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Edition US UK Australia Brasil Canada Deutschland India Japan Latam
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"My ex and I were having sex, missionary. I went to shift the angle of my hips at the exact moment he broke rhythm and give me a surprise, extra hard and fast thrust. This completely destroyed my perineum. I lived with my grandma at the time, and I couldn't get the tear to stop bleeding. We were freaking out, so I went into the living room, holding the bloody towel over my crotch, and asked grandma what to do . She was more concerned that I had stained one of the good hands towels."
"My friend was hooking up with a guy who was so big that while she was blowing him, she literally threw up every drink she had had that night on him . It also triggered a chain reaction, and they both spent the rest of the night in the bathroom."
"Years ago I met up with a guy in an empty cornfield. His dick was almost 9 inches and thick. Neither of us had condoms or lube, so we foolishly just used spit. A few minutes later, he finished and pulled out. That's when I noticed the bloody, shitty jizz that was dripping off his dick and down my legs . We didn't bring anything to clean up with, so we used my underwear. He thanked me and took off. I went to Walmart a few blocks away, bought new shorts and underwear, and changed in the restroom. When I got home, my mom complimented me on my new shorts."
"I hooked up with a guy who had the most enormous penis I'd ever seen. Rather than chickening out, I grabbed the lube and attempted to make it fit. I have dyspareunia, a condition that makes sex very painful, and his dick ended up ripping the lower part of my vagina, ร  la giving-birth-style. I had to have an episiotomy, which meant stitches from my vagina to my ass ."
"I dislocated my jaw trying to give a blow job once."
โ€œI met up with a guy from Grindr, and he had the biggest penis Iโ€™d ever seen. He took his dick out of my ass because it was hurting me too much, and he said, โ€˜Damn, you made a mess.โ€™ I saw what looked like a gallon of beef stew, and the smell soon followed. He started puking all down my back, and it ran into my hair, eyes, his bed, and the floor . His sister knocked on the door to see what was going on. He ran into the bathroom while I, still covered in poop and puke, tried to put on my clothes. It was impossible to leave with any dignity.โ€
"I was dating a guy with a very long, very girthy penis. I was too scared to have penetrative sex with him, so we always stuck to oral. One night, I was going down on him and decided I wanted to try to deep-throat. His penis jerked and I got scared and bit him really hard. His dick started bleeding and he got really freaked out and made me bring him to the hospital . Everything turned out fine. The doctor just bandaged it and gave him some antibiotics, but we stopped dating soon after."
"I was really horny so I drove 45 minutes to my ex's house to have sex. The next morning I realized I never took out my tampon . His penis was so big that it pushed the tampon up too far, and I couldn't get it out. After 30 minutes I gave up and called the guy, asking for a favor. I went to his work, locked the door, pulled out some medical gloves and a towel, and spread my legs on his desk so he could pull out the tampon. He fished around for 15 minutes and finally got it out."
"I was with my crush, and we thought we were home alone. His dick was giant, but I was being a trouper. Just as we were finishing the deed, his dad arrived and started a conversation with my parents in the next room. They called for us to come out, so we scrambled to look presentable and not guilty, only to realize that there was a bloody handprint on his shirt and my face ."
"I went on a few dates with a guy in college. We knew that neither of us liked to bottom, so I proposed a bet of whoever had the bigger penis got to top. I was obviously pretty cocky and sure that I would win. I was speechless when he pulled out a throbbing Pringles can . Never one to back out of a bet, I powered through, and it was incredibly unpleasant. I was late to class the next day because it took me an extra long time to walk up the stairs."
"The first guy I ever gave a blow job to was huge, both in length and in girth. I had braces at the time and was hesitant, but he assured me it would be OK. We took it slowly, but he ended up with two bloody lines down his penis where some inside wires were protruding. To this day, I still wonder if he has the scars."
"I occasionally get lockjaw. One time I was giving my boyfriend a blow job โ€“ he's quite big and girthy โ€“ and my jaw started to hurt. I thought, fuck it , and kept going, which was a big mistake. It got to the point where I couldnโ€™t open my mouth wide enough to get his dick out , so I had to pry my mouth open with my fingers. Whoops."
"I was a senior in high school, and the popular, hot guy on my bus asked me to his house. As soon as his pants came off, my eyes widened. I asked him how big he was... 12 inches. I was all in, though! I gave him a few hours of mind-blowing sex. After it was over, I experienced my first walk of shame through my ENTIRE neighborhood and could literally barely walk. I had to pretend I started my period early because of it, and I bled for almost three days . Totally worth it, though."
"I was hooking up with my crush in my car. It was dark outside, so I couldnโ€™t see how HUGE his dong was. He started putting it in, and I swear it felt like he was trying to shove a fist in there. A few minutes later I looked down and saw something on his white shirt. He turned the overhead light on and saw his shirt was covered in blood . There was also a huge, bloody handprint on the back of the driver's seat. He gasped and ran out of the car and I drove to the nearest gas station and scrubbed the seats like crazy. My vagina was sore for days."
"I invited a guy over for a blow job. He whipped it out, and that man was packing what I was craving: thicker than the circumference of my wrist and at least eight inches! I was doing the deed, and he began face-fucking me. He pulled his cock out of my mouth, and it was covered in my blood . He literally destroyed my throat! But I ain't no bitch."
Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

Edition US UK Australia Brasil Canada Deutschland India Japan Latam
California residents can opt out of "sales" of personal data.
"It was so big that when he thrust into my mouth I threw up everywhere."
"I was on Tinder a few years back and met a guy to hook up with. It had been four years since I had any kind of sex, and I was itching to break my dry spell. Long story short, this guy had a nine-inch penis and was into deep-throating. At one point, he thrust so hard that I threw up everywhere . I was so embarrassed, and then the dog started eating it???"
"I'm gay and 99% a top. For some reason, I reallllly wanted to bottom one day, so I texted my friend with benefits (we had only ever blown each other before this) and invited him over. He had at least a nine-inch and thick dick. He shoved it in me, and it tore my ass a little . I'd never screamed and jumped up so fast in my life. It took a year to completely heal. Ouch!"
"I met a hot guy at a bar and decided to go back to his hotel. I could tell in the bar he had a big dick from the way he was filling out his pants. I'm mostly a top, but sometimes it feels good to get fucked by a huge cock. He took his pants off, and there were at least four inches of dick hanging out from the bottom of his boxers. I laughed a little and said, 'What are you going to do with that?' He responded, 'I'm going to fuck you.' We tried. He got the head in, which was the size of an apple, and then we had to stop . His whole penis was at least a foot long. It was fun to play with and suck on, but I couldn't get much further than that."
"One time I was giving my boyfriend a blowjob. He's quite big and girthy (he's 6'7", for reference), so my jaw was hurting. I occasionally get lockjaw, but for some reason I kept going. That was a big mistake. It got to the point where I couldn't open my mouth wide enough to get his dick out , so I had to pry my mouth open with my fingers. Now any time I give him oral, I make sure to use my tongue while giving my jaw a rest."
"I'm pretty well-endowed. I've had a few guys throw up on me while trying to give me head, and more than a handful have refused sex after seeing me fully erect. However, my worst experience happened because of the length and my Prince Albert piercing. Somehow, as I was getting undressed, my penis swung to the side and my piercing hooked on a belt loop . I didn't notice and gave my pants a yank. I dropped to my knees and screamed like a baby."
"My ex's dick was like a baseball bat in length, girth, and shape. It was AT LEAST 10 inches. It had a larger head than shaft, so it felt amaaaazing when he took his time and pulled all the way out and back in. But, heaven help me, when he got to pounding away, I could feel my cervix wincing ."
"The first guy I ever gave a blowjob to was huge, both in length and in girth. I had braces at the time and was hesitant, but he assured me it would be OK. We took it slowly, but he ended up with two bloody lines down his penis where some inside wires were protruding . To this day, I still wonder if he has the scars."
"I was watching anime with a friend in his dorm. One thing led to another, and his pants came off. His penis was HUGE. I remember gaping at it for a good 30 seconds before remembering that I was supposed to be doing something with it. After nearly vomiting twice from trying to deep-throat it, and after getting my face fucked until I could barely breathe, he finally came. When he offered to return the favor, I turned him down and went back to my room. My jaw and throat hurt for the next week after that, and it hurt to swallow anything for days . That was my first and last experience with a dick...and how I discovered I'm a lesbian."
"I was seeing a guy whose penis was nine inches long. He was really into having fast and hard sex. Things got a little too intense one time, and he literally bruised my cervix. It hurt to sit or pee or bend over for almost two weeks! "
"I used to have a friends with benefits situation with a guy whose dick was โ€” I shit you not โ€” like a fucking can of Monster energy drink. I'm talking so long and girthy. The first time I saw it, I honest-to-god gasped out loud. To this day, the best sex I've ever had was with him. Sex with him had me feeling so full, and it rode that fine and sweet line between pleasure and pain . Now I shed a tear for that glorious dick that I lost when he moved across the country."
"One time, I had to catheterize a man who was so well-endowed that his flaccid penis was barely long enough for the catheter to reach his bladder . It's a 12-inch catheter, and he was soft..."
"I was really horny, so I drove 45 minutes to my ex's house to have sex. The next morning, I realized I never took out my tampon. His penis was so big that it pushed the tampon up too far, and I couldn't get it out . After 30 minutes, I gave up and called the guy, asking for a favor. I went to his office, locked the door, pulled out some medical gloves and a towel, and I spread my legs on his desk so he could pull out the tampon. He fished around for 15 minutes and finally got it out."
"I was grabbing drinks with my best mate. We had to use the restroom around the same time, and we were right next to each other at the urinals. Long story short, it was impossible to not see his penis when he pulled it out. It was big enough that he had to use two hands to pee . I wasn't even jealous at that point...just afraid lol."
"I went on a few dates with a guy in college. We knew that neither of us liked to bottom, so I proposed a bet of whoever had the bigger penis got to top. I was obviously pretty cocky and sure that I would win. I was speechless when he pulled out a throbbing Pringles can . Never one to back out of a bet, I powered through. I was late to class the next day because it took me an extra long time to walk up the stairs."
"A few years back, one guy told me his dick was 'the size of a keyboard.' When we got to his bedroom and he pulled it out, my first thought was, 'Oh my god...It really is the size of a child's toy keyboard.' I was ready to take on the challenge but quickly realized it was too big for me. He could barely get the tip in because it hurt too much . One time, it slipped out and in between my thighs, so I just squeezed my thighs super tight together and let him fuck that, thinking it was my vagina. There was no way his dick was fitting in me."
"I was a senior in high school, and the popular, hot guy on my bus asked me over to his house. As soon as his pants came off, my eyes widened. I asked him how big he was...12 inches. I was all in, though! I gave him a few hours of mind-blowing sex. After it was over, I experienced my first walk of shame through my ENTIRE neighborhood and could literally barely walk . I had to pretend I started my period early because of it, and I bled for almost three days. Totally worth it, though."
"I met up with a guy from Grindr, and he had the biggest penis I'd ever seen. I had to take his penis out of my ass because it hurt so badly, and he said, 'Damn, you made a mess.' I saw what looked like a gallon of beef stew, and the smell soon followed . He started puking all down my back, and it ran into my hair, eyes, his bed, and the floor. His sister knocked on the door to see what was going on, and he started freaking out. He ran into the bathroom while I, still covered in poop and puke, tried to put my clothes on. It was impossible to leave with any dignity."
Note: Submissions have been edited for ~length~ and clarity.

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