Big Dick Black Dudes

Big Dick Black Dudes


Big Dick Black Dudes
Data From Brazilian Study ( Source )
So do Black men really have a larger penis? The quick answer is that studies show that Black men may have a slightly larger penis size. The detailed answer is that more research is needed and that the possible differences are very small. The problem with answering this seemingly simple question is due to a number of factors. There are issues of racial bias, lack of scientific research, research with faulty methods, issues of anecdotal evidence, porn based biases, and societal biases.
A quick look at available studies show that results are all over the place. Some show that Black men have larger penises but some show the exact opposite. Anecdotal evidence seems to favor the idea of the larger penis of Black men but once again it is not universal.
The biggest issue is that we are talking averages. Even if one race has larger penis on average than another race, the individual sizes are all over the place. You can have a Black man with a small penis or a white man with an absolutely huge penis. An average is just that, an average.
The best scientific study that I could find on this issue was 2017 study out of Brazil. This study compared the stretched penis length of 167 self-declared Black men and 283 self-declared white men. I believe that this study was the most accurate. They utilized professionally taken measurements that were all taken under the same conditions, using the same methods with measurements taken by the same researcher.
This study utilized stretched penis length from the junction of the penis and pubic bone and running along the top of the penis. The method used is generally accepted as the best approximation of erect penis length. It eliminates variations due to body fat and any exaggerations made by participants.
The mean penis length of the Black men was 16.5 cm (6.496 inches). For white men the mean stretched penis length was 15.8 (6.220 inches). The penis size difference between races was very minimal. The 0.276 inch difference means that on average the penis of Black men was only 4.4% bigger than the penis of white men.
The penis size difference between races was very minimal. The 0.276 inch difference means that on aver the penis of Black men was only 4.4% longer than the penis of white men.
A potential red flag for this study was that the reported average penis size was significantly larger than some studies. According to the largest study of non-race specific penis size reported by BJU International, the average male erect penis size is approximately 5.16 inches. This BJU International reported study is considered to be the gold standard of studies on penis size. Maybe Brazil has a larger average penis size or maybe the inclusion of other ethnic groups lowered the average of the BJU International study.
I would think the more likely issue is that the Brazil study consisted of men volunteering for the study following routine exams in Brazil. Many believe that men with longer than average penis sizes are more likely to volunteer for this kind of study. If you feel insecure about your penis size, you are less likely to want to have someone else measure it.
One thing to remember is that you shouldn’t always go by the averages. Even though the study found that Black men had longer penises on average, this is not always the case. The shortest measured penis (11.6 cm or 4.57 inches) in the study belonged to a Black man and the longest measured penis (21 cm or 8.27 inches) belonged to a white man.
There have been a number of other studies into this question. These studies usually have some type of issue that makes the results questionable.
A study out of Nigeria reported in 2006 seemed to show that the penis size of Black men was similar to the size of the general population. This study utilized stretched penis length from the junction of the penis and pubic bone and running along the top of the penis. A total of 115 Black men were measured and a mean penis length of 13.37 cm (5.26 inches).
This result is almost identical to the BJU International (over 15,000 measurements taken) result of 15.16 inches (less than 1% difference). The major problem with this study was that it was taken with a very narrow group of men from one region of just one country. Even with that consideration it did show that those Black men had a penis slightly larger than what would be considered the average.
A 2004 study out of Portugal included data showing that Black men had a significantly larger penis than white men. This study showed that Black men had a mean penile length of 17.64 cm (6.94 inches) vs. a mean length of 15.14 cm (5.96 inches) for white men. This represents are fairly significant 16.4% larger penis with the Black men.
There was a major problem with the study as it only involved the measurement of 19 Black men against a sample size of 498 white men. This small sample size allows for the potential of individual variations that could throw off the study.
There have been an number of self reported studies. These are studies where men take their own measurements and report them. This may come as a surprise to you but men sometimes lie about the size of their penis. Almost all self reported studies show average penis lengths above that of studies with measurements taken by a medical professional. These exaggerations make the study results dubious at best.
A 1988 study of the infamous Kinsey Data showed the reported erect penis size for Black men was 16 cm (6.30 inches) and the reported erect penis size for white men was 15.6 cm (6.14 inches). This data was self reported from 10,000 white men and 400 Black men. Once again the reported penis size was significantly higher than professionally measured penis sizes.
In order for this question to be finally answered there would need to be some large scale studies utilizing consistent standards. These standards would have to be at least the use of Bone Pressed Stretched Flaccid Length (BPSFL) in which measurements are taken across the top (dorsal side) of the stretched penis with a ruler pressed firmly against the pubic bone. This measurement from the base to the head penis would be taken by in a consistent manner by medical professionals.
A quick internet search will show that the cultural view is that Black men do indeed have larger penises than other races. While there is no scientific backing of this, it seems to be widely accepted. There is a whole porn industry devoted to BBC (“Big Black Cock”). It is the subject of numerous Quora and Reddit posts.
Many claim that this popular opinion is rooted in some sort of systemic racism. I am unsure of the origins of this but the theory seems to be embraced by many including Black men.
The only thing that I am going to say about this is that this may be very difficult for some men to deal with. Imagine being a Black man with an average or below average penis. It must seem that all of society would be expecting you to have a huge penis. The whole issue of “penis shame” would be hugely troubling. I suspect that many would find having an even slightly above average penis to be embarrassing.
Now for our anecdotal evidence. In our lives, my wife and I have visited numerous nudist resorts and clubs and have seen naked men from all races (see Penis Size at Nudist Resorts and Beaches ) . We have not noticed any real big difference in penis size between any of the races. Every race seems to have a few really small ones, some really big ones and a lot in the middle.
We have found that penis size at these venues seem to be a little larger than normal but that tracks across all of the races. For what that is worth, we have seen many more penises than what anyone normally would and we have not found a noticeable difference between the races.
After looking at all of the studies, cultural references and our personal observations, I believe that the penis size of Black men is about the same as the penis size of white men. Black men may be slightly bigger but if so at a level that is not statistically significant. Once again, this is averages and there are some truly huge Black men out there but the same can be said of all the races.
Further scientific study may prove me wrong on this but until there is more scientific data, I feel that this is the best answer at this point.
Another thing to keep in mind is why does it matter? When it gets down to what really matters, race should not be an issue. No matter what race you look at you will find people with the whole range of all personalities, intelligence, sense of humor and even penis size.
There are a number of possible reason behind all of this infatuation with the penis size of Black men. I think that a lot of it can be traced back to racism or at least racial bias. A quick Google search will show how penis size was possibly used to demonize Black men to a degree. This may be held over today but I think that today is more subtle form of racism.
Though much more common today, interracial relationships are still considered to be slightly taboo. This leads to many people being unfamiliar with other races in an intimate way. This unfamiliarity leads to exaggeration and unrealistic expectations. So if you combine the one slightly “taboo” subject of race with a taboo subject like penis size, you end up with wild conjecture and fantasy. The whole subject is enticing because it seems a little “naughty” to many.
This is probably an oversimplification of the whole issue but I do believe that it plays a roll in this.
Penis size is not the most important factor when it comes to relationships or even in regards to sex. But penis size is more important than what is commonly held believed (see The Real Truth About Penis Size ). Studies have shown that women prefer a penis that is larger than the average penis.
This is not to make guys panic or obsess about their penis size. This is to give guys an honest look at what they are up against. Medical and sexual health experts are quick to say that any penis that falls into the “normal” range of 3.9″ to 6.5″ is equally sufficient. This just does not match reality. The very top of that “normal” range is the preferred size of women.
There are not any quick and easy fixes for this question. Do not believe anyone who is selling you a magic pill that will increase the size of your penis. This will not work.
The first thing to do is to make the most of what you have. If you are not having extremely firm and full erections than you must address this first. These full erections will make your penis feel and look at its maximum size. I would first suggest a visit to your doctor to rule out any medical conditions. In addition to this, acoustic wave therapy with Gainswave or the Phoenix device are extremely effective ways to improve erection quality.
Actually changing the size of your penis is a much more difficult proposition. There are surgical methods but even these do not always work on their own. The only scientifically proven method to improve penis length over time is through the use of a high quality penis traction device . These devices will slowly increase penis size over time. It is not quick or easy but it is the only method that has been proven to work.
What Works for both Penis Lengthening and Thickening :
Posted on Published: January 13, 2022 - Last updated: April 14, 2022
Review of the Phoenix for Penis Enlargement
For years, I have been on a journey for personal erection quality and penis enlargement. To learn more about my personal story click the About Us button
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Based in Los Angeles, MJ is a journalist and blogger who covers the LGBTQ community. Identifying as gender-queer, MJ focuses on topics that touch on a variety of life issues impacting men, women and non-binary individuals. Look for posts on science, dating, relationships, and culture.

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