he had tried to get me to take multiple times. I don’t do drugs, so I was very uninterested. I told him I wanted to leave, and he angrily said “I was thinking too much.” I said “nice meeting you, but I have to work in the morning,” and he started to yell at me, then hit me very hard on the ear with an open hand. My head hit the wall. He became very violent and threatening, not letting me leave his room. I was scared, shocked, and disoriented. Things started getting very blurry before I went unconscious, and from that point on I can only recall bits and pieces of the night he raped me multiple times. 
The next thing I knew, I was on his bathroom floor and he was squirting a bottle of liquid into my anus. I don’t remember taking my clothes off. I was very confused and felt like I was not in control of my body, especially since I had not taken any drugs voluntarily and had just tried to escape his room moments earlier. My vision became very blurry, speech slurred, and I couldn’t stand up. I was terrified. He kept forcefully hitting me on the ear and was forcing me to “play” with him immediately while basically beating me up into a state of shock and calling me names. I was scared and felt intimidated into doing what he said, but I did not and could not consent to anything. He was spitting and urinating on me in addition to physically and sexually assaulting me without my consent as I was suddenly blacking out and losing consciousness. It was very difficult to tell what was going on, because I was suddenly under the influence of drugs I did not knowingly take. 
I became unconscious on his bed, and he began forcibly sodomizing (raping) me without my consent. I was unconscious for hours. I recall “waking up” for a moment, and he was violently fisting/punching my anus in a way that was extremely forceful and cruel, yet I couldn’t feel anything other than myself hyperventilating and wanting to scream for help. It was so horrible and traumatic, I quickly went unconscious again. I have no recollection of any progression up to that point. Keep in mind I had never done “fisting” before, and no one deserves to be forced to endure such violent penetration against their will, especially since I had never done anything close to that before. I’ve had sex before and explored anal a number of times, so I am very aware of how consensual sexual experiences happen and feel. Plus I have experience in some kink/bdsm scenes—this was not a healthy (or legal) exploration of any of them. He had drugged me with something so potent that I was blacked out, unconscious and unable to feel or control my body. I could not move or speak as he was violently raping me, and I can only recall short moments when my body woke me up, as if to say “something is seriously wrong here.” It was horrifying and extremely traumatic. 
I never had a chance to ask him if his laptop was recording, since it was sitting open across the bed with a green light above the screen. Within the bits and pieces I can vaguely remember, I think he invited others into his room to rape me while I was drugged unconscious and filmed it all without my consent. 
The next thing I know, we are walking through the hotel, my clothes are back on, and he is taking me to an event across the street. I was unsure what had just happened, and I couldn’t recall if we had just had sex or what. The fresh air woke me up, and I realized my backpack with my computer (which he told me to bring) was still in his room across the street, so I couldn’t leave. He was introducing me to his friends, who were taking pictures of me. I was still trying to understand what had just happened, but decided to shake it off and be sociable with these new people. I couldn’t remember what had just happened and felt very confused. The event was for a Gay Romance Literature event, which he was on the cover of one of the books, ironically titled “Live for Love” by TM Smith. We were given free drink coupons, and I had one gin and tonic. After that, I don’t know how we got back to his room. For all I know, he could have been carrying my unconscious body through the hotel. 
The next thing I know, I “wake up,” we’re back in his room, and he is raping me violently from behind, while his hands are tightly squeezed around my neck. Again, I couldn’t move or speak, or even breathe. I tried prying his fingers off of me, saying “NO,” yet his grip tightened, and he said “GO BACK TO SLEEP.” He strangled me to unconsciousness while raping me. I thought I was being murdered & was going to die. The next time I “woke up” was when he was orally raping me and he was verbally forcing me to masturbate. Then it was over and about 3 in the morning, which means I was unconscious for several more hours. I was speechless, exhausted, and confused, with little memory of what had just happened. He was very rude and told me to leave, and I left. My mind blocked out what had just happened and I just wanted to go home. When I finally got home, I vomited and showered for hours. 
The next day, I had a painful headache, my throat was very sore, and my anus was bruised. I was in a lot of physical pain. I kept texting him, wanting to meet again to find out what had happened the night before. I could barely remember anything other than the party he took me to. I said everything I could to entice him into thinking I was still interested in him. I felt like I was horribly hungover, even though I only had one small drink. I don’t drink much to begin with, so I was very confused and distraught. 
I spent most of that day sleeping and trying to forget the experience since I was busy with work and family activities that weekend. The next day, he invited me back to his room to fist him. I didn’t want to even touch him, but I felt as if I had no choice but to go back and investigate him about the night I couldn’t remember. I was literally in shock (Rape Trauma Syndrome) and denial that something so horrible had actually just happened to me. 
I started to recall the bits and pieces, including the fact that I had tried to escape, and became extremely angry inside. When I arrived, I brought a weapon in case he tried to hit me again. However, I am not a violent person and could not bring myself to fight him since I would have killed him if I chose to. He expressed extreme interest in me, wanted to be “boyfriends” and hire me to design tattoos for him. Obviously these were false promises and distractions from the fact that he raped me. He told me he is a porn star and male escort. He owns American Muscle Hunks, works for Raging Stallion, and Club Inferno Dungeon. He would not answer my specific questions about what happened, but he did admit he fisted me and boasted he probably caused the bruises. I was very upset, but maintained my composure. I followed him throughout the day, and attended a book signing, where he wanted to introduce me to more people, as if he could get me a job. I went along with his act that everything was okay, unsure of what to do next. I just listened and tried to find out as much information about him as possible, but I was in total shock and anger. He took me to a dinner with friends, where it felt like a distraction from what happened the night I was raped. I followed him back to his room, where he told me about his steroid use and how I couldn’t do anything about what he did to me. He bragged about “getting away with it all the time.” He even said that he “made money off of me.” I could have hurt him or freaked out, but I was concerned for my safety and made the smart decision of restraining myself from violence. He also told me how he does this all the time, has “fisting parties,” and prefers “barely legal” and “much younger bottoms” and he “likes much younger boys and girls.” He called me a “geezer.” I was only 26 at the time, and this is only one example that led me to believe he is also a Pedophile and Serial Sexual Predator, in addition to the graphic photos and videos of very young boys he showed me and bragged about raping.
I left, and the next couple days I spent trying to process what had just happened. I tried to keep up the act that I still liked him, but couldn’t and started to call him and scream that he drugged, raped, assaulted, and strangled me without my consent. I was crying and very freaked out. He blocked my calls. I reached out to various rape hotlines and advocacy groups and decided to file a police report a few days after the rape to press criminal charges against him. I also reported him to the FBI, who was very respectful and responsive. After the attack, I had to get a colonoscopy for abdominal pain and also extensive PTSD therapy. I have also had chronic back pain and hearing loss since the incident, and I cannot afford any more doctor appointments. I have an active lifestyle and jobs, and my injuries from the traumatic rape have had a devastating effect on my life and work. I became very depressed and faced additional, unnecessary trauma from this incident in numerous ways, yet I know I am stronger than him and will go on to do great things in this world. Unfortunately, I also encountered a serious amount of hateful homophobia and victim-blaming from the police and prosecutors while pursuing my case, which was unnecessarily re-traumatizing, a severe injustice, and a hate crime. He even sent the police our text messages as if they were any excuse for his criminal acts. Again, although we talked about sex before, I never consented to sex, tried to escape, and I was in shock and denial after he raped and assaulted me. Now, he is threatening to sue me for “defaming” him, when I am really just trying to report a psychopath rapist. However, there are many powerful, intelligent people who believe me, know I am telling the truth, and wish to see this person face serious punishment for his actions immediately. I have been doing everything I can to pursue justice for what he did to me. 
He will not get away with rape. He is a disgusting Sex Offender whose immoral, unethical behavior must be punished. He has clearly done this before and will do it again if he isn’t caught soon. I believe he should face life in prison for what he is doing to innocent people, if not worse. It is repulsive he is represented by porn companies since he is obviously a violent rapist. His “Big Joey D” persona as a “fitness guru” is bullshit and misleading considering he is just a steroid junkie who rapes people and minors too! His social media such as Twitter “Big_JoeyD” Instagram “dworksout” and his Facebook page “Joey D” are clearly phony representations of his true identity since it’s obvious he pays for followers to make himself seem popular. It’s very clear he has a narcissistic personality disorder and is an abusive, dangerous psychopath among other mental problems. What he did to me was attempted murder and borderline necrophilia. He deserves to face serious consequences for kidnapping, drugging, assaulting, raping, strangling, and fisting young innocent people against their will, while unconscious, and without their consent.
Now, two years later (while the rapist is still out there, on social media and gay apps), I invite you to read the hatred that which a friend and business partner of Christopher Downey (aka “Big Joey D”) is spewing about me, the rape survivor—threatening, victim-blaming, “naming” the victim (wrong person), and an overall telling, pathetic attempt to silence and discredit a survivor of violent crime. It is truly horrible, unethical, and immoral (not to mention extremely bizarre, offensive, suspicious, and shameful).
As a reminder, I have many family members and friends in the government and beyond, who care about me, love me very much, and know my story is true. I am a strong, openly gay man and active member of the LGBTQIA society and community—I came out when I was 16 years old and have always participated in Diversity Councils and Gay Straight Alliance groups, plus the repeal of Prop 8 in Chicago. I am happy with and proud of who I am, despite that I currently live in a plac
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