Big Dick Teen Orgasm

Big Dick Teen Orgasm


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Mystery Solved: The Male Anatomy — OK, Penis — Broken Down for You
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It’s more complicated than it looks.
Welcome back to “Loving Your Ladyparts,” a bi-weekly series where we’ll be discussing everything you need to know about what’s going on below your belt, from why we wax to how you orgasm. Last week, we discussed the myths and facts about female orgasms. Today, we’re going to temporarily call the column “Boyparts,” because we’re talking everything…penis.
Now that we’ve told you just about everything you need to know about the vagina, we bet you're probably a little curious about the male anatomy and how it works. Some questions that have probably crossed your mind might include: Why do boys ejaculate? What do testicles actually do besides sit there? And, are there any parts of a penis that are more sensitive than others? Male genitalia might seem more self-explanatory, but there's a lot hidden under the surface that affects a guy’s health and sexual functioning. Just as with your own anatomy, it's complicated. So, to un-complicate things, we thought we'd bring you a no-holds-barred explanation of a guy’s mini-me.
The interior of the penis is made up of two different types of tissue, called the corpus cavernosum and the corpus spongiosum, as well as nerves and blood vessels. When a man gets sexually stimulated, blood flows to the penis and fills up the tissue “like a sponge,” according to Dr. Darius Paduch, MD, a urologist and male sexual medical specialist at New York Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center. The result is an erection. According to Dr. Paduch, the average size of a penis is about 5 to 6 inches when erect, but size varies widely so don’t hold us, or any guy you meet, to that approximation.
Men can be very self-conscious about their penis size, and just like a woman’s parts, men too come in all sizes. We talk a lot about body positivity, and that goes for guys too. Be nice. It can wreck a guy’s self-esteem, says Dr. Paduch. Ashley Manta, a sexuality educator, agrees. She also notes that men can get erections even when they are not necessarily consciously turned on, so be sensitive to that and don’t make a big deal about it, if say, you notice a dude “getting hard” while you’re both watching So You Think You Can Dance.
The glans is the bulbous part at the tip of the penis that looks like a hat — officially called the “head.” It’s generally more sensitive than the shaft (the long part) of the penis. In the glans is the opening to the urethra, the tube through which urine and semen, which aids in fertilizing a woman’s egg in order to make a baby, both come out.
In America, it’s rare to find a man who still has a foreskin, due to the widespread practice of circumcision — an ancient practice with origins in religious rites. If a man has one, it covers the glans when his penis isn’t erect and gets pulled back when it is. According to Manta, men with foreskin tend to have greater sensitivity. “A lot of people think foreskin is dirty but that’s not true. You can keep it clean the same way you would any other part of your body,” says Manta. In other parts of the world, say Paris, France, most men still have foreskin, so you might very encounter this in your lifetime.
According to Manta, the frenulum, the area found on the underside of the glans (on a circumcised penis, it’s where the foreskin would have met the head), is the most sensitive part of the penis.
(Fun fact: When a baby is a fetus, genitals start off looking female. As testosterone starts pumping through boy babies, the labia connect, and that’s the line you see on the bottom of the penis. What becomes a clitoris in a girl becomes the penis in a boy.)
Sperm is made in the testicles, which live in the sack-like structure called the scrotum. Sperm then travels up an internal tube called the vas deferens and into the seminal vesicle (where some of the other components of semen are made). Dr. Paduch notes that the scrotum and surrounding areas are usually covered with hair, and many young guys are shaving, or manscaping, the area these days. See, they have the same insecurities about [pubic hair](( that we do!
This is another internal structure. When the sperm gets to the seminal vesicle, it dumps into the prostate where it mixes with all the other ingredients that make it into semen. Semen is made up of sperm, sugar, mucous, vitamins, and protein. The purpose of the semen is to protect the sperm — think of the semen as a river and the sperm as fish. Sperm is alkaline and the vagina is acidic, so the fluid helps protect the sperm from your #girlboss vagina, which generally wants to protect itself from interlopers except for two days during the month when you ovulate. The prostate itself is also very sensitive when simulated.
When a guy has an orgasm, the semen comes out the urethra with an explosive pumping motion. The semen is usually an opaque color and can have some variation in texture – sticky, gummy, or liquid-like. Dr. Paduch notes that if it’s a yellowish green color or putrid smelly, it could indicate an infection. (Guys should also do inspections of their penis regularly for any sores or lesions, which can indicate an STI. If you see anything like that, avoid contact and suggest he gets checked out. Always a good idea to give a penis a quick visual scan before touching.) There is also pre-ejaculate that sometimes comes out to help with lubrication. Manta warns that this fluid can get you pregnant or carry disease, so protect yourself accordingly any time you come into contact with someone else’s fluids. We’re talking condoms, all the time, girls.
This is the area between the penis and the anus, and according to Manta, it is a very sensitive area, from which the prostate can be stimulated. The area just above the penis is similarly sensitive, because much like our own internal clitoris, the penis tissues extend into the body so it can also be stimulated a bit from outside.
• You can break it: No, it’s not a bone, but Dr. Paduch says that you can damage the tissue, causing internal scarring, disfiguration, and the inability to have an erection. So be gentle!
• Premature ejaculation is common in young guys: They’re still getting used to how sex works and are easily excitable.
• Ejaculation is healthy: Dr. Paduch says that there are studies showing that ejaculating several times per week is important for long term prostate health (an issue that can be serious in older men), so he supports young men masturbating frequently.
Now, don’t you feel like you understand guys a little bit better?
Want more information on sexual health? Check out these sex-ed 101 videos.
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23 kvinnor fotograferas när de får orgasm
Fotoprojektet är tänkt att motverka tabut kring kvinnlig njutning och onani.
Fotografen Marcos Alberti, som slog igenom stort med sitt projekt som visade hur vårt utseende förändras efter ett, två och tre glas vin, har precis slutfört ett nytt fotoprojekt i samma stil.
Den här gången handlar det i stället om sex, och mer specifikt kvinnors njutning. Tillsammans med Smile Makers, som gör intimprodukter för kvinnor, har han skapat ”O project”, för att bryta ner stigmat kring kvinnors sexualitet genom att lyfta fram det ofta tabubelagda ämnet som är kvinnors onani.
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”Kvinnors sexualitet är ofta överskuggat av skam och tystnad. Tillsammans med Marcos har vi kunnat skapa de här bildserierna för att vända uppochner på det sociala stigmat kring kvinnlig sexualitet och uppmuntra normaliseringen av kvinnors njutning, säger Smile Makers brand manager, Fan Yang, till Indy 100.
När projektet inleddes fick Marcos först in över 2 000 ansökningar från kvinnor som var intresserade av att bli fotograferade, men allt eftersom han förklarade vad som skulle ske backade många av dem ur. Till slut återstod 22 stycken som ville låta sig fotograferas, från bröstkorgen och uppåt, samtidigt som de onanerade.
”Ett av mina största orosmoment med det här projektet var att få kvinnorna att känna sig trygga i studion. Jag skapade en gardin med ett litet hål för kameran, men jag visste inte om de skulle kunna koppla bort att kameran var där, men det gjorde de”, säger Fan Yang.
Så här såg det ut i studion under fotograferingen.
Fotografen Marcos Alberti berättar att humor har gjort det lättare att få fram de äkta känslorna och uttrycken i projektet.
”När man närmar sig det tabubelagda ämnet sex med humor öppnar människor upp sig och delar sina åsikter friare, vilket kan leda till en monumental förändring i människors mentalitet”, säger han.
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